Paul Wendland
(Johann Theodor) Paul Wendland (August 17, 1864 – September 10, 1915) was a German classical philologist.

Paul Wendland (1911)
Born in Hohenstein, Province of Prussia, he taught as a professor at the Kiel University (from 1902), Breslau University (from 1906), Göttingen University (from 1909).
He was co-author of an edition on Philo of Alexandria, "Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt" (6 volumes, 1896-1915).[1] With Otto Kern, he published "Beiträge zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie und Religion" (1895).[2]
He died in Göttingen.
Literary works
- Philosophische Schrift über die Vorsehung, 1892 – Philosophical writings on divine providence.
- Beiträge zur Geschichte der grieschischen Philosophie, 1895 (with Otto Kern) – Contribution to the history of Greek philosophy.
- Anaximenes von Lampsakos, 1905 – Anaximenes of Lampsacus.
- Die hellenistisch-römische Kultur in ihren Beziehungen zu Judentum und Christentum, 1907 – Greco-Roman culture in its relations with Judaism and Christianity.
- Die urchristlichen Literaturformen, 1912 – Early Christian literature forms.
- Die griechische Prosa und die römisch-christliche Literatur, 1912 – Greek prose and Roman-Christian literature.
- Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, 6 volumes, (with Leopold Cohn), 1896-1915.
- WorldCat Title Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt
- WorldCat Title Beiträge zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie und Religion
External links
- WorldCat Identities Most widely held works by Paul Wendland.
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