Northwestern Dispensary

The Northwestern Dispensary was "founded under the auspices of the 'New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor'" [1] in 1852. Their first location was 511 Eight Avenue. Funding for construction of a second building was part of the city budget.[2][3] Its location was Ninth Avenue and 36th Street.[4]

Like other dispensaries, one purpose was "to promptly, without charge .. every five years" vaccinate all residents of New York City against smallpox. Funding was specifically given to this dispensary.[5][6]


Northwestern Dispensary, (Incorporated 1852). Ninth Avenue, corner Thirty-sixth Street, Manhattan

The purpose of the hospital was to deal with the poor, yet "that they had no money" was the reason a doctor was not sent to deal with an age 60 immigrant who died for lack of medical attention. The result was a jury verdict of "we censure the physicians of the Northwestern Dispensary, for their culpable negligence in not answering the call made upon them to attend the patient."[7]

See also


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