Naujosios Biržų žinios

The Naujosios Biržų žinios (literally: New Biržai news) was the weekly (first few months - bi-weekly) county newspaper on matters of society, politics and literature.[1] It was published in the Biržai county.[1] It was published from 1941 to 1944.[1] A total of 131 issues were published.[2] It was the continuation of the Biržų žinios that was published from 1922 to 1933.[1] From 16 January 1943 to 8 July 1944, the newspaper was published under the old title Biržų žinios.[2]

Naujosios Biržų žinios
TypeInitially bi-weekly then weekly newspaper
Ceased publication1944


It was published by the Lithuanian Activist Front.[1] In its first issue on 19 July 1941, the newspaper greeted the Wehrmacht with: "Wir grüssen die siegreiche deutsche Wehrmacht!" (translates to: We salute the victorious German Wehrmacht!).[3]

After the German invasion, the Naujosios Biržų Žinios wrote:[4]

After the Bolsheviks fled, a list of changes in street names was found in the executive committee of Biržai town, in which we find the following changes: the existing Gediminas street is renamed to Kapsukas, Martynas Yčas - Four Communards, Officer Nastopka - Soviets, Jonas Yčas - Kirov, Vytautas Avenue - Stalin's Avenue, Reformed - Komsomol, Shops - Internationale, Markets - Lenin's and others ... Angry tongues said that the city of Biržai itself will be named Kerbelgrad.

Edited by Jonas Mekas (1941–1942), Julius Petronis, editor-in-chief Stasys Lipniūnas.[1]


  1. Tapinas 1997, p. 355.
  2. Butkevičius, Algirdas (2020-08-24). "Praeitis atgyja: Biržų žinios prieš šimtmetį". Biržiečių žodis (in Lithuanian). Archived from the original on 2020-09-20.
  3. Januševičius, Borisas (2014-07-29). "Biržai karo liepsnose" [Biržai in the flames of war]. (in Lithuanian). Archived from the original on 2022-05-18.
  4. Januševičius, Borisas (2015-07-21). "Prieš 75 metus Biržuose. 1940 metų vasara" [75 years ago in Biržai. Summer of 1940]. (in Lithuanian). Archived from the original on 2022-05-18.


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