Political parties in Haiti
This article includes current and historical political parties in Haiti. Haiti is a country on the western side of Hispaniola, an island in the Caribbean. Few political parties have a strong organizational base or command a national following.
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List of parties represented in the National Assembly
Name | (in French) | (in Haitian Creole) | Abbr | Chamber of Deputies | Senate | Notes |
Alternative | Alternative | Altènatif | Alternative | 0 / 119 |
5 / 30 |
Alternative League for Haitian Progress and Emancipation | Ligue Alternative pour le Progrès et L'Émancipation Haïtienne | Lig Altènatif pou Pwogrè ak Emansipasyon Ayisyen | LAPEH | 3 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Lavalas Family | Famille Lavalas | Fanmi Lavalas | FL | 6 / 119 |
1 / 30 |
Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats | Fusion des Sociaux-Démocrates Haïtiens | Fizyon Sosyodemokrat Ayiti | FSDH | 3 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Haiti in Action | Haïti en action | Ayiti an aksyon | AAA | 6 / 119 |
1 / 30 |
Haitian Tèt Kale Party | Parti haïtien Tèt Kale | Pati Ayisyen Tèt Kale | PHTK | 31 / 119 |
2 / 30 |
Democratic Unity Convention | Convention d'unité démocratique | Konvansyon Inite Demokratik | KID | 7 / 119 |
3 / 30 |
Patriotic Unity | Unité patriotique | Inite | INITE | 4 / 119 |
5 / 30 |
[lower-alpha 1] |
Struggling People's Organization | Organization du peuple en lutte | Òganizasyon Pèp K ap Lite | OPL | 9 / 119 |
1 / 30 |
Truth | Vérité | Verite | VERITE | 13 / 119 |
3 / 30 |
National Shield Network | Réseau du Bouclier national | Reseau National Bouclier | BOUCLIER | 3 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Love Haiti | J'aime Haïti | Renmen Ayiti | RA | 2 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Tet Kole sources the Development Path for a united and renewed North West | Tet Kole source Voie de développement pour un Nord-Ouest uni et renouvelé | Tet Kole sous Chimen Devlopman pou un Nord'Ouest uni et Renonve | MOSANO | 2 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
National Consortium of Haitian Political Parties | Consortium National des Partis Politiques Haïtiens | Consortium National des Partis Politiques Haïtiens | CONSORTIUM | 2 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Bridge | Pont | Pon | Pont | 1 / 119 |
1 / 30 |
Child of Dessalines Platform | Plate-forme Enfant de Dessalines | Platfòm Pitit Desalin | PPD | 1 / 119 |
1 / 30 |
Party for the Liberation of the Masses and Social Integration | Parti pour la Libération des Masses et d'Intégration Sociale | Pati pou liberasyon mas yo ak entegrasyon sosyal | PALMIS | 1 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Peasant Workers Struggle to Free Haiti | Les travailleurs paysans de Kombit pour libérer Haïti | Konbit Travaye Peyizan pou Libere Ayiti | KONTRA PEP LA | 1 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Haitian National Movement | Mouvement National Haïtien | Mouvman Nasyonal Ayisyen | MONHA | 1 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Patriotic Consciousness | Conscience patriotique | Konsyans Patriotik | KP | 1 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Federalist Party | Parti fédéraliste | Pati Federalis | PF | 1 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Socialist Action Movement | Mouvement Action Socialiste | Mouvman Aksyon Sosyalis | MAS | 1 / 119 |
0 / 30 |
Dessalinian League | Ligue Dessalinienne | Dessalinian League | LIDE | 0 / 119 |
1 / 30 |
List of parties not represented in the National Assembly
Name | (in French) | (in Haitian Creole) | Abbr | Notes |
Live together | Vivre ensemble | Viv Ansanm | VA | |
The Haitian Brotherhood | La Fraternité Haïtienne | Fratènite ayisyen an | LFH | |
Socio-Political Organization of the West | Organisation socio-politique de l'Occident | Òganizasyon sosyo-politik nan Lwès la | OSPO | |
Respect | Respè | Respe | Respè | |
People's Party for Haiti's Rebirth | Parti Populaire Du Renouveau Haïtien | Pati Pèp Renouvèlman Ayisyen | PPRH | |
Political Party for Us All | Parti politique pou nou tout | pati politik pou nou tout | Pont | [lower-alpha 2] |
Peasant Affair with the Haitian People | Affaire paysanne avec le peuple haïtien | Zafè peyizan ak pèp ayisyen an | APPA | |
Peasant Response | Réponse Paysanne | Repons Peyizan | RP | |
Rally of Progressive National Democrats | Rassemblement des Démocrates Nationaux Progressistes | Rasanbleman Demokrat Nasyonal Pwogresis yo | RDNP | |
Rally of the Militant of the Town of Saint-Marc | Rassemblement des Militants Conséquents de la Commune de St. Marc | Rasanbleman Militan Konsekan Komin St Marc | RAMICOS | |
Conviction | Conviction | Konviksyon | Konviksyon | |
Democratic Liberation Movement of Haiti | Mouvement Démocratique de Libération d'Haïti | Mouvman Liberasyon Demokratik Ayiti | MODELH | |
Mobilization for National Development | Mobilisation pour le développement national | Mobilizasyon pou devlopman nasyonal | MDN | |
Movement for the Organization of the Country | Mouvement d'Organisation du Pays | Mouvman Òganizasyon Peyi | MOP | |
National Cooperative Action Movement | Mouvement national d'action coopérative | Mouvman Aksyon Koperativ Nasyonal | MAKN | |
National Front for Change and Democracy | Front national pour le changement et la démocratie | Fwon Nasyonal pou Chanjman ak Demokrasi | FNCD | |
National Reconstruction Front | Front pour la reconstruction nationale | Fwon pou Rekonstriksyon Nasyonal | FRN | |
New Haitian Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist) | Nouveau Parti Communiste Haïtien (Marxiste–Léniniste) | Nouvo Pati Kominis Ayisyen (Maksis-Leninis) | NPCH(ML) | |
Open the Gate Party | Parti Louvri Barye | Louvri Barye Party | PLB | |
Organization of Revolutionary Workers | Organisation des travailleurs révolutionnaires | Òganizasyon Travayè Revolisyonè yo | OTR-UCI | [lower-alpha 3] |
Organization for the Advancement of Haiti and Haitians | Organisation Pour L'Avancement D'Haïti Et Des Haïtiens | Òganizasyon pou Avansman Ayiti ak Ayisyen | OLAHH | [2] |
Haitian Democratic Party | Parti Démocrate Haïtien | Pati Demokrat Ayisyen | PADEMH | |
Independent Movement for National Reconciliation | Mouvement indépendant pour la réconciliation nationale | Mouvman Endepandan pou Rekonsilyasyon Nasyonal | MIRN | |
Haitian Christian Democratic Party | Parti chrétien-démocrate haïtien | Pati Kretyen Demokratik Ayisyen | PKDA | |
Haitian Democratic Party | Parti Démocratique Haïtien | Pati Demokrat Ayisyen | PDA | |
Haitian Liberal and Social Party | Parti libéral et social haïtien | Pati Liberal ak Sosyal Ayisyen | PLSA | [lower-alpha 4] |
Bourad to put Haiti back on its feet | Bourad pour remettre Haïti debout | Bourad pou remete Ayiti debou | Bourad | |
Christian Movement for a New Haiti | Mouvement Chrétien pour une Nouvelle Haïti | Mouvman Kretyen pou yon Nouvo Ayiti | Mochrenha | |
Christian National Union for the Reconstruction of Haiti | Mouvement Chrétien pour Bâtir une Nouvelle Haïti | Mouvman Kretyen Pou Konstwi Yon Nouvo Ayiti | MKKNA | |
Cooperative Action to Build Haiti | Action coopérative pour construire Haïti | Aksyon koperativ pou konstwi Ayiti | KONBA | |
Democratic Alliance Party | Alliance démocratique | Alyans | Alyans | |
Democratic Consultation Group coalition | Coalition du Groupe de consultation démocratique | Kowalisyon Gwoup Konsiltasyon Demokratik | KGKD | |
Alliance for the Liberation and Advancement of Haiti | Alliance pour la libération et l'avancement d'Haïti | Alyans pou Liberasyon ak Avansman Ayiti | ALAA | |
Party for the Integral Advancement of the Haitian People | Parti Pour l'Avancement Intégral du Peuple Haïtien | Pati pou Avansman Entegral Pèp Ayisyen | PAIPH |
Hypothetical polling
Defunct parties
- Haitian Communist Party (1934–1936) – Banned Communist
- Haitian Socialist Party (1946) – Communist
- Popular Socialist Party (Haiti) (1946–1948) – Banned Communist
- Unified Party of Haitian Communists (1968–1969) – Banned Communist
- Front for Hope (Fwon Lespwa) (1995–2009) Left-wing nationalism, Democratic socialism
Notes and references
- Notes
- Formerly known as Front of Hope
- see Jean Marie Chérestal[1]
- Affiliated with the Internationalist Communist Union
- later merged into People's Party for Haiti's Rebirth
- Sources
- "Country Fact Sheet – Haiti". Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. June 2007. Archived from the original on 18 January 2017.
- Organisation Pour L'Avancement D'Haiti Et Des Haitiens Archived 20 December 2012 at the Wayback Machine
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