
In Jewish History, Mazzikin (also spelled Mazzikim) are invisible demons which can create minor annoyances or greater dangers. The Hebrew term mazzikin (מַזִּיקִין, also spelled mazzikim מַזִּיקִים), found in the Talmud, means "damagers" or "those who harm". It is generally understood to mean harmful invisible demons that a person could encounter in daily life.[1] Demons or evil spirits do not feature prominently in the Jewish religion, especially as pagans conceived of them, as entities in their own right. They were seen rather to be under the command of God who sent His punishment through them.


The Talmud, a central text of Rabbinic Judaism, contains various descriptions of mazikin throughout its pages. While these descriptions may not present a uniform or consistent portrayal, they provide insights into the understanding and beliefs about mazikin in Jewish tradition during the time of the Talmud's composition.

The Talmud describes mazikin as having certain characteristics similar to both angels and humans (Chagigah 16a).[2] According to the text, mazikin have wings like angels, can traverse great distances quickly like angels, and possess knowledge of future events like angels. However, they also share traits with humans, such as eating, drinking, procreating, and dying.

Mazikin are believed to be numerous and constantly present around humans. Abaye, a prominent Amoraic sage, states that demons are more numerous than humans and surround them like a ridge around a field. Rav Huna, another Amoraic sage, further explains that every person has thousands of demons on each side, one thousand to the left and ten thousand to the right (Berakhot 6a).[3]

Certain Talmudic passages describe methods of detecting mazikin, such as sifting fine ashes around one's bed to see their footprints, which resemble the feet of a rooster (Berakhot 6a).[4] Another method involves using a black cat, specifically a firstborn black female cat, the daughter of a firstborn black female cat. By burning its hair and grinding the ashes, then placing the ashes in one's eyes, a person could supposedly see the mazikin (Berakhot 6a).[5] Other passages suggest that mazikin can be found in specific locations, such as under gutters (Pesachim 112a)[6] or in ruins (Berakhot 3a).[7]

The Talmud also describes practices to protect oneself from mazikin, such as reciting the Shema Prayer before going to sleep (Berakhot 5a).[8]


  1. "Demons & Demonology". Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  2. Babylonian Talmud, Chagigah 16a
  3. Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot 6a
  4. Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot 6a
  5. Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot 6a
  6. Babylonian Talmud, Pesachim 112a
  7. Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot 3a
  8. Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot 5a
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