List of mayors of Cork
The Lord Mayor of Cork is the head of Cork City Council and first citizen of Cork. The title was created in 1199 as Provost of Cork and changed to Mayor of Cork in 1273. It was elevated to Lord Mayor in 1900. The date of election is the beginning of June, and the term of office is one year. This is a list of Provosts, Mayors and Lord Mayors.[1]
Provosts of Cork
Year | Name |
1199 | John Despencer[2] |
1236 | Walter Eynoff[3] |
1249 | Elias Stakepole[3] |
1251 | John Wenchedon[3] |
1252 | Walter Wright[3] |
1272 | Nick Morren[3] |
Mayors of Cork
13th century
Year | Name | Notes |
1273 | Richard Wine | |
1274 | Richard Lee | |
1279 | Walter Tardiff | |
1281 | Walter Rute | |
1285 | Peter Russell | |
1287 | William Pallard | |
1290 | Walter Tardiff | |
1291 | Walter O'Heyne | |
1293 | John Lavallin |
14th century
Year | Name | Notes |
1310 | John Walters | |
1311 | William Bond | |
1312 | Nick Delaweily | |
1313 | William Hadevivre | |
1314 | Walter Dekerdiffe | |
1315 | Nick O'Heyne | |
1316 | John Deligre | |
1317 | Nick Delaweily | |
1318 | Adam Milksburry | |
1319 | Stephen Coppenger | |
1320 | Richard Deleyt | |
1321 | Ebra Destakenpoole | |
1322 | Walter Reith | |
1323 | Gilbert Monks | |
1324 | John Ledespasser | |
1325 | Nick Morraine | |
1326 | Edward Detalour | |
1327 | Roger Tryall | |
1328 | Roger Lebolout | |
1329 | William Albus | |
1330 | Nick Morraine | |
1331 | Richard Postwinid | |
1332 | Richard Lelegh | |
1333 | Richard Lelegh | |
1334 | Roger Leboulot | |
1335 | Bara Domontibus | |
1336 | John Wedlock | |
1337 | John Despenser | |
1338 | John de Bristol | |
1339 | John Fitz Abraham | |
1340 | Davide Demontius | |
1341 | Peter Rashall | |
1342 | Ebra Destakenpoole | |
1343 | Walter Reith | |
1344 | William Pallard | |
1345 | William Pallard | |
1346 | Walter Dekerdiffe | |
1347 | Walter Heyne | |
1348 | John Wallen | |
1349 | William Dewandspar | |
1350 | Walter Dekerdiffe | |
1351 | NickO'Heyne | |
1352 | Nick Delaoits | |
1353 | Walter Dekerdiffe | |
1354 | Pierce Wincent | |
1355 | John Gallenger | |
1356 | Walter Dekerdiffe | |
1357 | John Gallenger | |
1358 | Adam Ruth | |
1359 | Walter Dekerdiffe | |
1360 | Pierce Wincent | |
1361 | Pierce Wincent | |
1362 | William Droope | |
1363 | Adam Ruth | |
1364 | William Skiddy | |
1365 | William Skiddy | |
1366 | Pierce Wincent | |
1367 | William Skiddy | |
1368 | Jordan Kerdiffe | |
1369 | William Droope | |
1370 | John Leblown | |
1371 | John Leblown | |
1372 | Thomas Tith | |
1373 | William Droope | Probably the son of Walter Drop alias Droup.[4] |
1374 | William Downane | |
1375 | Thomas Tith | |
1376 | William Droope | |
1377 | William Dondon | |
1378 | Thomas Tith | |
1379 | David Miagh | |
1380 | John Lombard | |
1381 | David Myah | |
1382 | Robert Drooper | |
1383 | John Myne | |
1384 | John Myne | |
1385 | John Myne | |
1386 | Robert Drooper | |
1387 | John Mably | |
1388 | John Mably | |
1389 | John Lombard | |
1390 | William Pollent | |
1391 | Redmond Kerwick | |
1392 | Andw. Stakepoole | |
1393 | Redmond Kerick | |
1394 | Robt. Flemming | |
1395 | Wm. Warriner | |
1396 | Thomas Honyboard | |
1397 | Thomas Burdeys | |
1398 | John Warriner | |
1399 | John Warriner | |
1400 | John Knapp |
15th century
Year | Name | Notes |
1401 | Richard Lavalle | |
1402 | William Sughin | |
1403 | John Pennifleet | |
1404 | John Skiddy | |
1405 | John Signie | |
1406 | Wm. Sughin | |
1407 | John Weight | |
1408 | Wm. Sughin | |
1409 | Thos. Morden | |
1410 | John Worner | |
1411 | Thos. Morrough | |
1412 | Thos. Wordonton | |
1413 | Patk. Rice | |
1414 | Thos. Molenton | |
1415 | Robt. Garner | |
1416 | Robt. Garner | |
1417 | Robt. Garner | |
1418 | Robt. Garner | |
1419 | Thos. Molenton | |
1420 | Robt. Borderen | |
1422 | Thos. Molenton | |
1423 | Pierce Droop | |
1424 | Robt. Barner | |
1425 | David Landebook | |
1426 | Geof. White | |
1427 | David Landebook | |
1428 | Edward Dantsey | |
1429 | Godfrey Waile | |
1430 | Geof. Gallaway | |
1431 | Wm. Anasey | |
1432 | Wm. Anasey | |
1433 | Wm. Anasey | |
1434 | John Menia | |
1435 | Geof. White | |
1436 | John Morough | |
1437 | Godfrey Gallaway | |
1438 | John Morrough | |
1439 | John Skiddy | |
1440 | John Skiddy | |
1441 | John Meagh | |
1442 | John Morrough | |
1443 | Wm. Goold | |
1444 | Wm. Goold | |
1445 | John Morrough | |
1446 | John Goold | |
1447 | Richd. Skiddy | |
1448 | John Goold | |
1449 | Pat Gallaway | |
1450 | John Gallaway | |
1451 | Richd. Skiddy | |
1452 | John Goold | |
1453 | Richd. Skiddy | |
1454 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1455 | Richd. Skiddy | |
1456 | Richd. Lavallen | |
1457 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1458 | Richd. Skiddy | |
1459 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1460 | Pat Gallaway | |
1461 | Richd. Skiddy | |
1462 | John Gallaway | |
1463 | Wm. Goold | |
1464 | John Goold | |
1465 | John Skiddy | |
1466 | Richard Skiddy | |
1467 | John Meagh | |
1468 | Godfrey Noile | |
1469 | John Mezca | |
1470 | Richd. Skiddy | |
1471 | John Gallaway | |
1472 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1473 | Thos. Morrough | |
1474 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1475 | Richd. Lavallen | |
1476 | John Gallaway | |
1477 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1478 | Richd. Skiddy | |
1479 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1480 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1481 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1482 | Richd. Gallaway | |
1483 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1484 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1485 | Pat. Gallaway | |
1486 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1487 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1488 | Maur. Roche | |
1489 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1490 | John Walters | |
1491 | Maur. Roche | |
1492 | John Lavallen | |
1493 | Wm. Goold | |
1494 | John Walters | |
1495 | Thos. Coppenger | |
1496 | John Lavallen | |
1497 | Maur. Roche | |
1498 | John Lavallen | |
1499 | John Walters | |
1500 | Maur. Roche |
16th century
Year | Name | Notes |
1501 | Wm. Goold | |
1502 | Wm. Gallaway | |
1503 | Edmd. Goold | |
1504 | John Gallaway | |
1505 | Wm. Terry | |
1506 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1507 | John Skiddy | |
1508 | Richd. Gallaway | |
1509 | Ed. Gallaway | |
1510 | Ed. Goold | |
1511 | Ed. Terry | |
1512 | John Gallaway | |
1513 | John Roch | |
1514 | E. Terry | |
1515 | Richard Skiddy | |
1516 | Walt. Gallaway | |
1517 | John Skiddy | |
1518 | Nick Skiddy | |
1519 | Pat Terry | |
1520 | Edm. Roch | |
1521 | David Terry | |
1522 | Richd. Goold | |
1523 | Maur. Roch | |
1524 | Ed. Goold | |
1525 | Wm. Terry | |
1526 | John Skiddy | |
1527 | Walter Gallaway | |
1528 | John Skiddy | |
1529 | Patk. Terry | |
1530 | Ed. Roch | |
1531 | Richd. Goold | |
1532 | Pat. Gallaway | |
1533 | Dom. Roch | |
1534 | Jas. Goold | |
1535 | Wm. Coppenger | |
1536 | Robt. Meagh | |
1537 | Thos. Ronane | |
1538 | Wm. Terry | |
1539 | Jas. Roch | |
1540 | Richd. Terry | |
1541 | Christ. Creagh | |
1542 | Wm. Sasfield | |
1543 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1544 | Jas. Goold | |
1545 | Richd. Goold | |
1546 | Wm. Goold | |
1547 | Wm. Goold | |
1548 | Robt. Meagh | |
1549 | Thos. Ronane | |
1550 | Dom. Roch | |
1551 | Wm. Terry | |
1552 | Jas. Roch | |
1553 | Pat Gallway | |
1554 | Richd. Terry | |
1555 | Christ. Creagh | |
1556 | Wm. Sasfield | |
1557 | Wm. Skiddy | |
1558 | Dom. Roch | |
1559 | Ed. Goold | |
1560 | Ed. Gallway | |
1561 | John Gallway | |
1562 | And. Gallway | |
1563 | Maur. Roch | |
1564 | Step. Coppenger | |
1565 | Rich. Roch | |
1566 | Wm. Gallway | |
1567 | Ed. Goold | |
1568 | John Gallway | |
1569 | Andrew Gallway | |
1570 | John Meagh | |
1571 | Maur. Roche | |
1572 | Step. Coppenger | |
1573 | John Walters | |
1574 | Wm. Terry | |
1575 | Jas. Ronane | |
1576 | Wm. Roch | |
1577 | John Goold | |
1578 | Walter Gallaway | |
1579 | Maur. Roche | |
1580 | Thos. Sasfield | |
1581 | Chris. Walters | |
1582 | Pat Gallway | |
1583 | Jas. Roch | |
1584 | Geo. Goold | |
1585 | Stephen Walters | |
1586 | Step. Terry | |
1587 | Robt. Coppenger | |
1588 | Ed. Terry | |
1589 | John Skiddy | |
1590 | Dom. Roch | |
1591 | David Terry | |
1592 | Henry Walsh | |
1593 | Pat. Gallway | |
1594 | Fra. Mortell | |
1595 | Jas. Meagh | |
1596 | Pat. Gallway | |
1597 | Geo. Goold | |
1598 | John Skiddy | |
1599 | Jas. Sasfield | |
1600 | Wm. Meade | |
1601 | John Meade |
17th century
Year | Name | Notes | |
1602 | John Coppinger | ||
1602 | Thos. Sasfield | ||
1603 | Thos. Sasfield | ||
1604 | Ed. Terry | ||
1605 | Robt. Coppinger | ||
1606 | Wm. Sasfield | ||
1607 | Philip Mortell | ||
1608 | David Terry | ||
1609 | Dom. Roch | ||
1610 | Edmond Gallway | ||
1611 | Geo.Goold | ||
1612 | Dom. Tyrry | ||
1612 | Dom. Gallwey | ||
1613 | Wm. Skiddy | ||
1613 | Patrick Tyrry | ||
1614 | David Tyrry | ||
1614 | Ed. Tyrry | ||
1615 | Wm. Gold | ||
1616 | John Coppinger | ||
1617 | Patk. Tyrry | ||
1618 | Wm. Gold | ||
1619 | John Coppinger | ||
1620 | Wm. Tirrie fitz Richard | ||
1621 | Andrew Skiddie | ||
1622 | John Coppinger, Jun. | ||
1623 | John Roche | ||
1624 | John Roche | ||
1625 | Henry Gold fitz Adam | ||
1626 | Elmond Martell fitz Philip | ||
1627 | William Hore | ||
1628 | David Tirrye fitz-Edmund | ||
1629 | James Murroghe | ||
1630 | Thomas Ronayne | ||
1631 | Morrish Roche | ||
1644 | Robert Coppinger | ||
1645 | James Lombard | ||
1645–1655 | Cromwellian Commonwealth | ||
1656 | John Hodder | 1st Mayor after the Act of Settlement that restored King Charles II of England | |
1657 | William Hodder | ||
1658 | Philip Mathews | ||
1659 | Jonas Morris | ||
1660 | Christopher Oliver | ||
1661 | Walter Cooper | ||
1662 | Richard Covert | First Mayor of Cork from the Huguenot community | |
1663 | James Vandeleur | ||
1664 | Richard Bassen | ||
1665 | Nobler Dunscombe | ||
1666 | Thomas Farren | ||
1667 | Christopher Rye | ||
1668 | Christopher Rye | ||
1669 | Mathew Deane | ||
1670 | James Finch | ||
1671 | John Newenham | ||
1672 | John Hawkins | ||
1673 | Thomas Mills | ||
1674 | John Bayley | ||
1675 | George Wright | ||
1676 | William Field | ||
1677 | Timothy Tuckey | ||
1678 | Thomas Kitchenman | ||
1679 | John Bayley | ||
1680 | Robert Rogers | ||
1681 | William Alwin | ||
1682 | Richard Covert | Second Term. His name is sometimes anglicised as Covett.[5] | |
1683 | John Wright | ||
1684 | Edward Webber | ||
1685 | Christopher Crofts | ||
1686 | Edward Hoare | ||
1687 | William Ballard | James II of England also appointed Ignatius Gold. Mayor in 1690 also. | |
1687 | Ignatius Gold | For King James II. He and his family forfeited estates in Ireland after James loss. Last Catholic to hold the post until William Lyons. | |
1688 | Patrick Roach | For King William | |
1689 | Dominick Sarsfield | Fourth Viscount Sarsfield | |
1690 | William Ballard | ||
1691 | Mathew Deane | Baronet from Charleville, son served as an MP Cork as did his son. | |
1692 | Daniel Crone | ||
1693 | William Howell | ||
1694 | Peter Renew | Huguenot also served as Sheriff in 1681. Surname originally Renieu. | |
1695 | Samuel Love | Castle Saffron near Doneraile. | |
1696 | James French | ||
1697 | William Roberts | ||
1698 | William Goddard | Mayor of the Staple of Cork | |
1699 | Theo. Morris | ||
1700 | John Sealy |
18th century
Year | Name | Notes |
1701 | Simon Dring | Surname sometimes listed as Tiring. |
1702 | John Whiting | |
1703 | Edmund Knapp | Served as MP for Cork City, 1715–27 |
1704 | William Andrews | Former Sheriff in 1698 |
1705 | Francis Cotterel | Former Sheriff in 1700 |
1706 | Bernard Poye | Former Sheriff in 1707 |
1707 | Joseph Franklin | |
1708 | Row. Delahoyde | |
1709 | Noblet Rogers | Former Sheriff in 1706 |
1710 | Edward Hoare | Former Sheriff in 1707 also served as MP for Cork City. |
1711 | Richard Philips | Former Sheriff |
1712 | Daniel Perdian | Huguenot also served as Sheriff in 1704. Surname originally Perdriau. |
1713 | John Allen | |
1714 | Edward Browne | |
1715 | Philip French | Previously served as a sheriff in 1712 |
1716 | William Lambley | Previously served as a sheriff |
1717 | Abraham French | Previously served as a sheriff |
1718 | John Morley | Previously served as a sheriff |
1719 | John Terry | Previously served as a sheriff in 1711 |
1720 | Joseph Lavit | Huguenot also served as Sheriff in 1713. Surname also spelled Lavite. |
1721 | William Hawkins | |
1722 | Daniel Pearse | |
1723 | Ed. Brockelsby | |
1724 | George Bennett | |
1725 | Ambrose Cremore | |
1726 | Robert Atkins | |
1727 | Thomas Browne | |
1728 | Hugh Millard | |
1729 | John Atkins | |
1730 | Joseph Austin | |
1731 | James Hulett | |
1732 | Samuel Croker | |
1733 | Thomas Pembroke | |
1734 | George Fuller | Freeman of cork, elected alderman 1727. |
1735 | Amb. Jackson | |
1736 | Thomas Farren | |
1737 | John Baldwin | |
1738 | Adam Newman | |
1739 | William Fuller | |
1740 | Harding Parker | |
1741 | Richard Bradshaw | |
1742 | William Owgans | |
1743 | Randall Westropp | |
1744 | William Winthrop | |
1745 | Walter Lavite | Huguenot son of Joseph, also served as Sheriff in 1733 |
1746 | William Taylor [6] | |
1747 | Hugh Millerd [6] | |
1748 | Daniel Crone [6] | |
1749 | William Holmes [6] | |
1750 | Robert Wrixon [6] | |
1751 | Will Busteed [6] | |
1752 | Mathias Smith [6] | |
1753 | Sir John Freke, 3rd Baronet | |
1754 | George Hodder [6] | |
1755 | John Reilly [6] | |
1756 | William Harding [6] | |
1757 | Usher Philpott [6] | |
1758 | John Swete [6] | |
1759 | Phineas Barry [6] | |
1760 | Joseph Witherall [6] | |
1761 | Andrew Franklyn [6] | |
1762 | John Wrixon [6] | |
1763 | John Smith [6] | |
1764 | Boyle Travers [6] | |
1765 | Will Parkes [6] | |
1766 | Samuel Maylor [6] | |
1767 | James Chatterton [6] | |
1768 | Noblett Phillips [6] | |
1769 | Godfrey Baker [6] | |
1770 | Christopher Collis [6] | |
1771 | John Webb [6] | |
1772 | John Roe [6] | |
1773 | Samuel Rowland [6] | |
1774 | John Travers [6] | |
1775 | William Butler [6] | |
1776 | Hugh Lawton [6] | |
1777 | Thomas Owgan [6] | |
1778 | Palms. Wastropp [6] | |
1779 | John Harding [6] | |
1780 | Fras. Carlton [6] | |
1781 | Walter Travers [6] | |
1782 | Sober Kent [6] | |
1783 | Richard Kellett [6] | |
1784 | James Morrison [6] | |
1785 | (Sir) John Franklin [6] | |
1786 | (Sir) Samuel Rowland [6] | |
1787 | James Kingston [6] | |
1788 | Richard Purcell [6] | |
1789 | Henry Harding [6] | died and replaced by Humphrey Crowley |
1790 | Richard Harris [6] | |
1791 | Henry Puxley [6] | |
1792 | John Shaw[7] | |
1793 | William Wilcocks[8] | Willcocks ran unsuccessfully in 1792 and moved to Upper Canada as a merchant before returning to becoming mayor.[9] |
1794 | John Thompson[10] | |
1795 | Jasper Lucas [6] | |
1796 | (Sir) Vesian Pick[11] | |
1797 | Kingsmill Berry [6] | |
1798 | Philip Bennet [6] | |
1799 | Michael Bunsteed [6] | |
1800 | Philip Allen | |
19th century
Year | Name | Party | Notes |
1801 | Michael Robert Westropp | ||
1802 | Michael Robert Westropp | Re-elected | |
1803 | Richard Lane | ||
1804 | Thomas Wagget | ||
1805 | Charles Evanson | ||
1806 | Rowland Morrison | ||
1807 | John Day | ||
1808 | Thomas Harding | ||
1809 | John Foster | ||
1810 | Noblett Johnson | ||
1811 | Paul Maylor | ||
1812 | Thomas Dorman | ||
1813 | Peter Dumas | ||
1814 | Sir David Perrier | ||
1815 | Henry Sadlier | ||
1816 | John George Newsom | ||
1817 | Edward Allen | ||
1818 | Thomas Gibbings | ||
1819 | Richard Digby | ||
1820 | Isaac Jones | ||
1821 | Sir Anthony Perrier | Huguenot, noted for distillation method. | |
1822 | Edward Newsom | ||
1823 | Henry Bagnell | Merchant | |
1824 | Bartholomew Gibbings | ||
1825 | John N. Wrixon | ||
1826 | Thomas Harrison | ||
1827 | Richard N. Parker | ||
1828 | Thomas Dunscombe | Blackrock Castle was rebuilt during his term | |
1829 | Thomas Pope | ||
1830 | George Knapp | ||
1831 | Joseph Garde | ||
1832 | John Besnard | Huguenot / Weaver | |
1833 | Joseph Leycester | Conservative | |
1834 | Charles Perry | ||
1835 | Andrew Spearing | ||
1836 | Peter Besnard | Huguenot / Weaver | |
1837 | John Saunders | ||
1838 | John Bagnell | ||
1839 | Lionel J. Westropp | ||
1840 | James Lane | ||
1841 | Juilius Besnard | Huguenot / Weaver | |
1842 | Thomas Lyons | Merchant. First Catholic Mayor of Cork since 1688. | |
1843 | Francis Beamish | Repeal Association | |
1844 | William Fagan | Repeal Association/Whig | |
1845 | Richard Dowden | ||
1846 | Andrew F. Roche | ||
1847 | Edward Hackett | Died in Office | |
1847 | Andrew Roche | Replaced Hackett | |
1848 | William Lyons | Father of Robert Spencer Dyer Lyons MP and physician. | |
1849 | Sir William Lyons | Re-elected and knighted on royal visit. | |
1850 | John Shea | ||
1851 | James Lambkin | ||
1852 | William Hackett | ||
1853 | John Francis Maguire | Became an MP for Dungarvan then Cork City | |
1854 | John N. Murphy | ||
1855 | Sir John Gordon | ||
1856 | William Fitzgibbon | ||
1857 | William Fitzgibbon | ||
1858 | Daniel Donegan | ||
1859 | John Arnott | Liberal | Businessman born in Scotland, founder of the Arnotts department chain. |
1860 | Sir John Arnott | Liberal | |
1861 | Sir John Arnott | Liberal | Served as an MP for Kinsale |
1862 | John Francis Maguire | Liberal | Also an MP |
1863 | John Francis Maguire | Liberal | |
1864 | John Francis Maguire | Liberal | |
1865 | Charles J. Cantillon | ||
1866 | Francis Lyons | Liberal | |
1867 | Francis Lyons | Liberal | |
1868 | Francis Lyons | Liberal | |
1869 | Daniel O'Sullivan | ||
1870 | William Hegarty | ||
1871 | John Daly | Home Rule League | |
1872 | John Daly | Irish Parliamentary Party | |
1873 | John Daly | Irish Parliamentary Party | |
1874 | Daniel A. Nagle | ||
1875 | Daniel A. Nagle | ||
1876 | George Penrose | Knighted | |
1877 | Barry J. Sheehan | ||
1878 | William V. Greeg | ||
1879 | Patrick Kennedy | ||
1880 | Patrick Kennedy | ||
1881 | Sir Daniel V. O'Sullivan | Grandfather of Maureen O'Sullivan | |
1882 | Daniel J. Galvin | ||
1883 | Daniel J. Galvin | ||
1884 | Daniel J. Galvin | Until June replaced | |
1884 | Barry J. Sheehan | From June | |
1885 | Paul J. Madden | ||
1886 | Paul J. Madden | ||
1887 | John O'Brien | ||
1888 | John O'Brien | ||
1889 | Daniel Ryan | ||
1890 | Daniel Horgan | Irish National League | |
1891 | Daniel Horgan | Irish National League | Nationalist supported Charles Stewart Parnell in Irish Parliamentary Party split |
1892 | Daniel Horgan | Irish National League | |
1893 | Augustine Roche | Irish Parliamentary Party | Supported Parnell in split |
1894 | Augustine Roche | Irish Parliamentary Party | |
1895 | Patrick H. Meade | ||
1896 | Sir John Scott | Unionist | |
1897 | Patrick H. Meade | ||
1898 | Patrick H. Meade | ||
1899–1900 | Eugene Crean | Irish Parliamentary Party | Last officeholder before title was changed |
Lord Mayors of Cork
20th century
21st century
Year | Name | Party | Notes | |
2000 | P. J. Hourican | Fine Gael | ||
2001 | Tom O'Driscoll | Fianna Fáil | ||
2002 | John Kelleher | Labour | ||
2003 | Colm Burke | Fine Gael | ||
2004 | Seán Martin | Fianna Fáil | Brother of Micheál Martin | |
2005 | Deirdre Clune | Fine Gael | Daughter of Peter Barry, TD and Senator for Cork South Central | |
2006 | Michael Ahern | Labour | ||
2007 | Donal Counihan | Fianna Fáil | ||
2008 | Brian Bermingham | Fine Gael | Son of John Bermingham, Lord Mayor in 1968 | |
2009 | Dara Murphy[13] | Fine Gael | Elected TD for Cork North Central in 2011 | |
2010 | Mick O'Connell[14] | Labour | ||
2011 | Terry Shannon | Fianna Fáil | ||
2012 | John Buttimer[15] | Fine Gael | Brother of Jerry Buttimer | |
2013 | Catherine Clancy[16] | Labour | Sister of Ciarán Lynch and sister-in-law of Kathleen Lynch | |
2014 | Mary Shields | Fianna Fáil | ||
2015 | Chris O'Leary | Sinn Féin | First Sinn Féin Lord Mayor in 90 years | |
2016 | Des Cahill | Fine Gael | ||
2017 | Tony Fitzgerald | Fianna Fáil | ||
2018 | Mick Finn | Independent | First independent Lord Mayor in 70 years | |
2019 | John Sheehan | Fianna Fáil | ||
2020 | Joe Kavanagh[17] | Fine Gael | ||
2021 | Colm Kelleher[18] | Fianna Fáil | ||
2022 | Deirdre Forde[19] | Fine Gael | ||
2023 | Kieran McCarthy[20] | Independent |
- "Past Mayors – Provosts, Mayors and Lord Mayors of Cork". Cork City Council. Archived from the original on 2 February 2020. Retrieved 8 January 2020.
- Samuel Lewis, ed. (1840). A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. Vol. 2 (2 ed.). London: S Lewis & Co. p. 408. Archived from the original on 27 September 2021. Retrieved 10 July 2021.
- "Mayors of Cork". Cork City Council. 2009. Archived from the original on 25 September 2010. Retrieved 11 April 2011.
- NLI: Lismore Papers MS 41981/6.’Translation of confirmation of grant to William [Gowelys] of a weir and fishery in the River Lee in Cork and Dungarvan’, 6 May 1476; see also, Cal Pat Rolls, 1391-6, 205 and a 1406 enrolment of a 1392 confirmation to Philip Stone and Joan, his wife, daughter of Robert, son of William Droupe, Rot. pat. Hib., p182, no 68.
- Margaret Grogan (12 July 1999). "Cork Mayors". Archived from the original on 4 January 2012. Retrieved 9 May 2012.
- "Previous Mayors of Cork". Cork City Council. Archived from the original on 2 February 2020. Retrieved 21 August 2019.
- Freemans Journal 12 October 1793
- Freemans Journal1 July 1793
- "Willcocks, William". Dictionary of Canadian Biography (online ed.). University of Toronto Press. 1979–2016.
- Freemans Journal 9 October 1794
- Freemans Journal 8 October 1796
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