Marie Šechtlová
Marie Šechtlová (25 March 1928 Chomutov – 5 July 2008 Prague) was a Czech photographer, one of the proponents of the "poetry of everyday" style.

Marie Šechtlová's photograph:self-portrait
Year | |
1928 (25.3) | Marie Kokešová born in Chomutov, daughter of clerk Jan Kokeš and his wife Františka. |
1938 | Kokeš family moved to Tábor. |
1947 | Marie matriculated from Tábor High School. |
1948 (15.5) | Married Josef Šechtl. |
1950 | Completed apprenticeship in photography, at photographic studio of Šechtl and Voseček in Tábor (founded 1876). |
1952 (17.3) | Daughter Marie Michaela born. |
1953 | Šechtl and Voseček studio nationalised by the Communist government. |
1958 | Movie “Moon” presented at UNICA international festival, in Ems, Germany. |
1961 | Series of photographs accompanying poem by Jan Noha, published in “Photography Revue”. Nominated for membership of Union of Czechoslovak Artists. |
1963 | Trip to Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev with group of professional Czech artists. |
1964 | Trips to Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and United States. |
1965 | Admitted to Membership of Union of Czechoslovak Artists. |
1967 | Marie Šechtlová’s hands severely burned by X-rays in medical accident. |
1975 | Participation in competition, “Woman Behind the Camera” (in years 1975, 1976 and 1977). |
1989 | Books “Paris”, with text by Jiří Mucha, and “Historical Firearms”, were prepared for printing, but because of political upheavals, were never published. Exhibition “Anthology”, in Tábor. |
2008 | (July 5) Died in Prague. |
- 1957 Marie Šechtlová and Josef Šechtl won second prize in national amateur movie competition, in the category “Movie Poetry”, for the movie “Moon”.
- 1960 First prize in national competition of Photography Association, in Artistic Photography category, for the cycle “Come to Mama, Darling”.
- 1961 First and second prizes in competition of Photography Association for the series “Almanac 1960”, and for “Boys of Our Street”.
- 1962 First prize at Exhibition of Czechoslovak Art Photography in Sevastopol. First prize in Reportage category for the series “One to Another”, in competition of Photography Association.
- 1963 First prize for a series of photographs, “The Face of the Earth”. First prize for a series of photographs, “Rain Song”, in exhibition “Great Friendship”.
- 1965 Third and fourth prizes in Photographic Art competition in East Germany.
- 1965 Special prize in competition in magazine “Mladý svět”, “Unknown Beauties of Czechoslovakia”, prize a two-week trip to East Germany and Denmark.
- 1961 First exhibition in ZK Jiskra, in Tábor.
- 1961 Exhibition in Halle, Germany.
- 1963 Exhibitions in Kunštát Palace in Brno; in Chrudim; in Uherské Hradiště; in Luhačovice; and in Gottwaldow.
- 1964 Exhibition and catalogue in House of Arts in České Budějovice; in Tábor; in Soběslav; and in Písek.
- 1965 Exhibition in Mladá Fronta gallery in Prague. Exhibition “Wystawa Fotografiky Marii Šechtlovej”, in [Warsaw], [Poland].
- 1966 Exhibition in Brussels.
- 1966 Traveling exhibition in Cairo, Alexandria and Berlin.
- 1966 Exhibitions in [Paris], and in [České Budějovice]. Exhibition “South Bohemia” in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and Tábor.
- 1967 First joint exhibition of Marie and Josef Šechtl in Prague and other cities.
- 1967 Exhibition of Marie Šechtlová and A. Robinsonová in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt.
- 1967 Exhibitions in Cheb, and in Vimperk.
- 1979 Exhibition M. and J. Šechtl in Tábor theatre.
- 1980 Exhibition “Metamorphoses of Tábor from Archive of Three Generations”, in Tábor Cultural Centre.
- 1982 Exhibition “Colour Photography”, by M. and J. Šechtl in Písek District Museum.
- 1987 Exhibition “Colour Photography”, in Dačice.
- 2003 Exhibition “Review and Dreamy Return, Photos and Computer Graphics of M. Šechtlová”, in Sezimovo Ústí.
- 2005 Exhibition “Five Generations of Šechtl Family, Photography and Graphics”, in Písek Museum.
- 2006 Exhibition “Five Generations of Šechtl Family”, in [Prostějov].
- 2007 Exhibition “Marie Šechtlová: Photographic stories“ in Šechtl and Voseček Museum of Photography in Tábor and Médiathèque Dole in France.
- 2008 Exhibition “Marie Šechtlová: Life with Photography“ in Šechtl and Voseček Museum of Photography in Tábor.
- 2010 Exhibition “Marie Šechtlová: Photography 1960-1970" in Leica Gallery Prague in Prague.
- 2010 Exhibition "Marie Šechtlová: Czech in the U.S." in American center in Prague in Prague.
- 2010 Exhibition "Marie Šechtlová & Josef Šechtl, Life with Photography." in Municipak Museum in Blatná in Blatná.
- Štych, Jiří, Děti kapitána Kohla: reportáž z nedávné minulosti České Budéjovice: Krajské nakladatelství České Buďéjovice 1961.
- (in Czech) Noha, Jan; Šechtlová, Marie, Všechny oči, Prague: Státní nakladatelství 1964.
- (in Czech) Noha, Jan; Šechtlová, Marie, Praha na listu růže, Prague: Orbis 1966.
- (in Czech) Holub, Miroslav; Fuková, Eva; Novotný, Miloň, New York, Prague: Mladá fronta 1966.
- (in Czech) et al., Ze Šrámkova Písku Písek, Městský národní výbor 1967.
- (in Czech) Mixa, Robert; Bauerl Jan, Šechtlová, Marie, Tábor a okolí, České Budějovice: Nakladatelství České Buďějovice 1967.
- (in Czech) Kožík František; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Praha, Prague: pressfoto 1972.
- (in Czech) Grünfeld, Josef; Šechtlová, Marie; et al., Jindřichohradecko, Jindřichův Hradec: Okresní národní výbor 1973.
- (in Czech) Michl, Karel; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Hradec Králové: k sedmsetpadesátému výročí zalození města a třicátému výroči osvobození sovětskou armádou v roce MCMLXXV, Hradec Králové, Osveta 1976.
- (in Czech) Stehlíková, Blanka, Leningrad Prague: Odeon 1977.
- (in Czech) Malík, Jan; Dvořák, J., V.; Šechtlová, Marie, Šechtl, Josef, Svét loutek: loutky ze sbírek Muzea loutkářských kultur v Chrudimi, Hradec Králové: Kruh 1978.
- (in Czech) Drda, Miloš; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Muzeum husitského revolučního hnutí v Táboře: expozice husité, Prague: Pressfoto 1979.
- (in Czech) Korčák, Pavel; et al.; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef., Tábor: Národní kulturní památka, Praha: Panorama 1979.
- (in Czech) Svatoň, Jaroslav; Josef Šechtl; Šechtlová, Marie, Tábor: Národní kulturní památka, Tábor: Okresní národní výbor 1979.
- (in Czech) Marhoun, Jan, Jitex - 30 let práce pro socialismus, Praha: Práce 1979.
- (in Czech) Collective from art-history department of Regional center for historical care and preservation of nature in České Budějovice, Jihočeská klenotnice České Budéjovice: Jihočeské nakladatelství 1981.
- (in Czech) Štara, Antonín; Šechtlová, Marie, Galerie Klenová Prague: Pressfoto 1981.
- (in Czech) Kuthan, Jiří; Horyna, Mojmír; Muchka, Ivan; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Jižní Čechy: krajina, historie, umělecké památky, Prague: Panorama 1982.
- (in Czech) Klíma, Jaroslav; Texler, Václav; Postl, Radomír; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Písek a Písecko, Písek: Městské kulturní středisko 1983.
- (in Czech) Šmejkal, František, Zdeněk Sklenář, Prague: Odeon 1984.
- (in Czech) Krajný, Miroslav; Karel Stehlík, Prague: Odeon 1986.
- (in Czech) Hotmar, Josef; Kuna, Jaroslav; Šechtlová, Marie, Rendezvou s Paříží, Prague: Odeon 1988.
- (in Czech) Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Pelhřimov Prague: ČTK-Pressfoto, 1992.
- (in Czech) Tecl, Rudolf; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Tábor Prague: ČTK-Pressfoto, 1992.
- (in Czech) Bumerl, Jiří; Čap, Josef; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Jordán 1492-1992: Tábor: hráz Tábor: Okresní úřad, 1992.
- (in Czech) Trčka, Miroslav; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Hrady a zámky Jižních Čech Prague: ČTK-Pressfoto, 1993.
- (in Czech) Trčka, Miroslav; Šechtlová, Marie; Šechtl, Josef, Hrady a zámky Jižních Čech České Budějovice: ATIKA, 1994.
- (in Czech) Froněk, Miroslav; Šechtlová, Marie; et al., Vítejte na Prachaticku Prachatice: Region Prachatice, 1997.
Further reading
- Dufek, Antonín, Šechtlová, Marie, Kříž, Jan. Marie Šechtlová: fotografie-photography, 1960-1970 Tábor: Marie Šechtlová, 2009. ISBN 978-80-904323-0-7. (in Czech and English)[1]
- Hubička, Jan; Musil, Josef, Šechtl & Voseček: A History of the Studio, Tábor: Marie Šechtlová 2009. ISBN 978-80-904323-1-4. (in Czech and English)[1]
- Krajíc, Rudolf; Smrčka, Bohumil; Šechtlová, Marie, Tábor: jak jej fotografovali v letech 1876-1996 Šechtlovi Tábor: Odbor školství, kultury a tělovýchovy, 1997.(in Czech)
- Scheufler, Pavel, et al. Jižní Čechy objektivem tří generací. České Budějovice: Jihočeské nakl., 1989. ISBN 80-7016-007-1.(in Czech)
- Description by publisher.
External links
- Digital archive project of Šechtl & Voseček studios
- Biography at Šechtl & Voseček homepage
- Exhibition Marie Šechtlová: Life with Photography From glass plates to computers
- Exhibition Marie Šechtlová: Photographic stories
- Luminous-lint presentation of Marie Šechtlová
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