Lutak (surname)
Lutak (Rusyn: Лутак, Slovak: Lutak, Ukrainian: Лутак, Hungarian: Luták) is a Rusyn, Slovak and Ukrainian surname.
Versions of Zakarpattia philologist Pavlo Chuchka:[1]
Probably, surname Lutak originated in the early 17th century in the northern regions of the Kingdom of Hungary, where the majority of the population were Rusyns, Slovaks, Croats, Vlachs and Serbs.
The references in historical documents
For the first time in official documents surname Lutak is mentioned in historical Subcarpathian Rus in 1699 in Bereg Country - Lutak János and his son Vaszil 12-year-old from Nagy Ábránka (now Lokit, Irshava district, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine).[2] And in 1704 the same János Lutak is mentioned already as kuruc in Mukachevo list of Greek Catholics who participated in Rákóczi's War of Independence (1703-1711).[3]
Notable people
- Medveczkyné Luták Edit (born 1932), Soviet, Ukrainian and Hungarian artist of decorative and applied arts, painter, graphic artist.
- Ivan Kondratyevich Lutak (1919 — 2009), Soviet party leader, First Secretary the Cherkasy Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
See also
- Lutak (disambiguation)
- HUNGARICANA. Archives, a common website of Hungarian archives, museums and libraries, operated by the Library of Parliament, Hungary.
- Чучка Павло. Прізвища закарпатських українців: Історико-етимологічний словник. — Львів: Світ, 2005.
- Magyar Országos Levéltár. Magyar kincstári levéltárak, E 156, Urbaria et conscriptions, Fasc. 19, № 8 – 34 old. (1699. július 1.)
- Hodinka Antal: II. Rákóczi Ferenc fejedelem és a „gens fidelissima”. Pécs, 1937. – 7 old.