List of woodpeckers
The International Ornithological Committee (IOC) recognizes 240 species of woodpeckers which make up the family Picidae. They are distributed among 37 genera, seven of which have only one species. One species, the Bermuda flicker, is extinct.[1] The family's taxonomy is unsettled; the Clements taxonomy lists 233 species[2] and BirdLife International's Handbook of the Birds of the World lists 254[3].
A male great spotted woodpecker
This list is presented according to the IOC taxonomic sequence and can also be sorted alphabetically by common name and binomial.
Common name | Binomial name | IOC sequence |
Eurasian wryneck | Jynx torquilla | 1 |
Red-throated wryneck | Jynx ruficollis | 2 |
Speckled piculet | Picumnus innominatus | 3 |
Bar-breasted piculet | Picumnus aurifrons | 4 |
Lafresnaye's piculet | Picumnus lafresnayi | 5 |
Orinoco piculet | Picumnus pumilus | 6 |
Golden-spangled piculet | Picumnus exilis | 7 |
Ecuadorian piculet | Picumnus sclateri | 8 |
Scaled piculet | Picumnus squamulatus | 9 |
White-bellied piculet | Picumnus spilogaster | 10 |
Arrowhead piculet | Picumnus minutissimus | 11 |
Spotted piculet | Picumnus pygmaeus | 12 |
Speckle-chested piculet | Picumnus steindachneri | 13 |
Varzea piculet | Picumnus varzeae | 14 |
White-barred piculet | Picumnus cirratus | 15 |
Ocellated piculet | Picumnus dorbignyanus | 16 |
Ochre-collared piculet | Picumnus temminckii | 17 |
White-wedged piculet | Picumnus albosquamatus | 18 |
Rusty-necked piculet | Picumnus fuscus | 19 |
Rufous-breasted piculet | Picumnus rufiventris | 20 |
Ochraceous piculet | Picumnus limae | 21 |
Mottled piculet | Picumnus nebulosus | 22 |
Plain-breasted piculet | Picumnus castelnau | 23 |
Fine-barred piculet | Picumnus subtilis | 24 |
Olivaceous piculet | Picumnus olivaceus | 25 |
Greyish piculet | Picumnus granadensis | 26 |
Chestnut piculet | Picumnus cinnamomeus | 27 |
African piculet | Verreauxia africana | 28 |
Rufous piculet | Sasia abnormis | 29 |
White-browed piculet | Sasia ochracea | 30 |
Antillean piculet | Nesoctites micromegas | 31 |
Grey-and-buff woodpecker | Hemicircus concretus | 32 |
Heart-spotted woodpecker | Hemicircus canente | 33 |
White woodpecker | Melanerpes candidus | 34 |
Lewis's woodpecker | Melanerpes lewis | 35 |
Guadeloupe woodpecker | Melanerpes herminieri | 36 |
Puerto Rican woodpecker | Melanerpes portoricensis | 37 |
Red-headed woodpecker | Melanerpes erythrocephalus | 38 |
Acorn woodpecker | Melanerpes formicivorus | 39 |
Yellow-tufted woodpecker | Melanerpes cruentatus | 40 |
Yellow-fronted woodpecker | Melanerpes flavifrons | 41 |
Golden-naped woodpecker | Melanerpes chrysauchen | 42 |
Beautiful woodpecker | Melanerpes pulcher | 43 |
Black-cheeked woodpecker | Melanerpes pucherani | 44 |
White-fronted woodpecker | Melanerpes cactorum | 45 |
Hispaniolan woodpecker | Melanerpes striatus | 46 |
Jamaican woodpecker | Melanerpes radiolatus | 47 |
Golden-cheeked woodpecker | Melanerpes chrysogenys | 48 |
Grey-breasted woodpecker | Melanerpes hypopolius | 49 |
Yucatan woodpecker | Melanerpes pygmaeus | 50 |
Red-crowned woodpecker | Melanerpes rubricapillus | 51 |
Gila woodpecker | Melanerpes uropygialis | 52 |
Hoffmann's woodpecker | Melanerpes hoffmannii | 53 |
Golden-fronted woodpecker | Melanerpes aurifrons | 54 |
Velasquez's woodpecker | Melanerpes santacruzi | 55 |
Red-bellied woodpecker | Melanerpes carolinus | 56 |
West Indian woodpecker | Melanerpes superciliaris | 57 |
Williamson's sapsucker | Sphyrapicus thyroideus | 58 |
Yellow-bellied sapsucker | Sphyrapicus varius | 59 |
Red-naped sapsucker | Sphyrapicus nuchalis | 60 |
Red-breasted sapsucker | Sphyrapicus ruber | 61 |
Cuban green woodpecker | Xiphidiopicus percussus | 62 |
Buff-spotted woodpecker | Pardipicus nivosus | 63 |
Brown-eared woodpecker | Pardipicus caroli | 64 |
Ground woodpecker | Geocolaptes olivaceus | 65 |
Fine-spotted woodpecker | Campethera punctuligera | 66 |
Bennett's woodpecker | Campethera bennettii | 67 |
Speckle-throated woodpecker | Campethera scriptoricauda | 68 |
Nubian woodpecker | Campethera nubica | 69 |
Golden-tailed woodpecker | Campethera abingoni | 70 |
Mombasa woodpecker | Campethera mombassica | 71 |
Knysna woodpecker | Campethera notata | 72 |
Little green woodpecker | Campethera maculosa | 73 |
Little spotted woodpecker | Campethera cailliautii | 74 |
Tullberg's woodpecker | Campethera tullbergi | 75 |
Fine-banded woodpecker | Campethera taeniolaema | 76 |
Sulawesi pygmy woodpecker | Yungipicus temminckii | 77 |
Brown-capped pygmy woodpecker | Yungipicus nanus | 78 |
Grey-capped pygmy woodpecker | Yungipicus canicapillus | 79 |
Philippine pygmy woodpecker | Yungipicus maculatus | 80 |
Sulu pygmy woodpecker | Yungipicus ramsayi | 81 |
Sunda pygmy woodpecker | Yungipicus moluccensis | 82 |
Japanese pygmy woodpecker | Yungipicus kizuki | 83 |
Eurasian three-toed woodpecker | Picoides tridactylus | 84 |
American three-toed woodpecker | Picoides dorsalis | 85 |
Black-backed woodpecker | Picoides arcticus | 86 |
Arabian woodpecker | Dendrocoptes dorae | 87 |
Brown-fronted woodpecker | Dendrocoptes auriceps | 88 |
Middle spotted woodpecker | Dendrocoptes medius | 89 |
Yellow-crowned woodpecker | Leiopicus mahrattensis | 90 |
Bearded woodpecker | Chloropicus namaquus | 91 |
Yellow-crested woodpecker | Chloropicus xantholophus | 92 |
Fire-bellied woodpecker | Chloropicus pyrrhogaster | 93 |
Little grey woodpecker | Dendropicos elachus | 94 |
Speckle-breasted woodpecker | Dendropicos poecilolaemus | 95 |
Abyssinian woodpecker | Dendropicos abyssinicus | 96 |
Cardinal woodpecker | Dendropicos fuscescens | 97 |
Gabon woodpecker | Dendropicos gabonensis | 98 |
Melancholy woodpecker | Dendropicos lugubris | 99 |
Stierling's woodpecker | Dendropicos stierlingi | 100 |
Elliot's woodpecker | Dendropicos elliotii | 101 |
African grey woodpecker | Dendropicos goertae | 102 |
Eastern grey woodpecker | Dendropicos spodocephalus | 103 |
Olive woodpecker | Dendropicos griseocephalus | 104 |
Brown-backed woodpecker | Dendropicos obsoletus | 105 |
Nuttall's woodpecker | Dryobates nuttallii | 106 |
Ladder-backed woodpecker | Dryobates scalaris | 107 |
Downy woodpecker | Dryobates pubescens | 108 |
Crimson-naped woodpecker | Dryobates cathpharius | 109 |
Necklaced woodpecker | Dryobates pernyii | 110 |
Lesser spotted woodpecker | Dryobates minor | 111 |
Little woodpecker | Veniliornis passerinus | 112 |
Dot-fronted woodpecker | Veniliornis frontalis | 113 |
White-spotted woodpecker | Veniliornis spilogaster | 114 |
Checkered woodpecker | Veniliornis mixtus | 115 |
Striped woodpecker | Veniliornis lignarius | 116 |
Scarlet-backed woodpecker | Veniliornis callonotus | 117 |
Yellow-vented woodpecker | Veniliornis dignus | 118 |
Bar-bellied woodpecker | Veniliornis nigriceps | 119 |
Blood-colored woodpecker | Veniliornis sanguineus | 120 |
Red-rumped woodpecker | Veniliornis kirkii | 121 |
Red-stained woodpecker | Veniliornis affinis | 122 |
Choco woodpecker | Veniliornis chocoensis | 123 |
Golden-collared woodpecker | Veniliornis cassini | 124 |
Yellow-eared woodpecker | Veniliornis maculifrons | 125 |
Red-cockaded woodpecker | Leuconotopicus borealis | 126 |
Smoky-brown woodpecker | Leuconotopicus fumigatus | 127 |
Arizona woodpecker | Leuconotopicus arizonae | 128 |
Strickland's woodpecker | Leuconotopicus stricklandi | 129 |
Hairy woodpecker | Leuconotopicus villosus | 130 |
White-headed woodpecker | Leuconotopicus albolarvatus | 131 |
Rufous-bellied woodpecker | Dendrocopos hyperythrus | 132 |
Fulvous-breasted woodpecker | Dendrocopos macei | 133 |
Freckle-breasted woodpecker | Dendrocopos analis | 134 |
Stripe-breasted woodpecker | Dendrocopos atratus | 135 |
Darjeeling woodpecker | Dendrocopos darjellensis | 136 |
Himalayan woodpecker | Dendrocopos himalayensis | 137 |
Sind woodpecker | Dendrocopos assimilis | 138 |
Syrian woodpecker | Dendrocopos syriacus | 139 |
White-winged woodpecker | Dendrocopos leucopterus | 140 |
Great spotted woodpecker | Dendrocopos major | 141 |
Okinawa woodpecker | Dendrocopos noguchii | 142 |
White-backed woodpecker | Dendrocopos leucotos | 143 |
Rufous-winged woodpecker | Piculus simplex | 144 |
Stripe-cheeked woodpecker | Piculus callopterus | 145 |
White-throated woodpecker | Piculus leucolaemus | 146 |
Lita woodpecker | Piculus litae | 147 |
Yellow-throated woodpecker | Piculus flavigula | 148 |
Golden-green woodpecker | Piculus chrysochloros | 149 |
Yellow-browed woodpecker | Piculus aurulentus | 150 |
Golden-olive woodpecker | Colaptes rubiginosus | 151 |
Bronze-winged woodpecker | Colaptes aeruginosus | 152 |
Grey-crowned woodpecker | Colaptes auricularis | 153 |
Crimson-mantled woodpecker | Colaptes rivolii | 154 |
Black-necked woodpecker | Colaptes atricollis | 155 |
Spot-breasted woodpecker | Colaptes punctigula | 156 |
Green-barred woodpecker | Colaptes melanochloros | 157 |
Northern flicker | Colaptes auratus | 158 |
Gilded flicker | Colaptes chrysoides | 159 |
Bermuda flicker | Colaptes oceanicus | 160 |
Fernandina's flicker | Colaptes fernandinae | 161 |
Chilean flicker | Colaptes pitius | 162 |
Andean flicker | Colaptes rupicola | 163 |
Campo flicker | Colaptes campestris | 164 |
Cinnamon woodpecker | Celeus loricatus | 165 |
Waved woodpecker | Celeus undatus | 166 |
Chestnut-colored woodpecker | Celeus castaneus | 167 |
Chestnut woodpecker | Celeus elegans | 168 |
Pale-crested woodpecker | Celeus lugubris | 169 |
Blond-crested woodpecker | Celeus flavescens | 170 |
Ochre-backed woodpecker | Celeus ochraceus | 171 |
Cream-colored woodpecker | Celeus flavus | 172 |
Rufous-headed woodpecker | Celeus spectabilis | 173 |
Kaempfer's woodpecker | Celeus obrieni | 174 |
Ringed woodpecker | Celeus torquatus | 175 |
Helmeted woodpecker | Celeus galeatus | 176 |
Black-bodied woodpecker | Dryocopus schulzii | 177 |
Lineated woodpecker | Dryocopus lineatus | 178 |
Pileated woodpecker | Dryocopus pileatus | 179 |
White-bellied woodpecker | Dryocopus javensis | 180 |
Andaman woodpecker | Dryocopus hodgei | 181 |
Black woodpecker | Dryocopus martius | 182 |
Powerful woodpecker | Campephilus pollens | 183 |
Splendid woodpecker | Campephilus splendens | 184 |
Crimson-bellied woodpecker | Campephilus haematogaster | 185 |
Red-necked woodpecker | Campephilus rubricollis | 186 |
Robust woodpecker | Campephilus robustus | 187 |
Crimson-crested woodpecker | Campephilus melanoleucos | 188 |
Pale-billed woodpecker | Campephilus guatemalensis | 189 |
Guayaquil woodpecker | Campephilus gayaquilensis | 190 |
Cream-backed woodpecker | Campephilus leucopogon | 191 |
Magellanic woodpecker | Campephilus magellanicus | 192 |
Ivory-billed woodpecker | Campephilus principalis | 193 |
Imperial woodpecker | Campephilus imperialis | 194 |
Banded woodpecker | Chrysophlegma miniaceum | 195 |
Checker-throated woodpecker | Chrysophlegma mentale | 196 |
Greater yellownape | Chrysophlegma flavinucha | 197 |
Lesser yellownape | Picus chlorolophus | 198 |
Crimson-winged woodpecker | Picus puniceus | 199 |
Streak-breasted woodpecker | Picus viridanus | 200 |
Laced woodpecker | Picus vittatus | 201 |
Streak-throated woodpecker | Picus xanthopygaeus | 202 |
Scaly-bellied woodpecker | Picus squamatus | 203 |
Japanese green woodpecker | Picus awokera | 204 |
European green woodpecker | Picus viridis | 205 |
Iberian green woodpecker | Picus sharpei | 206 |
Levaillant's woodpecker | Picus vaillantii | 207 |
Red-collared woodpecker | Picus rabieri | 208 |
Black-headed woodpecker | Picus erythropygius | 209 |
Grey-headed woodpecker | Picus canus | 210 |
Sumatran woodpecker | Picus dedemi | 211 |
Himalayan flameback | Dinopium shorii | 212 |
Common flameback | Dinopium javanense | 213 |
Spot-throated flameback | Dinopium everetti | 214 |
Black-rumped flameback | Dinopium benghalense | 215 |
Red-backed flameback | Dinopium psarodes | 216 |
Orange-backed woodpecker | Reinwardtipicus validus | 217 |
Buff-spotted flameback | Chrysocolaptes lucidus | 218 |
Luzon flameback | Chrysocolaptes haematribon | 219 |
Yellow-faced flameback | Chrysocolaptes xanthocephalus | 220 |
Red-headed flameback | Chrysocolaptes erythrocephalus | 221 |
Javan flameback | Chrysocolaptes strictus | 222 |
Greater flameback | Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus | 223 |
Malabar flameback | Chrysocolaptes socialis | 224 |
Crimson-backed flameback | Chrysocolaptes stricklandi | 225 |
White-naped woodpecker | Chrysocolaptes festivus | 226 |
Pale-headed woodpecker | Gecinulus grantia | 227 |
Bamboo woodpecker | Gecinulus viridis | 228 |
Olive-backed woodpecker | Gecinulus rafflesii | 229 |
Maroon woodpecker | Blythipicus rubiginosus | 230 |
Bay woodpecker | Blythipicus pyrrhotis | 231 |
Rufous woodpecker | Micropternus brachyurus | 232 |
Buff-rumped woodpecker | Meiglyptes grammithorax | 233 |
Zebra woodpecker | Meiglyptes tristis | 234 |
Black-and-buff woodpecker | Meiglyptes jugularis | 235 |
Buff-necked woodpecker | Meiglyptes tukki | 236 |
Ashy woodpecker | Mulleripicus fulvus | 237 |
Northern sooty woodpecker | Mulleripicus funebris | 238 |
Southern sooty woodpecker | Mulleripicus fuliginosus | 239 |
Great slaty woodpecker | Mulleripicus pulverulentus | 240 |
- Gill, F.; Donsker, D.; Rasmussen, P. (July 2023). "Woodpeckers". IOC World Bird List. v 13.2. Retrieved July 31, 2023.
- Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, T. A. Fredericks, J. A. Gerbracht, D. Lepage, S. M. Billerman, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2022. The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: v2022. Downloaded from retrieved November 10, 2022
- HBW and BirdLife International (2022) Handbook of the Birds of the World and BirdLife International digital checklist of the birds of the world. Version 7. Available at: retrieved December 13, 2022
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