List of volcanoes in Turkey

This is a list of dormant and extinct volcanoes in Turkey.

NameElevationLocationLast eruption
Acıgöl-Nevşehir1689554138.57°N 34.52°E / 38.57; 34.52 (Acıgöl-Nevşehir)Holocene
Akyarlar17256436.98°N 27.31°E / 36.98; 27.31 (Akyarlar)Unknown
Mount Ararat513716,85439.70°N 44.28°E / 39.70; 44.28 (Mount Ararat)1840
Erciyes Dağı391612,84838.52°N 35.38°E / 38.52; 35.38 (Erciyes Dağı)253 BC
Girekol2323762139.06°N 43.25°E / 39.06; 43.25 (Girekol)Holocene
Göllü Dağ2143703138.25°N 34.57°E / 38.25; 34.57 (Göllü Dağ)Holocene
Hasan Dağı325310,67238.13°N 34.17°E / 38.13; 34.17 (Hasan Dağı)6200 BC
Karaca Dağ1957642137.67°N 39.83°E / 37.67; 39.83 (Karaca Dağ)-
Karadağ2271745037.25°N 33.08°E / 37.25; 33.08 (Karadağ)-
Karapınar Field1302427237.67°N 33.65°E / 37.67; 33.65 (Karapınar Field)6200 BC
Kars Plateau3000984240.75°N 42.90°E / 40.75; 42.90 (Kars Plateau)Unknown
Kula (volcano)750246138.58°N 28.52°E / 38.58; 28.52 (Kula)Holocene
Nemrut Dağı2948967238.65°N 42.23°E / 38.65; 42.23 (Nemrut Dağı)1692
Süphan Dağı415813,64238.92°N 42.82°E / 38.92; 42.82 (Süphan Dağı)Holocene
Tendürek Dağı358411,75839.33°N 43.83°E / 39.33; 43.83 (Tendürek Dağı)1855

See also


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