List of tunnels in Romania

Most of Romania's tunnels date from the 20th century in the building of the railways, typically excavated through rock by blasting and then hand excavation.

The more modern tunnels include the longer Bucharest metro tunnels and utility tunnels, constructed from approximately 1970 to date, using a variety of tunnelling methods.

Road tunnels

Bâlea Tunnel[1]Transfăgărășan0.84 km (0.52 mi)2 lanes tunnel1972
Săcel Tunnel[1]A1 motorway0.34 km (0.21 mi)double highway tunnel2013
KM 60 Tunnel[1]Transfăgărășan0.172 km (0.107 mi)single tunnel1972
Lacul Roșu Tunnel[1]Harghita County0.155 km (0.096 mi)2 lanes tunnel2004
Meseș Tunnel[2]A3 motorway2.89 km (1.80 mi)double highway tunnelplanned

Rail tunnels

Teliu TunnelBrașov County4.369 km (2.715 mi)Single-boreJulius Berger1929
Tunelul Mare (Predeal)Brașov County0.937 km (0.582 mi)Single-bore1878[3]
Tălăşmani Tunnel3.33 km (2.07 mi)1911
Danes Tunnel0.969 km (0.602 mi)2017
Filești TunnelGalați County0.77 km (0.48 mi)1898
Sighișoara TunnelSighișoara0.401 km (0.249 mi)double track2017

Other tunnels

Lotru-Ciunget TunnelCiungetu13.719 km (8.525 mi)Single-boreHidroconstrucția1972
Poiana Brașov water TunnelPoiana Brașov0.9 km (0.56 mi)Single-bore2018

See also


  1. "Cele mai lungi tuneluri din România. Tunelul rutier Capra-Bâlea de pe Transfăgărăşan, cel mai lung din ţară, săpat în munte cu 20 de tone de dinamită".
  2. Cel mai lung tunel din România. Unde se va face și când va fi lansată licitația
  3. ^ Michael Wedekind: Der Siebenbürgische Karpatenverein (1880–1944). Ein Beitrag zur sozialgeschichte Siebenbürgens. Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster 2004, p. 7.
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