List of style guide abbreviations

This list of style guide abbreviations provides the meanings of the abbreviations that are commonly used as short ways to refer to major style guides. They are used especially by editors communicating with other editors in manuscript queries, proof queries, marginalia, emails, message boards, and so on.

Abbreviation Style guide Organization Field/subject Principal national variety Reference
ACSACS styleAmerican Chemical Societychemistry, chemical
ASG Apple Style Guide Apple Inc. general American
AHDThe American Heritage Dictionary of the English LanguageHoughton Mifflin
AMAAMA Manual of StyleAmerican Medical Associationmedicine, health
APAP StylebookAssociated Pressjournalism, wire
APAAPA styleAmerican Psychological Associationpsychology, social
BCEButcher’s Copy-editingCambridge University Pressgeneral; publishingBritish
BSHThe Business Style HandbookMcGraw-Hillbusiness writingAmerican
CBEScientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 6th edition, now called Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and PublishersCouncil of Science Editors back when it was called the Council of Biology Editorsscience, especially life sciencesAmerican
CGELCambridge Grammar of the English LanguageCambridge University Pressgrammar and usageBritish
CGEUCambridge Guide to English UsageCambridge University Pressgrammar and usageBritish
CMOSThe Chicago Manual of StyleUniversity of Chicago Pressgeneral use,
CMS (less commonly used than CMOS)The Chicago Manual of StyleUniversity of Chicago Pressgeneral use,
CSEScientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and PublishersCouncil of Science Editorsscience, especially life sciencesAmerican
GMAUGarner's Modern American UsageOxford University Pressgrammar and usageAmerican
GPOU.S. Government Printing Office Style ManualUnited States Government Publishing Officegovernment
GRMThe Gregg Reference ManualMcGraw-Hill Higher Educationbusiness records and correspondenceAmerican,
ISNAD The ISNAD Citation Style Sivas Cumhuriyet University - Abdullah Demir general use, publishing Turkish, English, Persian, Arabic
ISO 690ISO 690International Organization for StandardizationgeneralAmerican
MAUModern American Usage by Follett, often called Follett's Modern American Usagegrammar and usageAmerican
MEUBFowler’s Modern English Usage, Burchfield editiongrammar and usageBritish
MEUFFowler’s Modern English Usage, Fowler editiongrammar and usageBritish
MEUGFowler’s Modern English Usage, Gowers editiongrammar and usageBritish
MHRAMHRA Style GuideModern Humanities Research AssociationhumanitiesBritish
MLAMLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly PublishingModern Language
MLAHThe MLA Handbook for Writers of Research PapersModern Language
MSTPMicrosoft Manual of Style for Technical PublicationsMicrosofttechnical writing on IT topicsAmerican
MWCMerriam-Webster’s Collegiate
MWCDMerriam-Webster’s Collegiate
MWDSMerriam-Webster’s Dictionary of SynonymsMerriam-WebstergeneralAmerican
MWDEUMerriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English UsageMerriam-Webstergrammar and usageAmerican
MWEUMerriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English UsageMerriam-Webstergrammar and usageAmerican
MWGMerriam-Webster’s Guide to Punctuation and StyleMerriam-WebstergeneralAmerican
MWMMerriam-Webster’s Manual for Writers and Editors (2nd ed. of MWSM)Merriam-WebstergeneralAmerican
MWNI2Merriam-Webster’s New International Dictionary (Unabridged, 2nd ed.)Merriam-WebstergeneralAmerican
MWI3Merriam-Webster's Third New International Dictionary (Unabridged)Merriam-WebstergeneralAmerican
MWSMMerriam-Webster’s Standard American Style ManualMerriam-WebstergeneralAmerican
NHRNew Hart’s RulesOxford University Pressgeneral use, > New Hart's Rules search filter
NYTNew York Times Manual of Style and UsageThe New York TimesjournalismAmerican
ODSWEOxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and EditorsOxford University Pressscience writing, technical writingBritish
ODWEOxford Dictionary for Writers and EditorsOxford University PressgeneralBritish
OEDOxford English DictionaryOxford University PressgeneralBritish
OSCOLA Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities Faculty of Law, University of Oxford law British
OSMOxford Style Manual (combines ODWE and a fuller predecessor of NHR)Oxford University PressgeneralBritish
RILMThe RILM Manual of StyleRépertoire International de Littérature Musicalewriting on musicAmerican
S&WElements of Style (Strunk and White)generalAmerican
TKEThe King's English (Fowler and Fowler)grammar and usageBritish
TurA Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabiangeneral, especially academic papersAmerican
URMUniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, now called the ICMJE recommendationsInternational Committee of Medical Journal Editorsscientific journals, especially life sciences and medical journalsInternational
WITWords into TypePrentice Hallgeneral use, publishingAmerican

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