List of cartoonists
This is a list of cartoonists, visual artists who specialize in drawing cartoons. This list includes only notable cartoonists and is not meant to be exhaustive.
Notable cartoonists
- Scott Adams, Dilbert
- Charles Addams (1938-1988), macabre cartoons featured in The New Yorker and elsewhere
- Attila Adorjany
- Sarah Andersen, known for Sarah's Scribbles
- Barry Appleby
- Sergio Aragonés, known for his contributions to Mad
- Graciela Aranis (1908-1996), Chilean painter, cartoonist
- Arotxa (Rodolfo Arotxarena)
- Jim Bamber, cartoonist of Autosport, magazine specialising in motor sports
- Edgar Henry Banger
- Carl Barks, inventor of Duckburg and many of its characters like Scrooge McDuck and Gladstone Gander; Fantagraphics Books called him "the Hans Christian Andersen of comic books."[1]
- Sumanta Baruah
- Aminollah Rezaei
- Niko Barun
- Darrin Bell, Candorville and Rudy Park
- Steve Bell, The Guardian (UK)
- Stephen Bentley, "Herb and Jamaal"
- Oscar Berger, Aesop's Foibles (1947); active 1920s–1960s
- Mark Beyer, Amy and Jordan, Agony
- Brumsic Brandon Jr., "Luther"; with his daughter Barbara Brandon-Croft, first family of cartoonists (father/daughter) to each be nationally syndicated in the U.S. mainstream press
- Barbara Brandon-Croft, "Where I'm Coming From"; first Black woman cartoonist to be nationally syndicated in the U.S. mainstream press
- Berkeley Breathed, Bloom County and Outland
- Frédéric-Antonin Breysse
- Ed Brubaker
- Tom Bunk, cartoonist for Mad
- Stanley Burnside, Sideburns[2]
- Mark Burrier
- John Byrne
- Al Capp, Li'l Abner
- Tom Cheney, staff cartoonist for The New Yorker
- Edgar Church
- Chester Commodore, political cartoonist
- George Cruikshank
- Isaac Cruikshank
- Isaac Robert Cruikshank
- Robert Crumb, Mr. Natural, Fritz the Cat, Keep on Truckin'
- Natalie d'Arbeloff
- Jack Davis
- Jim Davis, Garfield
- Abner Dean
- Arifur Rahman
- Narayan Debnath, Indian cartoonist known for Handa Bhonda, Bantul the Great, and Nonte Phonte
- Richard Decker, The New Yorker
- Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck
- Ralph Waddell Douglass
- Stan Drake
- George du Maurier, also the author of Trilby
- Robert W. Edgren, American political cartoonist known for his "Sketches from Death" from the Spanish–American War
- Will Eisner, The Spirit
- Otto Eppers
- Charles Evenden
- Lyonel Feininger, rare fine artist who did strips, The Kin-der-Kids and Wee Willie Winkie's World
- Rod Filbrandt
- David Fletcher
- Ellen Forney
- André François
- André Franquin, Spirou et Fantasio, Gaston Lagaffe, Marsupilami
- Yuliy Abramovich Ganf, Soviet Russian
- Eddie Germano
- Denis Gifford, strips in Whizzer and Chips, Knockout, Marvelman
- Carl Giles
- James Gillray, called "the father of the political cartoon".
- John Glashan, Genius
- Rube Goldberg, cartoons of complex and convoluted machines doing very simple tasks.
- Larry Gonick, The Cartoon History of the Universe series, Kokopelli & Company
- Cleven "Goodie" Goudeau, known for his pioneering Afrocentric images on greeting cards
- Jimmy Gownley, Amelia Rules! series, Simon & Schuster
- Bud Grace, "Ernie/Piranha Club"
- Mel Graff, “The Adventures of Patsy”, “Secret Agent X-9”
- Matt Groening, Life in Hell, The Simpsons, Futurama
- Sam Gross, for his The New Yorker work, plus many other magazines
- Shekhar Gurera, well known for his accurate prick of quirky cartoons at India's political and social trends
- William Haefeli
- Martin Handford, Where's Wally?
- Steven Harris
- Andrew Kennaway Henderson
- Henfil, Brazilian cartoonist
- Hergé, The Adventures of Tintin
- George Herriman, Krazy Kat
- Herblock American cartoonist
- Watson Heston
- Stephen Hillenburg (1961-2018), SpongeBob SquarePants
- Bill Hinds, "Tank McNamara"
- Dick Hodgins, Jr.
- William Hogarth, English pictorial satirist and editorial cartoonist; credited with pioneering western sequential art; work ranged from realistic portraiture to comic strip
- Bill Holbrook, On the Fastrack, Safe Havens, and Kevin and Kell
- Nicole Hollander, Sylvia
- John Holmstrom
- Geoff "Jeff" Hook, Australian
- George William Houghton, British golf cartoonist
- Jim Hummel
- Edgar Pierre Jacobs, Blake and Mortimer
- Al Jaffee, Mad
- Kirk Jarvinen
- S. Jithesh, World's Fastest Performing Cartoonist
- Herbert Johnson
- Mike Judge, Beavis and Butt-head, King of the Hill, The Goode Family
- Arja Kajermo
- Avi Katz
- Bil Keane, "Family Circus"
- Jeff Keane. "Family Circus"
- Walt Kelly, Pogo
- Rik Kemp
- Molly Kiely
- Wyncie King
- Jeff Kinney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Rick Kirkman, "Baby Blues"
- Heinrich Kley
- B. Kliban
- John Kricfalusi, The Ren & Stimpy Show
- Gary Larson, The Far Side
- Rick Law, Beyond the Veil
- R K Laxman, cartoonist for The Times of India, India
- Mell Lazarus. "Momma, Miss Peach"
- John Leech, 19th-century Punch cartoonist
- Jonathan Lemon, Alley Oop
- Michael Leunig, Australian
- Arnold Levin
- David Low, New Zealand political cartoonist and caricaturist
- David Liljemark
- Neil Lonsdale (1907–1989), New Zealand editorial cartoonist
- Jay Lynch
- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park
- Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy, American Dad!, The Cleveland Show
- Butch Hartman, The Fairly OddParents, T.U.F.F. Puppy, Danny Phantom, Bunsen Is a Beast
- Manjul, India Today, The Economic Times and Daily News and Analysis
- Bob Mankoff, The New Yorker
- Jack Markow
- Enrico Mazzanti
- Scott McCloud, Zot!, Understanding Comics
- Aaron McGruder, The Boondocks
- Ronald Michaud
- Yevgeniy Migunov
- Mario Miranda, The Economic Times, India
- Shigeru Mizuki, Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro, master of horror of Japanese manga
- Guillermo Mordillo
- Lorin Morgan-Richards
- Morris, Lucky Luke
- Joe Murray, Rocko's Modern Life and Camp Lazlo!
- Rachel Nabors
- Ogden Nash
- Nigar Nazar, first female cartoonist of the Muslim world, creator of cartoon character "Gogi"
- Roy Nelson
- Mana Neyestani, Iranian cartoonist
- Ajit Ninan, India Today and The Times of India
- Floyd Norman
- Murray Olderman, sports columnist, author of 14 books, National Cartoonist Society Sports Cartoon Award for 1974 and 1978
- Jack Edward Oliver
- Jackie Ormes, "Torchy Brown in 'Dixie to Harlem", "Candy", "Patty-Jo 'n' Ginger", "Torchy in 'Hearbeats'"; first Black woman cartoonist to be published nationally in the U.S. (not via syndication)
- Bruce Ozella
- Paul Palnik, American Jewish cartoonist
- Gary Panter
- Virgil Franklin Partch, known as "VIP;" leading American gag cartoonist from the 1940s to the 1980s
- Alan Stuart Paterson, New Zealand cartoonist
- Andrea Pazienza
- René Pellos, French cartoonist
- Bob Penuelas, Wilbur Kookmeyer
- Camillus Perera
- Bruce Petty
- Peyo, The Smurfs, Steven Strong, Johan and Peewit
- S. D. Phadnis, Indian cartoonist
- Ziraldo Alves Pinto; Brazilian cartoonist
- Hugo Pratt, Corto Maltese
- Ken Pyne
- Quino (Joaquín Salvador Lavado), Argentine cartoonist and social satirist, known for Mafalda
- Jacki Randall
- Roy Raymonde, English cartoonist whose work appeared principally in Punch (magazine) and Playboy
- Bob Rich, American award-winning cartoonist.
- W. Heath Robinson, British satirist known for drawings of convoluted machines, similar to Rube Goldberg
- Christine Roche
- Artie Romero
- Ed "Big Daddy" Roth
- Thomas Rowlandson
- Martin Rowson
- Øystein Runde
- Malik Sajad Indian cartoonist, author of graphic novel Munnu - A Boy from Kashmir'
- Armando Salas
- Gerald Scarfe ( political)
- Jerry Scott, "Baby Blues, Zits"
- Ronald Searle, St Trinians, Molesworth, The Rake's Progress, editorial work
- Elzie Crisler Segar, Popeye
- Sempé
- Claude Serre
- James Affleck Shepherd
- Lee Sheppard
- Gilbert Shelton
- Mahmoud Shokraye
- Shel Silverstein
- Posy Simmonds, The Silent Three of St Botolph's, Gemma Bovery
- Siné
- Jeff Smith, Bone, RASL, Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil, Little Mouse Gets Ready
- Mauricio de Sousa, Monica's Gang, Chuck Billy 'n' Folks, The Cavern Clan
- Art Spiegelman, author of Maus; co-editor of RAW magazine
- Dan Spiegle
- George Sprod, Punch and other publications
- Ralph Steadman, editorial cartoonist and book illustrator
- Ralph Stein
- Saul Steinberg
- Jay Stephens
- Matt Stone, with Trey Parker, co-creator of South Park
- Jakob Martin Strid
- Ed Subitzky, known for his National Lampoon work, also The New York Times
- Joost Swarte, Dutch comic artist known for his ligne claire or clear line style of drawing
- Betty Swords
- Les Tanner, political cartoonist
- Howard Tayler, pioneered web-cartooning as a profession
- Raina Telgemeier
- Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, Phoenix; known as the "God" of Japanese manga who defined modern Japanese cartooning
- Bal Thackeray, formed a political party in India
- Lefred Thouron
- Morrie Turner, credited with the first multicultural syndicated cartoon strip
- Albert Uderzo, Asterix
- Jim Unger, Canadian cartoonist: Herman
- Willy Vandersteen, Spike and Suzy, De Rode Ridder
- Joan Vizcarra
- Vicco von Bülow, Loriot
- Keith Waite, New Zealand-born English editorial cartoonist
- Mort Walker, Beetle Bailey, Hi and Lois
- Arthur Watts
- Ben Wicks, Canadian cartoonist and illustrator: The Outsider, Wicks
- S. Clay Wilson, Zap Comix, Underground Comix
- Shannon Wright
- Rhie Won-bok
- Bianca Xunise, "Six Chix"; first nonbinary cartoonist to be nationally syndicated in the U.S. mainstream press
- Art Young
- José Zabala-Santos
- Zapiro
Cartoonists of comic strips
- Scott Adams, Dilbert
- Alex Akerbladh
- Bill Amend, FoxTrot
- George Baker, Sad Sack
- Tom Batiuk, Funky Winkerbean
- Murray Ball, Footrot Flats
- Darrin Bell, Candorville, Rudy Park
- Stephen Bentley, "Herb and Jamaal"
- Jerry Bittle
- Boulet, pseudonym of French cartoonist Gilles Roussel
- Brumsic Brandon Jr., "Luther"
- Barbara Brandon-Croft, "Where I'm Coming From"
- Berkeley Breathed, Bloom County (1980s American social-political), Outland, Opus
- Dave Breger, Mister Breger
- Dik Browne, Hi and Lois, Hägar the Horrible
- Ernie Bushmiller, Nancy
- Milton Caniff, Terry and the Pirates, Steve Canyon
- Al Capp, Li'l Abner
- Ad Carter, Just Kids
- Jok Church, You Can With Beakman and Jax
- Francis Cleetus, It's Geek 2 Me
- Mitch Clem, Nothing Nice to Say, San Antonio Rock City
- Darby Conley, Get Fuzzy
- Joan Cornellà
- Dave Coverly, Speed Bump
- Max Crivello
- Stan Cross, The Potts
- Stacy Curtis, Cul de Sac
- Lyman Dally, Max Rep
- Harry Grant Dart
- Lou Darvas
- Jim Davis, Gnorm Gnat, Garfield, U.S. Acres, a Mr. Potato Head comic strip
- Reginald Ben Davis
- Derf Backderf (John Backderf)
- Brad Diller
- J. C. Duffy, The Fusco Brothers
- Edwina Dumm
- Frank Dunne
- Benita Epstein, Six Chix
- Larry Feign, The World of Lily Wong
- Norm Feuti, Retail
- George Fett, Sniffy and Norbert
- Charles Fincher, creator of Thadeus & Weez and The Daily Scribble
- Bud Fisher, Mutt and Jeff
- Ham Fisher, Joe Palooka
- Evelyn Flinders, The Silent Three
- Harold Rudolf Foster, Prince Valiant and Tarzan
- J.D. Frazer, User Friendly
- David Füleki, 78 Tage auf der Straße des Hasses
- Paul Gilligan, Pooch Cafe
- Erich von Götha de la Rosière
- Chester Gould, Dick Tracy
- Bud Grace, "Ernie/Piranha Club", "Babs and Aldo"
- Mel Graff, “The Adventures of Patsy”, “Secret Agent X-9”
- Bill Griffith, Zippy the Pinhead
- Cathy Guisewite, Cathy
- Nicholas Gurewitch, Perry Bible Fellowship
- Alex Hallatt
- Johnny Hart, B.C., The Wizard of Id
- Bill Hinds, Tank McNamara, Cleats, Buzz Beamer
- Bill Holman, Smokey Stover
- Daniel Hulet
- Billy Ireland
- Tatsuya Ishida, Sinfest
- Tove and Lars Jansson, The Moomins
- Ferd Johnson, Moon Mullins
- Kerry G. Johnson, Harambee Hills, caricaturist and children's book illustrator
- Russell Johnson, Mister Oswald
- Lynn Johnston, For Better or For Worse
- Eric Jolliffe, Andy
- Bil Keane, Family Circus
- Jeff Keane, Family Circus
- Walt Kelly, Pogo
- James Kemsley, Ginger Meggs
- Hank Ketcham, Dennis the Menace
- Kazu Kibuishi, Copper
- Frank King, Gasoline Alley
- Rick Kirkman, "Baby Blues"
- Keith Knight, The K Kronicles
- Charles Kuhn, Grandma
- Fred Lasswell, Barney Google
- Mell Lazarus, "Momma, Miss Peach"
- Virginio Livraghi
- Les Lumsdon, "Basil", "Nipper", "Caspar"
- Edgar Martin
- Clifford McBride, Napoleon
- Winsor McCay, Little Nemo
- Patrick McDonnell, Mutts
- Brian McFadden, Big Fat Whale
- Aaron McGruder, creator of the controversial strip The Boondocks
- George McManus, Bringing Up Father
- Caesar Meadows
- Dale Messick, Brenda Starr
- Tim Molloy
- Bill Murray, Sonny Boy
- Fred Negro, Pub Strip
- Chris Onstad, Achewood
- Jackie Ormes, "Torchy Brown in 'Dixie to Harlem'", "Torchy in 'Heartbeats'"
- Phil Ortiz
- Frode Øverli, Pondus
- Nina Paley, Nina's Adventures, Fluff, The Hots
- Brant Parker, The Wizard of Id
- Stephan Pastis, Pearls Before Swine
- Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor, Alex
- Mike Peters, Mother Goose & Grimm
- Keats Petree
- Stan Pitt, Larry Flynn, Detective
- Vic Pratt
- Dariush Ramezani
- John Rivas, Bonzzo
- Valentina Romeo, Jonathan Steele, Dylan Dog, Morgan Lost, Nathan Never
- Leigh Rubin, Rubes
- Warren Sattler, Grubby, Billy the Kid and Yang, as well as contributing artist for Barnaby daily, The Jackson Twins, Bringing Up Father and Hi and Lois
- Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts, Young Pillars
- Jerry Scott, "Baby Blues, Zits, Nancy"
- Caroll Spinney, Harvey
- Lee W. Stanley, The Old Home Town
- Kris Straub, Starslip Crisis, Checkerboard Nightmare
- Henry Matthew Talintyre
- Harold Tamblyn-Watts
- Russell Taylor and Charles Peattie, Alex
- Richard Thompson, Cul de Sac
- Jim Toomey, Sherman's Lagoon
- Harry J. Tuthill, The Bungle Family
- Gustave Verbeek, The Upside Downs, The Terrors of the Tiny Tads
- Mort Walker, Beetle Bailey, Hi and Lois
- Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes
- Bob Weber, Moose & Molly
- Monty Wedd, Ned Kelly
- Alex Williams, Queen's Counsel
- Tom Wilson, Ziggy
Cartoonists of single-panel cartoons
- Charles Addams
- Gene Ahern
- Glen Baxter
- Belsky
- Rupert Besley
- Charles Boyce, Compu-Toon
- Barry Bradfield
- Sheree Bradford-Lea
- Bo Brown
- Ivan Brunetti
- John Callahan
- Irwin Caplan
- Patrick Chappatte (Chappatte)
- Roz Chast
- Chumy Chúmez
- Mariza Dias Costa
- Wilbur Dawbarn
- Chon Day
- Donelan
- Denise Dorrance
- Nick Downes
- Mort Drucker
- Vladimir Flórez
- Stanley Arthur Franklin
- Carl Giles (Giles), Daily Express
- Ted Goff
- Bud Grace
- Sam Gross
- Dick Guindon
- William Haefeli
- Jessica Hagy
- Baron Halpenny
- Sidney Harris
- William Haselden
- Bill Hoest
- Judy Horacek
- Stan Hunt
- Hank Ketcham
- Ted Key
- John F. Knott, creator of Old Man Texas, Dallas Morning News, 1905-1957 [3]
- Clyde Lamb
- Gary Larson
- Mel Lazarus
- Robert Leighton
- George Lichty
- Mike Lynch
- Lorin Morgan-Richards
- Fred Neher
- John Norment
- Don Orehek
- Jackie Ormes, "Candy", "Patty-Jo 'n' Ginger"
- W. B. Park
- Virgil Partch
- Dave Pascal
- Mad Peck
- Matt Percival
- Martin Perscheid
- Josefina Tanganelli Plana
- Gardner Rea
- John Reiner
- Dan Reynolds
- Mischa Richter
- Victoria Roberts
- Burr Shafer
- Vahan Shirvanian
- Chris Slane
- Grant Snider
- Dan Steffan
- James Thurber
- Jerry Van Amerongen
- H. T. Webster
- Gluyas Williams
- J. R. Williams, Out Our Way
- Gahan Wilson
- George Wolfe
- Kevin Woodcock
- Bianca Xunise
- Bill Yates
- ZAK, pseudonym of Belgian cartoonist Jacques Moeraert
- Zero
Cartoonists of comic books
- Carlo Ambrosini
- Jack Herbert
- Sergio Aragones, Mad; creator of Groo
- Daniel A. Baker
- Ken Battefield
- Bill Benulis, War is Hell
- Dawn Best
- Steve Bialik
- François Bourgeon, Le Cycle de Cyann
- Anna Brandoli
- Reg Bunn
- Ben Caldwell, creator of the Dare Detectives
- Aldo Capitanio
- Onofrio Catacchio
- Domitille Collardey
- Carlo Cossio, Dick Fulmine
- Jason Craig
- Hugleikur Dagsson
- Dame Darcy, creator of Meat Cake
- Patryck de Froidmont
- Gianni De Luca, Commissario Spada
- Dan DeCarlo, Archie, Josie and the Pussycats, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
- Kim Deitch creator of Waldo the Cat and comic novels
- Vince Deporter, DC Comics; Nickelodeon, Spirou (Belgium)
- Julie Doucet, creator of Dirty Plotte, My New York Diary
- Will Elder, Mad, Little Annie Fanny in Playboy
- Steve Fiorilla, mini-comics
- Andy Fish
- Brad W. Foster, creator of Mechthings mini-comics, The Mechthings, Adventures of Olivia mini-comics
- Chandra Free
- Vernon Grant, creator of The Love Rangers
- Dick Hafer
- Marc Hansen, creator of Ralph Snart
- Los Bros Hernandez, creators of Love and Rockets
- Don Hillsman II
- Yvonne Hutton
- Al Jaffee, Mad, Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions
- Robyn E. Kenealy
- Helena Klakocar
- Andrea Kruis
- Harvey Kurtzman, founding editor of Mad
- Antonio Lara de Gavilán
- Selena Lin
- Craig McKay
- Mark Marderosian
- David Messer, adaptations of Macbeth and the Tempest
- Erika Moen
- Colonel Moutarde
- Art Nugent
- Gaman Palem
- Fung Chin Pang
- Power Paola
- Eduardo Vañó Pastor
- Craig Phillips
- Darren Sanchez
- Seth, creator of Palookaville
- Ravi Shankar
- Pran Kumar Sharma, Chacha Chaudhary
- Jeff Smith, Bone Book
- Cal Sobrepeña
- Fermín Solís
- Hans Steinbach
- Kazimir Strzepek
- Ramon Torrents
- Przemysław Truściński
- Jhonen Vasquez, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee!, I Feel Sick, Everything Can be Beaten, Fillerbunny, Bad Art Collection, Happy Noodle Boy
- Wally Wood, Mad
- Chao Yat
- Carlos Zéfiro
- Laura Zuccheri, Ken Parker, Julia-le avventure di una criminologa
Cartoonists of action/superhero comic books
- Kyle Baker, creator of Why I Hate Saturn
- Barry Bradfield, Batman: The Animated Homepage
- Greg Brooks
- Jack Cole, creator of Plastic Man, later set the style for cartoons in Playboy
- Alan Davis, creator of ClanDestine
- Steve Ditko, creator of many Marvel Comics, including Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, with editor Stan Lee
- Will Eisner, creator of The Spirit, teacher, publisher, one of the first to popularize the term graphic novel, in his book A Contract with God
- Bob Kane, creator of The Batman with writer Bill Finger
- Jack Kirby, creator of Captain America with his partner Joe Simon, and many other comics
- Erik Larsen, creator of Savage Dragon
- Rob Liefeld, creator of Deadpool and Youngblood
- Jim McDermott
- Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn
- Shawn McManus
- Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy
- Frank Miller, creator of Sin City
- James O'Barr, creator of The Crow
- Paul Palnik, creator of The God of Cartoons
- Whilce Portacio
- Humberto Ramos
- Roberto Raviola, creator of La Compagnia della Forca
- Shelby Robertson
- Alberto Saichann
- Tim Sale
- Horacio Sandoval
- Marc Silvestri, creator of Cyberforce and The Darkness
- Dave Sim, creator of Cerebus
- Jeff Smith, creator of Bone
- Ed Tourriol
- Alain Voss
See also
- A Timeless Classic For All Ages - Fantagraphics Books
- Ruprecht, Alvina Roberta; Taiana, Cecilia (1995). Reordering of Culture: Latin America, the Caribbean and Canada in the Hood. McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP. p. 415. ISBN 978-0-88629-269-0.
- Handbook of Texas Online. Texas State Historical Association, Austin, Texas.
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