List of banned political parties

This is a list of political parties that were or are currently banned.

By country


In 1943, Pedro Pablo Ramírez banned all political parties after overthrowing the government.[1]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
National Democratic Party Far-right 1988


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Algerian Communist Party Arabic: لحزب الشيوعي الجزائري, French: Parti Communiste Algérien Communism, Marxism-Leninism 1962
Algerian National Movement Arabic: لحركة الوطنية الجزائرية, Berber languages: Amussu Aɣelnaw Adzayri, French: Mouvement National Algérien
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party of Algeria Arabic: حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي في الجزائر, romanized: Hizb Al-Ba'ath Al-Arabi Al-Ishtiraki fy Aljeza'ir, French: Parti Ba'ath Arabe Socialiste d'Algérie Neo-Ba'athism, Saddamism [2]
Étoile Nord-Africaine (North African Star) Arabic: نجم شمال أفريقيا 1937
Islamic Salvation Front Arabic: الجبهة الإسلامية للإنقاذ, romanized: al-Jabhah al-Islāmiyah lil-Inqādh, French: Front Islamique du Salut Anti-democracy, Islamism, Jihadism, Qutbism 1992
Liberal Social Party French: Parti Social Libéral 1998 [3]
Party of the Socialist Revolution Arabic: حزب الثورة الاشتراكية,French: Parti de la Révolution Socialiste Socialism
Wafaa 2000 [4]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Bhutan People's Party Democratic socialism, Lhotshampa interests 1990 [5]
Communist Party of Bhutan (Marxist–Leninist–Maoist) Communism, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, republicanism 2003


The Brazilian Communist Party was suppressed during the Vargas Era, but were later able to participate in the 1945 and 1947 elections. However, the party was banned by Eurico Gaspar Dutra in May 1947, and all of its elected officials, baring those elected with support from other parties, were removed from office.[6]

Brazilian Integralist Action was banned after the Integralist Uprising in 1938.[7]

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Brazilian Communist Party Communism 1947 [6]
Brazilian Integralist Action Brazilian Integralism 1938 [7]


All political parties were banned in Bulgaria in 1934.[8]

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Ratniks Nazism 1939 [9]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
National Unity Party (Canada) Far-right, 1940


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Cambodia National Rescue Party Khmer: គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ Anti-Vietnamese sentiment, civic nationalism, liberalism, populism 2017

Czech Republic

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Workers' Party Czech nationalism, Right-wing populism, Far-right politics, 2010


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Democracy Party of China Chinese: 中国民主党; pinyin: Zhōngguó Mínzhǔ Dǎng Anti-communism, capitalism, liberal democracy, reformism
Inner Mongolian People's Party Mongolian: Өвөр Монголын Ардын Нам, romanized: Övör Mongolyn Aradyn Nam, Traditional Mongolian script: ᠥᠪᠥᠷ ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠤᠨ ᠠᠷᠠᠳ ᠤᠨ ᠨᠠᠮ, simplified Chinese: 内蒙古人民党; traditional Chinese: 內蒙古人民黨; pinyin: Nèiměnggǔ Rénmín Dǎng Inner Mongolian independence
Maoist Communist Party of China Chinese: 中国毛泽东主义共产党 Anti-revisionism, communism, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, revolutionism
National Democratic Party of Tibet Standard Tibetan: བོད་ཀྱི་རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་མང་གཙོ་ཚོགས་པ།, romanized: bod-kyi rgyal-yongs mang-gtso tshogs-pa, Chinese: 西藏全國民主黨 Cultural conservatism, constitutional monarchism, Tibetan nationalism
New Democracy Party of China simplified Chinese: 中国新民党; traditional Chinese: 中國新民黨; pinyin: Zhōngguó Xinmíndǎng Anti-communism, democracy
People's Party of Tibet Standard Tibetan: བོད་ཀྱི་མིམང་ཆབསྲིད་ཚོགས་པ། Liberalism, Middle Way Approach
Southern Mongolian Democratic Alliance Chinese: 南蒙古民主联盟 Inner Mongolian independence
Tibetan Improvement Party Standard Tibetan: ནུབ་བོད་ལེགས་བཅོས་སྐྱིད་སྡུག, romanized: nub-bod-legs-bcos-skyid-sdug, Chinese: 西藏革命黨 Secularism, Taiwanese independence, Three Principles of the People, Tibetan independence
Tibetan National Congress Standard Tibetan: བོད་རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་རང་བཙན་ལྷན་ཚོགས, Chinese: 西藏国民大会党 Tibetan independence, Tibetan nationalism, national conservatism
Turkistan Islamic Party Uyghur: تۈركىستان ئىسلام پارتىيىسى, romanized: Türkistan Islam Partiyisi, Chinese: 突厥斯坦伊斯兰党, Arabic: الحزب الإسلامي التركستاني, romanized: al-Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistān Islamic fundamentalism, pan-Islamism, Sinophobia, Uyghur nationalism
Union of Chinese Nationalists simplified Chinese: 中国泛蓝联盟; traditional Chinese: 中國泛藍聯盟 Anti-communism, Chinese nationalism, Chinese unification, civic nationalism, liberal conservatism, Three Principles of the People
Zhi Xian Party Chinese: 中国至宪党 Chinese New Left, Chongqing model, Maoism 2013 [10][11]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Anti-Coup Alliance Arabic: التحالف الوطني لدعم الشرعية Islamism 2014 [12]
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party - Egypt Region Arabic: حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي - مصر, romanized: Hizb Al-Ba'ath Al-Arabi Al-Ishtiraki – Misr Neo-Ba'athism, Saddamism
Democratic Movement for National Liberation Arabic: الحركة الديمقراطية للتحرر الوطنى Communism, Marxism, revolutionary socialism 1953
Egyptian Communist Organisation Arabic: المنظمة الشيوعية المصرية, romanized: al-Munaẓẓamah aš-Šiūʿīah al-Miṣriyyah Communism
Freedom and Justice Party Arabic: حزب الحرية والعدالة, romanized: Ḥizb al-Ḥurriyyah wa-l-ʿAdālah Islamism, mixed economy, social conservatism
Independence Party Arabic: حزب الاستقلال Islamism 2014 [13]
Jewish Anti-Zionist League Arabic: الرابطة الإسرائيلية لمكافحة الصهيونية Anti-colonialism, anti-racism, communism, Jewish anti-Zionism
Liberal Constitutional Party Arabic: حزب الاحرار الدستوريين, romanized: Ḥizb al-aḥrār al-dustūriyyīn Constitutionalism, social liberalism 1952
Muslim Brotherhood Arabic: جماعة الاخوان المسلمين, romanized: jamāʿat al-ʾiḫwān/al-ikhwan/el-ekhwan al-muslimīn Mixed economy, social conservatism, Sunni Islamism
National Democratic Party Arabic: الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي, romanized: Al-Ḥizb Al-Waṭanī Ad-Dīmūqrāṭī Egyptian nationalism, populism, social democracy 2011
Wafd Party Arabic: حزب الوفد, romanized: Ḥizb al-Wafd, lit.'Delegation Party' Egyptian nationalism, national liberalism 1952
Watani Party Arabic: ﺍﻟﺤﺰﺐ ﺍﻟﻮﻃﻨﻲ, romanized: al-Ḥizb al-Waṭanī, lit.'National Party' Anglophobia, anti-imperialism, Egyptian nationalism 1952
Workers Committee for National Liberation – Political Organisation for the Working Class Arabic: لجنة العمال للتحرير القومى- الهيئة السياسية للطبقة العاملة Anti-imperialism, socialism 1946
Young Egypt Party Arabic: حزب مصر الفتاة, romanized: Misr El-Fatah Agrarianism, antisemitism, Egyptian nationalism, fascism 1953


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Communist Party of Swaziland Communism [14]
Convention for Full Democracy in Swaziland [14]
Ngwane National Liberatory Congress [14]
Ngwane Socialist Revolutionary Party [14]
People's United Democratic Movement [14]
Swaziland National Front [14]


Name Native Name Ideology Year Banned Notes Reference
Communist Party of Georgiaსაქართველოს კომუნისტური პარტიაCommunism
CentristsცენტრისტებიRussophilia2016Banned from election[16]


All political parties were banned in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia after the annexation of Czechoslovakia.[17] During World War II political parties in Luxembourg and Norway were banned following their occupations by Germany.[18][19]

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Note(s) Reference(s)
National Socialist German Workers' Party German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP Nazism (specifically Hitlerism) 1945
Socialist Reich Party German: Sozialistische Reichspartei Deutschlands Nazism 1952 banned by Federal Constitutional Court
Communist Party of Germany German: Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands Communism 1956 banned by Federal Constitutional Court
People's Socialist Movement of Germany/Labour Party German: Volkssozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands/Partei der Arbeit Neo-Nazism, Strasserism 1982 banned as association, not considered a party
German Alternative German: Deutsche Alternative Neo-Nazism 1992 banned as association, not considered a party
National Offensive German: Nationale Offensive Neo-Nazism 1992 banned as association, not considered a party
Nationalist Front German: Nationalistische Front Neo-Nazism, Strasserism 1992 banned as association, not considered a party
Free German Workers' Party German: Freiheitliche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Neo-Nazism, Strasserism 1995 banned as association, not considered a party


Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas banned all political parties in 1936.[20] Golden Dawn was ruled as a criminal organization in 2020.[21] A law passed in 2023 prohibiting parties led by people convicted of crimes from running in elections resulted in Golden Dawn and National Party – Greeks being prohibited from the 2023 Greek legislative election.[22][23]

Name Native Name Ideology Year Banned Notes Reference
Golden DawnΧρυσή ΑυγήFascism, Neo-Nazism2020Ruled as a criminal organization[21]
KKEΚομμουνιστικό Κόμμα ΕλλάδαςCommunism1936Banned by Ioannis Metaxas, but semi-legalised in 1974


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Haitian Communist Party Haitian Creole: Parti Kominis Ayisyen, French: Parti Communiste Haitïen Communism, Marxism-Leninism 1936

Hong Kong

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Hong Kong National Party Yue Chinese: 香港民族黨 Hong Kong independence 2018 [24]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Islamic Iran Participation Front 2010 [25]
Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Organization 2010 [25]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Socialist Party of Indonesia Centre-left to left-wing 1960
Acoma Party Communism, Far-left 1965
Communist Party of Indonesia Communism, Far-left 1966


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Islamic Dawa Party [26]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Șor Party Russophilia, Hard euroscepticism 2023 [27][28]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Centre Party '86 Dutch nationalism, Right-wing populism, Far-right politics, 1998


King Tribhuvan of Nepal banned the Communist Party of Nepal.[29] The Nepali Congress, under the leadership of BP Koirala, won the 1959 election, but King Mahendra of Nepal dissolved the House of Representatives on 15 December 1960. The Rastriya Panchayat was formed and all political parties were banned.[30][29][31]

A referendum was held in 1980 to determine whether to maintain the Panchayat system or institute a multi-party system. The Panchayat system was maintained with 54% of the vote.[32] On 6 April 1990, King Birendra of Nepal ended the ban on political parties in response to the 1990 Nepalese revolution and the 1991 election was the first multi-party election since 1960.[33][34]

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Communist Party of Nepal Communism [29]
Nepali Congress Social democracy
Democratic socialism


Prime Minister Patriarch Miron of Romania banned all political parties in 1939.[35]

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Iron Guard Fascism 1939 [35]

South Korea

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Workers' Party of South Korea Communism, Far-left 1949
United Socialist Party of Korea Centre-left to left-wing 1967
New Democratic Party (South Korea) Far-left 1980
Unified Progressive Party Far-left 2014


Batasuna was the first political party banned following the end of Francisco Franco's dictatorship.[36]

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Batasuna Basque nationalism 2003 [36]

Sri Lanka

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Tamil United Liberation Front Sri Lankan Tamil nationalism 1983 [37]


Jaafar Nimeiry overthrew the government in 1969, and banned all political parties. He was overthrown by a coup d'état in 1985, and a new government was formed by Abdel Rahman Swar al-Dahab. He legalized political parties, but were banned again after Omar al-Bashir overthrew the government.[38][39]

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Sudanese Ba'ath Party Ba'athism [40]
Sudanese Communist Party Communism 1989 [41]


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Workers Party of Turkey Left-wing 1971
United Communist Party of Turkey Left-wing 1991
People's Labour Party (Turkey) Kurdish nationalist 1993
Democracy Party (Turkey) Kurdish nationalist 1994
People’s Democracy Party Kurdish nationalist 2003
Democratic Society Party Kurdish nationalist 2009


Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Communist Party of Ukraine (Soviet Union) Far-left 1991
Russian Bloc (party) Russophilia 2014
Russian Unity Russophilia 2014
Communist Party of Ukraine Far-left 2015
Communist Party of Ukraine (renewed) Far-left 2015
Communist Party of Workers and Peasants Far-left 2015
Opposition Platform — For Life Russophilia 2022
Opposition Bloc (2019) Russophilia 2022
Socialist Party of Ukraine Centre-left to left-wing, Russophilia 2022
Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine Syncretic, Russophilia 2022
Derzhava (Ukrainian party) Russophilia 2022
Union of Left Forces Left-wing, Russophilia 2022
Nashi (political party) Russophilia 2022
Left Opposition (Ukraine) Left-wing to far-left, Russophilia 2022
Volodymyr Saldo Bloc Блок Володимира Сальдо Regionalism, Russophilia 2022
Socialists (Ukraine) Соціалісти Centre-left to left-wing, Russophilia 2022
Party of Shariy Партія Шарія Russophilia, Libertarianism 2022

United States

Name Native name(s) Ideology Year banned Reference(s)
Communist Party USA Communism 1954 [42]


  1. "All Political Parties Banned In Argentina". Asheville Citizen-Times. 1 January 1944. p. 12. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  2. "Baath Party resumes underground activities". Al Arabiya English. September 8, 2008.
  3. "Algeria bans thirty political parties". BBC.
  4. "Algerian ban on WAFA party". European Parliament. 16 November 2000.
  5. "Bhutan Peoples' Party".
  6. Wesson & Fleischer 1983, p. 96.
  7. Wesson & Fleischer 1983, p. 12.
  8. "All Political Parties Banned". Calgary Herald. 13 June 1934. p. 13. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  9. "Nazi Political Party Banned In Bulgaria". Great Falls Tribune. 12 April 1939. p. 2. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  10. Shao, Heng. "Bizarre China Report: The Grand Wedding, Power Play & Smog-Inspired Creativity". Forbes.
  11. "Штайнмаєр: В українській кризі з′явилось слабке світло в кінці тунелю | Європа | DW.DE | 09.06.2014". September 8, 2014. Archived from the original on 2014-09-08.
  12. "Egypt's PM bans pro-Morsi NASL alliance - Politics - Egypt". Ahram Online.
  13. "Egypt: Court Bans Pro-Mursi Political Party". All Africa. Cairo. Aswat Misriya. 29 September 2014. Retrieved 7 December 2022.
  14. Ginindza 1994, p. 21.
  15. "Постановление Верховного Совета Республики Грузия от 26 августа 1991 г. о действиях Бюро Центрального Комитета Компартии Грузии, Абхазского республиканского комитета Компартии, бывшего Юго-Осетинского областного комитета Компартии и самозванного исполнительного комитета упраздненного Совета народных депутатов т. н. Южной Осетии во время событий, происшедших в СССР 19-21 августа 1991 года". 19 March 2010. Archived from the original on 8 October 2020. Retrieved 5 April 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  16. "Pro-Russian Party, Whose TV Ad Sparked Outcry, Banned from Election". Civil Georgia. 16 August 2018. Retrieved 2022-12-07.
  17. "Political Parties Banned". Great Falls Tribune. 29 March 1939. p. 2. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  18. "German Chief Decrees End Of Monarchy". Venice Vanguard. 25 September 1940. p. 1. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  19. "Political Parties Banned". The Buffalo News. 24 August 1940. p. 2 via
  20. "Political Parties Banned In Greece". Mail Tribune. 13 August 1936. p. 1. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  21. "Greek court rules far-right Golden Dawn leaders ran a crime group". Reuters. 7 October 2020. Archived from the original on 7 March 2023.
  22. "Greece bans parties with convicted leaders from running in elections". Reuters. 9 February 2023. Archived from the original on 7 March 2023.
  23. "Far-right party banned from upcoming election in Greece". ABC News. 9 February 2023. Archived from the original on 7 March 2023.
  24. "A political party in Hong Kong may soon make history by being banned". The Economist. 13 September 2018.
  25. "Iran jails 3 reformists, suspends opposition parties, bans paper". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 20 April 2010. p. 4. Archived from the original on 9 February 2023 via
  26. "Spy files on Iraqis found in Baghdad". LNP. 21 April 2003. p. 4. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  27. "Moldova bans pro-Russian Shor party after months of protests". Retrieved 2023-07-05.
  28. Tanas, Alexander (2023-06-19). "Moldova bans pro-Russian Shor party after months of protests". Reuters. Retrieved 2023-07-05.
  29. Upreti 1991, p. 372.
  30. CIA 1979, p. III.
  31. Upreti 1991, p. 376-377.
  32. Upreti 1991, p. 379-380.
  33. Raeper & Hoftun 1992, p. 126.
  34. "From the archive: April 9, 1990: Nepal king bows to protests". The Guardian. 9 April 2015. Archived from the original on 9 February 2023.
  35. "Basque party hobbled". Calgary Herald. 31 March 1939. p. 8. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  36. "Basque party hobbled". Arizona Daily Star. 27 August 2003. p. 8. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  37. "102 dead in Sri Lanka confirmed". Lewiston Daily Sun. 8 December 1984. p. 15. Archived from the original on 10 February 2023 via
  38. Metz 1992, p. 199.
  39. Metz 1992, p. 201.
  40. Metz 1992, p. 226.
  41. Metz 1992, p. 220.
  42. Click, Kane Madison. "Communist Control Act of 1954". Retrieved November 27, 2019.

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