List of ancient Greek writers

This is a list of most influential Greek authors of antiquity (by alphabetic order):

  1. Aeschines - Rhetorics
  2. Aeschylus - Tragedy
  3. Aesop - Fables
  4. Alcaeus of Mytilene - Lyric Poetry
  5. Alcman - Lyric Poetry
  6. Anacreon - Lyric Poetry
  7. Anaxagoras - Philosophy
  8. Anaximander - Philosophy, Mathematics
  9. Anaximenes - Philosophy, Mathematics
  10. Andocides - Rhetorics
  11. Antiphon - Rhetorics
  12. Apollodorus of Carystus - Comedy
  13. Aristophanes - Comedy
  14. Archimedes - Mathematics, Geometry
  15. Aristotle - Philosophy, Physics, Biology
  16. Aratus - Poetry, Astronomy
  17. Arrian - History
  18. Athanasius of Alexandria - Theology
  19. Bacchylides - Lyric Poetry
  20. Chionides - Comedy
  21. Chrysippus - Philosophy
  22. Claudius Ptolemy - Geography, Astronomy
  23. Clement of Alexandria - Theology, Philosophy
  24. Democritus - Philosophy, Chemistry
  25. Demosthenes - Rhetorics, Politics
  26. Dinarchus - Rhetorics
  27. Dinon - History
  28. Diodorus - History
  29. Diogenes Laërtius - History of Philosophy
  30. Duris of Samos - History
  31. Epicurus - Philosophy
  32. Epimenides of Knossos - Philosophy, Philosophical poetry
  33. Eubulus (poet) - Comedy
  34. Euclid of Megara - Mathematics, Geometry
  35. Euripides - Tragedy
  36. Evagrius Ponticus - Theology
  37. Gorgias - Philosophy
  38. Hegemon of Thasos - Comedy
  39. Heraclitus - Philosophy
  40. Herodotus of Halicarnassus - History
  41. Hesiod - Epic Poetry
  42. Hippocrates of Cos - Medicine
  43. Homer - Epic Poetry
  44. Hypereides - Rhetorics
  45. Iamblichus - Philosophy
  46. Ibycus of Rhegium - Lyric Poetry
  47. Irenaeus - Theology, Philosophy
  48. Isaeus - Rhetorics, Logography
  49. Isocrates - Rhetorics
  50. Justin the Martyr - Theology, Philosophy
  51. Leucippus - Philosophy, Atomism
  52. Lucian - Satire, Rhetoric
  53. Luke the Evangelist - Theology, Medicine, History
  54. Lycurgus of Athens - Rhetorics
  55. Lysias - Logography, Rhetorics
  56. Maximus the Confessor - Theology, Philosophy
  57. Menander - Comedy
  58. Melissus of Samos - Philosophy
  59. Nicomachus of Gerasa - Mathematics
  60. Origen - Theology, Philosophy
  61. Papias of Hierapolis - Theology
  62. Parmenides - Philosophy
  63. Pherecydes of Athens - Mythography, Logography
  64. Philo of Alexandria - Theology, Philosophy
  65. Pindar - Lyrical Poetry
  66. Plato - Philosophy
  67. Plutarch - History, Biography, Philosophy
  68. Posidippus (comic poet) - Comedy
  69. Protagoras - Philosophy
  70. Sappho of Lesbos - Lyric Poetry
  71. Simonides - Lyric Poetry
  72. Solon - Politics, Philosophy
  73. Sophocles - Tragedy
  74. Stesichorus - Lyric Poetry
  75. Strattis - Comedy
  76. Thales of Miletus - Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics
  77. Theocritus - Bucolic poetry
  78. Theognis of Megara - Lyric Poetry
  79. Theopompus - History
  80. Thucydides - History
  81. Xenarchus of Seleucia - Philosophy, Philology
  82. Xenophanes- Philosophy, Theology
  83. Xenophon - History
  84. Zeno of Citium - Philosophy
  85. Zeno of Elea - Philosophy

Further reading

  • Nisetich, Frank J., Pindar's Victory Songs. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980: translations and extensive introduction, background and critical apparatus.
  • Durant, Will (1926). The Story of Philosophy. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-671-69500-2.
  • Victor Davis Hanson, John Heath, Who Killed Homer: The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of Greek Wisdom, Encounter Books, 2001
  • The Canadian Museum of Civilization—Greece Secrets of the Past
  • Ancient Greece website from the British Museum Economic history of ancient Greece
  • The Greek currency history Limenoscope, an ancient Greek ports database
  • The Ancient Theatre Archive, Greek and Roman theatre architecture
  • Illustrated Greek History—Dr. Janice Siegel, Department of Classics, Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia
  • Whitmarsh, Tim (2004). Ancient Greek Literature. Cambridge: Polity Press. ISBN 0-7456-2792-7.
  • Beye, Charles Rowan (1987). Ancient Greek Literature and Society. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-1874-7.
  • C. A. Trypanis (1981). Greek Poetry from Homer to Seferis. University of Chicago Press.
  • Anonymous, 1780. The History and Amours of Rhodope. London: Printed for E.M Diemer.
  • John Purkis-The Greek Civilization
  • Greek Lyric II: Anacreon, Anacreontea, Choral Lyric from Olympis to Alcman (Loeb Classical Library) translated by David A. Campbell (June 1989) Harvard University Press ISBN 0-674-99158-3 (Original Greek with facing page English translations, an excellent starting point for students with a serious interest in ancient lyric poetry.)
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