List of Russian princely families
This is a list of princely families of Russia (Russian Empire)
The list includes:
- families of «natural» Russian princely stock - descended from old Russian dynasties (Rurik Dynasty) and Lithuania (Gediminovich and others);
- families, whose princely titles were granted by Russian Emperors;
- foreign princely families naturalised in Russia;
- Russian princely families, which were granted their titles by foreign sovereigns;
Princely families
- Princes Abamelek (Georgian, titular princes)
- Princes Abamelik-Lazarev
- Princes Abashidze (Georgian nobility, raised to titular princes in the Russian Empire)
- Princes Abashidze-Gorlenko
- Princes Abhazovy (Abkhazi)
- Princes Abhazovy (Anchipadze-Abhazovy, Abkhazi)
- Princes Abymelikovy (Russified family name of Princes Abamelik)
- Princes Avalov (Avalishvili) (Georgian appanage princes)
- Princes Agiashvili (Agiyashvili) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Akchurin (Tatar; non-titled, descendants of Mirza Akchura Adashev)
- Princes Amatuni
- Princes Amilakhori (Amilahvarovy) (Georgian nobility, raised to titular princes in the Russian Empire)
- Princes Amilahori (Amilakhori)
- Princes Amirejibi (Amirejibi, Amiredzhibovy) (Georgian appanage princes)
- Princes Andronicus (Andronikashvili) (Georgian nobility of royal descent)
- Princes Anchabadze (Achba, Achbovy) (Abkzazian royalties)
- Princes Apakidze (Georgian nobility of Tatar descent)
- Princes Argutinsky-Dolgorukov (Armenian-Georgian nobility, not related to the Dolgorukov family)
- Princes Argutinsky-Dolgorukov (Mhargdzeli-Argutashvili)
- Princes Asatiani
- Princes Akhvlediani
- Princes Babadyshevy (Babadishvili) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Babichevy (a branch of the Princes of Drutsk, descendants of Prince Ivan Semyonovich Baba-Drutsky)
- Princes Bagration (Georgian royal family; descendants of the king of Kartli Jesse I)
- Princess Bagration (descendants of King Alexander of Imereti V)
- Princes Bagration-Davydov (Bagration-Davitishvili)
- Princes Bagration Imeretian
- His Serene Highness Prince Bagration-Imeretian
- Princes Bagration of Mukhrani (3 kinds of the family)
- Princes Bahmanov also Persidskii (Persian; descendants of the Persian Prince Bahman Mirza; a branch of the Qajar dynasty, styled His Serene Highness)
- Princes Baratashvili (Barataevy) (7 genera) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Barclay de Tolly (a branch of Clan Barclay; relations of Michael Barclay de Tolly raised to titular princes of the Russian Empire in 1815)
- Princes Barclay de Tolly-Weimar (descendants of General Alexander Weymarn raised to Russian titular princes in 1859 as a relation to the Barclay de Tolly family)
- Princes Bayushevy (Tatar; descendants of Mirza Bayush Razgildyaev raised to the princely title in 1613)
- Princes Bebutov (Bebutashvili) (Georgian titular princes of Armenian origin; descended from merchants)
- Princes Begildeevy (Tatars raised to the princely title in Muscovy in the 17th century)
- Princes Begtabegovy (Begtabegishvili) (3 kinds) (Georgian nobility of Armenian descent, raised to titular princes in Russia)
- Princes Berezin (non-titled Vladimir-Suzdal Rurikids, descended from Prince Konstantin Yaroslavich, the younger brother of Alexander Nevsky)
- Princes Bezborodko (descendants of Cossack Hetmanate senior ranks; the branch descended from Count Alexander Bezborodko raised to titular princes (styled as 'serene highness') in 1797)
- Princes Beznosov (non-titled Rurikids from the Monastyroyv family)
- Princes Beloselsky (Rurikids, a branch of the Belozersky princely family)
- Princes Beloselsky-Belozersky (Rurikids, a branch of the Belozersky princely family, rulers of the Principality of Belozero)
- Princes Bielski (two families: Gediminids and Rurikids (from the Yaroslavl branch).
- Princes Bokeev (non-titled descendants of Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes Bolhovsky (Rurikids of disputed descent; according to Gennady Vlasiev, they were a branch of the Princes of Zvenigorod)
- Princes Boryatinsky (Baryatinsky) (Rurikids, descendants of the Princes of Chernigov)
- Princes Bunakov (non-titled Rurikids, descendants of the rulers of Karachev principality)
- Princes Cantacuzene
- Princes Cantacuzino (Moldavian nobility) counts Speransky
- Princes Cantemir (Kantemir) (a family of Moldavian voivodes descended from Tatar Kantimur-murza)
- Princes Chaabalyrhua (Abkhazian)
- Princes Chanyshevy (Tatar, non-titled; claimed descent from the Kasymov prince Chyanysh Temgenev))
- Princes Chavchavadze (3 kinds) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Chegodaevy (Tatar) (non-titled; descended from Chegoday-hodzha who became a Moscow vassal in the 16th century)
- Princes Chelokaevy or Cholokaevy (Cholokashvili)
- Princes Cherkassky (Cherkaska) (Caucasian royalties; descended from Temryuk (mid-1500s), the grand duke of Kabarda)
- Princes Cherkezov (Cherkezishvili) (2 kinds) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Chernyshevy (originated with Polish szlachta; descendants of Count Alexander Chernishov raised to titular princes, styled as 'serene highness')
- Princes Chhotua (Abkhazian)
- Princes Chichua (Abkhazian nobility)
- Princes Chijavadze (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Chikovani (Georgian appanage rulers)
- Princes Chingis (Чингисы) (Genghisids) (3 princely branches)
- Princes Chkheidze (3 branch of the family)
- Princes Chkotua
- Princes Chkotua
- Princes Cholokaevy (Cholokashvili) (2 branch of the family)
- Princes Czartoryski (Gediminids) (Polish princely house)
- Princes Dabija (Moldavian nobility)
- Princes Dadeshkeliani (Georgian petty princes)
- Princes Dadiani (Dadian) (Georgian appanage princes)
- Princes Dadiani (Dadianovy)
- Princes Dadian-Migrelskie and the Princes of Dadian (Dadiani)
- Princes Dashkovy (Tatar; non-titled, descendants of Mirza Dashek)
- Princes Dashkovy (extinct, Rurikids, Smolensk branch)
- Princes Devletkildeevy (Tatar; descendants of Baybas-Murza Devletkildeev)
- Princes Dgebuadze (Georgian lower nobility, served to Princes Dadiani)
- Princes Diasamidze (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Diveevy (Tatar; descendants of Mirza Divey Butakov syn Mokshev, granted with rulership over Mordva by Ivan the Terrible)
- Princes Dmitriev (Dmitriev-Netshin and Dmitriev-Mamonov) (non-titled branch of Smolensk Rurikids, descended from Prince Alexander Yuryevich Netsha; Dmitriev-Mamonov branch is originated with his great-grandson, Grigory Dmitiev-Netshin, nicknamed Mamon, a courtier at the court of Ivan III.
- Princes Dolgorukov (claimed descent to Princes Obolensky)
- Princes Dondukovy (descendants of Kalmyk ruler Donduk-Ombo)
- Princes Dondukov-Izedinovy
- Princes Dondukov-Korsakov
- Princes Drutsky (princely family of disputed descent; rulers of the Principality of Drutsk)
- Princes Drutsk-Lyubetskii (a branch of Princes Drutsky)
- Princes Dzapsh-Ipa (Abkhazian)
- Princes Dzhambakurian (Dzhambakur-Orbeliani, 4 branch of the family)
- Princes Dzhambakur-Orbelianovy (Orbeliani)
- Princes Dzhandierovy (Jandieri) (2 branch of the family)
- Prince Emukhvari (Emhaa, Emhua)
- Prince Endronikovy (Georgian princely family claiming descent from Byzantine Emperors)
- Prince Eristov (Georgian titular princes):
- Eristov (Aragvi) (2 branches of the family)
- Eristov (Gurian)
- Eristov (Ksani)
- Eristov (Racha)
- Princes Gagarin (Rurikids, a branch of the Princes of Starodub)
- Princes Gagarin-Sturdza
- Princes Galitzine (Gediminids)
- Princes Galitzine
- Princes Galitzine, counts of Osterman
- Princes Gantimurovy (descendants of the Tungusian chieftain Gantimur, a vassal to China)
- Princes Gedianovy (Tatar, descendants of Mirza Gedian who entered vassalage to Ivan the Terrible)
- Princes Gedianovy (Tatar)
- Princes Gelovani (Georgian high nobility)
- Princes Genghis (3 branch of the family) (Kazakh royal family descended from Khan Abulhair; Genghisids)
- Princes Giedroyc (Lithuanian princes, not Gediminids; claimed descent from Prince Gedrus, a relation of Grand Duke Traidenis)
- Princes Glinski (Lithuanian nobility; claimed descent from the Tatar warlord Mamai)
- Princes Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky
- Princes Golitsyn, Golovkin
- Princes Gorchakov (officially considered Rurikids; disputed genealogy, as the Rurikid prince they claimed descent from was not confirmed by written sources)
- Princes Gruzinsky (a branch of the Bagration royal family; the offspring of King Vakhtang V)
- Princes Gruzinsky (Kakhetian branch, the offspring of King Irakli II)
- Princes Gugunava (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Gundorovy (Rurikids, a branch of Princes Paletsky, descended from the Princes of Starodub)
- Princes Guramovy (Guramishvili) (2 kinds) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Gurgenidze
- Princes Gurieli (Georgian appanage princes)
- Princes Gyachba (Abkhazian)
- Princes Herkheulidze (Herheulidzevy) (2 kinds) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Hidirbegovy (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Hilkovy (Rurikids, a branch of the Princes of Starodub)
- Princes Himshievy (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Hodzhaminasovy (Georgian nobility of Armenian descent)
- Princes Holm
- Princes Hovansky (Gediminids)
- Princes Ilyinsky (then Prince Romanovsky Elijah)
- Princes Imeretian
- Princes Inal-Ipa (Abkhazian)
- Princes Isheevy (Tatar, non-titled; descended from Mirza Ishey Barashev))
- Princes Italsky, counts Suvorov-Rymniksky (titular princes of the Kingdom of Sardinia from Alexander Suvorov)
- Princes Japaridze
- Princes Javakhishvili (Dzhavahovy Zhevahovy)
- Princes Jorjadze (2 branch of the family)
- Princes Karalovy (Karalishvili)
- Princes Kargolomskie
- Princes Kasatkiny-Rostovsky (Rurikids, a branch of Princes of Rostov)
- Princes Kashin-Obolensky (a branch of the Obolensky family)
- Princes Katkov-Shalikov (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Kavkasidze
- Princes Kekuatovy (Keykuatovy) (Tatar; non-titled, descendants of a Nogai nobleman Atmanay Urusov syn Keykuatov)
- Princes Kildishevy (Tatar, non-titled; descendants of Mirza Ishmamet Kildishev))
- Princes Kipiani
- Princes Kobulov (Kobulashvili)
- Princes Kochakidze
- Princes Kochubey (descendants of Vasily Kochubey, a senior rank at the Cossack Hetmanate, claiming descent from a Crimean Tatar named Kuchuk-bey of supposedly princely origin).
- Princes Koltsovs-Mosalsky (a branch of the Mosalsky family, Lithuanian Rurikids)
- Princes Kondratevskaya
- Princes Koribut-Voronetskii (Gediminids, a branch of Princes Zbararzski)
- Princes Korkodinovy (Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes Kozelsky (Chernigov Rurikids)
- Princes Kozlovsky (Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes Kropotkin (Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes Kudashevy (2 type) (Tatar; non-titled, descendants of a Tatar nobleman Kudash))
- Princes Kugushevy (Tatar)
- Princes Kulunchakovy (Tatar; non-titled, descendants of Kulunchak Enikeev descended from ruler of Meschera)
- Princes Kurakins (Gediminids)
- Princes Kurbsky (possibly extinct; Yaroslavl Rurikids)
- Princes Kurtsevichi
- Princes Kutkiny (Tatar; non-titled, descended from Mirza Never Kutkin granted with a fief in Muscovy)
- Princes Kutyevy (Tatar)
- Princes Lieven (from Eastern Baltic gentry of German descent; raised to titular princes by Paul I)
- Princes Lionidze
- Princes Lobanov-Rostovsky (Rurikids, a branch of the Princes of Rostov)
- Princes Lopukhin (from Russian gentry, raised to titular princes (serene highness) for relation to the Romanovs through marriage; extinct)
- Princes Lopukhin (1995)
- Princes Lopukhin-Demidoff (on the rights of primogeniture; the descendants of Nikolay Demidov, a relation of the first Lopunin prince)
- Princes Lortkipanidze
- Princess Łowicz (Łowicz)
- Princes Lubomirski (Polish magnates; titular princes of the Holy Roman Empire)
- Princes of Lutsk (historical rulers of the Principality of Lutsk, Volhynia; Rurikids)
- Princes Lvov (Yaroslavl Rurikids)
- Princes Lyapunov (non-titled descendants of Vladimir-Suzdal Rurikids)
- Princes Lyschinskie-Troyekurov
- Princes Machabelovy (A favorite of Peter the Great, related to the Romanovs through marriage.)
- Princes Machutadze
- Princes Magalov (Maghalashvili)
- Princes Makayeu (Makashvili)
- Princes Maksimenishvili
- Princes Maksutov (Tatar; descendants of the princes of Kasimov)
- Princes Maksyutova (Tatar)
- Princes Mamatkazin-Sakaevy (Tatar)
- Princes Mamatov (Tatar; non-titled, descendants of Mirza Elizary Akmametievich Mamatov)
- Princes Mamleev (Tatar; descendants of Mirza Mamley)
- Princes Mansyrev (Tatar; non-titled, descendants of Mirza Einandar Mansyrev who received an rulership over Mordva from Vasily III of Moscow)
- Princes Manvelovy (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Massalsky, Massalski (Mosalsky) (Upper-Oka Rurikids, rulers of the Principality of Mosalsk)
- Princes Mavrocordato Sciot Phanariot Greeks
- Princes Melikov (Melikishvili) (3 kinds)
- Princes Menshikov (extinct titular princes of the Holy Roman Empire and Russian Empire, offspring of Alexander Menshikov, a favorite of Peter the Great)
- Princes Menshikov-Koreysha
- Princes Meschersky (Tatar, originating with Crimean high nobility; descendants of the ruler of Meschera)
- Princes Mikadze
- Princes Mikeladze
- Princes Mingrelia (on the rights of primogeniture)
- Princes Mkheidze
- Princes Monastyryov (non-titled boyar family descended from Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes Mourousi
- Princes Mstislavsky (Gediminids)
- Princes Musorgsky (non-titled descendants of Smolensk Rurikids, the family of composer Modest Musorgsky)
- Princes Mustafin (Tatar; descendants of tsarevich Murtaza Mustafich))
- Princes Myshetsky (disputed descent; officially considered Rurikids from the Tarusa princely family)
- Princes Nakashidze (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Nasedkin
- Princes Nesvitski (extinct Lithuanian princely family of disputed descent)
- Princes Nizharadze
- Princes Novosilski (extinct; Rurikids, rulers of the Principality of Novosil)
- Princes Obolensky (Rurikids, a branch of the Princes of Tarusa)
- Princes Obolensky-Neledinsky-Mielec (on the rights of primogeniture; actual prince Arnaud Henry Salas-Perez dit Obolensky)
- Princes Odoyevsky (extinct; Rurikids, a branch of the Princes of Novosil)
- Princes Odoevskys Maslov- (the rights of primogeniture)
- Princes Ogiński (Lithuanian princely family of disputed descent; claimed descent from Rurik)
- Princes Orbeliani (Orbelianovy Orbelyanovy) (2 kinds)
- Princes Orlov (descendants of General Alexey Orlov, son of Fyodor Orlov, a favorite of Catherine II, raised to titular princes in 1856)
- Princes von der Osten-Sacken (Baltic German gentry, raised to titular princes in 1786)
- Princes Ostrogski (Lithuanian magnates of disputed descent)
- Princes Pagava (2 branches)
- Princes Palavandovy (Palavandishvili) (3 kinds)
- Princes Paley
- Princes Patrikeevy (historical Gediminid family, believed to be paternal to Russian Gediminids)
- Princes Pavlenishvili (Pavlenovy) (Georgian princely family of Persian royal descent)
- Princes Persidskii also Bahmanov (Persian; descendants of the Persian Prince Bahman Mirza; a branch of the Qajar dynasty, styled His Serene Highness)
- Princes of Polotsk (rulers of the Principality of Polotsk)
- Princes Poryus-Vizapurskie
- Princes Potemkin-Tavricheski (Grigory Potyomkin-Tavericheski was raised to titular princes (serene highness) by Catherine II in 1776, died childless)
- Princes Pozharsky (extinct; Rurikids, a branch of the princes of Starodub)
- Princes of Pronsk
- Princes Prozorovsky-Galitzine
- Princes Prozorovsky-Golitsyns
- Princes Putyatin (a branch of the Drutsky princely family)
- Princes Puzyna (non-titled; a family of disputed descent, claimed as descended from the Princes of Kozelsk)
- Princes Radzivill (Polish-Lithuanian magnates; titular princes of the Holy Roman Empire)
- Princes Ratievy (Ratishvili)
- Princes Razumovsky
- Princes Repnin (extinct Rurikids, a branch of the Obolensky family)
- Princes Repnin-Volkonskie
- Princes Robitovy (Robitashvili)
- Princess Romanov (Golitsyn)
- Princess Romanov (de Goshtoni)
- Princess Romanov-Knust
- Princess Romanov-Kurakina
- Princess Romanov (Mac Dugall)
- Princess Romanov-Paul
- Princess Romanovskaya-Strelna
- Prince Romanovsky-Brasov
- Prince Romanovsky Elijah
- Prince Romanovsky-Iskander
- Prince Romanovsky-Krasinsky
- Prince Romanovsky-Kutuzov
- Princes Romodanovsky (extinct Rurikids, a branch of the Princes of Starodub)
- Princes Romodanovsky-Lodyzhenskii
- Princes Rostov-Katyrevy
- Princes Rusievy (Rusishvili)
- Princes Rzhevsky (non-titled descendants of Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes Saakadze
- Princes Saginovy (Saginashvili)
- Prince Saltykovs (descendants of Count Nikolay Saltykov who received the title of serene prince in 1814)
- Princes Saltykov-Golovkin
- Princes of San Donato (Demidov family)
- Princes Sangushko (Gediminids)
- Princes Sapieha (Polish-Lithuanian magnates; in the 17th century two Sapiehas received the princely title of the Holy Roman Empire, but both died childless; the current descendants of the family use the title without due right; there is a comital line of the family, however, raised to counts of the Holy Roman Empire)
- Princes Satyginy-Kondiyskie (descendants of Mansi chieftains)
- Princes of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg-Ludwigsburg (German imperial counts; Pyotr Wittgenstein received the title of 'serene prince' in Russia in 1834)
- Princes Shahaevy (Tatar; non-titled)
- Princes Shahonsky (extinct; Yaroslavl Rurikids)
- Princes Shakhovsky (Yaroslavl Rurikids)
- Princes Shakhovskoi-Glebov-Streshneva (combined name - only the eldest in the family)
- Princes Shalikov (Shalikashvili) (2 kinds)
- Princes Shat-Ipa (Abkhazian)
- Princes Shchepin-Rostov (Rostov Rurikids)
- Princes Shcherbatovy (Rurikids; a branch of the Obolensky family)
- Princes Shchetinin (Yaroslavl Rurikids)
- Princes Sheleshpansky (Rurikids; a branch of Princes Belozersky)
- Princes Shervashidze
- Princes Shirinskie-Shikhmatov (Tatar; descendants of the Tatar aristocratic clan named Shir)
- Princes Shuiskys (Suzdal Rurikids):
- Kirdyapiny-Shuiskys
- Skopin-Shuiskys
- Humped-Shuiskys
- Princes Shumarovsky (Yaroslavl Rurikids; paternal to the Shamin, Golygin and Hodyryov families)
- Princes Sibirsky (formerly bore the title of princes; Genghisids)
- Princes Sidamonovy (Sidamon-Eristovy Sidamonidze) (Georgian nobility)
- Noble family Skarzynski(Belarusian-Russian nobles)[1][2]
- Princes Skryabin (non-titled descendants of Smolensk Rurikids; a branch of the Travin noble family)
- Princes Solagovy (Solagashvili) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Sontsovy-Zasyekins (Rurikids, a branch of the Zasyekin princely family)
- Princes of Starodub (Rurikids; historical rulers of the Principality of Starodub)
- Princes Stokasimovy (Tatar; descendants of Mirza Irezen Stokasimov)
- Princess Strelna (then Princess Romanov-Strelna)
- Princes Sumbatov (Sumbatashvili) (2 kinds)
- Princes Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky (Lithuanian princely family; disputed descent: Rurikid and Gediminid)
- Princes Sviatopolk-Mirsky (Svyatopolk-Mirsky, Swiatopolk-Mirsky, descent from Rurik; disputed by some few genealogists)[3]
- Princes Taktakovy (Taktakishvili)
- Princes Tarhanova-Mouravovy (Tarhan-Mouravi) (2 branch of the family) (Georgian appanage princes)
- Princes Tarkovsky (with the rights of primogeniture)
- Princes Tatevs (extinct; Rurikids; a branch of Princes Ryapolovsky (a branch of the Princes of Starodub)
- Princes Tatishchev (non-titled descendants of Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes Tavdgiridze
- Princes Telyatevsky (extinct; Rurikids, descendants of the House of Tver)
- Princes Tyomkin-Rostovsky (extinct; Rurikids, a branch of the princes of Rostov)
- Princes Tenishevo (2 type) (Tatar; Meschera Mirzas and Nogai Mirzas)
- Princes Torussky (Rurikids; ruler of the Principality of Tarusa; paternal to princes Koninsky, Spazhski, Myshetsky, Obolensky, and Mezetsky)
- Princes Travin (non-titled branch of Smolensk Rurikids; descended from boyar Semyon Ivanovich Trava, whose offspring were ranked as boyar scions)
- Princes Trankovsky
- Princes Trubetskoy (Gediminids)
- Princes Tsereteli
- Princes Tsitsishvili (Tsitsianov) (4 kinds) (Georgian high nobility)
- Princes Tsulukidze
- Princes Tumanishvili (Tumanov) (3 kinds) (Georgian appanage princes)
- Princes Tumanova-Levashev
- Princes Turkestanovy (Turkistanovy Turkistanishvili) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes of Turov-Pinsk (historical Rurikid rulers of the Turov-Pinsk principality)
- Princes Tusievy (Tusishvili) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Tyufyakiny (an extinct branch of the Obolensky family)
- Princes Vachnadze (3 kinds)
- Princes Vadbolsky (Rurikids, a branch of Princes Belozersky)
- Princes Vakhvahovy (Vakhvakhishvili) (2 kinds) (Georgian nobility)
- Princes Vasilchikov (a branch of the Durnovo family, raised to the Moscow court through a relation to the Tolstoys; General and favorite of Nikolay I, Illarion Vasilchikov, received the title of prince in 1836)
- Princes Vizirovy (Vezirishvili) (Georgian titular princes of Iranian descent)
- Princes Volkonsky (Rurikids; a branch of the Princes of Tarusa)
- Princes Voloshin
- Princes Vorontsov (in 1845 Michael Vorontsov received the title of 'serene prince')
- Princes Vorontsov, counts Shuvalov (2 branches) (the son of Prince Michael Vorontsov, Semyon, died childless; in 1882 his maternal relation count Pavel Shuvalov was allowed using the title and arms of Princes Vorontsov)
- Princes Vorotynsky (extinct Rurikids; a branch of the House of Novosil)
- Princes Vyazemsky (Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes of Warsaw, count Paskevich-Erivanski (descendants of Ivan Paskevich of Ukrainian Cossack origins; in 1831 he was raised to titular 'serene' princes)
- Princes Sayn-Wittgenstein
- Princes Yeletsky (non-titled descendants of the rulers of Yelets principality, Chernigov Rurikids)
- Princes Yuryevsky (descended from the illegitimate offspring of Alexander II and Ekaterina Dolgorukov; later they received the title of serene princes)
- Princes Yusupov (extinct; Tatar, descendants of the Nogai bey Yusuf-Murza (Josef), related to the Urusov family)
- Princes Zaslavsky (Gediminids)
- Princes Zaslavsky (a branch of the Ostrogski family)
- Princes Zasyekins (possibly extinct (disputed), Yaroslavl Rurikids)
- Princes Zajączek (Polish szlachta, which itself is non-titled; in 1815 Josef Zajączek was granted the title of prince and the office of the Polish viceroy under the Russian Crown)
- Princes Zbaraski (Lithuanian appanage princely family of disputed descent (Gediminid or Rurikid)
- Princes Zhizhemsky (Żyżemski) (Lithuanian princes descended from Smolensk Rurikids)
- Princes Žilina
- Princes Zvenigorodsky (possibly extinct; Chernigov Rurikids; descended from the rulers of the Zvenigorod principality)
- Princes Zubov (titular princes of the Holy Roman Empire and Russia: 1793, 1796; relations of Platon Zubov, the last favorite of Catherine II)
- L'ordre de la Noblesse, vol.6, Familles d'Europe enregistrées in Ordine Nobilitatis
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