List of Roman dictators

A list of all of the Roman dictators and magistri equitum known from ancient sources. In some cases the names or dates have been inferred by modern historians.

Key to Latin terms and phrases

Roman dictators were usually appointed for a specific purpose, or causa, which limited the scope of their activities. The chief causae were rei gerundae (a general purpose, usually to lead an army in the field against a particular enemy), clavi figendi (an important religious rite involving the driving of a nail into the wall of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus), and comitiorum habendorum (the holding of the comitia to elect magistrates, when the consuls were unable to do so).

Other causae included ludorum faciendorum, holding the Ludi Romani (Roman games), an important religious festival; ferarium constituendarum (establishing a religious festival in response to serious prodigies); seditionis sedandae (quelling sedition); and in one remarkable case, senatus legendi (filling up the ranks of the Senate after the Battle of Cannae).

The causa given at the very end of the Republic for the dictatorships of Sulla and Caesar are completely novel, as the powers granted greatly exceeded those traditionally accorded a Roman dictator. By legibus faciendis et rei publicae constituendae causa, Sulla was empowered to rewrite the laws and revise the constitution of the Roman state; by dictator perpetuo rei publicae constituendae causa, Caesar was appointed dictator in perpetuity, and given the power to revise the constitution.

The various causae may not have been legally distinguished from one another prior to 368 BC, when Publius Manlius Capitolinus was appointed dictator seditionis sedandae et rei gerundae causa. The precise formula of each causa later reported by ancient historians may only date to Manlius' dictatorship, in which case the causae attributed to earlier dictators must be later additions.[1]

Other phrases

  • abdicavit – abdicated, or resigned.
  • mortuus est – died in office.
  • non iniit – not inaugurated.
  • occisus est – killed, slain.
  • sine magistro equitum – without a magister equitum.

Roman numerals given following a name indicate that the dictator or magister equitum for that year previously held the same magistracy. The causae listed in the table are based largely on T. R. S. Broughton's The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, reporting those given in ancient sources. For cases in which no causa is given, rei gerundae may usually be inferred.

List of dictators and magistri equitum

6th and 5th centuries BC

Dictator Magister equitum Notes
501253Titus Larcius Flavus[lower-roman 1]Spurius Cassius Vecellinusrei gerundae causa
496255Aulus Postumius Albus RegillensisTitus Aebutius Helva
494260Manius Valerius Volusus MaximusQuintus Servilius Priscus Structus
463291(Gaius Aemilius Mamercus)[lower-roman 2]unknownclavi figendi causa
458296Lucius Quinctius CincinnatusLucius Tarquitius Flaccus
439315Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus IIGaius Servilius Ahala
437317Mamercus Aemilius MamercinusLucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
435319Quintus Servilius Priscus FidenasPostumus Aebutius Helva Cornicen
434320Mamercus Aemilius Mamercinus IIAulus Postumius Tubertus
431323Aulus Postumius TubertusLucius Julius Iullus
426328Mamercus Aemilius Mamercinus IIIAulus Cornelius Cossus
418336Quintus Servilius Priscus Fidenas IIGaius Servilius Axilla
408346Publius Cornelius Rutilus CossusGaius Servilius Ahala

4th century BC

Dictator Magister equitum Notes
396358Marcus Furius CamillusPublius Cornelius Maluginensis
390364Marcus Furius Camillus IILucius Valerius Potitus
389365Marcus Furius Camillus IIIGaius Servilius Ahala
385369Aulus Cornelius CossusTitus Quinctius Cincinnatus Capitolinus
380374Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus CapitolinusAulus Sempronius Atratinus
368386Marcus Furius Camillus IVLucius Aemilius Mamercinusrei gerundae causa
368386Publius Manlius CapitolinusGaius Licinius Calvusseditionis sedandae et rei gerundae causa
367387Marcus Furius Camillus VTitus Quinctius Cincinnatus Capitolinusrei gerundae causa
363391Lucius Manlius Capitolinus ImperiosusLucius Pinarius Nattaclavi figendi causa
362392Appius Claudius Crassus Regillensis[lower-roman 3]Publius Cornelius Scapula? Mucius Scaevola?[lower-roman 4]
361393Titus Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus CrispinusServius Cornelius Maluginensisrei gerundae causa
360394Quintus Servilius AhalaTitus Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus Crispinusrei gerundae causa
358396Gaius Sulpicius PeticusMarcus Valerius Poplicola
356398Gaius Marcius RutilusGaius Plautius Proculus
353401Titus Manlius Imperiosus TorquatusAulus Cornelius Cossus Arvina
352402Gaius Julius IulusLucius Aemilius Mamercinus
351403Marcus Fabius AmbustusQuintus Servilius Ahalacomitiorum habendorum causa
350404Lucius Furius CamillusPublius Cornelius Scipiocomitiorum habendorum causa
349405Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus IIAulus Cornelius Cossus Arvina IIcomitiorum habendorum causa
348406(Gaius Claudius Crassinus Regillensis)(Gaius Livius Denter)comitiorum habendorum causa; names uncertain.[lower-roman 5]
345409Lucius Furius Camillus IIGnaeus Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus
344410Publius Valerius PoplicolaQuintus Fabius Ambustusferarium constituendarum causa
342412Marcus Valerius CorvusLucius Aemilius Mamercinus Privernas
340414Lucius Papirius CrassusLucius Papirius Cursor
339415Quintus Publilius PhiloDecimus Junius Brutus Scaeva
337417Gaius Claudius InregillensisGaius Claudius Hortatorabdicavit
335419Lucius Aemilius Mamercinus PrivernasQuintus Publilius Philocomitiorum habendorum causa
334420Publius Cornelius RufinusMarcus Antoniusabdicavit; 333 the first of the "dictator years".[lower-roman 6]
332422Marcus Papirius CrassusPublius Valerius Poplicola
331423Gnaeus Quinctilius Varus
or  Gnaeus Quinctius Capitolinus
Lucius Valerius Potitusclavi figendi causa
327427Marcus Claudius MarcellusSpurius Postumius Albinuscomitiorum habendorum causa; abdicavit
325429Lucius Papirius CursorQuintus Fabius Maximus Rullianusrei gerundae causa; 324 the second of the "dictator years".[lower-roman 6]
322432Aulus Cornelius Cossus ArvinaMarcus Fabius Ambustusrei gerundae (for a general purpose) or ludi faciendorum causa[lower-roman 7]
321433Quintus Fabius AmbustusPublius Aelius Paetuscomitiorum habendorum causa; abdicavit
321433Marcus Aemilius PapusLucius Valerius Flaccuscomitiorum habendorum causa
320434Gaius MaeniusMarcus Foslius Flaccinatorcausa uncertain.[lower-roman 8]
320434Lucius Cornelius LentulusLucius Papirius Cursor II
320434Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus IIILucius Papirius Cursor III
316438Lucius Aemilius Mamercinus Privernas IILucius Fulvius Curvusrei gerundae causa
315439Quintus Fabius Maximus RullianusQuintus Aulius Cerretanus
Gaius Fabius Ambustus
rei gerundae causa
314440Gaius Maenius IIMarcus Foslius Flaccinator IIrei gerundae causa
313441Gaius Poetelius Libo Visolus
or  Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus II
Marcus Foslius Flaccinator III
or  Marcus Poetelius Libo
rei gerundae (et clavi figendi?) causa[lower-roman 9]
312442Gaius Sulpicius LongusGaius Junius Bubulcus Brutusrei gerundae causa[lower-roman 10]
310444Lucius Papirius Cursor IIGaius Junius Bubulcus Brutus II309 the third of the "dictator years".[lower-roman 6]
306448Publius Cornelius Scipio BarbatusPublius Decius Muscomitiorum habendorum causa
302452Gaius Junius Bubulcus BrutusMarcus Titinius
302452Marcus Valerius Maximus Corvus IIQuintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus?
 or Marcus Aemilius Paullus?
301 the fourth and last of the "dictator years".[lower-roman 6]

3rd century BC

Dictator Magister equitum Notes
287467Quintus Hortensius mortuus estnot recorded
287467Appius Claudius Caecus?not recordeddictator suffectus?[lower-roman 11]
285469Marcus Aemilius Barbula?not recordeddate uncertain.[lower-roman 12]
280474Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus Maximusnot recordedcomitiorum habendorum causa
276478Publius Cornelius Rufinus?not recordeddate uncertain.[lower-roman 13]
263491Gnaeus Fulvius Maximus CentumalusQuintus Marcius Philippusclavi figendi causa
257497Quintus Ogulnius GallusMarcus Laetorius PlancianusLatinarum feriarum causa
249505Marcus Claudius Gliciaabdicavit[lower-roman 14]
249505Aulus Atilius CalatinusLucius Caecilius Metellus
246508Tiberius Coruncanius Marcus Fulvius Flaccuscomitiorum habendorum causa
231523Gaius DuiliusGaius Aurelius Cottacomitiorum habendorum causa
224530Lucius Caecilius MetellusNumerius Fabius Buteocomitiorum habendorum causa
221533Quintus Fabius Maximus VerrucosusGaius Flaminiusdate uncertain.[lower-roman 15]
217537Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus IIMarcus Minucius RufusMinucius given authority equal to the dictator's.[lower-roman 16]
217537Lucius Veturius PhiloMarcus Pomponius Mathocomitiorum habendorum causa; abdicavit
216538Marcus Junius Pera Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
216538Marcus Fabius Buteosine magistro equitumsenatus legendi causa[lower-roman 17]
213541Gaius Claudius Centho Quintus Fulvius Flaccuscomitiorum habendorum causa
210544Quintus Fulvius FlaccusPublius Licinius Crassus Divescomitiorum habendorum causa
208546Titus Manlius TorquatusGaius Servilius Geminuscomitiorum habendorum et ludorum faciendorum causa
207547Marcus Livius SalinatorQuintus Caecilius Metelluscomitiorum habendorum causa
205549Quintus Caecilius MetellusLucius Veturius Philocomitiorum habendorum causa
203551Publius Sulpicius Galba MaximusMarcus Servilius Pulex Geminuscomitiorum habendorum causa
202552Gaius Servilius GeminusPublius Aelius Paetuscomitiorum habendorum causa

1st century BC

Dictator Magister equitum Notes
82–79672–675Lucius Cornelius Sulla FelixLucius Valerius Flaccuslegibus faciendis et rei publicae constituendae causa
49705Gaius Julius Caesarsine magistro equitumrei gerundae causa
48706Gaius Julius Caesar IIMarcus Antonius
47–44707–710Gaius Julius Caesar IIIMarcus Aemilius Lepidus
44710Gaius Julius Caesar IV occisus estMarcus Aemilius Lepidus II
Gaius Octavius
Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus (non iniit)
dictator perpetuo rei publicae constituendae causa

See also


  1. The name of the first dictator is also given as Manius Valerius, but Livy rejects this in favor of Titus Larcius Flavus on the basis of the law that only consulars could be named dictator; Valerius had not yet been named consul. Broughton follows Livy in this.[2]
  2. No dictator is listed for this year in the fasti consulares, but Lydus says that there was a dictator in the forty-eighth year of the Republic. Bendel links this with the story that the senate appointed a dictator clavi figendi causa in 363 BC because that had worked to stop a pestilence a century earlier and concludes that Mamercus was this dictator. Broughton sees this as an insufficient reason to say that Mamercus was dictator in 463 BC, and suggests that Lydus has mistaken an interrex for a dictator.[3]
  3. Possibly the same individual as Appius Claudius Crassus Regillensis, rather than the consul of 349.[4]
  4. The name of the magister equitum is preserved in the Fasti only as "SCA[.]VLA" or "SCA[.]V[.]LA", which some scholars have interpreted as "Scapula", based on the subsequent appearance of Publius Cornelius Scapula, consul in 328 BC. Broughton notes that Attilio Degrassi's reading, indicating the second gap, would make "Scapula" improbable. "Scaevola", a surname of the Mucia gens, is plausible, but no Mucius Scaevola is mentioned in the history of this period.[5][6]
  5. The names of the dictator and magister equitum for this year are missing from the consular fasti, and not explicitly stated by any ancient author. The Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology inserts these names, although the basis for them is not stated.[7][8]
  6. The fasti consulares, but no other source, list four years in which there was a dictator but no consuls elected: 333, 324, 309, and 301. In each case, Livy includes the names of the dictator and magister equitum under the previous year's consuls.[9]
  7. The sources for the causa of this dictator conflict. Most historians accept that Cornelius carried on the Ludi Romani games when the praetor fell ill, and attempt to explain how an annalist would have altered the records to make this a dictator rei gerundae causa.[10]
  8. Maenius is one of three dictators appointed in 320, none of whom is listed as having abdicated and been replaced by another dictator. Hartfield asserts that Maenius was not appointed for quaestionibus exercendis, to conduct a court of inquiry into conspiracies against the Republic, as described by Livy. Instead, she concludes that he must have had a religious function, although she cannot determine precisely which causa he had, except to exclude clavi figendi. Cornelius can only have been nominated rei gerundae causa, due to the war with the Samnites, while Manlius must have been appointed to hold the elections for the next year's magistrates.[11]
  9. Livy and the fasti consulares suggest that Poetelius was dictator rei gerundae causa, but Livy preserves a source who claims that one of the consuls that year instead captured the town Poetelius was said to have captured and that his dictatorship was instead clavi figendi causa. Some modern historians do not dismiss this alternate account. Because a dictator rei gerundae causa would not have hammered in the sacred nail, Hartfield adduces that he must have been appointed dictator twice this year, if he did so. Diodorus Siculus attributes the victories credited to Gaius Poetelius Libo Visolus to "Κόιντος Φάβιος" (Quintus Fabius) instead.[12]
  10. The fasti consulares list Gaius Sulpicius Longus as the dictator rei gerundae causa and Gaius Junius Bubulcus Brutus as his magister equitum, but Livy names the latter as dictator, without following his usual procedure of recording the magister equitum.[13]
  11. Three dictators are known only from various literary sources. Historians date them to a period for which the fasti consulares and Livy's history are missing but nothing about their causa can be known.[14] One of these was probably dictator suffectus after the death of Quintus Hortensius in 287 BC. Mommsen suggested that this was Claudius.[15]
  12. One of three dictators known from literary sources, but not found in the surviving portions of the consular fasti or Livy's history. Broughton concludes that they must have held office between 292 and 285 BC, and lists them under the latest possible date.
  13. The third of three dictators known from literary sources, but not found in the surviving portions of the consular fasti or Livy's history. Although Broughton concluded that they must have held office between 292 and 285 BC, the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology places Rufinus in 276, during the war with Pyrrhus, noting, however, that Niebuhr placed his dictatorship in 280, after the Battle of Heraclea.[16]
  14. Nominated by the consul Publius Claudius Pulcher after the Senate had relieved him of his command following the Battle of Drepana. Glicia was a freedman and a scribe; as such he was considered wholly unsuitable for the office and compelled to resign even before he could name his magister equitum. The precise means by which his resignation was procured is unclear. Aulus Atilius Calatinus was appointed in Claudius' stead. Notwithstanding his humble origin, Glicia was recorded as dictator in the consular fasti, and continued to wear the toga praetexta as a symbol of the honour. In 236 BC, he was a legate under the consul Gaius Licinius Varus, but after granting a treaty without permission from the Senate or the consul, was handed over to the enemy, who returned him unharmed; he was then imprisoned, banished, or put to death.[17][18][19]
  15. Livy says that Fabius was appointed dictator for the second time in 217. Broughton adduces that he must have been dictator during a gap in the Capitoline fasti from 221 to 219, and before Livy's history resumes in 218. Since Flaminius was censor in 220 and 219, Broughton places this dictatorship in 221.[20]
  16. Minucius, the magister equitum, vehemently opposed the dictator's delaying strategy against Hannibal, and induced a tribune of the plebs to propose a law granting him authority equal to that of the dictator. Some scholars therefore regard Minucius as a second dictator, while others describe him as a magister equitum with dictatorial imperium. Since ancient sources refer to Minucius as having been dictator, those who consider him merely magister equitum during Fabius' dictatorship suggest that Minucius later held the office during a period for which Livy's history is missing, perhaps in order to hold the comitia.[21][22]
  17. This is the only instance of this causa. The Senate appointed a dictator to enroll new senators after the Battle of Cannae, instead of holding elections for new censors to carry out the same task.


  1. Hartfield, pp. (?).
  2. Broughton, vol. I, p. 9.
  3. Broughton, vol. I, p. 35 (note 2).
  4. Broughton, vol. I, p. 117, 118 (note 2).
  5. Broughton, vol. I, p. 118 (and note 3).
  6. Pinsent, p. 18 (note 17).
  7. Broughton, vol. I, p. 130.
  8. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. I, pp. 993 ("Livius Denter, no. 1"), vol. III, p. 1354 ("Chronological Tables of Roman History").
  9. Broughton, vol. I, p. 141.
  10. Hartfield, p. 420.
  11. Hartfield, pp. 425–428.
  12. Hartfield, pp. 443–451.
  13. Hartfield, pp. 452–454.
  14. Hartfield, pp. 471–476.
  15. Broughton, vol. I, pp. 185–187.
  16. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. III, pp. 665 ("Cornelius Rufinus" no. 2), 1357 ("Chronological Tables of Roman History").
  17. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. II, p. 276 (Glicia).
  18. Broughton, vol. I, pp. 215, 223.
  19. Hartfield, pp. 480–483.
  20. Broughton, vol. I, pp. 234, 235.
  21. Hartfield, pp. 489–499.
  22. Broughton, vol. I, pp. 243, 244.


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