List of Rees's Cyclopædia articles
The Cyclopædia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature is an important 19th century British encyclopaedia edited by Rev. Abraham Rees (1743–1825), a Presbyterian minister and scholar who had edited previous editions of Chambers's Cyclopædia. Many major scholars of the day contributed. Scientific theorising about the atomic system, geological succession, and earth origins; natural history (botany, entomology, ornithology and zoology); and developments In technology, particularly In textiles manufacture, are all reflected in the Cyclopædia.[1] Serially published from 1802 to 1820, the Cyclopædia was criticised for its idiosyncratic topic selection and alphabetisation standards. Hostile reviews in the Anti-Jacobin Review (1802–1805) complained about its supposed antireligious aspects and radical standpoints attributed to its editor and contributors, and cited lack of article balance, confusing alphabetisation, and cross-references to then-unpublished volumes. The British Critic less stridently criticised lack of balance and confusion. The Quarterly Review[2] commented in 1863, "Rees is the most extensive cyclopædia in English with many excellent articles it has generally been condemned as on the whole too diffuse and too commonplace." In 1948 Percy Scholes published his biography The Great Dr Burney, 2 vol., and devoted a chapter to Charles Burney's work for Rees, discussing in some detail the faults of the work, in particular, the way the serial production caused major problems when editors were faced with new knowledge that appeared after the volume containing the appropriate section had been issued.[3] They addressed this partially with an appendix in the last volume.

The Rees Project, was instigated by Professor June Zimmerman Fullmer, who independently indexed the Cyclopædia. After tapping the invisible college[4][5] of scholars who knew of Rees, she convened a summer 1986 meeting in London, following which she wrote a proposal[6] to the American Foundation for the Humanities for funding to the project, setting out the object of producing a printed concordance to the contents of the Cyclopædia. This was intended to make Rees much more widely accessible to the modern reader. Funding was not forthcoming, and the matter lapsed.
The Cyclopædia lacks a classified index volume. In 1820, Philosophical Magazine analysed the work's contents by half-volume publication dates, as proper priority had not been given to serially published scientific discoveries.[7] The following are notable topics covered by the Cyclopædia (containing over 15 columns).
Notes: In the original Cyclopædia, the letters I and J are treated as identical, as are U and V, following ancient Latin conventions; each pair forms one sequence in the alphabetical order of the articles. Two-year dating of volumes indicates separate publication dates for half-volumes. Contributors' names have been attributed based on the 1820 analysis.[7]
Contents: |
Volume 1
- A – Amaranthides Vol 1, 1802

Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Abyssinia | Geography | 23.3 | |
Academy | Miscellaneous | 17.5 | |
Aerostation | Natural Philosophy | 27.2 | |
Aetna | Geography | 26.2 | |
Affinity | Chemistry | 26.9 | |
Africa | Geography | 18.3 | |
Air | Physics | 19.4 | |
Alexander the Great | Biography | 23.4 | |
Algebra | Algebra | 22.8 | |
Algiers | Geography | 23.0 | |
Alleppo | Geography | 19.5 | |
Allium | Botany | 18.6 | William Wood[8] |
Volume 2
- Amarantus – Arteriotomy Vol 2, 1802/3
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
America | History | 30.7 | |
Amphitheatre | Architecture | 15.0 | |
Amputation | Surgery | 31.2 | |
Anatomy, veterinary | Comparative anatomy | 35.0 | |
Anatomy | Anatomy | 29.0 | |
Aneurism | Surgery | 18.9 | |
Annuities | Annuities | 16.0 | William Morgan |
Antimony | Chemistry | 21.0 | |
Arabia | Geography | 27.3 | |
Arsenic | Chemistry | 20.6 |
Volume 3
- Artery – Battersea Vol 3, 1803/4
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Asia | Geography | 25.1 | |
Astronomy | Astronomy | 18.3 | |
Athens | Geography | 80.5 | |
Atmosphere | Natural Philosophy | 38.1 | Abraham Rees |
Banks | Commerce | 24.3 | |
Barometer | Meteorology | 68.2 | |
Basso-Relievo | Sculpture | 15.6 | John Flaxman[9] |
Battalion | War | 64.2 |
Volume 4
- Battery – Bookbinding Vol 4, 1804/5
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Battle | War | 22.2 | |
Bees | Natural History | 26.3 | |
Bible | Scripture | 78.5 | |
Bird | Ornithology | 125.8 | Edward Donovan |
Birman Empire | Geography | 23.3 | |
Bishop | Ecclesiastical History | 21.3 | |
Bleaching | Technology | 25.4 | Charles Taylor |
Blindness | Medicine | 17.3 | |
Blowing & Blastfurnaces | Technology | 45.2 | David Mushet |
Blowing Machine | Machine | 29.1 | David Mushet |
Boat | Naval & Marine | 23.6 | George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10] |
Book | Misc | 25.2 |
Volume 5
- Book-keeping – Calvart Vol 5, 1805
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Book-keeping | Business | 50.8 | |
Bounty | Commerce | 15.8 | |
Brain | Anatomy | 18.9 | |
Bridge | Architecture | 23.0 | |
Calculus | Mathematics | 24.6 |
Volume 6
- Calvary – Castra Vol 6, 1806
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Camelus | Zoology | 18.6 | |
Camp | War | 18.2 | |
Campanula | Botany | 18.7 | |
Canal | Civil Engineering | 289.0 | John Farey, Sr.; the longest article in the work |
Cancer | Zoology | 32.0 | |
Cannon | Artillery - War | 60.4 | |
Canon | Religion | 21.8 | |
Carabus | Entomology | 22.0 | Edward Donovan |
Carduus | Botany | 19.7 | William Wood[8] |
Carex | Botany | 37.1 | William Wood[8] |
Carbon | Chemistry | 18.5 | |
Carriage | Artillery - War | 26.6 | James Glenie |
Carthaginian | Ancient history | 36.7 |
Volume 7
- Castramentation – Chronology Vol 7, 1806/7
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Castrametation | War | 18.6 | James Glenie? |
Cataract | Surgery | 23.5 | |
Catherine II | Biography | 28.0 | |
Cattle | Agriculture | 38.9 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Cause | Philosophy | 15.1 | |
Center | Mechanics | 49.1 | |
Centaurea | Botany | 20.5 | William Wood[8] |
Cerambyx | Entomology | 37.2 | Edward Donovan |
Cervix | Zoology | 16.0 | |
Ceylon | Geography | 33.6 | |
Chance | Probabilities | 44.0 | |
Chimney | Architecture | 14.8 | |
China | Geography | 65.0 | |
Chronology | Chronology | 110.0 |
Volume 8
- Chronometer – Colliseum Vol 8, 1807
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Chronometer | Horology | 112.7 | William Pearson[11] |
Church | Religion | 38.0 | |
Cicero | Biography | 20.6 | |
Cimex | Entomology | 15.5 | Edward Donovan |
Cipher | Cryptography | 59.9 | William Blair |
Circle | Astronomy | 70.5 | William Pearson[11] |
Circulation of the blood | Anatomy | 24.2 | |
Cistus | Botany | 20.2 | William Wood[8] |
Classification | Natural history | 75.0 | |
Climate | Geography | 26.6 | |
Clock | Horology | 118.6 | William Pearson[11] |
Clover | Agriculture | 19.0 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Coal | Natural history | 75.0 | John Farey, Sr. |
Coast | Geography | 15.2 | |
Cochin China | Geography | 16.1 | |
Coin | Commerce | 23. | Patrick Kelly |
Cold | Physiology | 25.0 |
Volume 9
- Collision – Corne Vol 9, 1807/8
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Colony | Government | 29.4 | |
Colour-making in Calico Printing | Natural Philosophy | 30.7 | James Thomson |
Coluber | Zoology | 36.7 | |
Columba | Orinithology | 14.9 | Edward Donovan |
Comet | Astronomy | 35.8 | |
Commerce | Commerce | 25.1 | |
Common | Agriculture | 27.3 | |
Compass | Natural Philosophy | 16.9 | |
Compensation-Balance | Horology | 31.1 | William Pearson[11] |
Composition in painting | Painting | 15.6 | John Flaxman[9] |
Conchology | Conchology | 64.1 | Edward Donovan |
Concord | Music | 16.9 | John Farey, Sr. |
Conferva | Botany | 16.8 | William Wood[8] |
Conic Sections | Mathematics | 32.0 | James Ivory |
Construction | Military | 65.3 | James Glenie |
Convolvulus | Botany | 28.0 | William Wood[8] |
Conyza | Botany | 15.5 | William Wood[8] |
Cook, James | Biography | 43.9 | |
Copper | Mineralogy | 29.7 | |
Corn Laws | Rural Economy | 63.1 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Volume 10
- Cornea – Czyrcassy Vol 10, 1808
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Cottage farm | Rural Economy | 15.0 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Cottage | Rural economy | 18.7 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Cotton manufacture | Commerce | 35.2 | James Thomson; revisited in 1812 as "Manufacture of cotton"[3] |
Court | Law | 37.2 | |
Cranium | Anatomy | 83.7 | |
Croisade (Crusade) | History | 15.0 | |
Crops, course of | Agriculture | 50.0 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Croton | Botany | 17.6 | William Wood[8] |
Crystals | Chemistry | 16.0 | |
Cucumis | Gardening | 15.2 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Curculio | Entomology | 19.2 | Edward Donovan |
Curve | Geometry | 16.2 | James Ivory |
Cutlery | Technology | 15.4 | Charles Sylvester |
Cutting-engine | Mechanics | 18.4 | William Pearson[11] |
Cycle | Miscellaneous | 21.8 |
Volume 11
- D – Dissimilitude Vol 11, 1808
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Daemon | Antiquity | 12.5 | |
Dairying | Rural economy | 38.6 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
David | Biography | 18.0 | |
Death | Physiology | 18.6 | |
Declination of a Compass | Natural philosophy | 14.5 | |
Declination | Astronomy | 85.0 | |
Degeneration | Physiology | 35.9 | |
Degree | Astronomy | 118.2 | |
Deluge | Natural history | 24.8 | |
Denmark | Geography | 23.2 | |
Diagonal motion | Technology | 21.7 | John Duncan[12] |
Dial | Horology | 30.4 | William Pearson[11] |
Digestion | Physiology | 28.2 | |
Diophantine | Algebra | 18.8 | John Pond |
Dipping in Calico Printing | Dyeing | 17.5 | James Thomson |
Volume 12
- Dissimulation – Eloane Vol 12, 1809
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Dog | Zoology | 26.3 | |
Dramatic machinery | Theatre | 15.0 | |
Dropsy | Medicine | 17.6 | |
Druids | Miscellaneous | 18.6 | |
Drunkenness | Physiology | 15.2 | |
Dublin | Geography | 16.0 | |
Duck | Ornithology | 21.0 | Edward Donovan |
Dyeing | Dyeing (history of) | 15.9 | Charles Taylor |
Dynamics | Physics | 19.4 | Tiberius Cavallo |
Ear | Anatomy | 43.8 | |
Earth | Astronomy | 71.0 | |
Earthquake | Natural history | 28.4 | |
Eclipse | Astronomy | 57.9 | |
Egypt | Geography | 33.0 | |
Electrical experiments | Electricity | 35.9 | |
Electrical machine | Electricity | 16.2 |
Volume 13
- Elocution – Extremities Vol 13, 1809
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Embankment | Agriculture | 26.0 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Embryo | Anatomy | 23.0 | |
Enamelling | Arts - Technological | 15.8 | Edmund Turrell |
England | Geography | 38.8 | |
Engraving | Arts - Technological | 48.0 | |
Entomology | Entomology | 116.0 | Signed D, for Donovan |
Equations | Algebra | 51.0 | |
Equatorial instrument | Astronomy | 68.0 | William Pearson[11] |
Escapement | Horology | 47.7 | William Pearson[11] |
Exchange | Commerce | 29.5 | Patrick Kelly |
Extremities | Anatomy | 79.0 |
Volume 14
- Extrinsic – Food Vol 14, 1810
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Eye | Anatomy | 67.6 | |
Falco | Ornithology | 15.0 | Edward Donovan |
Falling stones | Natural history | 16.0 | |
Fallowing of land | Agriculture | 16.9 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Farm | Agriculture | 40.0 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Felis | Zoology | 27.8 | |
Fence | Agriculture | 54.0 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Fever | Medicine | 120.8 | |
Ficus | Botany | 17.7 | James Edward Smith |
Fish, anatomy of | Comparative anatomy | 136.5 | |
Fishery | Miscellaneous | 32.4 | |
Fistula | Surgery | 31.6 | |
Fluxions & methods of fluxions | Analysis | 26.9 |
Volume 15
- Food – Generation Vol 15, 1810
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Force | Mechanics | 39.7 | John Pond |
Foundry | Technology | 16.3 | |
Fracture | Surgery | 71.2 | |
Fragaria | Botany | 15.5 | James Edward Smith |
France | History | 42.6 | |
French school of engraving | Arts | 224.7 | John Landseer |
Function | Analysis | 51.5 | |
Fungus | Surgery | 18.8 | |
Furnace | Technology | 16.2 | |
Furs | Commerce | 26.3 | |
Galvanism | Electricity | 17.2 | Charles Sylvester |
Gangrene | Medicine | 16.1 | |
Gate | Rural Economy | 18.9 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Gems, engraving of | Arts | 24.7 | Charles Konig John Flaxman?[9] |
Gems | Miscellaneous | 18.6 | Charles Konig |
Volume 16
- Generation – Gretna Green Vol 16, 1810–11
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Generation (Reproduction) | Physiology | 131.5 | |
Geometry | Geometry | 26.0 | |
Georgian planet (Uranus) | Astronomy | 33.3 | |
German School of Engraving | Arts | 68.2 | John Landseer |
Germany | Geography | 24.6 | |
Gland | Anatomy | 32.5 | |
Glass | Chemistry | 43.0 | |
Gonorrhoea | Surgery | 22.9 | |
Gout | Medicine | 24.0 | |
Graduation of instruments | Astronomy | 34.2 | |
Graecia | Ancient geography | 18.4 | |
Grammar | Grammar | 59.0 | |
Grass | Agriculture | 20.0 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Grassland | Rural Economy | 19.4 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Gravitation | Natural Philosophy | 29.0 | |
Grazing | Agriculture | 25.4 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Greek language | Language | 22.0 |
Volume 17
- Gretry – Hibe Vol 17, 1811
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Gryllus | Entomology | 25.1 | |
Gun-shot wounds | Surgery | 24.3 | |
Gunnery | Warfare | 19.4 | James Glenie |
Gunpowder | Manufactures | 18.2 | |
Gutta Serena | Surgery | 24.0 | |
Haemorrhage | Surgery | 26.0 | |
Heart | Anatomy | 87.0 | |
Heat | Natural philosophy | 22.4 | |
Helix | Conchology | 24.8 | Edward Donovan |
Hernia | Surgery | 81.6 | |
Heron | Ornithology | 15.0 | Edward Donovan |
Volume 18
- Hibiscus – Increment Vol 18, 1811
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Hindoostan | Geography | 23.0 | |
History | History | 16.3 | |
Hop | Agriculture | 17.3 | |
Horse | Menage | 31.0 | |
Hospital | Miscellaneous | 27.6 | |
Hunting | Sports & Games | 25.6 | Delabere Pritchett Blaine |
Husbandry | Rural economy | 38.1 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Hydrocele | Surgery | 22.8 | |
Hydrocephalus | Medicine | 17.4 | |
Hygrometry | Natural philosophy | 16.0 | |
Hydrophobia | Medicine | 17.4 | |
Hyperbolic logarithms | Mathematics | 45.0 | |
Jews | History | 17.8 | |
Imagination, Influence of, on the corporeal Frame | Medicine | 20.9 | Thomas Bateman |
Volume 19
- Increments – Kilmes Vol 19, 1811
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Increments, Method of | Analysis | 20.5 | |
Incubation | Comparative anatomy | 43.0 | |
Infants, diseases of | Medicine | 26.0 | |
Inoculation | Surgery | 23.4 | |
Insects | Entomology | 67.1 | Edward Donovan |
Insurance on lives | Insurance | 15.1 | |
Integuments | Anatomy | 39.5 | |
Intellectual education | Education | 47.2 | |
Interest | Commerce | 21.3 | |
Jones, Sir W. | Biography | 15.3 | |
Ireland | Geography | 31.0 | |
Iron | Technology | 38.8 | David Mushet |
Isoperimetry | Mathematics | 18.4 | |
Italian school of engraving | Arts | 127 | John Landseer |
Kidney | Anatomy | 25.5 |
Volume 20
- Kiln – Light Vol 20, 1812
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Labour | Mid-wifery | 16.5 | Robert Bland |
Lacedaeminians | Antiquity | 22.8 | |
Language | Miscellaneous | 39.2 | |
Larynx | Anatomy | 24.2 | |
Latitude | Astronomy | 22.7 | |
Lava | Mineralogy | 16.3 | |
Laying-down to Grass | Agriculture | 16.6 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Leaf | Botany | 15.9 | James Edward Smith |
Leprosy | Medicine | 22.7 | |
Lichenes | Botany | 16.5 | James Edward Smith |
Life-annuities | Insurance | 38.9 | William Morgan |
Life | Physiology | 32.0 | |
Light, exhibition of by living animals | Zoology | 22.6 | |
Light | Natural philosophy | 40.8 |
Volume 21
- Light-house – Machinery Vol 21, 1812
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Lime | Mineralogy | 47.2 | |
Linen | Manufactures | 24.1 | |
Lithotomy | Medicine | 33.7 | |
Liver | Anatomy | 26.0 | |
Lizard | Natural History | 20.1 | |
Logarithms | Mathematics | 53.0 | |
London | Geography | 62.9 | |
Longitude | Geography | 111.7 | |
Low countries, engraving of | Art | 191.8 | John Landseer |
Lues Veneria | Medicine | 54.7 | |
Lungs | Anatomy | 48.1 | |
Luxation | Medicine | 44.6 | |
Machine | Mechanics | 15.7 | |
Machinery | Mechanics | 43.3 |
Volume 22
- Machinery – Mattheson Vol 22, 1812
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Machinery for manufacturing ships' blocks | Manufactures | 36.1 | John Farey, Jr. |
Magnet | Natural philosophy | 28.1 | |
Mammalia, anatomy of | Comparative anatomy | 171.9 | |
Man | Natural History | 111.7 | |
Manufacture of cotton | Manufactures | 54.7 | James Thomson and John Farey, Jr.; revisiting 1808's "Cotton manufacture"[3] |
Manure | Agriculture | 47.2 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Marble | Mineralogy | 30.5 | |
Mars | Astronomy | 55.0 | |
Materia Medica | Materia Medica | 46.6 | |
Mathematics | Mathematics | 20.1 |
Volume 23
- Matthew – Monsoon Vol 23, 1812/3
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Medals | Commerce | 43.6 | |
Medicine | Medicine | 43.6 | |
Membrane | Anatomy | 35.5 | |
Mercury | Astronomy | 26.0 | |
Mercury | Chemistry | 21.0 | |
Meridional parts | Navigation | 16.4 | Andrew Mackay |
Metastasio | Biography | 17.8 | Charles Burney |
Mexico | Geography | 31.7 | |
Microscope | Miscellaneous | 29.9 | |
Mill-work | Technology | 16.8 | John Farey, Jr. |
Mill | Technology | 15.0 | John Farey, Jr. |
Milton, J. | Biography | 15.0 | |
Mineralogy | Mineralogy | 16.8 | |
Mining, history of | Technology | 24.8 | John Taylor |
Money | Commerce | 35.5 |
Volume 24
- Monster – Newton-in-the-Willows Vol 24, 1813
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Monster | Anatomy | 28.9 | |
Moon | Astronomy | 40.4 | |
Moory Earth | Agriculture | 18.8 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Moral Education | Education | 65.9 | |
Morocco | Geography | 21.5 | |
Mortality, bill of | Law | 16.0 | |
Mossy Land | Agriculture | 16.1 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Motacilla | Ornithology | 18.7 | |
Motion | Physics | 15.7 | |
Mountain | Geography | 22.6 | |
Musca | Entomology | 28.6 | |
Muscle | Anatomy | 80.6 | |
Nervous system | Anatomy | 106.2 |
Volume 25
- Newtonian Philosophy – Ozunusze Vol 25, 1813
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Norfolk | Geography | 20.0 | |
Norwich | Geography | 19.1 | |
Notation | Arithmetic | 19.1 | |
Number | Arithmetic | 18.0 | |
Numbers, planetary | Astronomy | 40.3 | William Pearson[11] |
Oak-tree | Agriculture | 16.1 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Observatory | Astronomy | 22.6 | William Pearson[11] |
Ogham characters | Cryptology | 16.2 | William Blair |
Ophthalmy | Medicine | 20.6 | |
Organ | Music | 22.1 | |
Orkney Islands | Geography | 15.5 | |
Orrery | Astronomy | 63.3 | William Pearson[11] |
Ossian | Poetry | 16.8 | |
Otaheite | Geography | 15.8 | |
Oxford | Geography | 42.8 |
Volume 26
- P – Perturbation Vol 26, 1813/4
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Painting, the art of | Art | 69.2 | |
Paper | Manufactures | 47.0 | |
Papilio | Entomology | 53.8 | Edward Donovan |
Paring & Burning | Agriculture | 22.7 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Paris | Geography | 15.3 | |
Passiflora | Botany | 16.5 | James Edward Smith |
Passion | Philosophy | 17.3 | |
Pelargonium | Botany | 15.5 | James Edward Smith |
Pendulum | Dynamics | 25.2 | |
Persia | Geography | 20.7 | |
Perspective | Art | 56.3 | Peter Nicholson |
Volume 27
- Pertussis – Poetics Vol 27, 1814
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Peru | Geography | 22.8 | |
Petrifications | Natural history | 16.5 | |
Phalaena | Entomology | 26.8 | |
Philosophy | Philosophy | 215.7 | |
Phosphorus | Chemistry | 25.9 | |
Physical education | Education | 44.5 | |
Picture | Arts | 15.8 | |
Plague | Medicine | 24.0 | |
Planetarium | Astronomy | 28.3 | William Pearson |
Planetary machines, an historical account of | Astronomy | 30.2 | William Pearson |
Planet | Astronomy | 19.5 | |
Plantation | Rural economy | 15.5 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Plants | Botany | 71.2 | James Edward Smith |
Platonism | Philosophy | 17.8 | |
Plough | Agriculture | 20.5 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Volume 28
- Poetry – Punjoor Vol 28, 1814
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Poetry | Poetry | 16.9 | |
Political economy | Political economy | 35.5 | |
Pond | Agriculture | 16.3 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Poor | Miscellaneous | 18.6 | |
Pope | Religion | 15.8 | |
Population | Political economy | 18.5 | |
Porcelain | Miscellaneous | 29.0 | Charles Sylvester |
Potato | Agriculture | 40.7 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Prime number | Arithmetic | 51.0 | |
Printing | Printing | 35.5 | |
Projection | Mathematics | 42.2 | Peter Nicholson |
Prunus | Gardening | 24.9 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Volume 29
- Punishment – Repton Vol 29, 1814/5
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Punishment | Law | 17.5 | |
Putrefaction | Chemistry | 16.0 | |
Pyrus | Gardening | 34.8 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Pytrotechny | Manufactures | 16.8 | |
Quadrant | Astronomy | 25.0 | |
Quantity | Grammar | 48.2 | |
Quarry | Agriculture | 22.4 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Quinces | Botany | 27.0 | James Edward Smith |
Ranunculus | Botany | 23.9 | James Edward Smith |
Ratio | Arithmetic | 19.5 | |
Refraction | Optics | 37.4 | |
Religion | Religion | 16.4 | |
Reptiles | Comparative anatomy | 154.5 |
Volume 30
- Republic – Rzemien Vol 30, 1815
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Resistance of fluids | Mechanics | 16.0 | |
Respiration | Physiology | 43.6 | |
Revenue | Government | 18.4 | |
Revolution | Politics | 21.9 | |
Rigging | Naval matters | 28.7 | George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10] |
Road | Rural Economy | 31.6 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Rock | Geology | 17.6 | |
Rome, Roman Empire, etc | History | 43.3 | |
Roof | Architecture | 24.1 | |
Root | Arithmetic | 27.9 | |
Rope-making | Manufactures | 35.4 | George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10] |
Rosa | Botany | 21.9 | James Edward Smith |
Rotation | Mechanics | 18.1 | |
Rubus | Botany | 17.5 | James Edward Smith |
Russia | Geography | 56.7 |
Volume 31
- S – Scotium Vol 31, 1815
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Sail and sail-making | Naval affairs | 51.3 | George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10] |
Sailing | Naval affairs | 27.2 | George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10] |
Salix | Botany | 43.1 | James Edward Smith |
Salt | Manufactures | 27.7 | |
Salt-Brine Springs | Rural economy | 15.5 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Salt, as manure | Agriculture | 18.7 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Salts | Chemistry | 30.3 | |
Satellites | Astronomy | 157.2 | William Pearson |
Saturn | Astronomy | 46.1 | |
Saxifraga | Botany | 16.2 | James Edward Smith |
Saxons | History | 16.4 | |
Scarabaeus | Entomology | 20.8 | Edward Donovan |
Schools | Education | 22.0 |
Volume 32
- Scotland – Sindy Vol 32, 1815/6
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Scotland | Geology | 60.8 | |
Sculpture | Arts | 74.8 | |
Scurvy | Medicine | 16.8 | |
Series | Analysis | 32.5 | |
Shakespeare, Wm | Biography | 20.5 | |
Sheep | Agriculture | 119.2 | Robert Bakewell |
Ship-building | Naval affairs | 161.3 | George Glover; possibly pseudonymous[10] |
Silene | Botany | 16.1 | James Edward Smith |
Silver | Mining | 18.5 |
Volume 33
- Sines – Starboard Vol 33, 1816
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Sines | Mathematics | 81.0 | |
Slave trade | Miscellaneous | 36.1 | |
Small-pox | Medicine | 26.0 | |
Soil | Agriculture | 41.2 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Spain | Geography | 26.1 | |
Speculum | Astronomy | 14.9 | William Pearson[11] |
Spine | Anatomy | 21.9 | |
Springs | Natural History | 48.0 | |
Standard | Commerce | 15.6 | Patrick Kelly |
Star | Astronomy | 65.4 |
Volume 34
- Starch – Szydlow Vol 34, 1816
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Steam engine | Technology | 175.2 | John Farey, Jr. |
Stone | Natural history | 28.6 | |
Stove | Building | 16.2 | |
Strata | Geology | 36.8 | |
Strength of materials | Mechanics | 36.9 | Peter Barlow |
Sugar-cane | Miscellaneous | 32.0 | |
Surface-Drain | Agriculture | 25.4 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Surgery | Surgery | 28.5 | |
Survivorship | Annuities | 23.6 | |
Swine | Agriculture | 19.6 | Richard Watson Dickson |
System | Mineralogy | 22.0 |
Volume 35
- T – Toleration Vol 35, 1817
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Tax | Government | 15.0 | |
Teeth, diseases of | Physiology | 20.0 | |
Telegraph | Miscellaneous | 22.2 | |
Telescope | Astronomy | 161.8 | William Pearson[11] |
Theodolite | Surveying | 16.1 | William Pearson.[11] Plate X for "Surveying - Theodolite" is an 1811 survey of Pearson's estate in Mortlake, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, which became Temple Grove School.[13] |
Thermometer | Natural philosophy | 42.8 | |
Tides | Natural philosophy | 24.1 | |
Timber | Rural economy | 34.8 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Tithes, as Obstructions to Agriculture | Agriculture | 17.0 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Volume 36
- Tolerium – Vermelho Vol 36, 1817
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Trifolium | Botany | 28.5 | James Edward Smith |
Trigonometry | Triginometry | 27.4 | |
Tumours | Surgery | 18.6 | |
Turning | Manufactures | 19.6 | |
Turnip | Agriculture | 26.9 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Variation of magnetic needle | Naval affairs | 25.0 | |
Veins, metallic and mineral | Geology | 16.1 | |
Venus | Astronomer | 23.7 |
Volume 37
- Vermes – Waterloo Vol 37, 1817/8
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Vermes | Anatomy | 87.5 | |
Veronica | Botany | 25.0 | James Edward Smith |
Versification | Poetry | 53.5 | Henry Parker |
Viola | Botany | 24.0 | James Edward Smith |
Vitis | Gardening | 24.4 | Richard Watson Dickson? |
Ulcer | Surgery | 30.5 | |
Union | Government | 32.3 | |
United States | Geography | 23.5 | |
Volcano | Geology | 51.0 | |
Urethra, strictures | Medicine | 20.0 | |
Urinary calculi | Surgery | 15.0 | |
Urine, incontinence | Surgery | 32.0 | |
Urtica | Botany | 18.4 | James Edward Smith |
Watches | Horology | 33.8 | William Pearson |
Water | Geography | 20.7 |
Volume 38
- Water – Wzetin Vol 38, 1818
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Waters, Natural | Chemistry | 17.2 | |
Water, Raising of | Manufactures | 201.5 | John Farey, Jr. |
Watering of land | Agriculture | 22.4 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Watson, Richard | Biography | 18.3 | |
Weaving | Manufactures | 28.0 | John Duncan |
Weed | Agriculture | 27.9 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Weight | Physics | 21.3 | |
Westminster | Geography | 21.7 | |
Wheat | Agriculture | 25.6 | Richard Watson Dickson |
Wheel | Manufactures | 29.2 | |
White-swelling | Surgery | 15.4 | |
Wind-mill | Manufactures | 14.6 | John Farey, Jr. |
Wind | Meteorology | 20.3 | |
Wine | Manufactures | 28.9 | |
Wollen manufacture | Manufactures | 75.8 | Robert Bakewell |
Wool | Manufactures | 30.7 | Robert Bakewell |
Worsted manufacture | Manufactures | 20.1 | Robert Bakewell |
Wounds | Surgery | 98.7 |
Volume 39
- X – Zytomiers with Addenda and Corrigenda Vol 39, 1818–20
Article | Classification | Columns | Contributor/Notes |
Zenith | Astronomy | 21.1 | |
Anemone | Botany | 17.0 | James Edward Smith |
Crystallography | Crystallography | 23.0 | |
Mineralogy | Mineralogy | 74.4 | |
Printing, Calico | Manufactures | 18.7 | James Thomson |
Quarantine | Medicine | 20.0 |
- 4C87E781D6416E8CC65F252635C086.ashx "The subversive encyclopedia" by John Underwood in Science Museum Library & Archives Newsletter, Spring/Summer 2010.
- "Encyclopædias". Quarterly Review. 113: 367. 1863.
- Scholes, Percy A. (1948). "LVIII: Virtues and vagaries of a septuagenarian encyclopædist". The Great Dr Burney. Vol. 2. pp. 184–201.
- "The Newcomen Bulletin [of the Newcomen Society of London]". 136. December 1986: 1–2.
{{cite journal}}
: Cite journal requires|journal=
(help) - "Rees's Cyclopædia". Archives of Natural History. 14: 112. 1987. doi:10.3366/anh.1987.14.1.103.
- Fullmer, June (1987). Proposal for the creation of "The Readers' Guide to Rees's Cyclopædia". Self-published in limited-circulation typescript.
- Anonymous (1820). "Notices of New Books: The Cyclopædia ...". Philosophical Magazine. 1st series. Vol. 56, no. 269. pp. 218–24. doi:10.1080/14786442008652396.
- Lee, Sidney, ed. (1900). . Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. 62. London: Smith, Elder & Co. pp. 379–80.
- Bentley, G. E. (1 January 1999). A Blake Bibliography. University of Minnesota Press. p. 147. ISBN 9781452912103.
- "George Glover". Retrieved 4 April 2012.
- Gurman, S. J. & Harratt, S. R. (1994). "Revd Dr William Pearson (1767–1847): a Founder of the Royal Astronomical Society". Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. 35 (3): 271–292. Bibcode:1994QJRAS..35..271G. Retrieved 16 July 2020.
- The article text cites "the author" as having invented the machine shown in the relevant illustration plates; said plates attribute it to John Duncan, who was a contributor to other articles.
- The cyclopædia; or, Universal dictionary of arts, ... v.4 plates. Rees, Abraham, 1743-1825.