List of Eastern Orthodox saints
This is a partial list of recognized Saints of the Eastern Orthodox communion.
Saint | Died | Feast (NS) | Title/Legacy |
Abo of Tiflis | 786 (circa) | 8 January | Martyr |
Abraham | Patriarchal Age | 9 October | The Holy Patriarch, righteous[1] |
Abraham of Rostov | 1045 - 1074 | 29 October | Monk |
Abraham of Smolensk | 1222 | 21 August | Russian hieromonk and wonderworker |
Adelaide of Italy | 999 | 16 December | Holy Roman Empress |
Adeodatus I | 618 | 8 November | Bishop of Rome |
Afan | 501–600 | 17 November | Founded the church of Llanafan in Wales (6th century) |
Agapitus I | 536 | 6 August | Bishop of Rome |
Agapetus of Pechersk | 1001–1100 | 14 June | Doctor and monk in Kyiv Pechersk Lavra |
Agatho | 681 | 20 February | Bishop of Rome |
Ahmet the Calligrapher | 1682 | 3 May / 24 December | New Martyr |
Aidan | 651 | 31 August | Irish monk and missionary, also known as the Apostle of Northumbria; converted the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity in Northumbria. |
Alena of Belgium | 640 | 18 June | Martyr, Confessor[2] |
Alexander Schmorell | 1943 | 13 July | Passion Bearer |
Alexandra of Hesse | 1918 | 17 July | Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as Saint Alexandra the Passion Bearer. Empress of Russia as the spouse of Nicholas II. |
Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia | 1918 | 17 July | Last heir of the last imperial family of Russia; passion-bearer |
Alexis Toth | 1909 | 7 May | Responsible for the conversions of approximately 20,000 Eastern Rite Catholics to the Russian Orthodox Church; contributed to the establishment of the Orthodox Church in America. |
Alypius the Stylite | 640 | 26 November | Monastic founder, an intercessor for the infertile, and a protector of children. |
Alipy of the Caves | 1114 (circa) | 30 August | Monk and famous painter of icons |
Alphege | 1012 | 19 April | Martyr |
Amphilochios (Makris) of Patmos | 1970 | 16 April | Priest-monk who lived on the island of Patmos (Greece). |
Anastasia of Russia | 1918 | 17 July | Youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia; Passion-bearer |
Anastasius Sinaita | 700 (circa) | 21 April | Greek ecclesiastical writer |
Andrei the Iconographer | 1430 (circa) | 29 January / 4 July | Famed medieval Russian painter of Orthodox Christian icons and frescos. |
Andrew of Constantinople | 936 | 15 October | Fool for Christ. |
Andrew of Crete | 650–800 | 4 July | Bishop, theologian, homilist, and hymnographer |
Andrew Stratelates | 300 | 19 August | Martyr[3] |
Andrew the Apostle | 62 | 30 November | Apostle, The First-Called, Martyr |
Anne | 1st century | 9 September | Mother of the Virgin, righteous[5] |
Ansgar | 865 | 3 February | Apostle of the North |
Anthony of Kiev | 1073 | 23 July | Monk and founder of the monastic tradition in Kievan Rus' |
Augustine of Canterbury | 604 (circa) | 26 May | Apostle to the English |
Barbatus of Benevento | 682 | 19 February | Bishop of Benevento |
Barlaam | Legendary | 30 May | Legendary saint |
Bartholomew the Apostle | 70 (circa) | 11 June | Apostle, martyr[7] |
Basil the Great | 379 | 1 January | One of the three Great Hierarchs. Influential theologian who supported the Nicene Creed and opposed the heresies of the early Christian church, fighting against both Arianism and the followers of Apollinaris of Laodicea. |
Basil the Blessed | 1552 or 1557 | 15 August | Fool for Christ. |
Basil of Ostrog | 1671 | 12 May | Serbian Orthodox bishop of Zahumlje |
The Venerable Bede | 735 | 27 May | Helped popularize the practice of dating forward from the birth of Christ (Anno Domini – in the year of our Lord). Dubbed "The Father of English History". |
Benedict of Aniane | 747 | 12 February | Monastic reformer, |
Benedict of Nursia | 543 | 14 March | Founder of the Benedictine Order |
Benedict II | 685 | 7 May | Bishop of Rome |
Birinus | 649 or 650 | 3 December | Apostle to the West Saxons |
Boniface | 754 | 5 June | Apostle to the Germans |
Boniface IV | 608 | 8 May | Bishop of Rome |
Boris I | 907 | 2 May | King and baptizer of Bulgaria, and Equal-to-the-Apostles, |
Brendan of Birr | 573 (circa) | 29 November | One of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland |
Brendan the Navigator | 578 (circa) | 16 May | One of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland |
Brigid of Kildare | 525 | 1 February | First Irish nun |
Bruno of Querfurt | 1009 | 15 October | Bishop and Martyr; Second Apostle of the Prussians |
Chad of Mercia | 672 | 2 March | Helped introduce Christianity to the Mercian Kingdom |
Charity | 2nd century | 17 September | Virgin Martyr[8] |
Christopher | 250 | 9 May | Martyr[9] |
Clement of Ohrid | 960 | 27 July | One of the Seven Apostles of Bulgaria, Disciple of St. Cyril and St. Methodius |
Columba | 597 | 9 June | Apostle of the Picts |
Columbanus | 615 | 23 November | Irish missionary. |
Constantin Brâncoveanu | 1714 | 16 August | Holy Prince of Wallachia, Martyr[10] |
Constantine of Murom | 1129 | 21 May | Wonderworker |
Constantine the Great | 337 | 21 May | Equal-to-the-Apostles, Emperor of Byzantine[11] |
Cosmas of Maiuma | 701–800 | 14 October | Hymnographer |
Cuthbert of Lindisfarne | 687 | 20 March | Monk, bishop, and hermit. |
Cyriacus the Anchorite | 557 | 29 September | Hermit |
Cyril | 869 | 24 May | Equal-to-the-Apostles, teacher of the Slavs |
Daniil Sihastrul | 1488 | 18 December | Monk, ascetic, spiritual father for Stephen the Great |
Danilo II | 1301–1400 | 2 January | Archbishop of Serbs |
David (Dewi) of Wales | 589 (circa) | 1 March | Bishop |
Declan | 401–500 | 24 July | early Irish saint, remembered for having converted the Déisi in the late 5th century |
Dimitrije Nemanjić David | 1286 | 7 October | Venerable |
Dimitry of Rostov | 1709 | 28 October | Hierarch |
Dionysius of Vattasseril | 23 February 1934 | 24 February | Vattasseril Thirumeni |
Dismas | 30-33 | 25 March | The Penitent Thief[12] |
Dorotheus of Gaza | 565 (circa) | 18 June | Monk and Abbot |
Dunstan | 988 | 19 May | Archbishop of Canterbury |
Dymphna | 601–700 | 15 May | "The Lily of Éire" |
Edmund the Martyr[13] | 978 or 979 | 18 March / 3 September | King of the English |
Edward the Martyr | 979 | 18 March | Martyr, King of England[14] |
Edwin of Northumbria | 633 | 12 October | King of Deira and Bernicia and Convert |
Egbert of Northumbria | 729 | 24 April | Monk and Bishop |
Eligius | 659 or 660 | 1 December | Bishop and Confessor |
Elijah | 900 BC (Circa) | 20 July | Holy Glorious Prophet[15] |
Princess Elisabeth of Hesse | 1918 | 5 July | Princess and Holy Martyr |
Elisha | 900 BC (Circa) | 14 June | Holy Prophet[16] |
Ephrem the Syrian | 373 | 28 January | Venerable, Hymn Writer[17] |
Ethelbert of Kent | 616 | 25 February | First English king to convert to Christianity. |
Etheldreda of Ely | 679 | 23 June | East Anglian princess |
Eulogius of Alexandria | 608 | 13 September | Bishop and Confessor |
Euphrosyne of Polatsk | 1173 | 23 May | Nun; the only virgin saint of East Slav origin. |
Euthymius the Great | 473 | 20 January | Abbot |
Faith | 2nd century | 17 September | Virgin Martyr[18] |
Fevronia of Murom | 1228 | 8 July | Princess of Murom and Wonderworker |
Felix III | 492 | 1 March | Bishop of Rome |
Felix IV | 530 | 30 January | Bishop of Rome |
Frideswide | 735 (circa) | November 1 | English princess and abbess. |
Gall | 646 (circa) | 16 October | According to hagiographic tradition, Saint Gall was a disciple and one of the twelve companions of Saint Columbanus. |
Genevieve | 512 | 21 November | Nun |
George | 23 April 303 | 23 April | George of Lydda |
Gerasimus of the Jordan | 451 | 4 March | Monk and Abbot |
Ghislain | 680 | 9 October | Confessor and anchorite |
Godehard (Gotthard) of Hildesheim | 1038 | 5 May | German bishop |
Gregory Palamas | 1359 | 14 November | Archbishop of Thessalonica, Church Father, Pillar of Orthodoxy |
Gregory of Tours | 594 | 17 November | Bishop of Tours |
Gregory I | 604 | 12 March | Bishop of Rome |
Gregory II | 731 | 11 February | Bishop of Rome |
Gregory III | 741 | 10 December | Bishop of Rome |
Helena of Constantinople | 327 | 21 May | Equal-to-the-Apostles, Holy Empress[19] |
Helier | 555 | 16 July | Ascetic hermit |
Herman of Valaam | 901–1500 | 28 June | Co-founder of the Valaam Monastery with Sergius Valaam |
Herman of Alaska | 1837 | 13 December | Venerable, Wonderworker |
Hilda of Whitby | 680 | 17 November | Abbess of Whitby |
Hope | 2nd century | 17 September | Virgin Martyr[20] |
Hubertus | 727 | 3 November | Apostle of the Ardennes |
Innocent of Alaska | 1879 | 13 April | Enlightener of Alaska and Siberia |
Irene of Lesvos | 1463 | Bright Tuesday | New Martyr |
Isaac of Nineveh | 700 | 28 January | Bishop and theologian best remembered for his written works on Christian asceticism. |
Ita | 570 | 15 January | Irish nun |
Joachim | 1st century | 9 September | Father of the Virgin, righteous[21] |
Job of Pochayiv | 1651 | 28 October | Hegumen |
John I | 526 | 18 May | Bishop of Rome |
John Chrysostom | 407 | 27 January | Archbishop of Constantinople[22] |
John Climacus | 606 | 30 March | John of the Ladder |
John of Damascus | 749 | 4 December | Byzantine monk and polymath |
John of Kronstadt | 1908 | 20 December | Righteous |
John of Pskov | 1616 | 24 October | Hermit |
John of Shanghai and San Francisco | 1966 | July 2 | Bishop of Shanghai, Archbishop of Western Europe, Archbishop of San Francisco |
John of Sonkajanranta | 1918 | 13 July | Martyr, confessor, enlightener |
John of Tobolsk | 1715 | 10 June | Metropolitan of Tobolsk |
John the Apostle | 100 | 26 September | Apostle, Evangelist, Theologian, Beloved Friend of Christ |
John the Baptist | 36 | 7 January | Prophet, Baptiser of Christ |
Josaphat | Legendary | 26 August | Legendary saint |
Joseph the Hesychast | 1959 | 16 August | Greek monk at Mount Athos who practiced asceticism |
Juliana of Lazarevo | 1604 | 2 January | Known for her charity toward the poor. |
Justinian I | 565 | 14 November | Eastern Roman emperor |
Juvenaly of Alaska | 1796 | 24 September | Protomartyr of America, hieromartyr |
Kassia | 867 | 7 September | Byzantine abbess, poet, composer, and hymnographer. |
Kevin of Glendalough | 618 | 3 June | First abbot of Glendalough |
Kirill of Beloozero | 1427 | 9 June | Monk and saint |
Laura of Cordoba | 864 | 19 October | Martyr[29] |
Lazar of Serbia | 1389 | 15 June | Medieval Serbian ruler |
Lazarus of Bethany | 1st century | 17 March | Friend of Christ |
Leo the Great | 461 | 18 February | Bishop of Rome |
Leo II | 683 | 3 July | Bishop of Rome |
Leo III | 816 | 12 June | Bishop of Rome |
Leodegar of Autun | 679 | 2 October | Bishop of Autun; Martyr |
Longinus | 1st century | 16 October | Martyr |
Lucy | 2nd century | 6 July | Virgin martyr[32] |
Lucy of Syracuse | 304 | 13 December | Virgin martyr |
Grand Duchess Maria Romanov | 1918 | 17 July | Third daughter of Nicholas II of Russia and Alexandra Fyodorovna; passion-bearer |
Mark of Ephesus | 1444 | 19 January | Archbishop of Ephesus |
Macarius, Abbot of Pelekete | 840 | 1 April | Abbot of the Monastery of Pelekete |
Martin I | 655 | 27 April | Pope and Martyr |
Mary | After c. 30/33 AD | 15 August | Mother of God |
Mary Magdalene | After 30-33 AD | 22 July and 4 August | Equal-to-the-Apostles, Myrrhbearer[34] |
Mary of Egypt | 421 | 4 April | Venerable, Ascetic |
Maximilian of Tebessa | 295 | 12 March | Early Christian martyr and conscientious objector. |
Maximus of Turin | 465 | 25 June | Bishop and theological writer. |
Maximus the Confessor | 662 | 13 August | Confessor, theologian, homologetes |
Maximus the Greek | 1556 | 21 January | Monk |
Melito of Sardis | 180 | 1 April | Apologist and Bishop of Sardis |
Methodius | 885 | 24 May | Equal-to-the-Apostles, teacher of the Slavs |
Milburga of Wenlock | 715 | 23 February | Abbess |
Moses the Black | 405 | 28 August | Holy Father, Desert Father, priest[36] |
Mother Maria | 1945 | 20 July | Righteous Martyr |
Naum of Preslav | 910 | 23 December | Wonderworker, Apostle of the Slavs |
Neot | 870 (circa) | 31 July | Hermit |
Nikephoros I of Constantinople | 828 | 13 March | Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople |
Nicholas of Japan | 1912 | 3 February | Equal-to-the-Apostles, Archbishop of Japan |
Nicholas of Lesvos | 1463 | Bright Tuesday | New Martyr |
Tsar Nicholas II | 1918 | 17 July | Emperor of All Russia; Passion-bearer |
Nikolai of Žiča | 1956 | 3 May | Bishop |
Nil Sorsky | 1508 | 7 May | Great ascetic of the Russian Church, |
Nilus the Younger | 1005 | 26 September | Abbot and Confessor |
Nothelm of Canterbury | 739 | 17 October | Archbishop of Canterbury. |
Odile | 720 | 13 December | Abbess of Hohenburg |
Odo of Cluny | 942 | 18 November | Abbot of Cluny |
Olaf of Norway | 1030 | 29 July | Martyr, King of Norway[37] |
Grand Duchess Olga | 1918 | 17 July | Eldest child of the last Tsar; Passion-bearer |
Or of Nitria | 390 (circa) | 7 August | Elder and Desert Father of Egypt |
Oswald of Northumbria | 642 | 5 August | King of Northumbria |
Osyth | 653 | 7 October | Abbess and nun |
Ouen | 684 | 24 August | Bishop |
Paisios of Mount Athos | 1994 | 12 July | Ascetic from Mount Athos |
Paraskeva the Younger | 1001–1100 | 27 October | Ascetic female saint |
Patrick | 493 | 17 March | Apostle of Ireland |
Paulinus of York | 584 | 10 October | Bishop of York |
Peter of Murom | 1228 | 8 July | Prince of Murom and Wonderworker |
Pavel of Taganrog | 1879 | 21 November | Blessed starets |
Peter the Aleut | 1815 (circa) | 24 September | Martyr of San Francisco and Protomartyr of America |
Peter the Apostle | 64 | 29 June | Apostle, Bishop of Rome, Martyr |
Petroc | 564 | 4 June | Abbot of Lanwethinoc |
Philip of Agira | 401–500 (circa) | 12 May | Confessor |
Philip the Apostle | 1st century | 14 November | Apostle, martyr[39] |
Philothei | 1589 | 19 February | Greek nun and martyr |
Photini | 1st century | 20 March | The Samartian Woman, martyr[40] |
Photius the Great | 893 | 6 February | The Great, Confessor of the Faith, Equal to the Apostles, Pillar of Orthodoxy[41] |
Piran | 501–600 | 5 March | Cornish abbot |
Pope Leo II | 683 | 3 July | Bishop of Rome |
Pope Leo III | 816 | 12 June | Bishop of Rome |
Praejectus | 676 | 25 January | Bishop of Clermont |
Raphael of Lesvos | 1463 | Bright Tuesday | New Martyr |
Raphael of Brooklyn | 1915 | 27 February | Bishop of Brooklyn |
Remigius of Reims (or Remy, Remi) | 533 | 13 February | Bishop and Confessor |
Romanos the Melodist | 556 | 1 October | Melodist, hymnographer, composer of thousands of hymns[42] |
Romuald | 1027 | 19 June | Abbot |
Sabbas the Sanctified | 531/532 | 5 December | Venerable Father; Abbot |
Saethryth | 601–700 | 7 January | Nun and abbess |
Sava of Serbia | 1236 | 27 January | Equal-to-the-Apostles, Illuminator |
Scholastica | 543 | 10 February | Foundress of the Benedictine nuns. |
Sebastian | 295-296 | 18 December | Martyr |
Seraphim of Sarov | 1833 | 2 January | Confessor and Wonderworker |
Sergius of Valaam | 901–1400 | 28 June | Greek monk and wonderworker |
Sergius of Radonezh | 1392 | 25 September | Abbot of Radonezh, Miracle Worker of all Russia |
Silas | 1st century | 30 July | Apostle, disciple, and Bishop of Rome |
Silouan the Athonite | 1938 | 24 September | Athonite, venerable, monastic, staretz[45] |
Silverius | 537 | 20 June | Bishop of Rome |
Simeon Mirotocivi | 1199 | 26 February | Grand Prince of Serbia. Canonized by the Serbian Orthodox Church under the name Saint Simeon the Myrrh-streaming (Свети Симеон Мироточиви). |
Simeon Stylites | 459 | 1 September | Venerable Father |
Simplicius | 483 | 10 March | Bishop of Rome |
Sophia of Milan | 2nd century | 17 September | Virgin Martyr[46] |
Sophia of Slutsk | 1612 | 19 March | Princess of Slutsk |
Sophronius | 638 | 11 March | Patriarch of Jerusalem |
Sophrony of Essex | 1993 | 11 July | Athonite, ascetic, archimandrite[47] |
Stephen of Hungary | 1038 | 20 August | King of Hungary |
Stephen of Piperi | 1697 | 20 May | Ascetic and Abbot |
Stephen the Great | 1504 | 2 July | Prince of Moldavia |
Stylianos of Paphlagonia | 501–700 | 26 November | also known as Stylianos the Hermit |
Swithun of Winchester | 862 | 15 July | Bishop of Winchester |
Symeon Metaphrastes | 901–1000 | 9 November | Author of the 10-volume medieval Greek menologion |
Symeon the New Theologian | 1022 | 12 March | Theologian |
Tarasios of Constantinople | 806 | 25 February | Hierarch; Bishop and Confessor |
Tatiana of Russia | 1918 | 17 July | Second daughter of Tsar Nicholas II; Passion-bearer |
Theodora (6th century) | 500–548 | 14 November | Empress of the Byzantine Empire |
Theodore the Studite | 826 | 11 November | Monk |
Theodosius of Kiev | 1000 to 1100 | 3 May
August 14 (Translation of relics) |
Venerable Father |
Theophan the Recluse | 1894 | January 6 or January 10 | Well known for his writings on the spiritual life |
Theophanes the Confessor | 810s | 12 March | Confessor |
Thomas the Apostle | 21 December AD 72 | 3 July | Didymus |
Tikhon of Moscow | 1925 | 7 April | Confessor, Patriarch of Moscow, and Apostle to America |
Ulrich of Augsburg | 973 | 4 July | Bishop of Augsburg |
Valentine | 269 | 6 July | Martyr, bishop |
Varvara Yakovleva | 1918 | 18 July | New Martyr |
Vladimir of Kiev | 1015 | 15 July | Grand Prince of Kiev |
Werburgh | 699 | 3 February | Princess and nun |
Wilfrid of Ripon | 709 | 12 October or 24 April | Bishop of York |
Willibrord | 739 | 7 November | Apostle to the Frisians |
Wolfeius | 1001–1100 | 9 December | Hermit |
Wolfgang of Regensburg | 994 | 31 October | The Almoner |
Xenia of Saint Petersburg | 1803 | 24 January | Blessed, Fool for Christ |
Xenia the Righteous of Rome | 401–500 | 24 January | Venerable, Deaconess of Rome |
Xenophon of Robika | 1262 | 26 January | Russian Orthodox monk |
Yaropolk Izyaslavich | 1087 | 22 November | King of Rus |
Yegor Chekryakovsky | 1928 | 19 April (repose) | Russian Orthodox priest and a starets. |
Yrieix | 591 | 25 August | Abbot |
Zachary | 752 | 15 March | Last pope of the Byzantine Papacy. |
Zosimas of Palestine | 560 | 4 April | Venerable (Monk) |
- "Saint Alena of Belgium (+ 640)".
- "Apostle Andrew, the Holy and All-Praised First-Called".
- "The Legend of St Christopher - Blog - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Blog".
- "Saint Constantine Brancoveanu and those with him".
- "Equal of the Apostles and Emperor Constantine with his Mother Helen".
- "St Edmund, original Patron Saint of England".
- "St. Edward the Martyr, King of England".
- "Holy, Glorious Prophet Elijah".
- "Prophet Elisha".
- "Venerable Ephraim the Syrian".
- "Equal of the Apostles and Emperor Constantine with his Mother Helen".
- "John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America".
- "Repose of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian".
- "St. John the Baptist". 7 January 2013.
- "Saint Laura of Cordoba (+ 864)".
- "Who was St. Mary Magdalene?".
- "MARTYR-KING OLAF OF NORWAY - A Holy Orthodox Saint of Norway".
- "Photius the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America". Retrieved 2020-11-19.
- "Venerable Romanus the Melodist, "Sweet-Singer"". Retrieved 19 February 2023.
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