List of British political memoirs

This is a list of British political memoirs:


David AmessMurdered in 2021Ayes & Ears: A Survivor's Guide to Westminster2020Luath
Michael Ashcroft, Baron AshcroftParty Treasurer 1998-2001Dirty Politics, Dirty Times2005Biteback
Kenneth BakerHome Secretary 1990-2The Turbulent Years: My Life in Politics1993Faber & Faber
Gavin Barwell Downing Street Chief of Staff 2017-9 How to Win a Marginal Seat: My Year Fighting For My Political Life 2016 Biteback
Chief of Staff: Notes from Downing Street 2021 Atlantic
John BercowSpeaker of the Commons 2009-19Unspeakable2020Orion
John BiffenLeader of the Commons 1982-7Semi-Detached2013Biteback
Robert BoothbyMP for Aberdeen and Kincardine East 1924-50I Fight To Live: Autobiography1947
R. A. ButlerFirst Secretary of State 1962-3The Art of the Possible1971
David CameronPrime Minister 2010-6For the Record2019William Collins
Peter Carington, 6th Baron CarringtonSecretary-General of NATO 1984-8Reflect on Things Past: The Memoirs of Lord Carrington1988Harper & Row
Austen ChamberlainForeign Secretary 1924-9
Joint Leader 1921-2
Down the Years1935Cassell
Sydney ChapmenVice-Chamberlain of the Household 1992-5Back to the Drawing Board: Memoirs of a Backbencher2010Absolute Design Solutions
Alan ClarkMP for Plymouth Sutton 1974-92Alan Clark Diaries1993-2002Orion
Ken ClarkeLord Chancellor 2010-2Kind of Blue2016Pan Macmillan
Winston ChurchillPrime Minister 1940-5 and '5105The Second World War1948-53Cassell
Alec Douglas-HomePrime Minister 1963-4The Way the Wind Blows: An Autobiography by Lord Home1976Fontana
Alan DuncanMP for Rutland and Melton 1992-2019In the Thick of It: The Private Diaries of a Minister2021HarperCollins
Anthony EdenPrime Minister 1955-7The Memoirs of Sir Anthony Eden: Full Circle1960Cassell
Norman Fowler, Baron FowlerParty Chairman 1992-4A Political Suicide: The Conservatives' Voyage into the Wilderness2008Politico's
Mark FrancoisChair of the European Research GroupSpartan Victory: The Inside Story of the Battle for Brexit2021Independently
Norman TebbitParty Chairman 1985-7Upwardly Mobile: An Autobiography1988Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Peter Temple-MorrisMP for Leominster 1974-2001Across the Floor: A Life in Dissenting Politics2015I. B. Tauris
Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister 1979-90 The Downing Street Years 1993 HarperCollins
The Path to Power 1995
John MajorPrime Minister 1990-7John Major: The Autobiography1999HarperCollins
Brian MawhinneyParty Chairman 1995-7Just A Simple Belfast Boy2013Biteback
Sir Anthony Meyer, 3rd BaronetLeadership candidate in 1989Stand Up and be Counted1990Random House
John Boyd-CarpenterChief Secretary to the Treasury 1962-4Way of Life: The Memoirs of John Boyd-Carpenter1980Sidgwick & Jackson
Sebastian CoePresident of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2008-12Running My Life: The Autobiography2013Hodder & Stoughton
Nick de BoisMP for Enfield North 2010-5Confessions of a Recovering MP2017Biteback
Jean Barker, Baroness TrumpingtonBaroness-in-Waiting 1983-5 and 92-7Coming Up Trumps: A Memoir2015Pan Macmillan
Edward Turnour, 6th Earl WintertonFather of the House of Commons 1945-51Fifty Tumultuous Years1955Hutchinson
Edward HeathPrime Minister 1970-4The Course of My Life1998Bloomsbury
Quintin Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone Lord Chancellor 1970-4 and 1979–87 The Door Wherein I Went 1975 Collins
A Sparrow's Flight: Memoirs 1990 Fontana
Ann WiddecombeMinister of State for Prisons 1995-7Strictly Ann: The Autobiography2013Orion
David WaddingtonGovernor of Bermuda 1992-7Memoirs: Dispatches from Margaret Thatcher's last Home Secretary2012Biteback
William WaldegraveHealth Secretary 1990-2A Different Kind of Weather: A Memoir2015Little, Brown Book Group
Douglas HurdForeign Secretary 1989-95Memoirs2003Abacus
Bernard InghamDowning Street Press Secretary 1979-90Kill the Messenger1991HarperCollins
Tom KingDefence Secretary 1989-92A King Among Ministers: Fifty Years in Parliament Recalled2021Unicorn
Ian LangScotland Secretary 1990-5Blue Remembered Years: A Political Memoir2002Politico's
Nigel LawsonChancellor of the Exchequer 1983-9The View from No.11: Memoirs of a Tory Radical1992Bantam
Andrea LeadsomLeader of the House of Commons 2017-9Snakes and Ladders: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Politics2022Biteback
Selwyn Lloyd Speaker of the House of Commons 1971-6 Mr Speaker, Sir 1976 Cape
Suez 1956: A Personal Account 1978
Andrew MitchellInternational Development Secretary 2010-2Beyond A Fringe: Tales from a Reformed Establishment Lackey2021Biteback
Emma NicholsonMEP for South East England 1999-2009Secret Society: Inside - and Outside - the Conservative Party1996
Matthew ParrisMP for West Derbyshire 1979-86Chance Witness: An Outsider's Life in Politics2002Penguin
Chris PattenGovernor of Hong Kong 1992-7First Confession: A Sort of Memoir2017Penguin
Nicholas Ridley, Baron Ridley of LiddesdaleSecretary of State for Transport 1983-6My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years1991Hutchinson
Malcolm RifkindChair of the Intelligence and Security Committee 2010-5Power and Pragmatism: The Memoirs of Malcolm Rifkind2016Biteback
Sasha SwireWife of a Minister of State 2010-6Diary of an MP's Wife: Inside and Outside Power2020Little, Brown Book Group
Frank TaylorMP for Manchester Moss Side 1961-74Called to Account1993Pentland
Teddy TaylorBaby of the Commons 1964-5Teddy Boy Blue2008Kennedy & Boyd
George WaldenMP for Buckingham 1983-97Lucky George: Memoirs of an Anti-Politician1999Allen Lane
Peter WalkerWales Secretary 1987-90Staying Power: An Autobiography1991Bloomsbury
Rhodes BoysonMP for Brent North 1974-97Speaking My Mind1994Peter Owen
John Buchan, 1st Baron TweedsmuirGovernor-General of Canada 1935-40Memory Hold-the-Door1940Hodder and Stoughton
Duff CooperAmbassador to France 1944-8Old Men Forget1953Rupert Hart-Davis
Julian Critchley MP for Aldershot 1970-97 The Palace of Varieties 1983 Faber & Faber
A Bag of Boiled Sweets 1994
Edward du CannChairman of the 1922 Committee 1972-84Two Lives: The Political and Business Careers of Edward du Cann1995Images
George GardinerMP for Reigate 1974-97A Bastard's Tale: The Political Memoirs of George Gardiner1999Aurum
Teresa GormanMP for Billericay 1987-2001No, Prime Minister!2001J. Blake
Jerry HayesMP for Harwood 1983-97An Unexpected MP: Confessions of a Political Gossip2014Biteback
Geoffrey HoweDeputy Prime Minister 1989-90Conflict of Loyalty1994Macmillan
Gerald Nabarro MP for Kidderminster 1950-64 NAB 1: Portrait of a Politician 1970 R. Maxwell
Exploits of a Politician 1973 Arthur Barker
Richard Needham MP for North Wiltshire 1979-97 Honourable Member 1983 P. Stephens
One Man, Two Worlds: Memoir of a Businessman in Politics 2021 Blackstaff
Nigel NicolsonMP for Bournemouth East & Christchurch 1952-9Long Life: Memoirs1997Phoenix
John NottDefence Secretary 1981-3Here Today Gone Tomorrow: Memoirs of an Errant Politician2002Politico's
Elizabeth PeacockMP for Batley and Spen 1983-97A Yorkshire Lass at the Court of Thatcher2013Pen & Sword
James SpicerMP for West Dorset 1974-97Jim's Journey2014Independently
Michael SpicerChairman of the 1922 Committee 2001-10The Spicer Diaries2012St Martin's
Edward SpearsMP for Carlisle 1931-45Assignment to Catastrophe1954-5A. A. Wyn
Cecil ParkinsonParty Chairman 1981-3 and '97-8Right at the centre: An Autobiography1992Weidenfeld and Nicolson


Ann ClwydMP for Cynon Valley 1984-2019Rebel With A Cause: A Political Life2017
Diane AbbottMP Hackney North and Stoke Newington since 1987A Woman Like Me: A Memoir2022Penguin
Clement AttleePrime Minister 1945-51As It Happened1954Viking
Ed BallsChildren, Schools and Families Secretary 2007-10Speaking Out: Lessons in Life and Politics2016Random House
Tony BlairPrime Minister 1997-2007A Journey2010Random House
Tony BennEnergy Secretary 1975-9Dare to be a Daniel: Then and Now2012Random House
David BlunkettHome Secretary 2001-4The Blunkett Tapes: My Life in the Bear Pit2006Bloomsbury
Betty BoothroydSpeaker of the Commons 1992-2000The Autobiography2002Penguin Random House
George Brown, Baron George-BrownForeign Secretary 1966-8In My Way: Memoirs1971Gollancz
Gordon BrownPrime Minister 2007-10My Life, Our Times2017Random House
W. J. BrownGeneral Secretary of the Civil Service Clerical Association 1921-42So Far...1943
James CallaghanPrime Minister 1976-9Time and Chance1987Collins
Alastair CampbellGeneral Secretary of the Civil Service Clerical Association 1921-42The Blair Years2007A. Knopf
Michael CashmanMEP for West Midlands 1999-2014One of Them: From Albert Square to Parliament Square2021Bloomsbury
Barbara CastleFirst Secretary of State 1968-70Fighting All The Way1993Macmillan
Peter HainWales Secretary 2002-8 and 09-10Outside In2012Biteback
Harriet HarmanInterim Leader 2010 and 2015A Woman's Work2017Penguin
Roy HattersleyDeputy Leader 1983-92Who Goes Home?: Scenes from a Political Life1995Little, Brown Book Group
Peter MandelsonBusiness Secretary 2008-10The Third Man: Life at the Heart of New Labour2010Harper
Bob Marshall-AndrewsMP for Medway 1997-2010Off Message: The Complete Antidote to Political Humbug2011Profile
Roy MasonNorthern Ireland Secretary 1976-9Paying the Price1999Robert Hale
Greville JannerMP for Leicester West 1974-97To Life!: The Memoirs of Greville Janner2016Sutton
Alan Johnson MP for Hull West & Hessle 1997-2017 This Boy: A Memoir of a Childhood 2013 Bantam
Please, Mister Postman 2014 Transworld
The Long and Winding Road 2016
In My Life: A Music Memoir 2018
Carwyn JonesFirst Minister of Wales 2009-2018Not Just Politics2020Headline
Robert Kilroy-SilkMP for Ormskirk 1974-83Hard Labour: The Political Diary of Robert Kilroy-Silk1986Chatto & Windus
Oona KingMP for Bethnal Green & Bow 1997-2005House Music: The Oona King Diaries2007Bloomsbury
Damian McBrideDowning Street Press Secretary 2007-9Power Trip: A Decade of Policy, Plots and Spin2013Biteback
Len McCluskeyGeneral Secretary of UnitedAlways Red2021OR
Henry McLeishFirst Minister of Scotland 2000-1Scotland First: Truth and Consequences2004Mainstream
Ian MikardoMP for Bow & Poplar 1983-7Back-Bencher1988Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Ernest MillingtonMP for Chelmsford 1945-50Was That Really Me?2006Fultus
Austin Mitchell MP for Great Grimsby 1977-2015 Austin Mitchell's Yorkshire Jokes 2001 Great Northern
Austin Mitchell's Yorkshire Sayings 2004
Calendar Boy 2014 Pen & Sword
Revenge of the Rich: The Neoliberal Revolution in Britain and New Zealand 2017 Canterbury University
Confessions of a Political Maverick 2018 Biteback
Rhodri MorganFirst Minister of Wales 2000-9Rhodri: A Political Life in Wales and Westminster2017University of Wales
Herbert MorrisonInterim Leader 1955An Autobiography1960Odhams
Mo MowlamNorthern Ireland Secretary 1997-9Momentum: The Struggle for Peace, Politics and the People2002Hodder & Stoughton
Maureen ColquhounMP for Northampton North 1974-9A Woman in the House1980Scan
Robin CookForeign Secretary 1997-2001Point of Departure2003Simon & Schuster
Hugh DaltonChancellor of the Exchequer 1945-7High Tide and After: Memoirs 1945-19601953Muller
Tam DalyellFather of the Commons 2001-5The Importance of Being Awkward: The Autobiography of Tam Dalyell2011Birlinn
Alistair DarlingChancellor of the Exchequer 2007-10Back from the Brink: 1,000 Days at Number 112011Atlantic
Paul FlynnMP for Newport West 1987-2019The Usual Suspect2010Biteback
George GallowayMP for Glasgow Hillhead 1987-2005I'm Not the Only One2004Penguin
Parmjit DhandaMP for Gloucester 2001-10My Political Race: An Outsider's Journey to the Heart of British Politics2015Biteback
Tom DribergParty Chairman 1957-8Ruling Passions: The Autobiography by Tom Driberg1977Stein and Day
Maria FyfeMP for Glasgow Maryhill 1987-2001A Problem Like Maria: A Woman's Eye View of Life as an MP2014Luath
Bryan GouldChair of the Fabian Society 1988-9Goodbye to All That1995Macmillan
Denis HealeyChancellor of the Exchequer 1974-9The Time of my Life1994Random House
Eric HefferMP for Liverpool Walton 1964-91Never a Yes Man: The Life and Politics of an Adopted Liverpudlian1991Verso
Geoff HoonDefence Secretary 1999-2005See How They Run2021Unicorn
Denis HowellMinister for Sport 1974-9Made in Birmingham: The Memoirs of Denis Howell1990Queen Anne
Ken LivingstoneMayor of London 2000-8You Can't Say That2011Faber & Faber
Stan NewensMEP for Central London 1984-99In Quest of a Fairer Society: My Life and Politics2011Memoir Club
Fiona OnasanyaMP for Peterborough 2017-9Snakes and Adders: A Set Up for the Step Up2020Independently
Tom PendryMP for Stalybridge and Hyde 1970-2001Taking It On The Chin: Memoirs of a Parliamentary Bruiser2016Biteback
Jess PhillipsMP for Birmingham Yardley since 2015Everything You Really Need to Know About Politics: My Life as an MP2016Simon & Schuster
Edith Picton-TurbervillMP for The Wrekin 1929-31Life is Good: An Autobiography1939F. Muller
John PrescottDeputy Prime Minister 1997-2007Prezza: My Story: Pulling No Punches2008Headline Review
Nick RaynsfordMP for Greenwich and Woolwich 1997-2015Substance Not Spin: An Insider's View of Success and Failure in Government2016Policy
Geoffrey RobinsonMP for Coventry North West 1976-2019The Unconventional Minister: My Life Inside New Labour2000Michael Joseph
Joan RuddockMP for Lewisham Deptford 1987-2015Going Nowhere: A Memoir2016Biteback
Hartley ShawcrossAttorney General for England and Wales 1945-51Life Sentence: The Memoirs of Lord Shawcross1995Constable
Wes StreetingMP for Ilford North since 2015One Boy, Two Bills and a Fry Up: A Memoir of Growing Up and Getting On2023Hodder & Stoughton
George Thomas, 1st Viscount TonypandySpeaker of the Commons 1976-83Mr. Speaker: The Memoirs of Viscount Tonypandy1985Century
Jack StrawLord Chancellor 2007-10Last Man Standing: Memoirs of a Political Survivor2012Pan Macmillan
George Wigg, Baron WiggMP for Dudley 1945-67George Wigg1972Joseph
Harold WilsonPrime Minister 1964-70 and '74-6Memoirs: The Making of a Prime Minister 1916–19641986Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Jack AshleyMP for Stoke-on-Trent South 1966-92Acts of Defiance1994Reinhardt
Jeremy BrayMP for Motherwell South 1983-97Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Science,Politics and Trust: A Parliamentary Life1994Elizabeth Bray
Jeremy BrayMP for Motherwell South 1983-97Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Science,Politics and Trust: A Parliamentary Life1994Elizabeth Bray
Fenner Brockway General Secretary of the Independent Labour Party 1933-9 Inside the Left: Thirty Years of Platform, Press, Prison and Parliament 1942 G. Allen & Unwin
Towards Tomorrow 1977 Hart-Davis, MacGibbon
98 Not Out 1986 Quartet


Includes Liberals, Liberal Democrats and Social Democrats.

Paddy AshdownLeader 1988-99A Fortunate Life: The Autobiography of Paddy Ashdown2010Aurum
Norman BakerMP for Lewes 1997-2015
Minister of State for Crime Prevention 2013-14
Against the Grain2015Biteback
Vince CableDeputy Leader 2006-10
MP for Twickenham 1997-2015
Free Radical: A Memoir2010Atlantic
Menzies CampbellLeader 2006-7My Autobiography2008Hodder & Stoughton
Nick CleggLeader 2007–15, Deputy Prime Minister 2010-15Politics: Between the Extremes2016Random House
Tim FarronLeader 2015-17A Better Ambition: Confessions of a Faithful Liberal2019SPCK
Jeremy ThorpeLeader 1967-76In My Own Time1999Biteback
Shirley WilliamsLeader in the House of Lords 2001-4Climbing the Bookshelves: The Autobiography of Shirley Williams2009Little, Brown Book Group
Chris Rennard, Baron RennardChief Executive 2003-9Winning Here: My Campaigning Life2018Biteback
David SteelLeader 1976-88
Liberal Leader 1976-88
Against Goliath: David Steel's Story1989Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Jo GrimondLeader 1956-67Memoirs1979Holmes & Meier
David Lloyd GeorgePrime Minister 1916-22
Leader 1926-31
War Memoirs of David Lloyd George1933-7Ivor Nicholson & Watson
Bill Rodgers, Baron Rodgers of Quarry BankLeader in the House of Lords 1997-2001Fourth Among Equals2000Politico's
Cyril SmithChief Whip in the House of Commons 1976-7Big Cyril: The Autobiography1977W. H. Allen
Mark OatenChair 2001-3Screwing Up: How One MP Survived Politics, Scandal and Turning Forty2009Biteback
Dick Taverne, Baron TaverneMP for Lincoln 1962-74Against the Tide: Politics and Beyond - A Memoir2014Biteback
Roy JenkinsSDP Leader 1982-3
Leader in the Lords 1988-97
A Life at the Centre1991Macmillan
David Laws MP for Yeovil 2001-15 22 Days in May: The Birth of the Lib Dem-Conservative Coalition 2010 Biteback
Coalition: The Inside Story of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government 2016
Coalition Diaries, 2012–2015 2017




  • Guinea a Minute by Godfrey Bloom (2013)
  • Nigel Farage (Biteback)
    • Fighting Bull (2010)
    • Flying Free (2011)
    • The Purple Revolution: The Year That Changed Everything (2015)


  • Stop the World: The Autobiography of Winnie Ewing by Winnie Ewing (2004)
  • The Dream Shall Never Die: 100 Days that Changed Scotland Forever by Alex Salmond (HarperCollins, 2015)
  • A Difference of Opinion: My Political Journey by Jim Sillars (2021)

Plaid Cymru

  • For the Sake of Wales: The Memoirs of Gwynfor Evans by Gwynfor Evans (1996)

Minor Parties

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