List of Acclaim Entertainment games

These are the games released by the video game publisher Acclaim Entertainment.


Star VoyagerASCII EntertainmentNES
Winter GamesAtelier DoubleNES
3-D WorldRunnerSquareNES
Wizards & WarriorsRareNES
AirwolfBeam SoftwareNES
OthelloHAL LaboratoryNES
WWF WrestleManiaRareNES
Knight RiderPack-In-VideoNES
IronSword: Wizards & Warriors IIRareNES
Cybernoid: The Fighting MachineGremlin GraphicsNES
Wizards & Warriors X: The Fortress of FearRareGame Boy
Double Dragon II: The RevengeTechnosNES
Destination EarthstarImagineeringNES
KwirkAtlusGame Boy
BigfootBeam SoftwareNES
Total RecallInterplay ProductionsNES
Swords and SerpentsInterplay ProductionsNES
Arch Rivals: A Basket Brawl!RareNES
Back to the Future II & IIIBeam SoftwareNESReleased under the LJN label, first LJN title to be distributed by Acclaim.
WWF WrestleMania ChallengeRareNESReleased under the LJN label


The PunisherBeam SoftwareNESLJN
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space MutantsImagineering (NES)
Arc Developments (Game Gear, Master System, Genesis)
NES, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System, Sega GenesisAcclaim (NES)
Flying Edge (Genesis, Master System, Game Gear)
NBA All-Star ChallengeBeam SoftwareGame BoyLJN
Double Dragon III: The Sacred StonesTechnosNESAcclaim
WWF Superstars Rare Game Boy LJN
Beetlejuice Rare NES LJN
The Punisher: The Ultimate Payback Beam Software Game Boy Acclaim
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure Rocket Science Productions NES LJN
Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure Beam Software Game Boy LJN
Smash T.V. Beam Software NES Acclaim
Trog! Visual Concepts NES Acclaim
Populous Infinity Co., Ltd. SNES Acclaim Published in North America only.
Double Dragon II Technos Game Boy Acclaim Different to the NES counterpart.
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball Sculptured Software NES, Game Boy, SNES, Genesis LJN (NES, Game Boy, SNES)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
Wolverine Software Creations NES LJN
Bart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly Imagineering Game Boy Acclaim
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World Imagineering (NES)
Arc Developments (Game Gear, Master System)
NES, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System Acclaim (NES)
Flying Edge (Game Gear, Master System)


Game Developer Platform Label Notes
Beetlejuice Rare Game Boy LJN Different to the NES counterpart
Terminator 2: Judgement Day Bits Studios Game Boy LJN
Terminator 2: Judgement Day Software Creations (NES)
Arc Developments (Game Gear, Master System)
NES, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System LJN Different to the Game Boy counterpart.
Super Smash T.V. Beam Software (SNES)
Probe Software (Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System)
SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System Acclaim (SNES)
Flying Edge (Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System)
SNES and Sega versions of Smash T.V.
Wizards & Warriors III: Kuros: Visions of Power Rare NES Acclaim
WWF Super WrestleMania Sculptured Software SNES, Sega Genesis LJN (SNES)
Flying Edge (Sega Genesis)
T&C Surf Designs: Thrilla's Surfari Sculptured Software NES LJN
WWF Superstars 2 Sculptured Software Game Boy LJN
NBA All-Star Challenge 2 Beam Software Game Boy LJN
Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin Sega of America Sega Game Gear Flying Edge
The Steel Empire Hot-B Sega Genesis Flying Edge
Arch Rivals: The Arcade Game Arc Developments Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear Flying Edge Sega versions of the NES counterpart.
Krusty's Fun House Audiogenic NES, Game Boy, SNES, Genesis, Game Gear, Master System Acclaim (NES, Game Boy, SNES)
Flying Edge (Genesis, Game Gear, Master System)
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge System 3 Co., Ltd. NES, Game Boy Acclaim
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge Aisystem Tokyo Sega Genesis Flying Edge Different to the NES/Game Boy counterpart.
Double Dragon 3: The Arcade Game Sales Curve Interactive (Game Boy)
Software Creations (Genesis)
Game Boy, Sega Genesis Acclaim (Game Boy)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Bits Studios Game Boy LJN
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare Sculptured Software SNES, Sega Genesis Acclaim (SNES)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
George Foreman's KO Boxing Beam Software NES, SNES, Game Boy, Sega Genesis Acclaim (NES, SNES, GB)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
George Foreman's KO Boxing SIMS Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System Flying Edge Different to the NES/SNES/Game Boy/Genesis counterpart.
WWF WrestleMania: Steel Cage Challenge Sculptured Software (NES)
Teeny Weeny Games (GG, SMS)
NES, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System LJN (NES)
Flying Edge (GG, SMS)
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six Bits Studios NES, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System LJN (NES)
Flying Edge (GG, SMS)
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts Imagineering Game Boy Acclaim
Alien 3 Probe Software Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System Arena Entertainment
Predator 2 Teeny Weeny Games Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System Arena Entertainment
T2: The Arcade Game Beam Software (Game Boy)
Probe Software (SNES, Genesis, Game Gear, Master System)
Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System, SNES, Game Boy LJN (SNES, Game Boy)
Arena Entertainment (Genesis, Game Gear, Master System)
Super High Impact Iguana Entertainment (Genesis)
Beam Software (SNES)
Sega Genesis, SNES Arena Entertainment (Genesis)
Acclaim (SNES)
The Incredible Crash Dummies Software Creations (GB)
Teeny Weeny Games (GG, SMS)
Game Boy, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System LJN (GB)
Flying Edge (Game Gear, Sega Master System)
The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man Imagineering (NES)
Teeny Weeny Games (Game Gear)
NES, Sega Game Gear Acclaim (NES)
Teeny Weeny Games (Game Gear)
Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge Software Creations (SNES, Genesis, Game Gear)
Unexpected Development (Game Boy)
SNES, Sega Genesis, Game Boy, Sega Game Gear LJN (SNES, Game Boy)
Flying Edge (Genesis, Game Gear)
NBA All-Star ChallengeBeam SoftwareSNES, Sega GenesisLJN (SNES)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
Different to the Game Boy counterpart.


Game Developer Platform Label Notes
Alien 3 Bits Studios Game Boy LJN Different to the Sega counterpart.
Alien 3 Probe Software NES LJN Different to the Sega and Game Boy counterparts.
Alien 3 Probe Software SNES LJN Different to the Sega, Game Boy and NES counterparts.
WWF Royal Rumble Sculptured Software SNES, Sega Genesis LJN (SNES)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider Slayers Bits Studios Game Boy LJN
WWF King of the Ring Eastridge Technology NES, Game Boy LJN
Mortal Kombat Sculptured Software (SNES)
Probe Software (GB, Genesis, Game Gear, Master System, Sega CD)
SNES, Game Boy, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega CD Acclaim (SNES, Game Boy)
Arena Entertainment (Genesis, Master System, Game Gear, Sega CD)
The Incredible Crash Dummies Software Creations NES LJN Different to the Game Boy counterpart.
RoboCop 3 Eden Entertainment Software Genesis, Master System, Game Gear Flying Edge
The Addams Family Ocean Software Sega Genesis Flying Edge
The Addams Family Arc Developments Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System Flying Edge Different to the Sega Genesis counterpart.
The Incredible Crash Dummies Gray Matter SNES, Sega Genesis LJN (SNES)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
Different to the other versions.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day Bits Studios SNES, Sega Genesis LJN (SNES)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
Different to the other versions.
NFL Quarterback Club Beam Software Game Boy LJN
WWF Rage in the Cage Sculptured Software Sega CD Arena Entertainment


Game Developer Platform Label Notes
The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk Software Creations Game Boy Acclaim
NBA Jam Iguana Entertainment (SNES, Genesis, Game Gear)
Beam Software (Game Boy)
SNES, Game Boy, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Sega CD Acclaim (SNES, Game Boy, Sega CD)
Arena Entertainment (Genesis, Game Gear)
Champions World Class Soccer Park Place Productions SNES, Sega Genesis Acclaim (SNES)
Flying Edge (Genesis)
Mortal Kombat II Sculptured Software (SNES)

Probe Entertainment (other versions)

SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, 32X, Game Gear, PlayStation, Saturn, Master System Acclaim
NFL Quarterback Club Iguana Entertainment (SNES/Genesis/32X)

Condor (Game Gear/Game Boy)

SNES, Game Boy, Genesis, Game Gear, 32X LJN (SNES, Game Boy)
Acclaim (Game Gear, Genesis, 32X)
Released as NFL Quarterback Club II on Game Boy
Stargate Probe Entertainment SNES, Genesis, Game Gear, Game Boy Acclaim
Virtual Bart Sculptured Software SNES, Genesis Acclaim
Spider-Man & Venom in Maximum Carnage Software Creations SNES, Genesis Acclaim (GEN)
WWF Raw Sculptured Software SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, 32X, Game Gear LJN (SNES, Game Boy)
Acclaim (Genesis, 32X, Game Gear)
Newman/Haas Indy Car featuring Nigel Mansell Gremlin Interactive SNES, Genesis Acclaim
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage Teeny Weeny Games Genesis Acclaim
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage Bits Studios SNES LJN Different to the Genesis version.
Monster Truck Wars Gremlin Interactive Game Boy, Game Gear Acclaim
Bloodshot Domark Genesis, Sega CD Acclaim Released in Europe only.
Itchy & Scratchy in Miniature Golf Madness Beam Software Game Boy Acclaim
Rise of the Robots Mirage
Data Design Interactive (Genesis)
SNES, Genesis Acclaim


Game Developer Platform Label Notes
Demolition Man Alexandria SNES, Genesis, Sega CD Acclaim
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition Iguana Entertainment
Torus Games (GB)
SNES, Genesis, Game Gear, Game Boy, 32X, Saturn, PlayStation, Windows Acclaim
Syndicate Domark & Bullfrog Productions Sega CD Acclaim Released exclusively in Europe.
The Death and Return of Superman Blizzard Entertainment Genesis Acclaim Published in Europe only.
Warlock Realtime Associates SNES, Genesis LJN (SNES)
Acclaim (Genesis)
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Virgin Interactive Entertainment SNES, Genesis, Game Gear Acclaim Published in North America only.
The Itchy & Scratchy Game Bits Corporation SNES, Game Gear Acclaim
Spider-Man: The Animated Series Western Technologies Incorporated SNES, Genesis LJN (SNES)
Acclaim (Genesis)
Spot Goes to Hollywood Eurocom Entertainment Software Genesis Acclaim
Venom - Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety Software Creations SNES, Genesis, Windows Acclaim
Batman Forever Probe Entertainment SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, Windows Acclaim
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball Iguana Entertainment SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, Windows, PlayStation, Saturn Acclaim
Street Fighter: The Movie Capcom PlayStation, Saturn Acclaim
WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game Sculptured Software SNES, Genesis, 32X, Windows, PlayStation, Saturn Acclaim
F1 World Championship Edition Domark SNES, Genesis Acclaim
Foreman for Real Software Creations SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear Acclaim
Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday Sun Corporation of America, Inc.
Phoenix Interactive Entertainment
SNES Acclaim
Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos Sun Corporation of America, Inc.
David A. Palmer Productions
SNES Acclaim
Scooby-Doo Mystery Sun Corporation of America, Inc.
Argonaut Software
SNES Acclaim
Scooby-Doo Mystery Sun Corporation of America, Inc.
Illusions Gaming Company
Genesis Acclaim Different to the SNES version
NFL Quarterback Club 96 Iguana Entertainment SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, Windows, Saturn Acclaim
Theme Park Domark & Bullfrog Productions Sega CD Acclaim Released exclusively in Europe.
True Lies Beam Software SNES, Game Boy, Genesis, Game Gear LJN (SNES, Game Boy)
Acclaim (Genesis, Game Gear)
Judge Dredd Probe Entertainment SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, Windows Acclaim
Total Football Domark Genesis Acclaim Released exclusively in Europe.
Todd MacFarlane's Spawn: The Video Game Ukiyotei Ltd. SNES Acclaim
Justice League: Task Force Sun Corporation of America, Inc.
Blizzard Entertainment (SNES)
Condor (Genesis)
SNES, Genesis Acclaim
Dirt Trax FX Sculptured Software SNES Acclaim
Jupiter Strike High-Tech Lab of Japan PlayStation Acclaim
Myst SunSoft Saturn Acclaim
Robotica Micronet Saturn Acclaim Published in North America only.
Mortal Kombat 3 Sculptured Software SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear Acclaim Published in Europe only.
Marko's Magic Football Domark SNES Acclaim Released exclusively in Europe.
Revolution X Rage Software
Software Creations (PS, Saturn)
SNES, Genesis, Windows, Saturn, PlayStation Acclaim
Virtual Open Tennis Arc System Works Saturn Acclaim
Galactic Attack Ving Saturn Acclaim


Game Developer Platform Notes
Alien Trilogy Probe Entertainment Saturn, PlayStation
Rise 2: Resurrection Mirage PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
College Slam Iguana Entertainment

Torus Games (GB)

Windows, Genesis, SNES, Saturn, PlayStation, Game Boy
Cutthroat Island Software Creations SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear
DragonHeart Torus Games Game Boy
Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal Realtime Associates PlayStation, Saturn, Game Gear, Game Boy
Killing Zone Scarab PlayStation
V-Tennis Tonkinhouse PlayStation
Battle Monsters Scarab Saturn
Bust-a-Move 2: Arcade Edition Taito PlayStation, Saturn, Nintendo 64, Windows, Game Boy
X-Men: Children of the Atom Capcom (Saturn)

Probe Entertainment (other versions)

PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands Probe Entertainment PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
Striker '96 Rage Software PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
The Deep: Ushinawareta Shinkai Marionette PlayStation Released in Japan only.
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game Iguana Entertainment PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
D WARP PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
DragonHeart: Fire & Steel Funcom PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
NBA Jam Extreme Sculptured Software PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
Tunnel B1 NEON Software PlayStation, Saturn Published in North America only.
Darius Gaiden Aisystem Tokyo Co., Ltd. Saturn
Star Fighter Krisalis Software PlayStation, Saturn
Space Jam Sculptured Software PlayStation, Saturn, Windows
Impact Racing Funcom PlayStation, Saturn Published in North America only.
Iron & Blood Take-Two Interactive Software PlayStation
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Avalanche Software SNES, Genesis Published in Europe only.
WWF In Your House Sculptured Software PlayStation, Saturn, Windows


Turok: Dinosaur HunterIguana EntertainmentNintendo 64, WindowsAcclaim
The Crow: City of AngelsGray Matter StudiosPlayStation, Saturn, WindowsAcclaim
Psychic ForceTaitoPlayStationAcclaim
All-Star Baseball '97 Featuring Frank ThomasIguana EntertainmentPlayStation, SaturnAcclaim
BattleSportCyclone Studios
Unexpected Development
PlayStation, Saturn, WindowsAcclaim
ScorcherZyrinxSaturnAcclaimPublished in Japan Only
Magic: The Gathering - BattleMageRealtime AssociatesPlayStation, WindowsAcclaim
Fantastic FourProbe EntertainmentPlayStationAcclaim
NHL Breakaway 98Sculptured SoftwarePlayStation, Nintendo 64Acclaim SportsReleased on the Nintendo 64 in 1998
Extreme-GProbe EntertainmentNintendo 64Acclaim
NFL Quarterback Club 98Iguana EntertainmentNintendo 64Acclaim Sports
Riven: The Sequel to MystSunSoftPlayStationAcclaimPS1 version only
Turok: Battle of the BionosaursBit ManagersGame BoyAcclaimGame Boy counterpart to Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Bust-A-Move 3TaitoSaturnAcclaimPublished in Europe Only


Bust-A-Move 3DXTaitoPlayStation, Nintendo 64, Game BoyAcclaimEnhanced version of Bust-A-Move 3. Released as Bust-A-Move 99 in North America and released in 1999 there.
Brain DrainVisual ImpactGame BoyAcclaim
ForsakenProbe Entertainment
Iguana Entertainment UK (N64)
PlayStation, Windows, Nintendo 64Acclaim
All-Star Baseball 99Iguana EntertainmentNintendo 64, Game BoyAcclaim Sports
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 98Probe EntertainmentPlayStationAcclaim Sports
WWF War ZoneIguana WestPlayStation, Nintendo 64, Game BoyAcclaim Sports
Iggy's Reckin' BallsIguana EntertainmentNintendo 64Acclaim
Batman and RobinIguana EntertainmentPlayStationAcclaim
Super Match SoccerCranberry SourcePlayStation, WindowsAcclaimReleased exclusively in Europe.
Extreme-G 2Probe EntertainmentNintendo 64, WindowsAcclaimPC version released in 1999.
Turok 2: Seeds of EvilIguana EntertainmentNintendo 64, WindowsAcclaimPC version released in 1999.
Turok 2: Seeds of EvilBit ManagersGame Boy ColorAcclaimDifferent to the console/PC version.
No One Can Stop Mr. DominoArtdinkPlayStationAcclaimPublished only in North America.
NFL Quarterback Club 99Iguana WestNintendo 64Acclaim Sports
NHL Breakaway 99Iguana WestNintendo 64Acclaim Sports
NBA Jam 99Iguana Entertainment
Torus Games (GBC)
Nintendo 64, Game Boy ColorAcclaim Sports
South ParkIguana Entertainment
Appaloosa Interactive (PS1)
Nintendo 64, Windows, PlayStationAcclaimPC and PS1 versions released in 1999


All-Star Baseball 2000Iguana EntertainmentNintendo 64, Game Boy ColorAcclaim Sports
Bust-A-Move 4TaitoPlayStation, Game Boy Color, DreamcastAcclaim
Club Acclaim (Dreamcast)
Dreamcast version released in 2000
Pumuckls Abenteuer bei den PiratenNeon SoftwareGame Boy ColorAcclaimReleased exclusively in Germany.
WWF AttitudeAcclaim Studios Salt Lake CityPlayStation, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, DreamcastAcclaim Sports
Shadow ManAcclaim Studios TeessideNintendo 64, Windows, Dreamcast, PlayStationAcclaim
Re-VoltAcclaim Studios LondonNintendo 64, Windows, Dreamcast, PlayStationAcclaim
NFL Quarterback Club 2000Acclaim Studios AustinNintendo 64, DreamcastAcclaim
TrickStyleCriterion GamesDreamcast, WindowsAcclaim
Psychic Force 2012TaitoDreamcastNoneDistribution and Dreamcast version only, self-published by Taito
South Park: Chef's Luv ShackAcclaim Studios AustinNintendo 64, Windows, Dreamcast, PlayStationAcclaim
Turok: Rage WarsAcclaim Studios AustinNintendo 64Acclaim
NBA Jam 2000Acclaim Studios Salt Lake CityNintendo 64Acclaim Sports
Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.Acclaim Studios London
Neon Software (GBC)
Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, PlayStationAcclaimPS1 version released in 2000
Pac-Man: Special Colour EditionNamcoGame Boy ColorAcclaimPublished only in Europe.
Ms. Pac-Man: Special Colour EditionNamcoGame Boy ColorAcclaimPublished only in Europe.
The New Adventures of Mary-Kate and AshleyCrawfish InteractiveGame Boy ColorClub AcclaimReleased Exclusively in North America.
DropzoneAwesome DevelopmentsGame Boy ColorAcclaimReleased Exclusively in Europe.
Tee OffBottom UpDreamcastAcclaim


South Park RallyTantalusPlayStation, Nintendo 64, Windows, DreamcastAcclaim
ECW Hardcore RevolutionAcclaim Studios Salt Lake CityPlayStation, Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, Game Boy ColorAcclaim
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000Acclaim Studios Salt Lake CityPlayStation, Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, Game Boy ColorAcclaim Sports
All-Star Baseball 2001High Voltage SoftwareNintendo 64, Game Boy ColorAcclaim Sports
Spirit of Speed 1937Broadsword InteractiveDreamcastLJN (NA/EU)
Acclaim (Japan)
Dreamcast version only. Copublished with Taito in Japan.
Fur FightersBizarre CreationsDreamcast, WindowsAcclaim
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Get A ClueCrawfish InteractiveGame Boy ColorClub Acclaim
Turok: Rage WarsBit ManagersGame Boy ColorAcclaimSeparate to the Nintendo 64 version.
Soccer ManagerBrodsword InteractiveGame Boy ColorAcclaimOnly released in Europe.
Dead or Alive 2TecmoDreamcastAcclaimPublished in Europe only
Turok 3: Shadow of OblivionBit ManagersGame Boy ColorAcclaimSeparate to the Nintendo 64 version.
NFL QB Club 2001Acclaim Studios Salt Lake CityNintendo 64, DreamcastAcclaim Sports
ECW Anarchy RulzAcclaim Studios Salt Lake CityPlayStation, DreamcastAcclaim
RC RevengeAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation, PlayStation 2AcclaimSequel to Re-Volt.
PS2 version released as RC Revenge Pro.
ATV Quad Power RacingClimax Brighton
Tantalus (GBA)
PlayStation, Game Boy AdvanceAcclaim Sports (PS1)
AKA Acclaim (GBA)
GBA version released in 2002
Turok 3: Shadow of OblivionAcclaim Studios AustinNintendo 64Acclaim
F355 ChallengeSega AM2DreamcastAcclaimDreamcast version only, excluding Japan
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMXZ-Axis
NEON Software (GBC)
PlayStation, Dreamcast, Windows, Game Boy ColorAcclaim Max Sports
RC de Go!TaitoPlayStationAcclaim
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Magical Mystery Malln-SpacePlayStationClub Acclaim
Bust-A-Move MillenniumTaitoGame Boy ColorClub Acclaim
Freestyle Motocross: McGrath vs PastranaZ-AxisPlayStationAcclaim Max Sports
Pumuckls Abenteuer im GeisterschlossNEON SoftwareGame Boy ColorAcclaim
Maya The Bee: Garden AdventuresNEON SoftwareGame Boy ColorAcclaim
HBO BoxingOsiris StudiosPlayStationAcclaim Sports
Super Bust-A-MoveTaitoPlayStation 2Acclaim
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Pocket PlannerPowerhead GamesGame Boy ColorClub Acclaim
NBA Jam 2001Digital CreationsGame Boy ColorAcclaim Sports
Maya The Bee and her FriendsCrawfish InteractiveGame Boy ColorAcclaimOnly released in Europe.


Ducati World Racing ChallengeAttention to DetailPlayStation, Dreamcast, WindowsAcclaim
Vanishing PointClockwork GamesPlayStation, DreamcastAcclaim
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Winners CircleTantalus Media
M4 Limited (GBC)
PlayStation, Game Boy ColorClub Acclaim
All-Star Baseball 2002Acclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, GameCubeAcclaim SportsGameCube version released only in North America.
Antz RacingRFX InteractiveGame Boy ColorClub AcclaimCo-published with Light and Shadow Production in North America.
Crazy TaxiAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2, GameCubeAcclaimPorted for Sega. Published by Sega in Japan
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX: Maximum RemixZ-AxisPlayStationAcclaim Max Sports
Blast LacrosseSandbox StudiosPlayStationAcclaim Sportsreleased only in North America
Fur Fighters: Viggo's RevengeBizarre CreationsPlayStation 2AcclaimEnhanced port of Fur Fighters
Power ShovelTaitoPlayStationAcclaimPublished in North America only
Extreme-G 3Acclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2, GameCubeAcclaim
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2Z-Axis
Full Fat (GBA)
PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, Game Boy AdvanceAcclaim Max Sports
Paris-Dakar RallyBroadsword InteractivePlayStation 2, WindowsAcclaim
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Crush Coursen-Space
Crawfish Interactive (GBC)
PlayStation, Windows, Game Boy ColorClub Acclaim
NFL Quarterback Club 2002Acclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, GameCubeAcclaim Sports
BurnoutCriterion GamesPlayStation 2, GameCube, XboxAcclaimGameCube and Xbox versions released in 2002
18 Wheeler: American Pro TruckerAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2, GameCubeAcclaimPorted for Sega. GameCube version released in 2002
Jeremy McGrath Supercross WorldAcclaim Studios Salt Lake CityPlayStation 2, GameCubeAcclaim Max SportsGameCube version released in 2002
Kevin Sheedy AFL Coach 2002IR GurusWindowsAcclaim SportsReleased only in Australia.
Legends of WrestlingAcclaim Studios Salt Lake CityPlayStation 2, GameCube, XboxAcclaimGameCube and Xbox versions released in 2002.


NBA Jam 2002DC StudiosGame Boy AdvanceAcclaim SportsPublished in North America only.
All-Star Baseball 2003Acclaim Studios Austin
Creations (GBA)
PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Game Boy AdvanceAcclaim SportsGCN and GBA versions released only in North America.
Shadow Man: 2econd ComingAcclaim Studios TeessidePlayStation 2AcclaimLast game developed by Acclaim Studios Teesside
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the FutureAppaloosa InteractivePlayStation 2AcclaimPublished in North America only
Kick Off 02Anco SoftwareWindowsAcclaimReleased only in Europe.
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Girls Night OutPowerhead GamesGame Boy AdvanceClub Acclaim
Maya the Bee: The Great AdventureShin'en MultimediaGame Boy AdvanceAcclaimReleased only in Europe.
Coyote Console
Graphic State (GBA)
GameCube, Game Boy AdvanceAcclaim
HeadhunterAmuzePlayStation 2AcclaimPublished in North America only
Punch KingFull FatGame Boy AdvanceAcclaim
Aggressive InlineZ-Axis
Full Fat (GBA)
PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, Game Boy AdvanceAKA Acclaim
Turok: EvolutionAcclaim Studios Austin
RFX Interactive (GBA)
Super Happy Fun Fun (PC)
PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, Windows, Game Boy AdvanceAcclaimPC version released exclusively in Europe in late 2003
AFL Live 2003IR GurusPlayStation 2, Xbox, WindowsAcclaim SportsReleased only in Australia.
Burnout 2: Point of ImpactCriterion GamesPlayStation 2, GameCube, XboxAcclaimGameCube and Xbox versions released in 2003
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16 - Licensed to Driven-Space
Powerhead Games (GBA)
Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, GameCubeClub AcclaimGameCube version released in 2003
Full Fat (GBA)
PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, Game Boy AdvanceAKA AcclaimGame Boy Advance version released as Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3
Legends of Wrestling IIAcclaim Studios Salt Lake City
Powerhead Games (GBA)
PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox. Game Boy AdvanceAcclaimLast game developed by Acclaim Studios Salt Lake City
Virtua Tennis 2HitmakerPlayStation 2AcclaimPublished in Europe only
Virtua Cop: Elite EditionSega AM2PlayStation 2AcclaimPublished in Europe only


ATV Quad Power Racing 2Climax BrightonPlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCubeAKA Acclaim
VexxAcclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCubeAcclaim
All-Star Baseball 2004Acclaim Studios Austin
Acclaim Studios Manchester (GBA)
PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Game Boy AdvanceAcclaim SportsNon-PS2 versions Released only in North America.
Dakar 2: The World's Ultimate RallyAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCubeAcclaimPS2 version released only in Europe.
Sega Bass Fishing DuelWow EntertainmentPlayStation 2AcclaimPublished in Europe only
Speed KingsClimax StudiosPlayStation 2, GameCube, XboxAcclaim
SX SuperstarClimax StudiosPlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCubeAKA Acclaim (North America)
Acclaim (Europe)
Summer Heat Beach VolleyballAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2Acclaim
AFL Live 2004IR GurusPlayStation 2, XboxAcclaimReleased only in Europe and Australia.
XGRA: Extreme-G Racing AssociationAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2, GameCube, XboxAcclaim
NBA JamAcclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, XboxAcclaim
Wallace and Gromit in Project ZooFrontier DevelopmentsPlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, WindowsAcclaimEuropean and Australian distribution only - published by BAM! Entertainment
Ed, Edd n Eddy: Jawbreakers!Climax GroupGame Boy AdvanceAcclaimEuropean and Australian distribution only - published by BAM! Entertainment
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of TimeVirtucraftGame Boy AdvanceAcclaimEuropean and Australian distribution only - published by BAM! Entertainment
Gladiator: Sword of VengeanceAcclaim Studios ManchesterPlayStation 2, Xbox, WindowsAcclaimOnly major game developed by Acclaim Studios Manchester under that name.
The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage - Pickled EditionVIS EntertainmentGameCubeAcclaimEuropean and Australian distribution only - published by BAM! Entertainment


Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance IIBlack Isle StudiosPlayStation 2, XboxSub-distributed for Avalon Interactive in the UK, France, Germany, and Benelux. Published by Interplay Entertainment[1]
Urban Freestyle SoccerGusto GamesPlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Windows
Worms 3DTeam17PlayStation 2, GameCube, WindowsPublished in North America only.
Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen DrumsArtificial Mind and MovementPlayStation 2, GameCube, XboxEuropean and Australian distribution only - published by BAM! Entertainment
All-Star Baseball 2005Acclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, XboxReleased only in North America
AliasAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2, Xbox, WindowsLast game developed by Acclaim Studios Cheltenham. PC version released in June 2004.
World Championship RugbySwordfish StudiosPlayStation 2, XboxReleased only in Europe. North American release cancelled after Acclaim's bankruptcy.
AFL Live Premiership EditionIR GurusPlayStation 2, XboxReleased only in Australia.
Showdown: Legends of WrestlingAcclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, XboxLast game developed by Acclaim Studios Austin.
KreedBurut Creative TeamWindowsPublished in Europe only.

Cancelled games

NBA JamIguana EntertainmentMaster System
Monster Truck WarsUnknownSNESCancelled for unknown reasons.
The Itchy & Scratchy Game Bits Corporation Genesis
Revolution X Rage Software 32X
Duelunknown32XWas only a 32X tech demo.
ImmortalAcclaim Arcade StudioArcadeCancelled for unknown reasons, only a few character renders remain.
Killing Time Torus Games PlayStation, Sega Saturn
South ParkCrawfish InteractiveGame Boy ColorCancelled as the show's creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, didn't want the title to be released on a video game system targeted outside South Park's target audience of adults. The game's engine was repurposed for Maya the Bee and her Friends, which was released in Europe, and The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley, which was released in North America.
Ultra Soccer/Acclaim Sports SoccerProbe EntertainmentNintendo 64Scheduled for an August 1999 release,[2] the game was cancelled either because of quality standards or the problems with the Engine being used for the game.
Re-VoltDigital CreationsGame Boy ColorCancelled after the game's development went over time. The source code and engine were reused for Race Time and ATV Racers for the same systems, abit being published by different companies.
Ferrari 360 ChallengeBrain in a JarPlayStation 2Cancelled due to high development costs and undisclosed troubles with the Ferrari license.
TurokunknownGame Boy AdvanceA tech demo made for testing purposes. It was a GBA port of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter.
Extreme-G 3SimilisGame Boy AdvanceCancelled very early in development, reasons are unknown.
Re-Volt Live unknown Xbox Never left beta for unknown reasons.
Turok ResurrectionAcclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, Xbox (Possibly GameCube or Windows as well)Never got off the drawing board as the team who were planning the title had moved on to other projects.
Forsaken 2Acclaim Studios TeessidePlayStation 2, XboxCancelled due to the closure of the Teesside studio. Was supposed to be a sequel to Forsaken. Only a small racing demo remains of this title.
Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action!unknownPlayStation 2, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, WindowsCancelled due to Acclaim and Dualstar Entertainment parting ways.[3]
Emergency MayhemAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2, XboxCancelled due to the closure of Acclaim Studios Cheltenham. The publishing rights were eventually bought by Codemasters, finished off by Supersonic Software, and was released on the Wii in April 2008.
The Last JobAcclaim Studios CheltenhamPlayStation 2, XboxCancelled due to the closure of Acclaim Studios Cheltenham.
Interview with a Made ManAcclaim Studios ManchesterPlayStation 2, XboxCancelled due to the closure of Acclaim Studios Manchester. Was eventually finished by former employees of the studio, and the publishing rights would be bought by Mastertronic and Aspyr, and would be released simply as Made Man in late 2006. The Xbox version never saw the light of day.
ATV: Quad Power Racing 3Acclaim Studios ManchesterPlayStation 2, XboxCancelled due to the closure of Acclaim Studios Manchester. Only a prototype of the Xbox version is all that remains of this title.
JuicedJuice GamesPlayStation 2, XboxAfter Acclaim's closure, the game's publishing rights were bought by THQ and the game was delayed so it could be polished more further. It was eventually released in May 2005. An almost-final Prototype of the Acclaim version exists for the Xbox.
The Red StarAcclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, XboxThe entire game was completed but was never published following Acclaim's bankruptcy. The game's publishing rights were bought by the Budget publisher XS Games and was released in 2007 as a PS2-exclusive budget title. The canceled but complete Xbox version can be downloaded on a modded console.
100 BulletsAcclaim Studios AustinPlayStation 2, XboxCancelled due to the closure of Acclaim Studios Austin.


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