Library of Congress Classification:Class Q -- Science
Class Q: Science is a classification used by the Library of Congress Classification system. This article outlines the subclasses of Class Q.[1][2]
Q - Science (General)
- 1-390.......Science (General)
- 1-295......General
- 300-390....Cybernetics
- 350-390...Information theory
QA - Mathematics
- 1-939..............Mathematics
- 1-43..............General
- 47-59.............Tables
- 71-90.............Instruments and machines
- 75-76.95.........Calculating machines
- 75.5-76.95......Electronic computers. Computer science
- 76.73.A-Z......Individual languages A-Z
- 76.73.A12.....ABAP
- 76.73.A24.....ALGOL
- 76.73.A27.....APL
- 76.73.A35.....Ada
- 76.73.A67.....AppleScript
- 76.73.A8.......Assembly languages. Assemblers
- 76.73.A84.....AutoLISP
- 76.73.A95.....AWK
- 76.73.B155...B
- 76.73.B3......BASIC
- 76.73.B78....BSV 753
- 76.73.C15.....C
- 76.73.C153....C++
- 76.73.C154....C#
- 76.73.C25.....COBOL
- 76.73.C56.....Clipper
- 76.73.C58.....CoffeeScript
- 76.73.C75.....CSP
- 76.73.C87.....Curl
- 76.73.D138...D
- 76.73.D14.....D*
- 76.73.D23.....Dart
- 76.73.D25.....DRL
- 76.73.D95.....Dylan
- 76.73.E27.....EasyLanguage
- 76.73.E38.....ELAN
- 76.73.E75.....ERLANG
- 76.73.F16.....F
- 76.73.F23.....FOCUS
- 76.73.F25.....FORTRAN
- 76.73.F74.....FRED
- 76.73.G25....GW-BASIC
- 76.73.G63....Go
- 76.73.H37.....Haskell
- 76.73.H6.......HP-GL/2
- 76.73.H96.....HyperTalk
- 76.73.I22.......INFORMIX-4GL
- 76.73.J2........J#
- 76.73.J38.....Java
- 76.73.J39.....JavaScript
- 76.73.J63.....Job Control Language
- 76.73.J7.......JR
- 76.73.K63.....Kodu
- 76.73.K67.....KornShell
- 76.73.L23......LISP
- 76.73.L62......LogiQL
- 76.73.L63......LOGO
- 76.73.L66.......LotusScript
- 76.73.L82.......Lua
- 76.73.M15......M
- 76.73.M29......Mathematica
- 76.73.M35......Maude
- 76.73.M39......MDX
- 76.73.M53.....Microsoft Visual Basic
- 76.73.M6.......ML
- MySQL see QA76.73.S67
- 76.73.N39.....NCL
- 76.73.O115...Objective-C
- 76.73.O213...OpenCL
- 76.73.P224....PHP
- 76.73.P25.....PL/1
- 76.73.P32......packetC
- 76.73.P67.....PostScript
- PowerShell see QA76.73.W56
- 76.73.P75.....Processing
- 76.73.P76.....Prolog
- 76.73.P98.....Python
- 76.73.R25.....RPG
- 76.73.R3......R
- 76.73.R33....Racket
- 76.73.R83....Ruby
- 76.73.R87....Rust
- 76.73.S15.....S
- 76.73.S27.....SAS
- 76.73.S28.....Scala
- 76.73.S34.....Scheme
- 76.73.S345...Scratch
- 76.73.S35.....SDL
- 76.73.S59.....SPARK
- 76.73.S62.....SPARQL
- 76.73.S67.....SQL. MySQL
- 76.73.S95.....Swift
- 76.73.T44......Tcl
- 76.73.T97......TypeScript
- 76.73.U63......UPC
- 76.73.V27......VBScript
- Visual Basic see QA76.73.M53
- 76.73.W56.....Windows PowerShell
- 76.73.W65.....Wolfram language
- 76.73.X16......X86 assembly language
- 76.73.X57......XPath
- 76.73.X58......XSLT
- 76.73.Z2.........Z
- 76.75-76.765...Computer software
- 76.75...........Periodicals. Societies. Serials
- 76.751........Congresses
- 76.752........Dictionaries
- 76.753........Catalogs
- 76.754........General works
- 76.755........Handbooks, tables, etc.
- 76.756........Addresses, essays, lectures
- 76.758........Software engineering
- 76.76.A-Z.....Special topics, A-Z
- 76.76.A54....AngularJS
- 76.76.A63....Application program interfaces
- 76.76.A65....Application software
- 76.76.A87....Assemblers
- 76.76.A98....Automatic differentiations
- 76.76.C47....Certification of software
- 76.76.C54....Children's software
- 76.76.C64....Compatibility of software
- 76.76.C65....Compilers
- 76.76.C66....Component software
- 76.76.C672...Computer games
- 76.76.C68....Computer viruses
- 76.76.C69....Configuration management
- 76.76.C73....Costs
- 76.76.D47....Development
- 76.76.D49....Device drivers
- 76.76.D57....Disassemblers Including decompilers
- 76.76.D63....Documentation of software
- 76.76.E93....Evaluation of software
- 76.76.E95....Expert systems
- 76.76.F34....Failures of software
- 76.9.F48.....File conversion software
- 76.76.F75....Free computer software
- 76.76.G46....Generators
- 76.76.H85....Human factors
- 76.76.H94....Hypertext systems Including hypertext document markup languages, e. g. HTML (Document markup language), etc.
- 76.76.I55....Install programs
- 76.76.I57....Integrated software
- 76.76.I58....Intelligent agents
- 76.76.I59....Interactive media. Hypermedia
- 76.76.S65....Measurement, Software
- 76.76.M52....Microsoft .NET
- 76.76.M54....Middleware Including object monitors
- 76.76.O63....Operating systems Including DOS, UNIX, OS/2, etc.
- 76.76.P37....Patterns, Software
- 76.76.P74....Productivity
- 76.76.P76....Protection of software
- 76.76.Q35....Quality control
- 76.76.R42....Refactoring of software
- 76.76.R44....Reliability
- 76.76.R47....Reusability
- 76.76.S27.....SAP NetWeaver Gateway
- 76.76.S37....Screen savers
- 76.76.S375...Self-adaptive software
- 76.76.S46....Shareware
- 76.76.F34....Software failures
- 76.76.S63....Software frameworks
- 76.76.S64....Software maintenance
- 76.76.S65....Software measurement
- 76.76.S66....Software support
- 76.76.S69....Spyware
- 76.76.S73....Standards for software
- 76.76.S95....Systems software
- 76.76.T45....Teleprocessing monitors
- 76.76.T47....Termination
- 76.76.T48....Testing of software
- 76.76.T49....Text editors
- 76.76.T55....Threads
- 76.76.T83....Translators
- 76.76.U84....Utilities
- 76.76.V47....Verification and validation of software
- 76.76.C68....Viruses
- 76.76.W56....Windows
- 76.76.S64....Year 2000 date conversion
- 76.765........Firm-ware
- 76.77.........Operating Systems
- 76.76.T48.........General works
- 76.774.A-Z........Individual operating systems. By system, A-Z
- 76.774.A53........Android
- 76.774.B47........Berkeley BSD
- 76.774.D67........DOS
- 76.774.F74........FreeBSD
- 76.774.I67........iOS
- 76.774.L46........Linux
- 76.774.M33........Mac OS
- 76.774.M43........Microsoft Windows 7
- 76.774.M434.......Microsoft Windows 8
- 76.774.M435.......Microsoft Windows 10
- 76.774.M48........Microsoft Windows Me
- 76.774.M53........Microsoft Windows NT
- 76.774.M55........Microsoft Windows server
- 76.774.M56........Microsoft Windows Vista
- 76.774.M58........Microsoft Windows XP
- 76.774.S65........Solaris
- 76.774.U28........Ubuntu
- 76.774.U64........UNIX
- 76.8.A-Z......Special computers, computer systems, and microprocessors. By name, A-Z
- 76.8.A54......AN/FSQ-7
- 76.73.A-Z......Individual languages A-Z
- 75.5-76.95......Electronic computers. Computer science
- 75-76.95.........Calculating machines
- 101-145...........Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic
- 150-272.5.........Algebra
- 273-280...........Probabilities. Mathematical statistics
- 299.6-433.........Analysis
- 440-699...........Geometry. Trigonometry. Topology
- 801-939...........Analytic mechanics
QB - Astronomy
- 1-991..........Astronomy
- 1-139.........General
- 140-237.......Practical and spherical astronomy
- 275-343.......Geodesy
- 349-421.......Theoretical astronomy and celestial mechanics
- 455-456.......Astrogeology
- 460-466.......Astrophysics
- 468-480.......Non-optical methods of astronomy
- 495-903.......Descriptive astronomy
- 500.5-785....Solar System
- 799-903......Stars
- 980-991.......Cosmology
QC - Physics
- 1-999..............Physics
- 1-75..............General
- 81-114............Weights and measures
- 120-168.85........Descriptive and experimental mechanics
- 170-197...........Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter including molecular physics, relativity, quantum theory and solid state physics
- 221-246...........Acoustics. Sound
- 251-338.5.........Heat
- 310.15-319.......Thermodynamics
- 350-467...........Optics. Light
- 450-467..........Spectroscopy
- 474-496.9.........Radiation physics (General)
- 501-766...........Electricity and magnetism
- 501-721..........Electricity
- 669-675.8.......Electromagnetic theory
- 676-678.6.......Radio waves (Theory)
- 680.............Quantum Electrodynamics
- 701-715.4.......Electric discharge
- 717.6-718.8.....Plasma physics. Ionized gases
- 750-766..........Magnetism
- 501-721..........Electricity
- 770-798...........Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity
- 793-793.5........Elementary particle physics
- 794.95-798.......Radioactivity and radioactive substances
- 801-809...........Geophysics. Cosmic physics
- 811-849...........Geomagnetism
- 851-999...........Meteorology. Climatology (including the earth's atmosphere)
- 974.5-976........Meteorological optics
- 980-999..........Climatology and weather
- 994.95-999......Weather forecasting
QD - Chemistry
- 1-999..............Chemistry
- 1-65..............General (including alchemy)
- 71-142............Analytical chemistry
- 146-197...........Inorganic chemistry
- 241-441...........Organic chemistry
- 415-436..........Biochemistry
- 450-801...........Physical and theoretical chemistry
- 625-655..........Radiation chemistry
- 701-731..........Photochemistry
- 901-999...........Crystallography
QE - Geology
- 1-996.5............Geology
- 1-350.62..........General (including geographical divisions)
- 351-399.2.........Mineralogy
- 420-499...........Petrology
- 500-639.5.........Dynamic and structural geology
- 521-545..........Volcanoes and earthquakes
- 601-613.5........Structural geology
- 640-699...........Stratigraphy
- 701-760...........Paleontology
- 760.8-899.2.......Paleozoology
- 901-996.5.........Paleobotany
QH - Natural history - Biology
- 1-278.5............Natural History (General)
- 1-199.5...........General (including nature conservation, geographical distribution)
- 201-278.5.........Microscopy
- 301-705.5..........Biology (General)
QK - Botany
- 1-989..............Botany
- 1-474.5...........General (including geographical distribution)
- 474.8-495.........Spermatophyta. Phanerogams
- 494-494.5........Gymnosperms
- 495..............Angiosperms
- 504-638...........Cryptogams
- 640-707...........Plant anatomy
- 710-899...........Plant physiology
- 900-989...........Plant ecology
QL - Zoology
- 1-991..............Zoology
- 1-355.............General (including geographical distribution)
- 360-599.82........Invertebrates
- 461-599.82.......Insects
- 605-739.8.........Chordates. Vertebrates
- 614-639.8........Fishes
- 640-669.3........Reptiles and amphibians
- 671-699..........Birds
- 700-739.8........Mammals
- 750-795...........Animal behavior
- 791-795..........Stories and anecdotes
- 799-799.5.........Morphology
- 801-950.9.........Anatomy
- 951-991...........Embryology
QM - Human anatomy
- 1-695..............Human anatomy
- 1-511.............General
- 531-549...........Regional anatomy
- 550-577.8.........Human and comparative histology
- 601-695...........Human embryology
QP - Physiology
- 1-981..............Physiology
- 1-345.............General (including influence of the environment)
- 351-495...........Neurophysiology and neuropsychology
- 501-801...........Animal biochemistry
- 901-981...........Experimental pharmacology
QR - Microbiology
- 1-502..............Microbiology
- 1-74.5............General
- 75-99.5...........Bacteria
- 99.6-99.8.........Cyanobacteria
- 100-130...........Microbial ecology
- 171...............Microorganisms in the animal body
- 180-198.5.........Immunology
- 355-502...........Virology
- "Library of Congress Classification Outline: Class Q - Science" (PDF). Library of Congress. 2019-05-01. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
- "Library of Congress Classification Full Text: Class Q - Science" (PDF). Library of Congress. 2019-05-01. Retrieved 2021-10-27.
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