Lancelot van Brederode
Lancelot van Brederode (died 20 July 1573, Schoten) was a Dutch general in the Dutch Revolt. He was vice admiral of the 'geuzen' or 'Sea Beggars' and a captain in the army of Louis of Nassau.

Portrait of Jan van Duivenvoorde with Lancelot van Brederode (by Johannes Hilverdink, 1572).
He is not to be confused with another Lancelot van Brederode (c.1583–1668), associate of Frans Kuyper.
An illegitimate son of Reinoud III van Brederode by Anna Simonsdochter, his year of birth is unknown. He led the resistance at the Siege of Haarlem but when the city fell the Spanish beheaded him and demolished the van Brederode castle. His half-brother Hendrick van Brederode was also a general in the revolt.
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