Kitasoo/Xaixais First Nation

The Kitasoo/Xaixais First Nation, also known as the Kitasoo/Xaixais Nation, is the band government of the First Nations people of Klemtu, British Columbia, Canada. The band comprises two ethnic groups who share an ancient alliance, the Kitasoo, a Tsimshian group, and the Xai'xais, a north-wakashan speaking group. The government is a member of the Oweekeno-Kitasoo-Nuxalk Tribal Council and a member of the Tsimshian First Nations treaty council.[1]

Indian reserves

Indian reserves under the administration of the Kitasoo/Xaixais Nation are:[2]

  • Canoona 2, on Princess Royal Island, north shore of Graham Reach, 219.30 ha.
  • Dil-ma-sow 5, on Kent Islet southwest of the Princess Royal Islands, 1.90 ha.
  • Gander Island 14, on one of the islands of the Moore Group off the west coast of Aristazabal Island in Hecate Strait, 121.40 ha.
  • Goo-ewe 8, on Grant Anchorage, north side of Price Island, 2.0 ha.
  • Kdad-eesh 4, on west shore of Aristazabal Island, 2.0 ha.
  • Kinmakanksk 6, on the southwest shore of Princess Royal Island on Laredo Channel, 11.70 ha.
  • Kitasoo 1, on east shore of Swindle Island at Klemtu, 334.70 ha.
  • Lattkaloup 9, on Princess Royal Island at mouth of Fowles Creek, Laredo Inlet, 0.40. ha.
  • Mary Cove 12, on Mary Cove, west shore of Roderick Island, 1.0 ha.
  • Oatswish 13, on most northerly tip of Mussel Inlet, north of Mathieson Channel, Milbanke Sound, 2.10 ha.
  • Quckwa 7, on Kitasu Bay, west shore of Swindle Island, 6.10 ha.
  • Saint Joe 10, on Princess Royal Island at outlet of Bloomfield Lake into Laredo Inlet, 0.50 ha.
  • Skilak 14, on Griffin Passage, east side of Roderick Island, 9.70 ha.
  • Ulthakoush 11, at head of Laredo Inlet on Princess Royal Island, 2.40 ha.
  • Weeteeam 3, at mouth of Kdelmashan Creek, southwest shore of Aristazabal Island, 3.20 ha.

Chief and Councillors

Position Name Term Start Term End Reference
Chief Gary Hall Sr. 07/10/2009 07/09/2011 [3]

BC Treaty Process

The Kitasoo/Xaixais First Nation is at Stage 4 in the British Columbia Treaty Process.[1]


INAC number 540, the Kitasoo First Nation has 503 members.[4]


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