Kholodnyi Yar
Historical events

Trinity Church of the Motronynskyi monastery
The first written mention of the Kholodnyi Yar belongs to historians who described the battles of Lithuanian and soldiers of Kievan Rus' with the Horde in 1363-1367 on the “Blue Water”.
Due to the dangerous proximity of the Wild Field, the incessant attacks of nomadic tribes, these lands were uninhabited for a long time. Individual fortress cities and well-fortified monasteries for centuries were the only settlements from Kaniv and Cherkasy to the Dnipro rapids.
Haidamaka uprisings
In the 30s of the XVIII century, the Kholodnyi Yar Sich was organized in Kholodnyi Yar. This forest became the main base of the haidamaks for decades.
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