Kevin Speed

Kevin Speed is a start-up French railway company planning to operate open-access high speed commuter services by 2025–26. Services would link major cities such as Paris to destinations that are currently poorly-served by rail in less than two hours, however routes and destinations are yet to be announced.[1] Whilst being structured as a simplified joint-stock company (SAS, Société par actions simplifiée), it intends to implement employee stock ownership, with employees owning shares in the company.[2]

Kevin Speed
  • Laurent Fourtune
  • Jihane M.
  • Claire Bonniol
Dates of operation2025-26 (expected)


In October 2022, Kevin Speed announced it planned to apply for 30-year track access rights from the government and French rail infrastructure manager SNCF Network, the 30-year duration of the rights matching the lifespan of the rolling stock they intended to acquire. The company estimated it would pay €1bn per year in track access charges. It also announced details about a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) it had signed to acquire rolling stock for its services.[1]


Kevin Speed aims to offer low-cost high-speed rail services targeted at commuters travelling to and from major French cities, with services slated to serve smaller regional destinations.[2]

To offer low-prices, it plans to operate services with high-density seating and shorter trains, but with higher frequency - tentatively six round trips a day, with tight turnarounds at termini and each driver covering two round trips. There would be no seat reservations - fares would be booked through an app and would fluctuate based on demand.[1] The company estimates that passengers would pay €3 for a 100 km, off-peak trip.[2]

Apart from booking fares, the app would also allow passengers to provide feedback to the company to help improve services and also report problems with services. The app is also planned to have a "community" feature which would tentatively allow passengers to communicate with each other to facilitate activities such as last-mile car sharing.[1]

The company believes that providing low fares and quality service will allow it to earn revenue that will allow it to finance new rolling stock.[2]

Rolling Stock

There are few details of the rolling stock to be used on Kevin Speed's services, however the company announced it had signed an MoU with a French rolling stock manufacturer to acquire single-deck high-speed trains with a maximum speed of 300 km/h, with rapid acceleration and braking. As part of the company's abovementioned business model, trains would have 3-2 high-density seating, and would be shorter than existing TGV trains operated by SNCF. The company mentioned it had explored possible interior options with design company Neomind in September 2022.[1]


  1. Haydock, David (2022-10-25). "Kevin Speed proposes low-cost high-speed commuter services in France". International Railway Journal. Retrieved 2023-05-31.
  2. "About". Retrieved 2023-05-31.
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