Kelly Chen videography

Hong Kong singer Kelly Chen has released four Hong Kong Cantonese and five Taiwanese Mandarin video albums and three Taiwanese Mandarin video singles and been featured in over one hundred music videos, twenty-six films, six TV series, three musical special features, and over two hundred commercials. Kelly achieved early fame in 1994 when she appeared in commercials for Shanghai Beer and HSBC.

Photograph of Kelly Chen
Photograph of Kelly Chen

Video albums

Hong Kong Cantonese

  • Who Wants To Let Go 17 Greatest Hits 誰願放手精選十七首 (December 1996, VCD/LD)
  • Faye and Kelly Party 菲琳派對 (February 1997, VCD/LD/DVD)
  • I Care About You So Much Music Videos Karaoke 對你太在乎卡拉OK (May 1999, VCD)
  • Unprecedentedness Music Videos Karaoke 前所未見精選卡拉OK (December 2004, VCD/DVD)

Taiwanese Mandarin

  • Defenseless Heart 心不設防 (1998, VCD)
  • The Best Of Kelly Chen Music Video Vol. 1 慧聲慧影精選集1 (1999, DVD)
  • Love You So Much 愛你愛的 (March 2000, VCD)
  • Flying 飛吧 (January 2002, VCD)
  • Love Appeared 愛情來了 (March 2003, VCD)

Taiwanese Mandarin

  • Insight 體會 (August 1997, VHS)
  • Unbelievable (不得了) (January 2001, business card VCD)
  • I stop crying on the count of three (數到三就不哭) (September 2001, VCD)

Music videos

Kelly has been featured in over one hundred music videos. Her single "Three Seconds" (三秒鐘) won the 1998–1999 TVB8 Mandarin Music On Demand Awards for Best Music Video.

List of videos

YearTitleOther performer(s) creditedDescriptionCountry
1995Everything is beautiful because I got you (一切很美 只因有你)Hong Kong
1995Everything is beautiful because I got you (You Gave It To Me) (一切很美 只因有你)Hong Kong
1995Everything is beautiful because I got you (TVB Version] (一切很美 只因有你)Hong Kong
1995Everything is beautiful because I got you (Hong Kong Cantonese movie version) (一切很美 只因有你)Montage with scenes from her first film Whatever Will Be, Will Be (仙樂飄飄)Hong Kong
1995Everything is beautiful because I got you (Taiwanese Mandarin movie version) (一切很美 只因有你)It is a montage with clips from Her first filmWhatever Will Be, Will Be (仙樂飄飄)Hong Kong
1995To Start (開始)Hong Kong
1995To Start (TVB version) (開始)Hong Kong
1995To face the difficulties with shiny optimistic attitude (TVB version) (開心去面對)Hong Kong
1995It is hard to express my love to you (愛難說)Hong Kong
1995Intoxicated Lover (醉迷情人)Hong Kong
1995Intoxicated Lover (TVB version) (醉迷情人)Hong Kong
1995It's none of your business (唔關你事)Hong Kong
1995It's none of your business (TVB version) (唔關你事)Hong Kong
1995Who Wants To Let Go (誰願放手)Hong Kong
1995Who Wants To Let Go (TVB version) (誰願放手)Hong Kong
1996I will miss you (我會掛念你)Chen lip-syncs in some scenes. Clips from "Spring (Taiwanese Mandarin) (春天)", "To Start (開始)", "It is hard to express my love to you (愛難說)" and "Everything is beautiful because I got you (一切很美 只因有你" are interspersed.Hong Kong
1996I will miss you (TVB version) (我會掛念你)Hong Kong
1996Spring (Taiwanese Mandarin) (春天)Hong Kong, Taiwan
1996I don't think so (Taiwanese Mandarin)(我不以為)Hong Kong, Taiwan
1996I don't care (Taiwanese Mandarin) (我不管)Hong Kong, Taiwan
1996Yeah Yeah Yeah (TVB version)Hong Kong
1996Wind, Flower, Snow (風花雪)Hong Kong
1996Wind, Flower, Snow (movie version) (風花雪)Montage with scenes from her film Lost and Found (天涯海角)Hong Kong
1996Pusillanimity (movie version) (懦弱)Montage with scenes from her film Lost and Found (天涯海角)Hong Kong
1996Pusillanimity (TVB version) (懦弱)Hong Kong
1996Anniversary (紀念日)Hong Kong
1996Anniversary (TVB version) (紀念日Hong Kong
1996Adoration (傾倒)Montage with scenes from her 1995–1996 music videos, featuring a series of images of herHong Kong
1996Adoration (TVB version) (傾倒)Hong Kong
1997You will be impetuous (TVB version) (你會衝動)Hong Kong
1997Starry Dreams of Love (星夢情真)Hong Kong
1997Tonight is especially quiet (今夜很寧靜)Shot while Chen was on tour for her album Starry Dreams of Love (星夢情真). Clips were taken from the tour performances.Hong Kong
1997Tonight is especially quiet (TVB version) (今夜很寧靜)Hong Kong
1997The Beginning Is A Cunning Morning (Japanese) (はじまりはずるい朝/港譯:開始是狡猾的清晨)Hong Kong
1997Wind, Flower, Snow (Japanese movie version) (風と花と雪と/港譯:風花雪)Montage with scenes from her film Lost and Found (天涯海角)Hong Kong
1997Romance Maker (Taiwanese Mandarin) (製造浪漫)Taiwan
1997Insight (Taiwanese Mandarin) (體會)Taiwan
1997What Am I To You (Taiwanese Mandarin) (我是你的誰)Taiwan
1997Vacuum (Taiwanese Mandarin) (空白)Taiwan
1997I Want To Watch A Movie (TVB live version) (我要看齣戲)Hong Kong
1997Way Back Into Love (回情)Hong Kong
1997Lover Said (情人說)Hong Kong
1998Fragile Heart (心太軟)Hong Kong
1998Fragile Heart (TVB version) (心太軟)Hong Kong
1998Way Back Into Love (TVB version) (回情)Hong Kong
1999Colors of Love (戀愛情色)The 1999 Epson TV commercial's contents were also used to make a music video for "Colors of Love", a story about Chen and the Cyber band. Kelly plays a robot who is cursed by the devil to turn into a wild and devilish girl. Fortunately, she is rescued by the Cyber band team. They then join hands to defeat the devil and dark forces.Hong Kong
2000Amnesiac Weekend (失憶周末)The content was the same as the 2000 Samsung TV commercial. Chen dressed as a "spicy cyber girl", dancing and DJing at a rave.Hong Kong
2000Amnesiac Weekend (TVB version) (失憶周末)Similar to the official version.Hong Kong
2002 10Poisonous Love (情毒Chen portrays both the actress and actor, which she respectively described as the "lovelorn girl" and the "lovelorn man", in a story about the trauma of losing love.Hong Kong
2002 10Poisonous Love (TVB version) (情毒)Similar to the official version.Hong Kong
2002 12To Love More (更愛)Hong Kong
2006 8To Sever All Ties (TVB version) (一刀兩斷)Hong Kong


Her film debut was in 1995 in Whatever Will Be, Will Be (仙樂飄飄, Xian Yue Piao Piao, literally 'Heavenly Music Floating in the Air'). Chen has since starred and made cameos in a number of films. Her filmography includes:

List of films

1995Whatever Will Be, Will Be (仙樂飄飄)Hong Kong
1995The Age of MiraclesHong Kong
1996Lost and Found (天涯海角)Hong Kong
1997A Chinese Ghost Story: The Tsui Hark AnimationHong Kong
1998Anna Magdalena (安娜瑪德蓮娜)Hong Kong, Japan
1998Hot War (幻影特攻)Hong Kong, Taiwan
1999Metade Fumaca (半支煙) – cameoHong Kong
2000Tokyo Raiders (東京攻略)Hong Kong
2000And I Hate You So (小親親)Hong Kong
2000Lavender (薰衣草)Hong Kong
2001Calmi Cuori Appassionati (冷靜與熱情之間)Hong Kong, Japan
2001Merry Go Round (初戀拿喳麵) – cameoHong Kong
2002Infernal Affairs (無間道)Hong Kong
2003Infernal Affairs III (無間道 III)Hong Kong
2004Breaking News (大事件)Hong Kong
2004Super Model (我要做Model) – cameoHong Kong
2006McDull, the Alumni (春田花花同學會) – OLHong Kong
2007It's a Wonderful Life (心想事成)Hong Kong
2008An Empress and the Warriors (江山美人)Hong Kong
201072 Tenants of Prosperity (72家租客)Hong Kong
2012All's Well, Ends Well 2012 (八星抱喜)Hong Kong
2013Tales from the Dark 1 (李碧華鬼魅系列: 迷離夜)Hong Kong
2014The Monkey King (西游記之大鬧天宮)Hong Kong
2014Horseplay (盜馬記)Hong Kong
2015An Inspector Calls (浮華宴)Hong Kong
2016The Monkey King 2 (西遊記之孫悟空三打白骨精)Hong Kong



TV series

1999Ghost's House (鬼の棲家/港譯:鬼之棲家)リーFuji TelevisionJapan
1999When We Were Young 99 (小時候99)Teacher (Cameo)RTHKHong Kong
2001Unmarried Family (非婚家族)Herself (Cameo)Fuji TelevisionJapan
2002Friends (命運之戀)Saleswoman (Cameo)TBS MBCJapan, South Korea
2003-2004Love Paradise in Regalia Bay (富豪海灣非凡情緣)KellyTVBHong Kong
2004Supreme Fate (富豪海灣至尊家緣)KellyTVBHong Kong

Musical special features

1995Jacky Cheung's Music Special Edition: Los Angeles of Love 1995 (張學友音樂特輯之洛杉磯戀曲1995)KellyTVBHong Kong
1998Kelly Chen And Alex To: Musical Love Story (陳慧琳x許志安 音樂愛情故事)KellyTVBHong Kong
1998Kelly Finds Love in South Africa Tour (愛情—卡拉南非之旅音樂特輯)KellyTVBHong Kong

Music Show

2023Chill ClubViuTVEP184[3]

Television host

2000(聯合國兒童基金會:陳慧琳內蒙愛心之旅)TVBHong Kong
2001(聯合國兒童基金會:2001年陳慧琳青海救援)TVBHong Kong
2003(親親孩子親親書)RTHKHong Kong
2005(Wall Street Institute特約:一日一英語)TVBHong Kong
2007(了解·關懷 一百萬人的故事)TVBHong Kong
2008(奧運英雄會)TVBHong Kong


Chen has been involved in many commercials since starting her career and has been the spokesperson of many well-known brands. The following is a list of commercials she has appeared in.

List of commercials

YearBrand NameEndorsement region(s)
1994Shanghai Beer (上海啤)Hong Kong
1994HSBC (匯豐銀行)Hong Kong
1995Chase Manhattan Credit Card (大通信用卡系列)Hong Kong
1996Chase Manhattan Credit Card (大通信用卡系列)Hong Kong
1997Chase Manhattan Credit Card (大通信用卡系列)Hong Kong
1997Shiseido Cosmetics PN Series (資生堂PN 春季、秋季系列)Japan
1997Tamagawa Takashimaya (玉川高島屋百貨公司)Japan
1998Epson computers and color printers (Epson愛普生電腦及彩色打印機系列)Hong Kong
1998Sifone Hair Care Shampoo (詩芬護髮系列)Hong Kong
1998De Beers (De Beers鑽石)Hong Kong
1998Chase Manhattan Credit Card (大通信用卡系列)Hong Kong
1998Shiseido Cosmetics PN Series 資生堂PN 春季、秋季系列)Japan
1998Madonna Liquor (Madonna 白洒)Japan
1998Allergan (Concept F) contact lens solution (Allergan Concept F隱形眼鏡藥水)Japan
1999Epson computers and color printers (Epson愛普生電腦及彩色打印機系列)Hong Kong
1999Epson digital camera (Epson彩色數碼相機)Hong Kong
1999Sifone Hair Care Shampoo (詩芬護髮系列Hong Kong
1999Chase Manhattan Credit Card (大通信用卡系列)Hong Kong
1999Citizen XC Watch (Citizen XC手錶)Japan
1999Madonna Liquor (Madonna 白洒)Japan
1999Allergan (Concept F) contact lens solution (Allergan Concept F隱形眼鏡藥水)Japan
1999Tu-Ka J Phone (J-phone九州版手提電話)Japan
1999Aube Cosmetics (Aube化妝品)Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan
2000Epson computers and color printers (Epson愛普生電腦及彩色打印機系列)Hong Kong
2000Sifone Hair Care Shampoo (詩芬護髮系列)Hong Kong
2000Chase Manhattan Credit Card (大通信用卡系列)Hong Kong
2000Madonna Liquor (Madonna 白洒)Japan
2000Citizen XC Watch (Citizen XC手錶)Japan
2000Excite (Excite 超級網絡公司)Japan
2000Aube Cosmetics (Aube化妝品)Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan
2000Pepsi (百事可樂)Asia-Pacific
2000Samsung Digital (三星電子系列)Asia-Pacific
2001Sifone Hair Care Shampoo (詩芬護髮系列)Hong Kong
2001Citizen XC Watch (Citizen XC手錶)Japan
2001WOWOW Cable TV (WOWOW日本收費電視台)Japan
2001Pepsi (百事可樂)Asia-Pacific
2001Samsung Digital (三星電子系列)Asia-Pacific
2002Marjorie Bertagne (法國Marjorie Bertagne護膚品)China
2002S.t. Flora Shampoo (聖芳洗髮露)China
2002Sparkle Casual Wear (詩柏高休閒服)China
2002Citizen XC Watch (Citizen XC手錶)Japan
2002JT Oolong Tea (飲茶樓彩美烏龍茶)Japan
2002Morinaga Milk Industry Crispina Ice-cream (森永乳業Crispina 甜筒雪糕)Japan
2002The Windsor Hotel (森永乳業Crispina 甜筒雪糕)Japan
2002BK Beer (日本七寶黑啤)Japan
2002Sony Video Camera (Sony手提攝錄機)Japan
2002Fujifilm (富士菲林)Hong Kong, China
2002Fujifilm Imaging Photo Printing Services (富士菲林激光沖印)Hong Kong, China
2002Pepsi (百事可樂)Asia-Pacific
2002Samsung Digital (三星電子系列)Asia-Pacific
2003Asia Game Show 2003 (亞洲遊戲展2003)Hong Kong
2003Redbox Plus Karaoke (Redbox Plus)Hong Kong
2003McDonald's "Shake Shake" Fries (麥當勞「Shake Shake薯條」)Hong Kong
2003S.t. Flora Shampoo (聖芳洗髮露)China
2003Sparkle Casual Wear (詩柏高休閒服)China
2003Morinaga Milk Industry Crispina Ice-cream (森永乳業Crispina 甜筒雪糕)Japan
2003The Windsor Hotel (森永乳業Crispina 甜筒雪糕)Japan
2003Fujifilm (富士菲林)Hong Kong, China
2003Fujifilm Imaging Photo Printing Services (富士菲林激光沖印)Hong Kong, China
2003Citizen XC Watch (Citizen XC手錶)Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan
2003Samsung Digital (三星電子系列)Asia-Pacific
2004Asia Game Show 2004 (亞洲遊戲展2004)Hong Kong
2004Regalia Bay (富豪海灣)Hong Kong
2004McDonald's (麥當勞)Hong Kong
2004S.t. Flora Shampoo (聖芳洗髮露)China
20043D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2004Christian Dior Capture (Christian Dior Capture R60/80逆時空系列)Asia-Pacific
2004Citizen XC Watch (Citizen XC手錶)Asia-Pacific
2004Samsung Digital (三星電子系列)Asia-Pacific
2005Regalia Bay (富豪海灣)Hong Kong
2005Celucasn Casual Wear (潮流前線休閒服裝)China
2005McDonald's (麥當勞)Hong Kong, Taiwan
20053D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2005Christian Dior Capture (Christian Dior Capture R60/80逆時空系列)Asia-Pacific
2005Head & Shoulders Shampoo (海飛絲洗發露)Asia-Pacific
2005Toto Ltd. Toilets (衛洗麗高級廁具)Asia-Pacific
2006Celucasn Casual Wear (潮流前線休閒服裝)China
2006Laha beautiplexSouth Korea
2006Alux Japanese restaurant (日本Alux餐廳)Japan
2006Project TX Partique Vert (Project TX 日本地產Partique Vert)Japan
20063D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2006Isa Knox (伊諾姿)Asia-Pacific
2006Christian Dior Capture (Christian Dior Capture R60/80逆時空系列)Asia-Pacific
2006Head & Shoulders Shampoo (海飛絲洗發露)Asia-Pacific
2006Toto Ltd.Toilets (衛洗麗高級廁具)Asia-Pacific
2007Celucasn Casual Wear (潮流前線休閒服裝)China
2007Project TX Galleria Vert (Project TX 日本地產Galleria Vert)Japan
2007Project TX Partique Vert (Project TX 日本地產Partique Vert)Japan
2007Maxim's Catering Mooncake (美心月餅)Hong Kong, China
2007Isa Knox (伊諾姿)Asia-Pacific
20073D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2007Head & Shoulders Shampoo (海飛絲洗發露)Asia-Pacific
2007Toto Ltd. Toilets (衛洗麗高級廁具)Asia-Pacific
2008Samsung iDTV (三星電子 iDTV)Hong Kong
2008SamsoniteHong Kong
2008Celucasn Casual Wear (潮流前線休閒服裝)China
2008Project TX Galleria Vert (Project TX 日本地產Galleria Vert)Japan
2008Project TX Partique Vert (Project TX 日本地產Partique Vert)Japan
2008Maxim's Catering Wedding Cake (美心嫁囍禮餅)Hong Kong, China
20083D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2008Isa Knox (伊諾姿)Asia-Pacific
2008Maxim's Catering Mooncake (美心月餅)Worldwide
2008Maxim's Catering Snowy Mooncake (美心冰皮月餅)Worldwide
2009HealthBaby Cord Blood Bank (生寶臍帶血庫)Hong Kong
2009Marccain (Marccain流行時裝)China
2009DHCTaiwan, China
2009Maxim's Catering Wedding Cake (美心嫁囍禮餅)Hong Kong, China
2009Maxim's Catering Mooncake (美心月餅)Worldwide
2009Maxim's Catering Snowy Mooncake (美心冰皮月餅)Worldwide
2010HealthBaby Cord Blood Bank (生寶臍帶血庫)Hong Kong
2010Wii Fit PlusHong Kong
2010Style Hong Kong Show, GuangzhouGuangzhou (China)
2010Marccain (Marccain流行時裝)China
2010Taifeng (泰豐家紡)China
2010DHCTaiwan, China
2010Hong Kong Disneyland (香港迪士尼樂園)Hong Kong, Taiwan, China
20103D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2010Ernest Borel Watch (瑞士依波路錶)Asia-Pacific
2010Maxim's Catering Mooncake (美心月餅)Worldwide
2010Maxim's Catering Snowy Mooncake (美心冰皮月餅)Worldwide
2011Children's Thalassaemia Foundation (地中海貧血兒童基金)Hong Kong
2011HealthBaby Cord Blood Bank (生寶臍帶血庫)Hong Kong
2011Wii Fit PlusHong Kong
2011Style Hong Kong Show, GuangzhouGuangzhou (China)
2011Style Hong Kong Show, ChengduChengdu (China)
2011Style Hong Kong Show, HarbinHarbin (China)
2011Style Hong Kong Show, BeijingBeijing (China)
2011Style Hong Kong Show, ChangchunChangchun (China)
2011Taifeng (泰豐家紡)China
2011Leander Children Furniture (利安達嬰兒家具)Hong Kong, China
2011Jahwa Shower Gel (青蛙王子沐浴露)Hong Kong, China
2011DHCTaiwan, China
20113D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2011Ernest Borel Watch (瑞士依波路錶)Asia-Pacific
2011Maxim's Catering Snowy Mooncake (美心冰皮月餅)Worldwide(except Hong Kong)
2011Maxim's Catering Mooncake (美心月餅)Worldwide
2012HealthBaby Cord Blood Bank (生寶臍帶血庫)Hong Kong
2012Taifeng (泰豐家紡)China
2012Leander Children Furniture (利安達嬰兒家具)Hong Kong, China
2012Jahwa Shower Gel (青蛙王子沐浴露)Hong Kong, China
2012DHCTaiwan, China
20123D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2012Ernest Borel Watch (瑞士依波路錶)Asia-Pacific
2012Maxim's Catering Snowy Mooncake (美心冰皮月餅)Worldwide (except Hong Kong)
2012Maxim's Catering Mooncake (美心月餅)Worldwide
2013HealthBaby Cord Blood Bank (生寶臍帶血庫)Hong Kong
2013Taifeng (泰豐家紡)China
2013Leander Children Furniture (利安達嬰兒家具)Hong Kong, China
2013Jahwa Shower Gel (青蛙王子沐浴露)Hong Kong, China
2013DHCTaiwan, China
20133D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2013Ernest Borel Watch (瑞士依波路錶)Asia-Pacific
2013Maxim's Catering Custard Mooncake (美心奶黃月餅)Worldwide (except Hong Kong)
2013Maxim's Catering Mooncake (美心月餅)Worldwide
2014HealthBaby Cord Blood Bank (生寶臍帶血庫)Hong Kong
2014Taifeng (泰豐家紡)China
2014Leander Children Furniture (利安達嬰兒家具)Hong Kong, China
2014Mentholatum Ointment (曼秀雷敦復方薄荷腦軟膏)China
2014DHCTaiwan, China
20143D Gold Jewelry (金至尊珠寶)Asia-Pacific
2014Ernest Borel Watch (瑞士依波路錶)Asia-Pacific
2014Maxim's Catering Custard Mooncake (美心奶黃月餅)Worldwide (except Hong Kong)
2014Maxim's Catering Mooncake (美心月餅)Worldwide


  1. "Kelly Chen". Retrieved 14 March 2010.
  2. "Kelly Chen". Retrieved 14 March 2010.
  3. "Chill Club EP184". ViuTV. Retrieved 5 July 2023.
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