Friedrich Berge
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Berge (11 December 1811, Stuttgart–19 September 1883) was a German naturalist, ornithologist and entomologist. He was the author of Kaferbuch (on beetles) Conchylienbuch (on shells) and Schmetterlingsbuch (on butterflies and moths) and Die Fortpflanzung europäischer und aussereuropäischer Vögel. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte derselben (Stuttgart, L.F. Rieger, 1840–1841). This work on European and non-European birds gives brief descriptions of range and nesting habits.

Plate from Kaferbuch which depicts 1315 illustrations of beetles
His Schmetterlingsbuch was published in many editions, continuing after his death. The plates were re-used, with translated and edited texts in guides to the Lepidopteran faunas of other west European countries.[1]
- Giftpflanzen-Buch oder allgemeine und besondere Naturgeschichte sämmtlicher inländischen sowie der wichtigsten ausländischen phanerogamischen und cryptogamischen Giftgewächse, mit treuen Abbildungen sämmtlicher inländischer und vieler ausländischer Gattungen . Hoffmann, Stuttgart 1845 Digital edition by the University and State Library Düsseldorf

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- various sources, require detailed breakdown
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