Jean-Louis Kralik
Jean-Louis Kralik (1813, Strasbourg – 1892, Tresserve) was a French botanist.[1]

Jean-Louis Kralik
He worked as a professor in Strasbourg, and for a period of time was curator of Philip Barker Webb's herbarium. From 1855 to 1885 he was curator of Ernest Cosson's herbarium. As a botanical collector, he conducted extensive investigation of North African flora on expeditions to Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt.[2]
The genus Kralikia (synonym Tripogon) was named in his honor by Cosson and Michel Charles Durieu de Maisonneuve.[3][4]
Published works
- Catalogue des plantes observées en Syrie et en Palestine de décembre 1850 à avril 1851, (with Louis Félicien de Saulcy, Ernest Cosson and Jean-Hippolyte Michon) - Catalog of plants seen in Syria and Palestine from December 1850 to April 1851.
- Notes sur quelques plantes rares ou nouvelles : recueillies, en 1854, par M.L. Kralik dans le sud de la régence de Tunis, (with Ernest Cosson); 1857 - Notes on some new and rare plants, collected in 1854 in the south of the Régence de Tunis.
- Catalogue Des Reliquiae Mailleanae (1869) - A catalogue of the herbarium collections of Alphonse Maille.[5]
- Albrecht-von-Haller Institute for Plant Sciences Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - K
- JSTOR Global Plants (biography)
- BHL Taxonomic literature : a selective guide to botanical publications
- GRIN Taxonomy for Plants Kralikia Coss. & Durieu
- WorldCat Identities (publications)
- International Plant Names Index. Kralik.
External links
- IPNI List of plants described and co-described by Kralik.
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