Jan Baptist Verrijt
Jan Baptist Verrijt (Rotterdam c.1600-1650) was a Dutch composer and organist of the St. Laurenskerk in Rotterdam.[1]

Flammæ divinæ (Antwerp, 1649)
His works are mainly lost, though his Opus 5 was rediscovered in the 1980s.[2]
Works, editions and recordings
Flammae divinae, Op. 5 Motets - recording by Consort of Musicke dir. Anthony Rooley, NM.
- Mens en melodie: 55 2000 "Jan Baptist Verrijt (ca. 1600-1650) deed het anders. De man die van 1644 tot zijn dood in 1650 actief was also organist van de St. Laurenskerk in Rotterdam absorbeerde de Italiaanse stijl en combineerde deze met de nog altijd goede.."
- Frits Noske Sweelinck 1988 "The most outstanding composer during the first half of the century was Jan Baptist Verrijt (d. 1650), whose recently discovered Flammae divinae (motets and Masses for two and three parts) offer a splendid synthesis of traditional.."
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