Iran men's national volleyball team results

The following are the Iran men's national volleyball team results at FIVB sanctioned tournaments such as Olympic Games, World Championship, World Cup, World Grand Champions Cup and Nations League (formerly World League).

Olympic Games


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Argentina0–3 (23–25, 24–26, 18–25)Brazil Rio de Janeiro7 AugustPreliminary round
Pool B
2 Poland2–3 (17–25, 23–25, 25–23, 25–20, 16–18)9 August
3 Cuba3–0 (25–21, 31–29, 25–16)11 August
4 Egypt3–0 (28–26, 25–22, 25–16)13 August
5 Russia0–3 (23–25, 16–25, 20–25)15 August
6 Italy0–3 (29–31, 19–25, 17–25)17 AugustQuarterfinal
Head coach: Argentina Raúl Lozano


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Poland3–2 (18–25, 25–22, 25–22, 22–25, 23–21)Japan Tokyo24 July (2021)Preliminary round
Pool A
2 Venezuela3–0 (25–17, 25–20, 25–18)26 July (2021)
3 Canada0–3 (16–25, 20–25, 22–25)28 July (2021)
4 Italy1–3 (28–30, 21–25, 25–21, 21–25)30 July (2021)
5 Japan2–3 (21–25, 25–20, 31–29, 22–25, 13–15)1 August (2021)
Head coach: Russia Vladimir Alekno

World Championship


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Yugoslavia2–3 (15–13, 3–15, 11–15, 15–12, 2–15)Bulgaria Sofia20 SeptemberPreliminary round
Pool A
2 Israel0–3 (6–15, 4–15, 9–15)21 September
3 Bulgaria0–3 (4–15, 5–15, 3–15)22 September
4 Belgium0–3 (11–15, 5–15, 13–15)23 September
5 Italy0–3 (2–15, 6–15, 3–15)24 September
6 Tunisia3–0 (15–7, 15–13, 15–13)Bulgaria Haskovo26 SeptemberClassification 17th–24th
7 France0–3 (4–15, 9–15, 11–15)27 September
8 Venezuela3–0 (15–6, 15–9, 15–12)28 September
9 Finland3–1 (6–15, 15–12, 15–10, 15–12)30 September
10 Guinea3–2 (15–7, 12–15, 15–3, 3–15, 15–11)1 October
11 United States2–3 (8–15, 15–7, 15–12, 9–15, 7–15)2 October
Head coach: Czechoslovakia Miloslav Ejem[1]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Argentina0–3 (9–15, 3–15, 7–15)Japan Sapporo13 NovemberPreliminary round
Pool D
2 Cuba0–3 (2–15, 5–15, 7–15)14 November
3 Poland0–3 (5–15, 2–15, 8–15)15 November
Head coach: Japan Fumihiko Matsumoto[2]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Czech Republic0–3 (23–25, 19–25, 22–25)Japan Nagano17 NovemberPreliminary round
Pool C
2 Venezuela1–3 (20–25, 25–23, 17–25, 20–25)18 November
3 Italy1–3 (15–25, 25–21, 21–25, 19–25)19 November
4 Bulgaria0–3 (19–25, 18–25, 23–25)21 November
5 United States0–3 (19–25, 22–25, 23–25)22 November
Head coach: Serbia Milorad Kijac[3]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Egypt0–3 (21–25, 17–25, 21–25)Italy Milan25 SeptemberPreliminary round
Pool A
2 Japan3–1 (15–25, 25–17, 26–24, 25–23)26 September
3 Italy2–3 (21–25, 10–25, 25–21, 28–26, 13–15)27 September
Head coach: Iran Hossein Maadani[4]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Italy3–1 (25–16, 23–25, 25–21, 25–22)Poland Kraków31 AugustPreliminary round
Pool D
2 United States3–2 (25–23, 25–19, 19–25, 18–25, 17–15)2 September
3 France1–3 (18–25, 25–14, 19–25, 27–29)4 September
4 Belgium3–1 (25–23, 25–15, 21–25, 25–20)6 September
5 Puerto Rico3–0 (25–17, 25–22, 25–14)7 September
6 Australia3–1 (25–23, 25–21, 21–25, 25–17)Poland Bydgoszcz10 SeptemberSecond round
Pool E
7 Argentina3–0 (25–15, 25–23, 25–16)11 September
8 Poland2–3 (17–25, 16–25, 26–24, 25–19, 14–16)Poland Łódź13 September
9 Serbia3–1 (27–25, 22–25, 25–22, 25–18)14 September
10 Germany0–3 (15–25, 21–25, 19–25)Poland Katowice17 SeptemberThird round
Pool G
11 France2–3 (20–25, 23–25, 25–22, 25–19, 9–15)18 September
12 Russia0–3 (19–25, 21–25, 18–25)Poland Łódź20 SeptemberClassification 5th–6th
Head coach: Serbia Slobodan Kovač[5]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Puerto Rico3–0 (25–19, 25–14, 25–18)Bulgaria Varna12 SeptemberPreliminary round
Pool D
2 Bulgaria3–1 (25–22, 25–20, 22–25, 25–19)13 September
3 Cuba3–1 (17–25, 25–18, 25–22, 25–19)15 September
4 Poland0–3 (21–25, 20–25, 22–25)17 September
5 Finland3–2 (25–19, 22–25, 23–25, 25–23, 15–12)18 September
6 Bulgaria0–3 (19–25, 26–28, 24–26)Bulgaria Sofia21 SeptemberSecond round
Pool G
7 Canada2–3 (20–25, 25–20, 15–25, 25–23, 12–15)22 September
8 United States0–3 (23–25, 24–26, 24–26)23 September
Head coach: Montenegro Igor Kolaković


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Argentina3–2 (22–25, 30–28, 25–18, 32–34, 21–19)Slovenia Ljubljana27 AugustPreliminary round
Pool F
2 Egypt3–1 (25–14, 25–19, 22–25, 26–24)29 August
3 Netherlands1–3 (22–25, 25–21, 20–25, 18–25)31 August
4 Brazil0–3 (17–25, 22–25, 23–25)Poland Gliwice6 September1/8 final
Head coach: Iran Behrouz Ataei

World Cup


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Germany0–3 (4–15, 11–15, 6–15)Japan Gifu22 NovemberPreliminary round
Pool B
2 Brazil0–3 (2–15, 7–15, 2–15)23 November
3 Algeria0–3 (10–15, 9–15, 10–15)24 November
4 Cuba0–3 (5–15, 3–15, 2–15)Japan Matsumoto26 November
5 South Korea0–3 (12–15, 4–15, 5–15)27 November
6 Tunisia1–3 (9–15, 7–15, 16–14, 7–15)Japan Tokyo29 NovemberClassification 7th–12th
7 Chile3–2 (4–15, 15–7, 6–15, 17–15, 15–12)30 November
8 Mexico1–3 (14–16, 6–15, 15–7, 5–15)1 December
Head coach: Iran Mohammad Heidarkhan[6]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Japan3–1 (17–25, 25–20, 25–23, 25–15)Japan Nagoya20 NovemberRound robin
2 Cuba0–3 (17–25, 17–25, 22–25)21 November
3 Serbia3–2 (25–17, 18–25, 21–25, 25–21, 15–11)22 November
4 Poland3–2 (23–25, 28–26, 8–25, 26–24, 15–11)Japan Osaka24 November
5 Argentina3–2 (15–25, 25–21, 24–26, 25–16, 15–12)25 November
6 United States0–3 (15–25, 25–27, 14–25)Japan Fukuoka27 November
7 Egypt3–0 (25–18, 25–21, 25–15)28 November
8 China0–3 (19–25, 19–25, 17–25)29 November
9 Brazil0–3 (20–25, 18–25, 16–25)Japan Tokyo2 December
10 Russia0–3 (29–31, 21–25, 18–25)3 December
11 Italy1–3 (13–25, 17–25, 25–20, 18–25)4 December
Head coach: Argentina Julio Velasco[7]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Argentina1–3 (27–25, 22–25, 22–25, 24–26)Japan Hamamatsu8 SeptemberRound robin
2 Tunisia3–1 (25–17, 21–25, 25–14, 25–20)9 September
3 Venezuela3–0 (25–20, 25–17, 25–15)10 September
4 Poland2–3 (25–18, 25–23, 15–25, 20–25, 11–15)12 September
5 Russia0–3 (24–26, 18–25, 20–25)13 September
6 Italy0–3 (19–25, 23–25, 21–25)Japan Osaka16 September
7 United States1–3 (25–20, 19–25, 22–25, 21–25)17 September
8 Japan3–2 (22–25, 23–25, 25–18, 25–21, 15–12)18 September
9 Australia0–3 (25–27, 25–27, 22–25)Japan Tokyo21 September
10 Canada0–3 (23–25, 27–29, 24–26)22 September
11 Egypt3–0 (25–18, 25–11, 25–23)23 September
Head coach: Serbia Slobodan Kovač[8]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Russia1–3 (21–25, 18–25, 26–24, 22–25)Japan Nagano1 OctoberRound robin
2 Egypt1–3 (25–22, 24–26, 18–25, 24–26)2 October
3 Canada3–1 (18–25, 25–23, 27–25, 25–19)4 October
4 Australia3–1 (25–22, 18–25, 25–18, 27–25)5 October
5 Brazil1–3 (27–25, 21–25, 25–27, 22–25)6 October
6 United States1–3 (18–25, 25–22, 18–25, 12–25)Japan Hiroshima9 October
7 Tunisia3–0 (26–24, 25–17, 25–22)10 October
8 Argentina3–2 (27–25, 23–25, 19–25, 25–17, 15–10)11 October
9 Japan1–3 (16–25, 28–26, 13–25, 21–25)13 October
10 Italy2–3 (27–25, 29–27, 28–30, 17–25, 13–15)14 October
11 Poland0–3 (18–25, 18–25, 16–25)15 October
Head coach: Montenegro Igor Kolaković

World Grand Champions Cup


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Egypt3–2 (21–25, 25–20, 25–21, 17–25, 15–10)Japan Osaka18 NovemberRound robin
2 Brazil1–3 (22–25, 18–25, 25–23, 19–25)19 November
3 Japan2–3 (25–27, 25–18, 23–25, 25–20, 14–16)Japan Nagoya21 November
4 Poland1–3 (23–25, 25–18, 26–28, 23–25)22 November
5 Cuba1–3 (14–25, 22–25, 25–15, 15–25)23 November
Head coach: Iran Hossein Maadani[9]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Brazil1–3 (16–25, 17–25, 27–25, 23–25)Japan Kyoto19 NovemberRound robin
2 Italy3–2 (26–24, 16–25, 25–23, 23–25, 15–12)20 November
3 Russia0–3 (23–25, 23–25, 19–25)Japan Tokyo22 November
4 United States3–2 (28–26, 19–25, 19–25, 27–25, 18–16)23 November
5 Japan3–0 (25–17, 25–18, 25–14)24 November
Head coach: Argentina Julio Velasco[10]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Italy3–2 (25–19, 23–25, 28–26, 29–31, 15–11)Japan Nagoya12 SeptemberRound robin
2 United States3–2 (20–25, 17–25, 27–25, 25–21, 15–12)13 September
3 Brazil0–3 (22–25, 19–25, 15–25)Japan Osaka15 September
4 Japan3–1 (21–25, 25–19, 25–20, 25–14)16 September
5 France3–2 (38–36, 25–23, 22–25, 25–27, 15–11)17 September
Head coach: Montenegro Igor Kolaković

World League


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Russia0–3 (21–25, 22–25, 17–25)Russia Kaliningrad7 JuneIntercontinental round
Pool B
2 Russia1–3 (23–25, 22–25, 25–17, 18–25)8 June
3 Serbia2–3 (24–26, 23–25, 25–17, 25–14, 16–18)Iran Tehran21 June
4 Serbia3–2 (25–20, 24–26, 23–25, 25–22, 15–12)22 June
5 Italy3–1 (25–23, 25–22, 22–25, 32–30)Italy Modena28 June
6 Italy2–3 (22–25, 20–25, 25–20, 25–18, 12–15)Italy Sassari30 June
7 Cuba3–2 (24–26, 19–25, 25–19, 25–22, 16–14)Cuba Havana5 July
8 Cuba3–1 (22–25, 25–20, 25–18, 25–22)6 July
9 Germany3–0 (25–19, 25–18, 25–20)Iran Tehran12 July
10 Germany0–3 (21–25, 23–25, 22–25)13 July
Head coach: Argentina Julio Velasco[11]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Italy0–3 (19–25, 22–25, 23–25)Italy Trieste30 MayIntercontinental round
Group 1 – Pool A
2 Italy0–3 (25–27, 18–25, 22–25)Italy Verona1 June
3 Brazil2–3 (23–25, 30–28, 28–26, 23–25, 13–15)Brazil São Paulo6 June
4 Brazil3–0 (25–18, 25–21, 25–22)7 June
5 Brazil3–2 (18–25, 27–25, 20–25, 25–17, 15–9)Iran Tehran13 June
6 Brazil2–3 (19–25, 17–25, 25–23, 25–23, 10–15)15 June
7 Italy3–0 (25–18, 25–20, 25–15)20 June
8 Italy3–1 (25–22, 25–19, 19–25, 25–20)22 June
9 Poland3–1 (23–25, 25–16, 25–11, 25–19)27 June
10 Poland3–0 (25–22, 25–20, 25–22)29 June
11 Poland1–3 (25–17, 24–26, 23–25, 23–25)Poland Gdańsk4 July
12 Poland0–3 (23–25, 20–25, 17–25)5 July
13 Russia2–3 (25–18, 18–25, 21–25, 37–35, 8–15)Italy Florence16 JulyFinal six
Pool I
14 Brazil3–1 (25–21, 25–19, 23–25, 28–26)18 July
15 United States0–3 (18–25, 22–25, 16–25)19 JulySemifinal
16 Italy0–3 (22–25, 18–25, 22–25)20 JulyBronze medal match
Head coach: Serbia Slobodan Kovač[12]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 United States1–3 (19–25, 22–25, 25–23, 23–25)United States Los Angeles30 MayIntercontinental round
Group 1 – Pool B
2 United States1–3 (16–25, 16–25, 25–20, 20–25)31 May
3 Poland1–3 (20–25, 22–25, 25–21, 25–27)Poland Częstochowa5 June
4 Poland2–3 (25–22, 22–25, 16–25, 25–22, 6–15)6 June
5 Russia3–1 (20–25, 25–16, 25–19, 25–23)Russia Kazan13 June
6 Russia3–0 (25–20, 25–18, 25–21)14 June
7 United States3–0 (25–19, 29–27, 25–20)Iran Tehran19 June
8 United States3–0 (25–20, 25–21, 25–19)21 June
9 Poland3–2 (25–21, 23–25, 21–25, 25–16, 15–11)26 June
10 Poland1–3 (25–23, 20–25, 20–25, 19–25)28 June
11 Russia3–0 (25–21, 25–21, 25–21)3 July
12 Russia1–3 (23–25, 25–19, 18–25, 21–25)4 July
Head coach: Serbia Slobodan Kovač[13]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Brazil0–3 (19–25, 16–25, 26–28)Brazil Rio de Janeiro16 JuneIntercontinental round
Group 1
2 United States1–3 (25–23, 13–25, 25–27, 24–26)17 June
3 Argentina3–2 (25–22, 25–20, 21–25, 13–25, 15–11)18 June
4 Bulgaria3–1 (18–25, 25–20, 25–23, 25–20)Serbia Belgrade23 June
5 Brazil1–3 (18–25, 26–24, 16–25, 17–25)24 June
6 Serbia1–3 (19–25, 26–24, 18–25, 21–25)25 June
7 Serbia3–2 (18–25, 22–25, 25–22, 25–23, 16–14)Iran Tehran1 July
8 Italy0–3 (20–25, 20–25, 21–25)2 July
9 Argentina3–2 (25–23, 22–25, 21–25, 25–22, 16–14)3 July
Head coach: Argentina Raúl Lozano[14]


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Italy0–3 (22–25, 23–25, 22–25)Italy Pesaro2 JuneIntercontinental round
Group 1
2 Brazil1–3 (25–21, 19–25, 22–25, 22–25)3 June
3 Poland3–1 (18–25, 25–23, 25–23, 25–22)4 June
4 Belgium3–2 (23–25, 25–17, 25–22, 23–25, 15–12)Iran Tehran9 June
5 Serbia1–3 (20–25, 23–25, 25–16, 16–25)10 June
6 Argentina3–2 (29–27, 25–20, 20–25, 23–25, 15–11)11 June
7 United States0–3 (17–25, 22–25, 28–30)Poland Katowice15 June
8 Poland0–3 (17–25, 18–25, 22–25)Poland Łódź17 June
9 Russia0–3 (24–26, 18–25, 18–25)18 June
Head coach: Montenegro Igor Kolaković

Nations League


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 France1–3 (20–25, 26–24, 20–25, 17–25)France Rouen25 MayPreliminary round
2 Australia3–0 (25–23, 25–23, 25–21)26 May
3 Japan1–3 (22–25, 28–30, 25–23, 23–25)27 May
4 Argentina3–2 (21–25, 25–22, 25–22, 24–26, 15–9)Argentina San Juan1 June
5 Italy0–3 (23–25, 18–25, 20–25)2 June
6 Canada1–3 (23–25, 22–25, 25–21, 21–25)3 June
7 China3–0 (25–19, 25–20, 25–15)Russia Ufa8 June
8 Brazil2–3 (17–25, 25–23, 19–25, 25–21, 13–15)9 June
9 Russia1–3 (30–28, 23–25, 25–27, 21–25)10 June
10 Poland3–0 (26–24, 26–24, 25–22)United States Hoffman Estates15 June
11 Serbia2–3 (25–21, 22–25, 25–27, 25–20, 11–15)16 June
12 United States0–3 (27–29, 20–25, 24–26)17 June
13 South Korea3–1 (27–25, 23–25, 25–22, 25–23)Iran Tehran22 June
14 Bulgaria3–1 (25–22, 25–15, 23–25, 25–14)23 June
15 Germany3–2 (25–20, 23–25, 25–22, 22–25, 15–11)24 June
Head coach: Montenegro Igor Kolaković


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Italy3–1 (20–25, 25–23, 25–23, 25–23)China Jiangmen31 MayPreliminary round
2 China3–0 (25–22, 25–18, 25–21)1 June
3 Germany3–0 (30–28, 29–27, 25–20)2 June
4 Brazil2–3 (25–23, 16–25, 25–21, 31–33, 10–15)Japan Tokyo7 June
5 Argentina3–1 (25–19, 20–25, 25–22, 34–32)8 June
6 Japan3–0 (25–22, 25–21, 25–19)9 June
7 Canada3–0 (25–15, 26–24, 25–16)Iran Urmia14 June
8 Poland3–2 (25–20, 21–25, 18–25, 25–17, 15–8)15 June
9 Russia3–0 (25–20, 26–24, 25–23)16 June
10 Portugal3–1 (23–25, 27–25, 25–17, 25–18)Iran Ardabil21 June
11 Australia3–0 (25–19, 25–19, 25–14)22 June
12 France0–3 (18–25, 24–26, 21–25)23 June
13 Serbia3–1 (25–23, 26–28, 25–22, 25–19)Bulgaria Plovdiv28 June
14 Bulgaria3–0 (25–23, 25–23, 25–21)29 June
15 United States0–3 (25–27, 21–25, 20–25)30 June
16 Poland1–3 (25–21, 18–25, 20–25, 22–25)United States Chicago11 JulyFinal six
Pool B
17 Brazil2–3 (20–25, 23–25, 26–24, 25–20, 10–15)12 July
Head coach: Montenegro Igor Kolaković


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Japan0–3 (19–25, 22–25, 24–26)Italy Rimini28 MayPreliminary round
2 Russia1–3 (17–25, 25–20, 20–25, 17–25)29 May
3 Netherlands3–0 (25–18, 25–23, 30–28)30 May
4 Canada3–1 (22–25, 25–22, 25–22, 25–22)3 June
5 Italy3–1 (26–24, 29–27, 21–25, 25–22)4 June
6 Bulgaria3–0 (25–20, 33–31, 25–22)5 June
7 United States3–0 (25–19, 25–23, 25–23)9 June
8 Serbia2–3 (25–21, 15–25, 28–26, 22–25, 8–15)10 June
9 Germany2–3 (25–23, 20–25, 19–25, 25–19, 13–15)11 June
10 Australia2–3 (23–25, 22–25, 25–23, 25–18, 12–15)15 June
11 Brazil1–3 (19–25, 25–23, 19–25, 21–25)16 June
12 Slovenia1–3 (25–14, 20–25, 19–25, 30–32)17 June
13 France0–3 (21–25, 21–25, 19–25)21 June
14 Poland0–3 (20–25, 20–25, 16–25)22 June
15 Argentina1–3 (31–33, 23–25, 32–30, 18–25)23 June
Head coach: Russia Vladimir Alekno


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 China3–1 (25–15, 19–25, 25–22, 25–15)Brazil Brasília7 JunePreliminary round
2 Netherlands0–3 (24–26, 21–25, 21–25)10 June
3 Australia3–1 (25–14, 25–22, 18–25, 25–15)11 June
4 Japan0–3 (20–25, 14–25, 19–25)12 June
5 Bulgaria0–3 (19–25, 23–25, 24–26)Bulgaria Sofia21 June
6 United States3–0 (25–18, 29–27, 27–25)23 June
7 Brazil0–3 (28–30, 23–25, 19–25)24 June
8 Canada3–0 (25–21, 27–25, 25–18)25 June
9 Poland3–2 (21–25, 25–23, 25–22, 25–27, 15–7)Poland Gdańsk5 July
10 Italy1–3 (16–25, 27–25, 23–25, 23–25)7 July
11 Slovenia3–0 (26–24, 25–14, 25–21)8 July
12 Serbia3–0 (35–33, 25–21, 25–12)9 July
13 Poland2–3 (21–25, 26–24, 18–25, 25–16, 7–15)Italy Bologna21 JulyQuarterfinal
Head coach: Iran Behrouz Ataei


# Opponent Result Host city Date Round
1 Japan0–3 (16–25, 22–25, 19–25)Japan Nagoya6 JunePreliminary round
2 Poland2–3 (25–23, 25–23, 21–25, 15–25, 13–15)8 June
3 China3–1 (23–25, 25–15, 25–20, 25–14)10 June
4 Slovenia0–3 (19–25, 23–25, 23–25)11 June
5 Germany3–0 (25–23, 26–24, 25–16)Netherlands Rotterdam20 June
6 Italy0–3 (19–25, 16–25, 24–26)21 June
7 United States0–3 (22–25, 18–25, 23–25)23 June
8 Netherlands2–3 (25–16, 16–25, 25–21, 17–25, 10–15)24 June
9 France0–3 (18–25, 22–25, 19–25)United States Anaheim4 July
10 Bulgaria2–3 (25–21, 21–25, 25–22, 22–25, 11–15)6 July
11 Argentina2–3 (19–25, 30–28, 29–27, 20–25, 11–15)8 July
12 Cuba2–3 (22–25, 28–26, 23–25, 30–28, 10–15)9 July
Head coach: Iran Behrouz Ataei


  1. "Men's World Championship 1970". FIVB. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  2. "Men's World Championship 1998". FIVB. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  3. "Men's World Championship 2006". FIVB. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  4. "Men's World Championship 2010". FIVB. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  5. "2014 Men's World Championship". FIVB. Retrieved 11 December 2014.
  6. جام جهانی والیبال. (in Persian). Archived from the original on October 17, 2007. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  7. "FIVB World Cup – Match Results". FIVB. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  8. "Men's World Cup 2015". FIVB. Retrieved 17 September 2015.
  9. "2009 FIVB Men's Grand Champions Cup". FIVB. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  10. "2013 FIVB Men's Grand Champions Cup". FIVB. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  11. "2013 FIVB World League". FIVB. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  12. "2014 FIVB World League". FIVB. Retrieved 20 July 2014.
  13. "2015 FIVB World League". FIVB. Retrieved 4 July 2015.
  14. "2016 FIVB World League". FIVB. Retrieved 3 July 2016.
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