International Conference of Reformed Churches

The International Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC) is a federation of Reformed or Calvinist churches around the world. The ICRC convenes international meetings every four years.

Logo of the International Conference of Reformed Churches

The ICRC was founded in 1981 at Groningen in the Netherlands.[1]

The theology of the ICRC is more conservative than the larger World Communion of Reformed Churches and is similar to that of the World Reformed Fellowship. The participating churches endorse the four Reformed confessions: the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort, and Westminster Confession of Faith.

In 2023, the moderator of the ICRC is Reverend Dr Dick Moes.[2]

List of members

List of ICRC Members in 2023[3][4]

The Reformed Churches in the Netherlands were founding members of the conference. In 2022, their membership was terminated. This was mainly due to the RCN’s decision to make all offices of the church open to women.[6]


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