Ibn Masarra

Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah b. Masarra b. Najih al-Jabali (Arabic: أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن مسرة بن نجيح الجبلي) (883–931), was an Andalusian Muslim ascetic and scholar.[1] He is considered one of the first Sufis as well as one of the first philosophers of Al-Andalus.[2]

He is believed to have been Muwallad.[3]



  • Arnaldez, R. (1979) The Encyclopaedia of Islam, iii, pp. 868 - 872, Leiden: Brill. ISBN 90-04-08118-6.
  • Asín Palacios, M. (1972) The Mystical Philosophy of Ibn Masarra and His Followers, trans. E.H. Douglas and H.W. Yoder, Leiden: Brill.
  • Asín Palacios, M. (in Spanish, 1914) Abenmassarra y su escuela : origenes de la filosofia Hispano-Musulmana. Madrid: Imprenta Iberica.
  • Chopra, R.M., "SUFISM", 2016, Anuradha Prakashan, New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-85083-52-5.
  • Rossi, Caterina A. Il trono - Ibn Masarrah di Cordoba (883-931), il proto-filosofo arabo d'Andalusia, 2012, Moro Editore
  • Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Oliver Leaman, History of Islamic philosophy, Routledge, 1996, Chapter 20, p. 277-293 retrieved on 23-07-2010
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