Hui-Ying Liu-Tawaststjerna

Hui-Ying Liu-Tawaststjerna (劉慧瑛;[1] born Taipei,[2] 19 October 1950) is a Taiwan-born pianist resident in Finland. She has been a lecturer on piano performance at Sibelius Academy since 1985.


  1. "西貝流士音樂院指揮.鋼琴大師班甄選辦法". Archived from the original on October 13, 2016. Retrieved 2016-06-08.
  2. Haapakoski, Martti – Heino, Anni – Huttunen, Matti – Lampila, Hannu-Ilari – Maasalo, Katri (2002). Suomen musiikin historia: Esittävä säveltaide. Helsinki: WSOY. pp. 264–266. ISBN 951-0-23564-4.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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