Hubert Lampo
Hubert Leon Lampo (Antwerp, 1 September 1920 – Essen, 12 July 2006) was a Flemish writer, one of the founders of magic realism in Flanders. His most famous book is De komst van Joachim Stiller ("The coming of Joachim Stiller", 1960), in which a mysterious person, named Joachim Stiller, appears as a redeemer, under circumstances reminiscent of the death of Jesus. Other themes that occur in Lampo's work are the myths of Orpheus, Atlantis and the Holy Grail.

Hubert Lampo (photo Tom Ordelman)
Bibliography (English)
- Hubert Lampo: Arthur and the Grail. Photogr. by Pieter Paul Koster. London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1988. ISBN 0-283-99705-2
- Hubert Lampo: The coming of Joachim Stiller. Transl. by Marga Emlyn-Jones. New York, Twayne Publishers, 1974. ISBN 0-8057-3416-3
- Hubert Lampo: 'The contemporary novel in Dutch'. In: The contemporary novel in Belgium. Brussels, 1970. No ISBN
See also
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