
Huacaltzintli was a Princess of Tlatelolco and Queen of Tenochtitlan. She was a daughter of the king Quaquapitzahuac and sister of the king Tlacateotl and queen Matlalatzin. Her husband was Itzcoatl, Aztec emperor. She gave birth to a son, who she named Tezozomoc. She was a grandmother of kings Axayacatl, Tizoc and Ahuitzotl.

Queen consort of Tenochtitlan
Family tree
Family tree of Tenochtitlan royal family. Huacaltzintli's name is here, and also the names of her husband and son.
SpouseEmperor Itzcoatl
FatherKing Quaquapitzahuac
ReligionAztec religion

See also


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