High Masonic degrees
In Freemasonry, the first three Masonic degrees constitute the fundamental degrees in all Rites they are called Blue Lodge of Craft degree.
Over time, various systems of optional "high Masonic degrees" or "Side Degree" have been added to these three fundamental degrees, practiced in workshops known as perfection lodges or chapters.


In its early days, Freemasonry had only two degrees: that of an Apprentice (Entered Apprentice) and that of a Fellow Craft (Fellow Craft). The third degree, that of Master, appeared later, around 1725, in London.[1]
From the 1730s onward, various authors, mostly in France and England, wrote rituals for many additional degrees, intended to continue and enrich the mythology of the first three. Thus, brothers founded where new rituals were practiced, offering Master Masons, beyond the first three degrees, the opportunity to continue their spiritual and moral journey. Historians count more than a hundred additional degrees in the 1760s.[2]
All these degrees can be grouped into a smaller number of themes. Thus, after the legend of Hiram (3rd degree, Master Mason), different series of degrees (vengeance degrees, chivalric degrees, etc.) were constructed, forming a progressive and coherent whole, the main Rites of Freemasonry at the end of the 21th century and the beginning of the 21th century century.
Subsequently, new "high degrees," sometimes structured in independent "rites," sometimes integrated into existing rites, continued to be written, but at a much slower pace.
At the beginning of the 21th century century, the total number of degrees varies according to the rites:
French Rite (RF): 7 degrees, including 3 symbolic and 4 philosophical, plus an administrative degree outside the degree scale; Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR): 33 degrees; Rectified Scottish Rite (RER): 6 degrees; Egyptian Masonic Rites: 33, 90, or 99 degrees; York Rite: 12 or 13 degrees depending on the country.
Lodges that practice the "high degrees" are distinct from the lodges of the first three degrees. They have different names, varying depending on the degrees they confer, but are also referred to under the generic term "higher lodges" or "lodges of perfection." In general, these lodges are organized separately from the obediences (grand lodges or grand orients) that federate the lodges of the first three degrees.
High degrees according to the rites
Rectified Scottish Rite
- Lodges of Saint Andrew (Green Lodges):
- Scottish Master
Inner Order:
- Novice Squire
- Chevalier bienfaisant de la Cité sainte (known as 'Knight CBCS')
Secret Class:
- Profès
- Grand Profès
French Rite
According to the Regulator of Masonic Knights of 1786:
- 1st Order: Elected Master
- 2nd Order: Grand Scottish Elected
- 3rd Order: Knight of the East
- 4th Order: Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix, Perfect Free Mason.
- 5th Order: Administrative and Conservatory Grade.
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
Primitive Degrees:
- 18 Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix
- 30 Grand Elected Knight of the White and Black Eagle or Knight Kadosch
Degrees from German Illuminism of the Tribunal of the Holy Vehme:
- 9 Elected Master of the 9
- 10 Illustrious Elected of the 15
- 11 Sublime Elected Knight
- 21 Prussian Knight or Noachite
Degrees of Hebrew and Biblical Origin:
- 4 Secret Master
- 5 Perfect Master
- 6 Intimate Secretary
- 7 Provost and Judge or Irish Master
- 8 Superintendent of Buildings or Master in Israel
- 12 Grand Master Architect
- 13 Royal Arch
- 14 Grand Scottish of the Sacred Vault of Jacques VI or Grand Elected
- 15 Knight of the East or Knight of the Sword
- 16 Prince of Jerusalem
- 17 Knight of the East and West
Temple Degrees:
- 19 Grand Pontiff or Sublime Scottish
- 20 Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges or Master ad vitam
- 23 Chief of the Tabernacle
- 24 Prince of the Tabernacle
- 25 Knight of the Brazen Serpent
- 26 Prince of Compassion, Prince of Mercy
- 27 Sovereign Commander of the Temple
- 29 Grand Scottish of Saint Andrew of Scotland or Knight of Saint Andrew of Scotland
Alchemical and Rosicrucian Degrees:
- 22 Royal Axe, Prince of Lebanon
- 28 Adequate Prince, Knight of the Sun
Administrative Degrees:
- 31 Grand Inquisitor Commander
- 32 Valiant and Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
- 33 Grand Inspector General
Egyptian Masonic Rites
Loges of Perfection:
- 4th Secret Master
- 5th Perfect Master
- 6th Intimate Secretary
- 7th Provost and Judge
- 8th Superintendent of Buildings
- 9th Elected Master of the Nine
- 10th Illustrious Elected of the Fifteen
- 11th Sublime Elected Knight
- 12th Grand Master Architect
- 13th Royal Arch
- 14th Grand Elected of the Sacred Vault, also known as Jacques VI or Sublime Mason
- 15th Knight of the East or of the Sword
- 16th Prince of Jerusalem
- 17th Knight of the East and West
- 18th Sublime Prince Rose-Croix
- 19th Grand Pontiff or Sublime Scottish of the Celestial Jerusalem
- 20th Knight of the Temple
- 21st Noachite or Prussian Knight
- 22nd Knight of the Royal Arch or Prince of Lebanon
- 23rd Chief of the Tabernacle
- 24th Prince of the Tabernacle
- 25th Knight of the Brazen Serpent
- 26th Trinitarian Scottish or Prince of Mercy
- 27th Sovereign Commander of the Temple
- 28th Knight of the Sun or Adequate Prince
- 29th Grand Scottish of Saint Andrew of Scotland, Prince of Light
Areopaguses and Tribunals:
- 30th Grand Elected Knight Kadosch, also known as Knight of the White and Black Eagle
- 31st Grand Inquisitor Commander
- 32nd Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
- 33rd Sovereign Grand Inspector General
Grand Consistories:
- 34th Knight of Scandinavia
- 35th Sublime Commander of the Temple
- 36th Sublime Negotiate
- 37th Knight of Shota (Adept of Truth)
- 38th Sublime Elected of Truth
- 39th Grand Elected of Eons
- 40th Sage Sivaist (Perfect Sage)
- 41st Knight of the Rainbow
- 42nd Prince of Light
- 43rd Sublime Hermetic Sage
- 44th Prince of the Zodiac
- 45th Sublime Sage of the Mysteries
- 46th Sublime Shepherd of the Huts
- 47th Knight of the Seven Stars
- 48th Sublime Guardian of the Sacred Mount
- 49th Sublime Sage of the Pyramids
- 50th Sublime Philosopher of Samothrace
- 51st Sublime Titan of the Caucasus
- 52nd Sage of the Labyrinth
- 53rd Knight of the Phoenix
- 54th Sublime Scalde
- 55th Sublime Orphic Doctor
- 56th Pontiff of Cadmea
- 57th Sublime Mage
- 58th Brahmin Prince
- 59th Grand Pontiff of Ogygia
- 60th Sublime Guardian of the Three Fires
- 61st Sublime Unknown Philosopher
- 62nd Sublime Sage of Eleusis
- 63rd Sublime Kawi
- 64th Sage of Mithra
- 65th Patriarch Grand Installer
- 66th Patriarch Grand Consecrator
- 67th Patriarch Grand Eulogist
- 68th Patriarch of Truth
- 69th Knight of the Golden Bough of Eleusis
- 70th Patriarch of the Planispheres
- 71st Patriarch of the Sacred Vedas
Grand Councils:
- 72nd Sublime Master of Wisdom
- 73rd Doctor of the Sacred Fire
- 74th Sublime Master of the Sloka
- 75th Knight of the Libyan Chain
- 76th Patriarch of Isis
- 77th Sublime Theosophical Knight
- 78th Grand Pontiff of Thebes
- 79th Knight of the Dreadful Sadah
- 80th Sublime Elected of the Sanctuary
- 81st Patriarch of Memphis
- 82nd Grand Elected of the Temple of Midgard
- 83rd Sublime Knight of the Valley of Oddy
- 84th Doctor of the Izeds
- 85th Sublime Master of the Luminous Ring
- 86th Pontiff of Serapis
- 87th Sublime Prince of Masonry
- 88th Grand Elected of the Sacred Court
- 89th Patriarch of the Mystic City
- 90th Sublime Patriarch Master of the Great Work
Grand Tribunals:
- 91st Sublime Patriarch Grand Defender of the Order
Grand Mystical Temples:
- 92nd Sublime Cathéchrist
- 93rd Grand Inspector General Regulator
- 94th Sublime Patriarch of Memphis
Sovereign Sanctuaries:
- 95th Sublime Patriarch Grand Conservator of the Order
- 96th Substitute Grand National Master, vice-president of the National Sovereign Sanctuary
- 97th Grand National Master, President of the National Sovereign Sanctuary
- 98th Substitute Grand World Master, vice-president of the International Sovereign Sanctuary
- 99th Most Serene Grand World Master, Grand Hierophant, President of the International Sovereign Sanctuary
York Rite
Chapter - "Royal Arch"
- Mark Master
- Virtual Past Master
- Most Excellent Master
- Royal Arch Mason
Council - "Cryptic Masonry"
- Royal Master
- Select Master
- Super Excellent Master
Commanderies - "Knights Templar"
- Knight of the Red Cross
- Knight of Malta
- Knight Templar
Notes and references
- Roger Dachez, Histoire de la franc-maçonnerie française, PUF, Paris, 2003, p. 61
- This number should be relativized, as several of these degrees have apparently always been conferred or "transmitted by communication" without their rituals being actually practiced by those who received them. A significant number of degrees are relatively similar and would thus be variants of each other.
See also
Related articles
- Orders of Wisdom
- Rite of the Royal Secret
- Rite of the Royal Arch