Henning Löhlein

Henning Löhlein, (born 1965, in Germany) is an illustrator working in Bristol. His work has appeared in many media outlets including The Guardian, The Observer, The Financial Times and he has illustrated over thirty books so far. He has drawn his distinctive illustrations for authors of children's books from Britain and Germany, including Werner Holzwarth, Katja Reider, Manfred Mai, Gudrun Pausewang. Since 1996 he has been selected every year for the exhibition of the German Cartoon Prize.

Henning Löhlein
Frankfurt / Main, Germany

Early life and career

Henning Löhlein grew up in Bonn, Germany, studied three years art In the South of France, before coming to Bristol on an Erasmus exchange, where he finished his studies in illustration, before doing an MA at Brighton University in sequential illustration.

Illustrated children's books

My Name is Mr Fox by Shen Roddie Macmillan Publishers ISBN 1-405-02208-6

Ringo Rabe traut sich was by Manfred Mai Ravensburger Buchverlag ISBN 978-3-473-44571-4

Kleeorg und Kleeopatra by Werner Holzwarth Bajazzo ISBN 978-3-905871-24-1

Die Oma im Drachenbauch by Gudrun Pausewang Gerstenberg Verlag ISBN 978-3-8369-5275-0

Dein kleiner Kummerkiller by Katja reider Hoffmann und Campe ISBN 978-3-455-38059-0

Ganz schön schlau die dumme Sau by Werner Holzwarth terzio Verlag ISBN 978-3-89835-866-8

Harry, Rabbit on the Run by Adam Frost Macmillan Children's Books ISBN 978-0330447126

Ralph the Magic Rabbit by Adam Frost Macmillan Children's Books ISBN 978-0330436021

Die Weihnachtshäsin von Adriana Dorsett Hoffmann und Campe ISBN 978-3455380286

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