Greek spelling alphabet

The Greek spelling alphabet is a spelling alphabet (or "phonetic alphabet") for Greek, i.e. an accepted set of easily differentiated names given to the letters of the alphabet for the purpose of spelling out words. It is used mostly on radio voice channels by the Greek army, the navy and the police. The names for some Greek letters are easily confused in noisy conditions.

Similar sounding Greek letters:

  • víta (β), zíta (ζ), íta (η), thíta (θ)
  • épsilon (ε), ýpsilon (υ)
  • mi (μ), ni (ν)
  • xi (ξ), pi (π), fi (φ), chi (χ), psi (ψ)

The spelling alphabet

LetterGreek name English namespelling nametransliteration and translation
Α, αálfa alphaαστήρastír ('star')
Β, βvíta betaΒύρωνVíron ('Byron')
Γ, γgámma gammaγαλήgalí ('cat')
Δ, δdélta deltaδόξαdóxa ('glory')
Ε, εépsilon epsilonΕρμήςErmís ('Hermes')
Ζ, ζzíta zetaΖευς[1]Zefs ('Zeus')
Η, ηíta etaΗρώIró ('Hero')
Θ, θthíta thetaθεάtheá ('goddess')
Ι, ιióta iotaίσκιοςískios ('shadow')
Κ, κkáppa kappaκενόνkenón ('blank')
Λ, λlámbda lambdaλάμαláma ('blade')
Μ, μmi muμέλιméli ('honey')
Ν, νni nuναόςnaós ('church')
Ξ, ξxi xiΞέρξηςXérxis ('Xerxes')
Ο, οómikron omicronοσμήosmí ('smell')
Π, πpi piΠέτροςPétros ('Peter')
Ρ, ρro rhoρήγαςrígas ('king')
Σ, σ, -ςsígma sigmaσοφόςsofós ('wise')
Τ, τtaf tauτίγρηςtígris ('tiger')
Υ, υípsilon upsilonύμνοςímnos ('hymn')
Φ, φfi phiΦωφώFofó ('a female diminutive name')
Χ, χchi chiχαράchará ('joy')
Ψ, ψpsi psiψυχήpsichí ('soul')
Ω, ωoméga omegaωμέγαoméga ('the last letter of the Greek alphabet')

See also


  1. Alternative Police variant "Ζωή" (Zoí)

Further reading

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