Fire Departments of Pakistan

Fire Departments of Pakistan provides fire brigade and emergency services in Pakistan Commanding Officer ShadowWqve Deputy Commanding officer Rated Sider.

A fire department or fire brigade is a public or private organization that provides predominantly emergency firefighting and rescue services for a certain jurisdiction, which is typically a municipality, county, or fire protection district. A fire department usually contains one or more fire stations within its boundaries, and may be staffed by career firefighters, volunteer firefighters, or a combination thereof (referred to as a combination department).[1]

The National Institute of Fire Technology provides advance training to fire departments in Pakistan. The National Institute of Fire Technology is based in Islamabad and is affiliated with the Directorate of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Interior.

See also


  1. Cote, Arthur E. (2003). "Basics of Fire and Fire Science". Organizing for Fire And Rescue Services. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. p. 92. ISBN 978-0-87765-577-0.
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