Fappi (Ingush: Фаьппи, romanized: Fäppi) or Fappi mokhk (Ingush: Фаьппи мохк, romanized: Fäppi mokhk, lit. 'Country of Fyappins'),[lower-alpha 1] exonym: Kistetia, is a historical region in Ingushetia. Fappi is the territory of historical settlement of the Fyappiy society.
Fyappiy Mokhk
Фаьппи/Фаьппий Мохк | |
Historical region | |
![]() Historical Fyappiy Mokhk |
Suleymanov, brought the following boundaries of the historical region in the west with Dzhairakh, in the south with Khevsureti, in the east with Khamkh and Tsori, in the north it went out into a flat plain.[3] The Fyappiy district occupied a significant territory of the Armkhi Gorge and was in contact with the plain in the north. The geography of the initial distribution of this ethnonym A. N. Genko relates “to the west of the Lomeka River (the ancient name of the Terek River)”, covering the entire territory of the modern Republic of Ossetia.[4]
The historical area Fyappiy Mokhk was mentioned as "Kistetia", as well as "Kistia" or "Kistinia". The Georgian prince, historian and geographer of the 18th century Vakhushti Bagrationi localizes Kistetia along the gorge of the Armkhi River (historical "Kistinka"), that is in mountainous Ingushetia.[5][6]
According to the German researcher J. A. Güldenstädt, who visited the Caucasus in 1770-1773, the district of Fyappiy was subject to either Oksay or Kabardian princes, and in ancient times was subject to Georgia.[7]
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