List of generation II Pokémon
The second generation (Generation II) of the Pokémon franchise features 100 fictional species of creatures introduced to the core video game series in the 1999 Game Boy Color games Pokémon Gold and Silver, set in the Johto region. Some Pokémon in this generation were introduced in animated adaptations of the franchise before Gold and Silver, such as Ho-Oh in the first episode of the Pokémon anime series in 1998 and 1999, Togepi, which was a recurring character in the anime owned by Misty, Donphan in the Pokémon first movie in 1998, Snubbull in the first Pikachu short movie in 1998, and Marill, which also debuted in that short film and was a recurring character in the anime owned by Tracey Sketchit in 1998 and 1999. Elekid, Bellossom, Ledyba, and Hoothoot debuted in Pikachu's Rescue Adventure and Lugia and Slowking debuted in Pokémon 2000.

List of Pokémon by generation |
Related: List of Pokémon |
The following list details the 100 Pokémon of Generation II in order of their National Pokédex number. The first Pokémon, Chikorita, is number 152 and the last, Celebi, is number 251. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.
Table of Dexes
Dex name | No. of Pokemon in Dex | No. in National Dex | percentage | ||
Johto Dex | 251 | 251 | 100% 100%
Design and development
Two new types were introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver – namely the "Dark" and "Steel" types – which were intended to better balance the gameplay of Pokémon battles. Dark and Steel types fare well against "Psychic" attacks, which was a dominant type in Red and Blue. The concept of breeding was introduced in the second generation of Pokémon games as well, which allows players to manipulate the skills of their Pokémon to a greater degree.[1] Some of the new Pokémon introduced in Gold and Silver are pre-evolutions of other Pokémon, such as Pichu and Igglybuff. These baby Pokémon are only available by breeding their evolved forms.
Pokémon Gold and Silver were first revealed at Nintendo Space World in 1997. At this point, the game had a massively larger world map than the final game and this prototype featured around 40 Pokémon designs that were removed and replaced when the games were released in 1999.[2]
List of Pokémon
Name | National Pokédex number |
Type(s) | Evolves from | Evolves into | Notes | ||
English | Japanese | Primary | Secondary | ||||
Chikorita | Chikorita (チコリータ)[4] | 0152 | Grass | Beginning of evolution | Bayleef (#153) | A small quadrupedal green Pokémon with a large lime green leaf on its head. It waves its leaf around to scare off foes, but it also has a sweet smell to it. It loves to sunbathe. It also resembles a pear | |
Bayleef | Bayleef (ベイリーフ)[5] | 0153 | Grass | Chikorita (#152) | Meganium (#154) | While Chikorita's and Meganium's designs were settled in 1997, Bayleef originally had a significantly different design.[6] The leaves around its neck hold a small shoot of a tree and they make people peppy. Ash Ketchum has a Bayleef in the anime. | |
Meganium | Meganium (メガニウム)[7] | 0154 | Grass | Bayleef (#153) | End of evolution | It is based on the Sauropod. Meganium has the power to revive dead plants with its breath. It has a wafting aroma that soothes anyone around it, and this is because its petals contain a substance that calms aggressive feelings. In battle, it gives off more of its becalming scent to blunt the foe's fighting spirit. Anyone who stands beside it becomes refreshed, just as if they were relaxing in a sunny forest. | |
Cyndaquil | Hinoarashi (ヒノアラシ)[8] | 0155 | Fire | Beginning of evolution | Quilava (#156) | Cyndaquil is timid and shy. When startled or scared, flames start bursting from the back of it in defense. Its original design had spikes on the back and it was not a Fire type, but an ice type. Its appearance is similar to a porcupine or hedgehog; however, it is actually a mouse Pokémon. | |
Quilava | Magumarashi (マグマラシ)[9] | 0156 | Fire | Cyndaquil (#155) | Typhlosion (#157) | It rushes at foes with gusts of hot air and fire to keep them at bay. It is so nimble, it can even dodge while doing this. It is based on a weasel. Ash and Dawn both have Quilavas in the Pokémon anime. | |
Typhlosion | Bakufūn (バクフーン)[10] | 0157 | Fire | Quilava (#156) | End of evolution | Typhlosion can create a shining haze of heat to obscure itself. It can also generate large explosive blasts to incinerate its opponents. It gained a Hisuian Form, where it gains the ghost typing. | |
Totodile | Waninoko (ワニノコ)[11] | 0158 | Water | Beginning of evolution | Croconaw (#159) | Despite being small, Totodile's jaws are very powerful. It may think that it is playing with its Trainer, but if not careful, can cause very serious injuries. Ash has a Totodile in the Pokémon anime that sounds like Donald Duck. | |
Croconaw | Arigeitsu (アリゲイツ)[9] | 0159 | Water | Totodile (#158) | Feraligatr (#160) | If it bites something, it will not let go due to its teeth being similar to barbed backfish hooks, making them almost impossible to remove. | |
Feraligatr | Ōdairu (オーダイル)[7] | 0160 | Water | Croconaw (#159) | End of evolution | It intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. When battling, it will stomp the ground hard with its strong legs and rush at the enemy. This evolutionary line is based on crocodiles and alligators. | |
Sentret | Otachi (オタチ)[12] | 0161 | Normal | Beginning of evolution | Furret (#162) | When one sleeps, another scouts. If danger arrives, it wakes the others and flees. A single Sentret cannot sleep out of fear when it is separated from the rest. Sentrets stand on their tails to look for danger. | |
Furret | Ōtachi (オオタチ)[13] | 0162 | Normal | Sentret (#161) | End of evolution | Furret are nimble, quick, and known for slipping through small spaces due to its small size and nimble feet. It is hard to tell where the front ends and the bottom begins. It is based on the real-life ferret. | |
Hoothoot | Hōhō (ホーホー)[13] | 0163 | Normal | Flying | Beginning of evolution | Noctowl (#164) | Hoothoot will always hoot at the same time everyday due to its internal organ that can sense the Earth's rotation. Hoothoots have two legs but are almost always seen standing on one. They switch out which legs they stand on faster than the eye can process it. It debuted first in the Pikachu's Rescue Adventure short before the second movie. |
Noctowl | Yorunozuku (ヨルノズク)[13] | 0164 | Normal | Flying | Hoothoot (#163) | End of evolution | It will never fail to catch its prey at night due to its soft and quiet wings, and its impeccable night vision. Its English name is a portmanteau of "nocturnal" and "owl". Ash has a shiny Noctowl in the anime. |
Ledyba | Ledyba (レディバ)[13] | 0165 | Bug | Flying | Beginning of evolution | Ledian (#166) | It communicates to other Ledyba by secreting fluids where its legs meet its body. It changes its scent based on how it is feeling. Ledyba are naturally timid creatures that panic when separated from their swarm. Like Hoothoot, it debuted first in the Pikachu's Rescue Adventure short before the second movie. |
Ledian | Ledian (レディアン)[13] | 0166 | Bug | Flying | Ledyba (#165) | End of evolution | In tales, it is said that where the air is clean and the stars are bright, countless Ledian will arrive. Ledian use starlight as energy. |
Spinarak | Itomaru (イトマル)[13] | 0167 | Bug | Poison | Beginning of evolution | Ariados (#168) | A small spider like Pokémon. Its web is like a second nervous system. It is said that Spinarak can tell what kind of prey has been trapped based on the tiny vibrations on the strands. |
Ariados | Ariados (アリアドス)[13] | 0168 | Bug | Poison | Spinarak (#167) | End of evolution | It can cast string not only from its abdomen but from its mouth, and it is hard to tell which end it came from. A single strand of a special string is endlessly spun out of its rear. The string leads back to its nest. Rather than making a nest in one specific spot, it wanders in search of food after darkness falls. Every night, it wanders around in search of prey, whose movements it restrains by spewing threads before it bites into them with its fangs. Its feet are tipped with tiny hooked claws that enable it to scuttle on ceilings and vertical walls and it constricts the foe with thin and strong silk webbing. It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends. There are some areas where people use the string Ariados spins for their own weaving. The resulting cloth is popular for its strength. When feeding, it wraps its prey up in thread and sips their bodily fluids at its leisure. |
Crobat | Crobat (クロバット)[14] | 0169 | Poison | Flying | Golbat (#042) | End of evolution | It is the final evolution of Zubat and Golbat. Crobat can fly long distances. It usually flies with all four wingsbut, it can alternate what pairs of wings it flies with. Golbat evolves into Crobat when it has high-enough friendship levels. Brock's Zubat evolved into a Crobat in the anime. |
Chinchou | Chonchī (チョンチー)[13] | 0170 | Water | Electric | Beginning of evolution | Lanturn (#171) | Chinchou and Lanturn are based on the Footballfish.[15] Chinchou combines its positive and negative currents to attack prey. It also communicates to others by flashing its lights at them. Lanturn is called "The Deep Sea Star" because of its antenna. It can illuminate its light by causing chemical reactions between bacteria and its body fluids. It is based on anglerfish. |
Lanturn | Lanturn (ランターン)[13] | 0171 | Water | Electric | Chinchou (#170) | End of evolution | |
Pichu | Pichu (ピチュー)[16] | 0172 | Electric | Beginning of evolution | Pikachu (#025) | It is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Junichi Masuda noted that Pichu was intended to become the "next" Pikachu. Pichu has become Masuda's favorite Pokémon because of the "well thought-out" design process that went into creating it.[17][18][19] It is voiced by Satomi Kōrogi. Its not fully capable of storing electricity yet. Despite its size, it can zap adult humans, but by doing so, even while playing with others, it will shock and startle itself and make itself cry. Pichu charges itself with electricity more easily on days with thunderclouds or when the air is very dry. You can hear the crackling of static electricity coming off it. It plays with others by touching tails and setting off sparks. This appears to be a test of courage. In the anime, a pair of Pichus are known as the Pichu Bros, and have appeared in their own shorts. | |
Cleffa | Pī (ピィ)[14] | 0173 | Fairy[nb 2] | Beginning of evolution | Clefairy (#035) | On nights that have many shooting stars, Cleffa can be found dancing through the night. It will dance until daybreak where it sips on the morning dew. It evolves into Clefairy at high-enough friendship levels. | |
Igglybuff | Pupurin (ププリン)[20] | 0174 | Normal | Fairy[nb 2] | Beginning of evolution | Jigglypuff (#039) | Its vocal cords are not fully developed yet, so it hurts to use them. It gargles fresh water from streams to replenish them. Igglybuff's body is very bouncy, so if it bounces, there is no stopping it. In the English-dubbed anime, it was voiced by Rachael Lillis, who also voiced Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff. It evolves into Jigglypuff at high-enough friendship levels. |
Togepi | Togepi (トゲピー)[21] | 0175 | Fairy[nb 2] | Beginning of evolution | Togetic (#176) | If you can get a sleeping Togepi to stand up, you will gain happiness from its shell. Togepi energises off positive feelings like compassion and pleasure from people, and stores them in its hard shell, then it will release them to others that need it. It was one of the first Johto Pokémon to appear, as an egg found by Ash and his friends. When it hatched, it bonded to Misty. Throughout the series, it has helped the group in sticky situations using Metronome. | |
Togetic | Togechikku (トゲチック)[22] | 0176 | Fairy[nb 2] | Flying | Togepi (#175) | Togekiss (#468) | Even though it has wings, it does not need to use them as it is able to hover and glide. It is said that Togetic is a kind of Pokémon that brings good fortune. When it sees a person with a pure heart, it will come by and share its happiness with them. It evolves into Togekiss using a Shiny Stone. In Hoenn, Misty's Togepi ended up evolving into a Togetic and got released. |
Natu | Neiti (ネイティ)[13] | 0177 | Psychic | Flying | Beginning of evolution | Xatu (#178) | It is a Pokémon resembling a hummingbird. It will stare into your eyes as if it is in a staring contest, the instant you show even the slightest movement, Natu will hop to safety. It cannot fly due to its wings being underdeveloped. |
Xatu | Neitio (ネイティオ)[13] | 0178 | Psychic | Flying | Natu (#177) | End of evolution | It is a Pokémon resembling a Trogon. It will stand in one spot all day. Some say that it is terrified of the horrible visions it sees with its left eye viewing the past and its right eye seeing the future. |
Mareep | Merīpu (メリープ)[23] | 0179 | Electric | Beginning of evolution | Flaaffy (#180) | Mareep's fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more static electricity charged, the brighter the light bulb at the tip of its tail glows. It appears as a sheep with a blueish body that is covered in yellow wool and has a yellow power orb on its tail. | |
Flaaffy | Mokoko (モココ)[13] | 0180 | Electric | Mareep (#179) | Ampharos (#181) | Flaaffy's wool quality changes, it can generate a high amount of static electricity with a small amount of wool. The bare and slick parts of its hide are shielded against electricity. The wool on Flaaffy has reduced in amount, and it tends to stand on two legs. Its power orb has become blue | |
Ampharos | Denryū (デンリュウ)[24] | 0181 | Electric | Flaaffy (#180) | Mega Evolution | The bright light on its tail can be seen from space. It has been treasured since ancient times as a beacon. When it gets dark, the light from its bright, shiny tail can be seen from far away on the ocean's surface. People in the old days used the light of this Pokémon to send signals back and forth with others far away. It is a dinosaur-esque Pokémon that has yellow skin and black rings and red jewels on its head and tail. In Pokémon X and Y it gained a Mega Evolution, which grants it the dragon type. | |
Bellossom | Kireihana (キレイハナ)[20] | 0182 | Grass | Gloom (#044) | End of evolution | When the sun shines brightly, Bellossom will open its bright-coloured petals to spin and dance. When the sun goes away, so does Bellossom. Bellossom evolves from Gloom using the Sun Stone. Like Hoothoot and Ledyba, it debuted first in the Pikachu's Rescue Adventure short before the second movie. | |
Marill | Marill (マリル)[25] | 0183 | Water | Fairy[nb 3] | Azurill (#298) | Azumarill (#184) | GameSpot's Frank Provo and Kotaku's Patricia Hernandez have described Marill as "cute".[26][27] If you see a small, blue ball in the water, that is, in fact, Marill's oil-filled tail acting as a lifesaver so that it can catch and eat aquatic plants. Marill appears as a sea-blue round mouse with a zigzag like tail that ends in a blue orb. The blue orb at the end of its tail can light up. In the anime, Marill debuted in the Pikachu's Vacation short before the first movie and was sometimes called "Pikablue" and Tracey Sketchit also owns one. |
Azumarill | Mariruri (マリルリ)[14] | 0184 | Water | Fairy[nb 3] | Marill (#183) | End of evolution | Its ears are wonderful sensors. Even in roaring waters, it can focus its hearing to know what prey is around. When Azurill play in the water, Azumarill will cover them with the air filled bubbles that it creates. Its signature ability is "Huge Power" which is exclusive to rabbit and rabbit like Pokémon. |
Sudowoodo | Usokkī (ウソッキー)[22] | 0185 | Rock | Bonsly (#438) | End of evolution | When attacked, Sudowoodo will go into the forest and stand still as if it resemble a tree, though in winter, it is easily seen due to the green parts on its body. Despite resembling a tree, it is actually a Rock-type, In Gold and Silver, it blocks a path north. To get past it, the player needs the water pale. In the anime, Brock had a Bonsly that evolved into Sudowoodo. | |
Politoed | Nyorotono (ニョロトノ)[13] | 0186 | Water | Poliwhirl (#061) | End of evolution | Its curled hair is proof that it is a king. The longer the curl, the more respect it gains. Evolves from Poliwhirl after being traded while it holds a King's Rock. Unlike Poliwrath (and its previous evolutions), it is a frog, not a tadpole. Misty's Poliwhirl used a King's Rock to evolve into Politoed in the anime. | |
Hoppip | Hanekko (ハネッコ)[22] | 0187 | Grass | Flying | Beginning of evolution | Skiploom (#188) | It likes to drift through the wind. If it knows a big wind will pass, it will link its leaves with other Hoppip and prepare to not be blown away. Hoppips are pink Pokémon that have green leaves sprouting out of their heads. In its earliest known design, it resembled a cat. |
Skiploom | Popokko (ポポッコ)[13] | 0188 | Grass | Flying | Hoppip (#187) | Jumpluff (#189) | It is sometimes used as a thermometer because its flower blossoms over 64 °F. How much Skiplooms blossom depends on the temperature. |
Jumpluff | Watakko (ワタッコ)[13] | 0189 | Grass | Flying | Skiploom (#188) | End of evolution | Jumpluff can control where it will go, unlike its previous evolutions it can stand even the harshest of winds. It seeks out warm southern winds as it drifts through the air. If it senses cold air, it drifts to the ground. The fluffy seed balls on its head drop seeds and spores. |
Aipom | Eipam (エイパム)[10] | 0190 | Normal | Beginning of evolution | Ambipom (#424) | Aipom appears as a purple monkey with a hand on its tail, it uses its hand like tail more than its real ones. It makes its nest high in the trees. When it sees its favorite food, a Bounsweet, It excitedly pounces. Ash once had an Aipom that he traded to Dawn which evolved later in the anime. The Field Museum noted the resemblance to the Ahuizotl from Aztec mythology, though the Aipom had a much more agreeable character.[28] | |
Sunkern | Himanattsu (ヒマナッツ)[13] | 0191 | Grass | Beginning of evolution | Sunflora (#192) | Sunkern formerly had the lowest total stats of any Pokémon,[29] however Wishiwashi[30] (introduced in Sun & Moon) now has the lowest total stats of any Pokémon. It tries not to move because it stores nutrients for evolution. The only thing that it will eat is the morning dew. It evolves into Sunflora using a Sun Stone. | |
Sunflora | Kimawari (キマワリ)[31] | 0192 | Grass | Sunkern (#191) | End of evolution | It moves in the daytime to convert solar energy into nutrients. It stops moving when night arrives. It appears as a sentient sunflower with a green body, feet, and leaves for arms. It evolves from Sunkern using a Sun Stone. | |
Yanma | Yanyanma (ヤンヤンマ)[13] | 0193 | Bug | Flying | Beginning of evolution | Yanmega (#469) | Yanma can see all 360° without moving its eyes. It is great at making sudden stops and turns and it uses this to chase down prey. It appears as a reddish-brown dragonfly. Jessie had a Yanma that evolved into Yanmega in the anime. |
Wooper | Wooper (ウパー)[20] | 0194 | Water | Ground | Beginning of evolution | Quagsire (#195)[nb 4] | Wooper usually lives in water, however it occasionally comes out onto land in search of food. On land, it coats its body with a gooey, toxic film. Wooper appears as a blue, armless creature that have two antennae/feelers on the side of their heads, two feet, and a tail. |
Quagsire | Nuō (ヌオー)[13] | 0195 | Water | Ground | Wooper (#194) | End of evolution | If Quagsire gets hurt in any way, it will not feel a thing due to its low intelligence. To hunt, it sits in the water waiting for food to just pass by. It does not move much so it does not get hungry as often. It has a similar appearance to Wooper, gaining a rounder body with arms, and a tail. |
Espeon | Ēfi (エーフィ)[32] | 0196 | Psychic | Eevee (#133) | End of evolution | Espeon is the Psychic evolution of Eevee, evolving when its friendship is high enough during the daytime. It takes the form of a pink cat-like animal. Using its fur, it can sense movement in the air and predict weather accordingly. If its tail quivers, that means it is predicting its foes next move. Espeon is extremely loyal to those it deems worthy. It is said it developed Psychic powers to protect its trainer and friends. The orb on its head absorbs sunlight and glows when it is using psychic powers and grows dull when it is exhausted. It is not good at battling at night. | |
Umbreon | Blacky (ブラッキー)[32] | 0197 | Dark | Eevee (#133) | End of evolution | It is the Dark-type evolution of Eevee, evolving at night at high friendship levels. Before the next generation of Pokémon was released, Umbreon was the only pure Dark-type Pokémon, making it the only Eeveelution to ever have a unique type combination. Umbreon produces poisonous sweat and can use it against others. When its yellow rings start to glow, usually because its excited or its a full moon, it strikes fear into others. It evolved due to exposure to the moons rays. It lurks in darkness, waiting for prey, then leaps. | |
Murkrow | Yamikarasu (ヤミカラス)[13] | 0198 | Dark | Flying | Beginning of evolution | Honchkrow (#430) | Feared and loathed, it is believed that just seeing it will give you bad luck. It is also said that, when chased, it will lure them deep into mountains trails so they will get lost. It shows strong interest in anything that sparkles or glitters, as it stashes any shiny thing it comes across in a secret location. It will even try to steal rings from women. Murkrow and Meowth tend to steal shiny things from each other's stashes quite often, and it has even been known to sneak into the nests of Gabite, noted collectors of jewels, in search of treasure. Yet it gives presents, objects that sparkle or shine, to Trainers it trusts. They awaken at dusk and fly in the twilight, leading to the expression, "Get home before the Murkrow fly." Hisuian people have been told one must chant "Workrum, Workrum, bad luck, don't come" as a protective saying. Its design is based on crows and ravens. |
Slowking | Yadoking (ヤドキング)[22] | 0199 | Water | Psychic | Slowpoke (#079) | End of evolution | It has incredible intelligence and intellect. Whatever the situation, it will remain calm and collected. When its head was bitten by Shellder, the toxins entered Slowpokes head, unlocking an extraordinary power. Every time it yawns, Shellder injects more poison, making it smarter. Slowking researches every day in an effort to solve the mysteries of the world. But as soon as it has an idea, it tends to forget it. It can solve any problem, problem is, no one can understand it. Shellders poison has made it as smart as award-winning scientists. Unfortunately, if the Shellder were to ever come off, it forgets everything it has learned. It now has full control of its psychic power. It has wit battles against Oranguru, though they usually come out as a draw. Being called "The sage of the sea", there is an old saying people still used because it is famed for its intellect: "When in doubt, ask Slowking." Its Galarian form is a Poison/Psychic Type. It evolves from Slowpoke after being traded while it holds a King's Rock. Slowking debuted in the second movie, where it spoke. |
Misdreavus | Mūma (ムウマ)[14] | 0200 | Ghost | Beginning of evolution | Mismagius (#429) | It loves to startle people at night with screams and wails. Apparently the fear gets absorbed by the Red orbs around its neck as food. It will get physical, yanking hair and biting people just to see their reaction. If you put your ear up to the Red orbs, you can hear shrieking. It does not get along with people who do not get frightened. It seems that Flutter mane is an ancient relative of it. | |
Unown | Unown (アンノーン)[33] | 0201 | Psychic | No evolution | Unown has 28 different forms: 26 representing each letter in the Latin alphabet, one for a question mark, and one for an exclamation mark. It looks like ancient hieroglyphics in ancient tablets, and it is unknown whether they are related. It has a flat thin body that sticks to surfaces. Its shape appears to have some meaning. It is thought that it resemble the modern alphabet. It is a mystery whether the Unown came first, or the ancient writing. They seem to communicate to each other telepathically. They were the antagonists of the third Pokémon Movie. | ||
Wobbuffet | Sōnansu (ソーナンス)[34] | 0202 | Psychic | Wynaut (#360) | End of evolution | Wobbuffet is a blue Pokémon resemblant of a punching bag. It lives in dark places to hide its black tail. Since it hates light and shock, it puffs up its body to repel it. It is never the first to attack. If its black tail is attacked though, it will viciously attack back or take its foe with them by using Destiny Bond. When two of them meet, they might try to see which one can go the longest without food. Trainers need to beware of this habit. It desperately tries to keep its tail hidden, it may have a secret. The most famous Wobbuffet is Jessie from Team Rocket's Wobbuffet in the anime, who serves as comic relief. | |
Girafarig | Kirinriki (キリンリキ)[13] | 0203 | Normal | Psychic | Beginning of evolution | Farigiraf (#981) | It is a giraffe-esque Pokémon. Its rear end has an organ in its head acting as a small brain. It can smell and bite you so watch out. It does not need to sleep either so it can stay on guard all night. Girafarig uses its tail to emit psychic power to drive away enemies when it is in danger, and it can even fight while backwards. Its original design was more akin to a Pushmi-pullyu. |
Pineco | Kunugidama (クヌギダマ)[13] | 0204 | Bug | Beginning of evolution | Forretress (#205) | It attaches its head to the branch of a tree. If something like the wind knocks it off while eating, it will explode, so be careful. It appears as a pinecone like Pokémon. | |
Forretress | Foretosu (フォレトス)[13] | 0205 | Bug | Steel | Pineco (#204) | End of evolution | It conceals itself in its steel-hard shell. To eat its prey, the shell is opened, but it is so quick in doing this; the inside of its shell cannot be seen. It appears as a red creature inside a two part rock shell, with red cannon like protrusions. Brock has a Forretress in the anime. |
Dunsparce | Nokotchi (ノコッチ)[13] | 0206 | Normal | Beginning of evolution | Dudunsparce (#982) | Design inspired by the mythical Japanese creature Tsuchinoko[35] While it can fly a little using its tiny wings, it prefers to burrow backwards into the ground using its tail when it gets spotted. It makes maze-like nests where no light can reach and does not move. Dunsparce likes to share its tunnels with Diglett and vice versa. If you find one, consider yourself really lucky. | |
Gligar | Gligar (グライガー)[32] | 0207 | Ground | Flying | Beginning of evolution | Gliscor (#472) | Gligar glides through the air, and will latch on the enemy's face with its hind legs and wings to inject them with its poisonous tail. It appears as a fiendish-looking scorpion creature. |
Steelix | Haganēru (ハガネール)[7] | 0208 | Steel | Ground | Onix (#095) | Mega Evolution | Under immense pressure underground, an Onix is said to have its rock-like body compressed into diamonds and evolve into Steelix. In a paper published by the University of Leicester, physicists calculated the plausibility of Onix evolving into Steelix through the stated lore. It would require pressures of 4.5–6 gigapascals at a temperature of 900 to 1,300 °C (1,650 to 2,370 °F) over a period of billions of years for this conversion to take place. Assuming these conditions, the resulting Steelix would be substantially smaller than given in the Pokédex entry and is considered implausible.[36] It lives even further down than Onix toward the earth's core. There are records of it reaching over 6/10 of a mile down underground. Steelix evolves after being traded while it holds a Metal Coat. In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire it gained a Mega Evolution. Brock's Onix evolved into Steelix in the anime. |
Snubbull | Burū (ブルー)[13] | 0209 | Fairy[nb 2] | Beginning of evolution | Granbull (#210) | When it bares its small fangs at smaller Pokémon, they tend to be frightened and run away from Snubbull. It is very popular with older women who find it quite cute. Like Marill, it debuted in the Pikachu's Vacation short before the first movie. | |
Granbull | Granbull (グランブル)[13] | 0210 | Fairy[nb 2] | Snubbull (#209) | End of evolution | It was originally Normal but was made a Fairy type from Generation VI onwards. Because its jaws are really heavy, it has to tilt its head back a little to balance itself. It will try not to bite you unless it is startled. It is based on pitbull dogs. It's shiny variant is clearly not beige and therefore must br yellow pink. | |
Qwilfish | Harīsen (ハリーセン)[13] | 0211 | Water | Poison | No evolution | In order to fire its poisonous spikes that evolved from scales, it must drink at least 2.6 gallons of water all at once. It does this to match a foes' size and intimidate it and it can fire those spikes in all directions by pressurizing the water in its body. Its spikes have a poison that can cause fainting. It finds swimming somewhat challenging. Fishermen say they try to catch it the moment after it fires its spikes and becomes defenseless. Qwilfish is based on Porcupine fish.[15] It gained a Hisuian Form, which trades its water type for the dark type. | |
Scizor | Hassamu (ハッサム)[20] | 0212 | Bug | Steel | Scyther (#123) | Mega Evolution | It uses its eye patterned pincers, which are made of steel, to scare foes into making it look like it has 3 heads. Its pincers will crush anything it gets a hold of to bits. It does not use its wings to fly, but to regulate its body temperature so it does not start to melt in battle. It has a body of steel and is not fazed by regular attacks. It tends to beat its foes to scrap with its pincers which account for about a third of its body weight. In Pokémon X and Y, it gained a Mega Evolution. |
Shuckle | Tsubotsubo (ツボツボ)[13] | 0213 | Bug | Rock | No evolution | To avoid attacks, Shuckle quietly hides itself under rocks, keeping its body concealed inside its hard shell while eating berries it has stored away. The Berries it stores in its vase-like shell decompose and become a gooey liquid. The fluid secreted by its toes carves holes in rocks for nesting and can be mixed with Berries to make a drink. It has the highest defense and special defense stat of any non legendary Pokémon. | |
Heracross | Heracross (ヘラクロス)[9] | 0214 | Bug | Fighting | Beginning of evolution | Mega Evolution | When it needs to move anything in its way, it uses its large horn to launch the object through the air. Heracross could throw something over 100x the weight of itself. It has a rivalrly with Pinsir and is known to love honey. It is based on the various rhino beetle species. In Pokémon X and Y it gained a Mega Evolution. Ash has a Heracross that likes eating Bulbasaur's bulb in the anime. In Pokémon Go, Heracross is found in parts of Florida, Central America and South America. |
Sneasel | Nyūra (ニューラ)[13] | 0215 | Dark | Ice | Beginning of evolution | Weavile (#461) | Its design is inspired by the mythical Japanese creature Kamaitachi.[35] It appears as a black cat like creature that had white claws and red feather like appendages. It likes to climb trees with its claws to steal bird Pokémon eggs. They will team up with others to help it steal eggs, but fights will break out on which one will eat them. It has a Fighting/Poison Hisuian Form. |
Teddiursa | Himeguma (ヒメグマ)[20] | 0216 | Normal | Beginning of evolution | Ursaring (#217) | When it finds honey, the crescent moon shaped marking on its head glows. It is very cunning, sneaking into hives and stealing the honey made by Combee. It concocts its own honey made by mixing fruits with Beedrill pollen. It likes to lick its honey soaked paws which is why it always has its hand to its mouth, and every set of paws tastes different. Before winter time comes, it tends to gather a lot of food and store it in many different locations. When nervous, it licks its paws and a smile automatically appears. | |
Ursaring | Ringuma (リングマ)[9] | 0217 | Normal | Teddiursa (#216) | Ursaluna (#901) | Although it is a good climber, it like to snap trees with its forelegs and collect the berries. It can distinguish any aroma, allowing it to find food buried beneath the ground. It eats and sleeps among the tops of trees. In the forests inhabited by Ursaring, it is said that there are many streams and towering trees where they gather food. It walks through the forest gathering food every day. It leaves scratches on trees letting it know where the most delicious berries are. When the cold season arrives in Hisui, it will wander fields and mountains alike in search of its favorite berries. Ursaring's hunger during this time makes it a ferocious Pokémon. It usually wears a hardened expression, but when it is licking up honey, which it loves, the joy it feels will cause it to break into a wide grin. If it comes across a Primeape while searching for berries, a fierce fight will begin. Its name is based on the Ursa constellation, and the typical scientific name for bears. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus it can evolve into Ursaluna by giving it a peat block during a full moon. | |
Slugma | Magumaggu (マグマッグ)[13] | 0218 | Fire | Beginning of evolution | Magcargo (#219) | Lava circulates inside of its body instead of blood. When cooled, Slugma's body will turn brittle and break off, making it smaller. It appears as a slug made out of lava. | |
Magcargo | Magcargo (マグカルゴ)[13] | 0219 | Fire | Rock | Slugma (#218) | End of evolution | Its body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Its shell is actually cooled skin. However, it is very fragile and will break off just by touching it, but it can always dip itself in lava to go back to its regular size. It looks like a lava snail. |
Swinub | Urimū (ウリムー)[13] | 0220 | Ice | Ground | Beginning of evolution | Piloswine (#221) | It digs through the snow to find roots to eat. Its long fur helps shield it from the cold. |
Piloswine | Inomū (イノムー)[13] | 0221 | Ice | Ground | Swinub (#220) | Mamoswine (#473) | Its long hair enables it to endure the cold. It uses its tusks to dig through ice to find food. |
Corsola | Sanīgo (サニーゴ)[13] | 0222 | Water | Rock | No evolution[nb 5] | Corsola is a small pink Pokémon designed to resemble coral. Mareanie (introduced in Sun & Moon) loves to eat Corsola's coral branches as a snack and it actively chases them down just for their branches. Its Galarian form is a Ghost type. The Galarian form, being Ghost type with a white coloration, is speculated to be a reference to coral bleaching, which is an environmental issue that marks the death of corals which has been caused by global warming. Misty caught a Corsola in the Whirl Islands in the anime. | |
Remoraid | Teppouo (テッポウオ)[13] | 0223 | Water | Beginning of evolution | Octillery (#224) | Remoraid are based on the remora suckerfish that likes to attach itself to various larger fish.[15] They tend to stick with Mantine to feed off the scraps that are left behind. Remoraid can spit water as an attack. It is designed to resemble a revolver. | |
Octillery | Okutan (オクタン)[13] | 0224 | Water | Remoraid (#223) | End of evolution | When hunting, it will grab its prey and bash its head in with its very hard skull. If it is too strong for it, it spews ink to get away. As its name suggests, it is based on an octopus and an artillery gun. | |
Delibird | Delibird (デリバード)[37] | 0225 | Ice | Flying | No evolution | It seems to be a current relative of Iron Bundle. It carries food all day long in its rolled up tail sack, and shares it with people lost in the mountains and to its chicks. There are tales about lost people who were saved by the food it had. It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs. If attacked, it throws its food at the opponent. There once was a famous explorer who managed to reach the peak of Mt. Everest thanks to one of them sharing its food. Although it naturally prefers colder climates, Delibird in Alola seem able to withstand the heat to a certain extent. Because Delibird is omnivorous, sometimes it gives those people bug Pokémon. Its design is based on Santa Claus. Delibird, as its name suggests, is a delivery Pokémon, and its English name is a portmanteau of "delivery" and "bird". | |
Mantine | Mantine (マンタイン)[38] | 0226 | Water | Flying | Mantyke (#458) | End of evolution | Mantine are based on the giant oceanic manta ray.[15] It evolves from Mantyke when a Remoraid is in the party. |
Skarmory | Eāmudo (エアームド)[10] | 0227 | Steel | Flying | No evolution | It is a Steel-type bird-esque Pokémon that is based on the Stymphalian Birds. After nesting in bramble bushes, the wings of its chicks grow hard from scratches by thorns. In the past, people crafted swords from its discarded feathers. | |
Houndour | Derubiru (デルビル)[22] | 0228 | Dark | Fire | Beginning of evolution | Houndoom (#229) | It is based on Doberman and Rottweiler dogs. Houndours have a reputation for being aggressive and relentless in hunts. It cooperates with others very well, and make loyal partners. |
Houndoom | Herugā (ヘルガー)[9] | 0229 | Dark | Fire | Houndour (#228) | Mega Evolution | If you are burned from the hot flames it spews, the fire will go away, but the pain will not. This is because of the toxins incorporated into its flames from its body. It travels in packs and howls so eerily, the any Pokémon that hears it will shiver and head straight for their nests. In the pack, The one with the most curved back horns is the leader and they choose it by fighting amongst each other. Long ago, people used to say that its eerie howls were calls of the Grim Reaper. When hunting, they split their prey up fairly among their pack. It gained a Mega Evolution in Pokémon X and Y. |
Kingdra | Kingdra (キングドラ)[13] | 0230 | Water | Dragon | Seadra (#117) | End of evolution | Seadra evolves by trading while holding a Dragon Scale. Kingdra are based on the common seadragon,[15] they live in ocean depths. It is believed that Kingdra can create spiraling currents just by yawning. |
Phanpy | Gomazō (ゴマゾウ)[20] | 0231 | Ground | Beginning of evolution | Donphan (#232) | It digs a vertical nest in the ground, and uses its trunk to mark its territory. It is based on the elephant. Phanpy like to spray water on themselves and others with their trunk. | |
Donphan | Donphan (ドンファン)[34] | 0232 | Ground | Phanpy (#231) | End of evolution | It uses its armored trunk to roll around and slam into its foes. Donphan is capable lifting objects twice its own weight. It appears as a mix between an elephant and a tire. Ash once got a Phanpy that hatched out of an egg in the anime, which then evolved into a Donphan in Hoenn. It debuted in Pokémon: The First Movie. | |
Porygon2 | Porygon 2 (ポリゴン2)[13] | 0233 | Normal | Porygon (#137) | Porygon-Z (#474) | Porygon2 is an upgraded version of Porygon. It evolved due to a bizarre item. It was updated with the new ability to freely explore space, and even though it does not die in the vacuum of space, it cannot really move around well. Though it now exhibits new expressions and actions, it cannot only learn new things on its own, even things it should not learn, it also developed a language only understood by other Porygon2. It evolves by holding an Up-grade. It never made any appearances in the anime after the events of "Denno Senshi Porygon", with the exception of a very brief cameo in the intro scene of the fifteenth movie, Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice. It is the only Pokémon with a number in its name and one of only two Pokémon (outside of Generation VIII) that never appeared in the anime, the other being its evolution, Porygon-Z. In its earliest design, Porygon2 resembled a rounded lion. | |
Stantler | Odoshishi (オドシシ)[31] | 0234 | Normal | Beginning of evolution | Wyrdeer (#899) | Its large antlers create a curved flow of space where reality is distorted. Those who stare at them will feel like they are gradually being unable to stand up. The round balls at the base of its antlers can be grounded up to aid in sleeping medicine. Its antlers were trading for high prices, and so it was hunted close to extinction. Some say that it was stronger in ancient times, where it lived in harsher climates and had lots of enemies and could evolve under own power. It also could wield psychic power a lot better than it does now too. Stantlers are based on various deer species, as well as the shishi-odoshi. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus it is capable of evolving into the normal/psychic type Wyrdeer. | |
Smeargle | Dōburu (ドーブル)[32] | 0235 | Normal | No evolution | It is the only Pokémon capable of learning the move Sketch. Due to this quality Smeargle can learn any move available in the games except Struggle and Chatter. It loves to paint with its tail and the ink it uses to paint with is its own juice it creates. | ||
Tyrogue | Barukī (バルキー)[13] | 0236 | Fighting | Beginning of evolution | Hitmonchan (#106) Hitmonlee (#107) Hitmontop (#237) |
It is always bursting with energy. To make itself stronger, it will keep fighting foes, even if it loses. Even though it is tiny, it should not be ignored because it can slug any unwary target with no hesitation. It has a really strong and combative spirit. Tyrogue will get stressed if it does not train every day, so its trainer must set up various training methods on a schedule to train it. It is famous for fighting bigger foes and tending to its injuries. It evolves into Hitmonlee at high attack stats, Hitmonchan with high defence stats, and Hitmontop with equal attack and defence stats. | |
Hitmontop | Kapoerā (カポエラー)[22] | 0237 | Fighting | Tyrogue (#236) | End of evolution | Its elegant dance-like fighting style could get you drilled hard if you are not careful. If it launches kicks while spinning, it can essentially drill its way into the ground. It gets around faster while spinning rather than walking, which can be used both for offense and defense. After it does a handstand, it will show off its fancy display of kicks. When it fights while spinning, its centrifugal force gets 10x stronger. Like its counterparts, Hitmontop is based on a unique fighting style, capoeira. | |
Smoochum | Muchūru (ムチュール) | 0238 | Ice | Psychic | Beginning of evolution | Jynx (#124) | It likes to run, yet despite this, it often trips over itself. When it does, it will go to a shiny surface to see and check if its face has gotten smudges on it. It evolves into Jynx. |
Elekid | Elekid (エレキッド)[39] | 0239 | Electric | Beginning of evolution | Electabuzz (#125) | Elekid twirls its arms around to get itself charged up and can use outlets as baby bottles. If Elekid gets upset, play some rolling thunder to cheer it up. It debuted in the short before the second movie where it was Pikachu's rival. | |
Magby | Bubii (ブビィ)[13] | 0240 | Fire | Beginning of evolution | Magmar (#126) | Its body temperature is so hot, if it falls into a small enough pond, all of the water in it will evaporate. | |
Miltank | Miltank (ミルタンク)[37] | 0241 | Normal | No evolution | If it is around babies, the milk it produces has more nutrition than normal. The Gym leader Whitney uses a Miltank, of which is infamous for its ability to beat unsuspecting trainers. | ||
Blissey | Hapinasu (ハピナス)[7] | 0242 | Normal | Chansey (#113) | End of evolution | Anyone who takes one bites out of its egg will immediately become caring and pleasant to everyone. It is a caring Pokémon, if it finds a sick Pokémon, it will nurse it back to health. It can sense sadness with its fur, and it tends to be overflowing with love. They say that only a Chansey with a strong bond with its Trainer can evolve into a Blissey. In the Pokémon Legends: Arceus episodes, Brock has a Blissey. Throughout the anime, starting with the episode "Ignorance is Blissey" from the original series, members of the Nurse Joy family own Blissey that are very helpful. | |
Raikou | Raikou (ライコウ)[22] | 0243 | Electric | No evolution | Raikou is one of three Pokémon designed by Muneo Saitō.[40] Also known as the "Embodiment of Lightning", it can run across plains at the speed of lightning. Ho-Oh resurrected it after it perished as a helpless unknown animal in a burning tower. Some say that it is an Electric type because it symbolises the lightning that struck the tower. | ||
Entei | Entei (エンテイ)[33] | 0244 | Fire | No evolution | Entei is one of three Pokémon designed by Muneo Saitō.[40] Legend says that every time an Entei barks or roars, a volcano is said to erupt somewhere around the world. Ho-Oh resurrected it after it perished as a helpless unknown animal in a burning tower. Some say that it is a Fire type because it symbolizes the fire that burnt down the building. Entei was an antagonist in the third movie. It spoke, due to being a Legendary Pokémon. | ||
Suicune | Suicune (スイクン)[20][22] | 0245 | Water | No evolution | Suicune is one of three Pokémon designed by Muneo Saitō.[40] It has the ability to purify the dirtiest of water. It tends to run across the land, and it is said that somehow the northern winds will blow as it appears. It is always in search of a pure reservoir. Ho-Oh resurrected it after it perished as a helpless unknown animal in a burning tower. Some say that it is a Water type because it symbolizes the rain that put out the fire in the building. It is the main legendary of Pokémon Crystal. It had a major role in Pokémon 4Ever. | ||
Larvitar | Yōgirasu (ヨーギラス)[13] | 0246 | Rock | Ground | Beginning of evolution | Pupitar (#247) | Born deep underground, it cannot emerge until it has eaten a mountain's worth of soil to get to its parents. Then it falls asleep to evolve. After it emerges, it does not do well with the bright light it finds on the surface. Ash once had to take care of a lost baby Larvitar in the last couple of Johto anime episodes. |
Pupitar | Sanagirasu (サナギラス)[13] | 0247 | Rock | Ground | Larvitar (#246) | Tyranitar (#248) | While its shell is as hard as sheet rock, it is surprisingly active. If it thrashes around, it can topple mountains, and by releasing pressurized gas that has built up, it can launch itself like a rocket. |
Tyranitar | Bangirasu (バンギラス)[7] | 0248 | Rock | Dark | Pupitar (#247) | Mega Evolution | It rivals Duraludon for mountain soil to eat. It is thought to have been inspired by Godzilla. In Pokémon X and Y, it was given a Mega Evolution. |
Lugia | Lugia (ルギア)[7] | 0249 | Psychic | Flying | No evolution | It lives in the deep sea, and the reason it does this is due to it causing storms by flapping its huge wings. It is the master of the Legendary Bird trio. It debuted in the second movie, where it spoke and was one of the heroes. Lugia was originally conceived by Takeshi Shudo, the head writer of the first Pokémon anime. Lugia had been designed solely for Pokémon The Movie 2000, and Shudo expressed surprise that the creature was later featured in the video games and TV show.[41] Lugia, who possessed a speaking role in the film, was given a masculine voice. However, Shudo intended Lugia as a creature that was simultaneously male and female. This dual nature was intended to embody one of the film's main messages, that people can be different and yet coexist without resorting to conflict. He showed "overwhelming regret that he allowed Lugia to be voiced by a man", considering Lugia, the "creator of all life on Earth", to be a "maternal Pokémon". Stating that "it was too late, we couldn't suddenly change Lugia into a female", the change was so significant to him that it made him start "gulping down alcohol and drugs" and "feel like [he] wanted to die". During the final few years of his life, Shudo became "obsessed" with Lugia, writing numerous blog posts on the subject.[41] | |
Ho-Oh | Ho-Oh (ホウオウ)[7] | 0250 | Fire | Flying | No evolution | Similar to Moltres, Ho-Oh's design is inspired by the Fenghuang (firebird) of Chinese myth.[35] It is the master of the Legendary Beast trio and the one who resurrected them. Ho-Oh has the distinction of being the first Generation II Pokémon ever seen, debuting in the very first episode of the Pokémon anime long before the revelation of Johto, the episode was "Pokémon, I Choose You!". | |
Celebi | Celebi (セレビィ)[42] | 0251 | Psychic | Grass | No evolution | Celebi has the power to travel through time. When Celebi leaves, not only does the land flourish around it, but it also brings back an egg it found from the future. The website Serebii is based on this Pokémon's Japanese name, and also has it as the mascot of the website. It was only available via special distribution events, and it was one of the heroes in Pokémon 4Ever. It has been regarded as one of the best Pokemon by multiple websites, including The Escapist, IGN, GamesRadar+, and authors Tracey West and Katherine Noll.[43][44][45][46] Variety editor Robert Koehler identified Celebi as a Pokemon that appeals to young girls.[47] |
- Details on Pokémon names, National Pokédex numbers, types and evolutions are obtained from The Pokémon Company International's online Pokédex.[3]
- Prior to X and Y, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Snubbull and Granbull were pure Normal types, while Togetic was Normal/Flying.
- Starting in X and Y, Marill and Azumarill gained the Fairy type.
- Paldean Wooper (introduced in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet) are capable of evolving into Clodsire.
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