Dragonkeeper (film)

Dragonkeeper is an upcoming Spanish-Chinese animated fantasy adventure film directed by Salvador Simó and Li Jianping, with a script written by Carole Wilkinson, Pablo Castrillo, Ignacio Ferreras and Rosanna Checcini. The film is an adaptation of Wilkinson's novel Dragonkeeper.

Directed by
  • Salvador Simó
  • Li Jianping
Written by
Based onDragonkeeper
by Carole Wilkinson
Produced byLarry Levene
Distributed by
Release date
  • Spain
  • China
Budget€24 million[1]


Set in Han Imperial China, the plot follows the adventures of enslaved girl Ping with ancient dragon Long Danzi.[2]


English-language voice cast


The project, an adaptation of the first novel of Carole Wilkinson's 6-book-saga, was reported in 2017 as a Spanish-Chinese co-production between China Film Group's China Film Animation alongside Spain's Dragoia Media, Movistar Plus and Atresmedia Cine.[2]


The film secured theatrical releases in Spain (by A Contracorriente), China (by China Film Group) and Latin America (by Imagem Films).[4] Viva Kids bought the North American distribution rights to the film, whilst Hulu secured streaming rights for the post-theatrical window in the region.[4] Dragonkeeper was scheduled to open in Spanish theaters on 22 September 2023.[1] Afterwards, the Spanish release was postponed from 2023 to 2024.[5]

See also


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