
Cubeez is a British computer-animated preschool education television series that was broadcast between 2000 and 2001 on GMTV's Kids. It is aimed at pre-school children aged 2–5. The four box-like characters, Bozz, Doody, Dink and Tizzy are accompanied on their adventures by a talking paintbrush (voiced by Marc Silk) and a variety of creative characters that they're made in Alias Wavefront Maya. Each episode has a strong educational element and features live-action footage of children.

Genre3D animation
Directed byDave Osborne
Country of originUnited Kingdom
No. of series2
No. of episodes104
Executive producers
  • David Clement
  • Neil Janes
  • Tony Palk
  • Sarah Greene
  • Vo Fletcher
Running time11 minutes, 23 minutes or 18 minutes
Production companies
  • Cubeez Ltd
  • Optical Image Broadcast
  • Cubeedobeedo Ltd
  • Starsound B.V.
Original networkITV (GMTV Kids)
Original release10 June 2000 (2000-06-10)[1] 
30 March 2001 (2001-03-30)



  • Bozz (voiced by Keith Wickham) is the pink male cubee, and the leader of the four.
  • Tizzy (voiced by Jan Haydn Rowles) is the yellow female cubee.
  • Dink (voiced by Mike Walling) is the blue male cubee.
  • Doody (voiced by Tara Newley) is the orange female cubee with round red glasses.


  1. Learning Wall (voiced by Marc Silk (season 1), Claire King (Season 2)
  2. Boingles (voiced by Marc Silk)
  3. Wiggywams (voiced by Marc Silk)
  4. Eyesanozes (Marc Silk)
  5. Artist the Paintbrush (Marc Silk)
  6. Tok Tok (Marc Silk)
  7. Bobby Bingle Boingle
  8. Aunt Boingle
  9. Pecking Circle Pecker
  10. Peebo


  1. Music
  2. Telling Stories
  3. Busy Bears and Boingles
  4. Growing
  5. Transport and Speed
  6. Weather
  7. Colours and Patterns
  8. Shapes
  9. Counting
  10. Fast and Slow
  11. Up and Over
  12. High and Low
  13. Emotions
  14. One to Five
  15. Helping Hands
  16. Caring for the Environment
  17. Transport
  18. Sight and Sound
  19. Sports Day
  20. Home Sweet Home
  21. Hop, Skip and Jump
  22. A Windy Day
  23. Happy Birthday Dink
  24. Colours/Patterns
  25. Shapes
  26. Fixing Things
  27. Round and About
  28. Lollipops and Flowers
  29. Animals
  30. Lost and Found
  31. Pairs
  32. Circles and Squares
  33. Eyesanozes
  34. Bobby Bingle Boingle
  35. Music Box
  36. Flowers
  37. The Skeeta Race
  38. Night And Day
  39. Storytime
  40. Over And Under
  41. Spots And Stripes
  42. Mending and Making
  43. Shapes and Sizes
  44. Party Time
  45. Ice Cubeez
  46. Over and Out
  47. Slow or Fast
  48. Everything Has a Pattern
  49. Fun with Friends
  50. Three, Two, One
  51. Moves
  52. Ups and Downs
  53. Colours
  54. Sounds Like
  55. Changing Colours
  56. Doc Bozz
  57. Rise and Shine
  58. See, Hear, Feel
  59. Go Round
  60. Five
  61. Storytime
  62. Seasons and Flowers
  63. Fairplay
  64. Loud and Quiet
  65. Once Upon a Time
  66. Surprise Surprise
  67. Dance Dance Dance


In the United Kingdom, Right Entertainment and Universal Pictures Video released the series on VHS and DVD, using the half-hour version of the programme and containing three episodes each.

The first VHS volume, titled "Colours and Shapes", was released on 27 May 2002, contains the episodes "Colours and Patterns", "Shapes" and "Counting". The second VHS volume - "Musical Storytime", was released on 14 August 2002, contains the episodes "Music", "Telling Stories" and "Busy Bears and Boingles". They were released on DVD on 10 May and 16 August 2004, respectively.

The third VHS/DVD volume, titled Up & Over, was released on 7 February 2005, contains the episodes "Fast and Slow", "Up and Over" and "High and Low". The final volume, released only on DVD, titled "Growing", was released on 2 May 2005 and contains the episodes "Growing", "Transport and Speed" and "Weather".


Cubeez has been shown around the world. In the United Kingdom, it was aired on GMTV Kids from 2000 to around 2003, and then on Nick Jr. from October 2001 to October 2003, and then on Channel 4 from around 2005 to mid 2009. In Australia, it aired on ABC Kids and Fox Kids. In New Zealand it aired on TV3.


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