Cuban National Army

The Cuban National Army (in Spanish: Ejército Nacional de Cuba) from 1935 known as the Cuban Constitutional Army (in Spanish: Ejército Constitucional de Cuba) was the army of the Republic of Cuba from 1902 to 1959.

Cuban National Army
Cuban Constitutional Army
Ejército Nacional de Cuba (1902–1935)
Ejército Constitucional de Cuba (1935–1959)
CountryRepublic of Cuba
TypeGround forces
Size80,000 (1958)[1]
Fulgencio Batista
Gerardo Machado
Alberto Herrera Franchi
Julio Sanguily Echarte
Jose Eleuterio Pedraza
Francisco Tabernilla Dolz
Genovevo Perez Damera
Pedro Rodriguez Avila
Eulogio Cantillo
Martin Diaz Tamayo
Jose Rodriguez Calderon
Alberto del Rio Chaviano
Ramón Barquín
Joaquín Casillas


The Cuban National Army was the army of the Republic of Cuba until 1959. It was dissolved in 1959 following the victory of the Rebel Army, the armed forces of the July 26 Movement led by Fidel Castro. Following the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, this army was replaced by the current Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces.

The National Army represented the main means of repression during the military dictatorship of General Fulgencio Batista who ruled Cuba from 1952 to 1959 until his regime was overthrown by Castro's revolutionary forces.






  1. Ramonet, Ignacio (2006). Cien horas con Fidel. Conversaciones con Ignacio Ramonet. Tercera Edición. La Habana: Oficina de Publicaciones del Consejo de Estado. p. 234. ISBN 959-274-038-0
  2. "Tanques de Cuba, I parte" (in Spanish).
  3. "La Fuerza Aérea del Ejército de Cuba (FAEC) y Batista (1952-1955)" (in Spanish).
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