The Croÿ-Teppich (Tapetum Concordiae) is a 6.80 metre long and 4.32 metre tapestry, which is owned by the University of Greifswald. It is considered a unique cultural and historical testimony from the time of the Reformation due to its size, depiction and quality of execution.[1]

The work was commissioned by Duke Philip I, Duke of Pomerania in 1554 and made by Peter Heymans, a Dutch image weaver, in Szczecin or Jasenitz. The basse-lisse technique was used. On the carpet is a depiction of the Pomeranian Duke Philip I with his family as well as the family of his wife Maria of Saxony, Duchess of Pomerania, of the Course of Saxony Princely House on the occasion of the wedding. The figures are arranged below the preaching Martin Luther. Also in the background are the Protestant reformers Philipp Melanchthon and Johannes Bugenhagen. But not only the wedding is to be depicted, but also the longed-for unity of faith within Lutheranism in view of the disputes after the Augsburg Interim of 1548 (thesis by Heimo Reinitzer).[2]
Ernst Bogislaw von Croÿ, son of Duchess Anna von Pommern, donated the tapestry to the Greifswald University in 1681. The donation was accompanied by the condition that it be displayed in the university's large lecture hall every ten years, on the anniversary of Duchess Anna's death on 7 July.[3]
During the Second World War, the work was initially removed to Lübeck, from where it was transferred to the Kunstgutlager Schloss Celle before being returned to the place of its testamentary destination on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the university in 1956.[4][5]
Since 2005, the Croÿ carpet has been on loan from the University of Greifswald to the Pommersches Landesmuseum in Greifswald. In 2014, it was entered in the Register of nationally valuable cultural assets.[6][7]
- Croy-Teppich – nationales Kulturgut on
- Der Croy-Teppich der Universität Greifswald und seine Geschichte
- Croy tapestry on
- Greifswald zeigt historischen Croy-Teppich on
- Der Croy-Teppich - neu interpretiert] on
- "Celebration of recognition: Croy carpet is nationally valuable cultural property". 10 October 2014. Retrieved 12 July 2021.
- Beschreibungsdetails on Datenbank geschützter Kulturgüter
Further reading
Vgl. die Literaturliste in der Datenbank National wertvolles Kulturgut, see Weblinks.
- Birgit Dahlenburg, Rita Sauer: Der Croÿ-Teppich der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald – national wertvolles Kulturgut Deutschlands. In Pommern. Zeitschrift für Kultur und Geschichte. Fascicule 3/2014, ISSN 0032-4167, pp. 42–47.
- Marcin Wislocki: Der Croy-Teppich. In Religiöse Erinnerungsorte in Ostmitteleuropa. Konstitution und Konkurrenz im nationen- und epochenübergreifenden Zugriff. Edited by Joachim Bahlcke, Stefan Rohdewald, Thomas Wünsch. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 2013, ISBN 978-3-05-005658-6, pp. 350–359.
- Heimo Reinitzer: Tapetum Concordiae. Peter Heymans Bildteppich für Philipp I. von Pommern und die Tradition der von Mose getragenen Kanzeln. Berlin 2012. ISBN 978-3-11-027887-3.
External links

- Croy-Teppich, Informationen der Universität Greifswald zur Tradition der Croy-Feiern und zum Croy-Fest 2021.