Crime-Free Multi-Housing

The Crime-Free Multi-Housing (CFMH) program is a crime prevention program, which partners property owners, residents, and law-enforcement personnel in an effort to eliminate crime, drugs, and gang activity from rental properties.[1]


The program began in Mesa, Arizona in the United States in 1992. Since then, it has spread to other US cities and several other countries.[1]

The International Crime Free Association says that the program has brought satisfied tenants, increased demand for rental units, lowered maintenance and repair costs, increased property values, and improved safety.[1]


Three phases must be completed under police supervision:

  • an eight-hour seminar presented by the local police department
  • certification that the rental property has met the security requirements for the tenants' safety
  • a tenant crime-prevention meeting is held[2]

Landlords are allowed to advertise their full certification on their property.[2]

See also



  • International Crime Free Association (2022). "Crime Free Multi-Housing: Keep Illegal Activity Off Rental Property".
  • Tucson (2022). "Crime Free Multi-Housing".
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