Cohors I Aurelia Antonina Hemesenorum milliaria

Cohors [prima] Aurelia Antonina Hemesenorum milliaria [peditata] ("[1st infantry 1000 strong] Aurelian and Antonine cohort of Hemesii?") was a Roman auxiliary infantry regiment.[1] The cohort was stationed in Dacia at castra Micia.[2]

Cohors I Aurelia Antonina Hemesenorum milliaria peditata
Roman infantry helmet (late 1st century)
CountryRoman Empire
TypeRoman auxiliary cohort
Size800 men (800 infantry)

See also


  • Ovidiu Ţentea. 2012. Ex Oriente ad Danubium : the Syrian units on the Danube frontier of the Roman Empire. Bucharest: Mega. ISBN 9786065432062


  1. Zsolt Visy (2003). The Ripa Pannonica in Hungary. Akademiai Kiado. ISBN 978-963-05-7980-3.
  2. Ian Haynes (3 October 2013). Blood of the Provinces: The Roman Auxilia and the Making of Provincial Society from Augustus to the Severans. Oxford University Press. pp. 421–. ISBN 978-0-19-965534-2.

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