Cohors II Hispanorum peditata

Cohors II Hispanorum peditata was an auxilia infantry cohort of the Imperial Roman army. The cohort, c.90 CE, was based in the castellum of Traiectum on the Limes Germanicus in the Roman province of Germania Inferior.[1]:165

cohors II Hispanorum peditata
Roman infantry helmet (late 1st century)
CountryRoman Empire
Size480 men (480 infantry)


  1. Nicolay, Johan (2007). Armed Batavians : use and significance of weaponry and horse gear from non-military contexts in the Rhine Delta (50 BC to AD 450). Amsterdam archaeological studies. Vol. 11. Translated by Annette Visser. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 9789053562536. Retrieved 2014-09-20.

See also

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