Christian M. Ringle

Christian M. Ringle is a professor of management at the Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.[1] He is one of the co-founders and co-developers of SmartPLS, a Java-based software package for composite-based structural equation modeling using the partial least squares path modeling method.[2][3] Since 2018, Christian Ringle has been included in the Clarivate Analytics' highly cited researchers list.[4]

Christian M. Ringle
Scientific career
InstitutionsHamburg University of Technology


  1. Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle. Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Human Resource Management and Organizations (HRMO). Accessed August 2021.
  2. Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle. SmartPLS GmbH (Imprint). Accessed August 2021.
  3. Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle. Accessed November 2021.
  4. Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle. Accessed November 2021.
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